Spartan II (5e Class)

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Spartan II[edit]

Creating a Spartan II[edit]

"Spartan II"

From the video game Halo, Spartans are the best soldiers ever raised in the history of mankind. The strongest and brightest boys and girls raised from a young age to become the perfect soldier. By choosing this sub-class you become like unto these soldiers, gaining access to their weapons and armor. As this is a soldier from a video game there will be video game like aspects.

Note: [You'll be able to find the items exclusive to this subclass on the bottom of the page under "Misriah Armory" section, and every item exclusive to this class is considered a magic item and must be attuned to.]

Quick Build

You can make a Spartan II quickly by following these suggestions. First, Constitution should be your highest ability score, followed by Dexterity. Second, choose the soldier background. Third, choose <!-elaborate on equipment choices->

Class Features

As a Spartan II you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per Spartan II level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Spartan II level after 1st


Armor: Heavy armor
Weapons: Martial weapons, Misrah Weapons
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution
Skills: Choose two skills from Acrobatics, Athletics, History, Intimidation, Perception, Investigation, or Survival.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • Mjolnir Mark IV
  • M6D Magnum and 3 (12 shot) magazines
  • M11 Combat Knife
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have 6d6 x 10 gp in funds.

Table: The Spartan II

Level Proficiency
1st +2 Game System, Inventory, Spartan Training, Misriah Armory
2nd +2 Fighting Style
3rd +2 Specialist Training
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement, Armor Systems
5th +3 Energy Shield
6th +3 Armor Modification
7th +3 Specialist Training Feature
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 Armor Systems
10th +4 Specialist Training Feature
11th +4 Energy Shield
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 Armor Modification
14th +5 Armor Systems
15th +5 Specialist Training Feature
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 Energy Shield
18th +6 Specialist Training Feature
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement, Armor Systems
20th +6 Armor Modification

Game System[edit]

You gain access to a game like system screen. This screen shows many things including your inventory, what you have equipped, your health, stats; and most importantly the Misriah Armory.


Your inventory is a separate dimension in which you can store your items. This inventory has 10 free spaces. You may place any one thing within a space regardless of its size and mass. (For example, in one of these spaces you can fit a single, or multiple magazines. Or you may in it’s place, put an entire Warthog.) You may only place items from this class within it. Storing items and taking them out takes an item interaction to do so.

Spartan Training[edit]

Spartans have gone through strenuous training of both the body and mind in the pursuit of the perfect super soldier. This combined with the multiple mind and body enhancements, augmentations, injections, and procedures. Spartans gained the greatest and most powerful abilities a human can possibly have. You gain proficiency in firearms, unarmed attacks, and athletics or expertise in athletics if your already proficient. You are also able to ignore the reloading property of firearms and reload in tween rounds without taking an action. This also acts as if you had the "Gunner" feat.

Misriah Armory[edit]

This store gives you access to the weapons and arms you'll need to prosper as a Spartan; as many of these items do not exist with-in your world. To purchase these items, you simply insert the world's currency into the system screen. The currency after being put into the system cannot be taken back out and is impossible to be stolen. You are considered proficient in all items purchased through the store, and you may only have a maximum of 1 of each item with the exception of ammunition.

Note: [You'll be able to find the items exclusive to this class on the bottom of the page under "Misriah Armory" section, and every item exclusive to this class is considered a magic item and must be attuned to.]

Fighting Style[edit]

At 2nd level, you may adopt a particular style of fighting as your specialty. Choose one of the following options. You can't take the same Fighting Style option more than once, even if you later get to choose again.

Archery - You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons.

Defense - While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.

Dueling - When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.

Great Weapon Fighting - When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with two hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. The weapon must have the two-handed or versatile property for you to gain this benefit.

Interception - When a creature you can see hits a target, other than you, within 5 feet of you with an attack, you can use your reaction to reduce the damage the target takes by 1d10 + your proficiency bonus (to a minimum of 0 damage). You must be wielding a shield or a simple or martial weapon to use this reaction.

Protection - When a creature you can see attacks a target other than you that is within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll. You must be wielding a shield.

Superior Technique - You learn one maneuver of your choice from among those available to the Battle Master archetype. If a maneuver you use requires your target to make a saving throw to resist the maneuver's effects, the saving throw DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice.) You gain one superiority die, which is a d6 (this die is added to any superiority dice you have from another source). This die is used to fuel your maneuvers. A superiority die is expended when you use it. You regain your expended superiority dice when you finish a short or long rest.

Thrown Weapon Fighting - You can draw a weapon that has the thrown property as part of the attack you make with the weapon. In addition, when you hit with a ranged attack using a thrown weapon, you gain a +2 bonus to the damage roll.

Two-Weapon Fighting - When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.

Unarmed Fighting - Your unarmed strikes can deal bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier on a hit. If you aren't wielding any weapons or a shield when you make the attack roll, the d6 becomes a d8. At the start of each of your turns, you can deal 1d4 bludgeoning damage to one creature grappled by you.

Advanced Weaponry - When using the store you now gain access to Advanced Weaponry.

Specialist Training[edit]

At 3rd level, you chose a Specialist Training that will emulate your desired style of combat. Choose between Headhunter, Heavy Gunner, and Assault. All detailed at the end of the class description. Your Specialist choice grants you features at 3rd level and again at 7th, 10th, 15th, and 18th level.

Ability Score Improvement[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

You may use your ability score improvement to instead add an Armor Augmentation slot to your armor. Thus increasing the maximum number of augmentations you can have in exchange.

Armor Systems[edit]

Every time you gain an Armor Systems feature, you may choose one of the many perks to help direct you along the path to the perfect soldier. Beware, these perks are permanent and cannot be changed afterwards.

Onboard Targeting Computer

Having the Onboard Targeting Computer equipped all ranged weapons receive a +1 to attacks.

Hyper Sensitivity

This armor system ability gives you super human senses increasing your wisdom by 1.

Augmented Strength

This armor is made to protect and support the user increasing your strength by 1.

Enhanced Dexterity

The suit of a Spartan II was made to be the soldier's best protection and weapon, this ability gives you a plus 1 to Dexterity.

Cognitive Processor

Connected to your brain the armor helps you see and process information faster increasing your intelligence by 1.

Heartbeat Sensor

Your armor is equipped with a heartbeat sensor, as long as a creature has a heartbeat it will show itself on a mini map in the top left of your vision. This sensor has a range of a 30 foot radius. Creatures revealed this way are shown as a dot on your mini map for 2 seconds before disappearing and reappearing 10 seconds later assuming your still within range.

Data Processor

All that you've seen, heard, smelled, and experienced can be remembered to the upmost detail within a month of the experience. After a month, unless desired those memories will fade like any other.

Self Repair

If the wearer's health is lower than it's maximum, the armor will help repair the wielder's body by 1d6 health points every hour as long as the user is out of combat. The armor can only heal up to a maximum of 30 health everyday. This will also automatically provide emergency aid upon the user becoming unconscious due to damage, effectively becoming stable; the system can only do this once a day.

Last Resort

This is an active ability. Activating this ability automatically forfeits your currently equipped Mjolnir armor immediately unequipping itself and falls to your feet. Immediately after the armor hits the ground it has a 1 to 10 minute timer designated by you upon activation. At the end of the timer the armor's reactor unstableness and detonates resulting in a devastating explosion acting like a fireball spell, which is increased by 2 levels for every upgrade of the Mjolnir armor variant. (Mjolnir Mk. 4 being the base and Mk. 6 being the highest) The range of the explosion is a 150 foot radius.

Advanced Weaponry

You now gain access to the Advanced Weaponry in the system's store.

Energy Shield[edit]

At the 5th level, your Mjolnir armor gains an upgrade. Originally the Mjolnir armor didn’t come with an energy shield until a while into the war with the Covenant. Your shield's acts as temporary hit points that is equal to your proficiency modifier multiplied by 4. This shield is an older model and is recharged every long rest.

At 11th level, your shield has gotten stronger allowing you to regen your shields every turn you don't take damage. For every turn you don't take damage your shield regenerates 3 points. Starting at level 17, your shield has been strengthened to resist magical damages and is recharged every short or long rest.

Armor Modification[edit]

Your armor has a number of modification slots available at any given time. You gain an extra empty slot in addition to your armor’s standard amount at levels 3, 6, 13, and 20.

You may choose a single armor mod every level stated above and upon receiving your first armor and subsequent new models of Mjolnir (EX. when you upgrade to the next best Mjolnir armor your able to obtain another armor mod.) You may exchange one every time you upgrade your armor to the next variant.

Specialist Training[edit]

Spartans where trained to be efficient in many if not all forms of combat. However, only the cream of the crop where selected to be trained in a specialized form to become the best in their field and take on certain missions.


Headhunter’s Mark

Beginning when you choose this Specialist Training at 3rd level, you gain access to Headhunter’s Mark. When wielding a ranged weapon you may mark your target for elimination. The range of your mark is the maximum range of your current equipped weapon. While your target is marked you cannot mark another target unless it’s health has dropped to 0, or after a short and long rest if desired. Until your target has been unmarked or eliminated, you have advantage on any Wisdom (Perception) or Wisdom (Survival) check you make to find it. While the creature is marked they cannot evade your sight as long as they are within your range or go invisible. If the target drops to 0 hit points, you can use a bonus action on a subsequent turn of yours to mark a new creature. Marking a new creature in this way does not take an addition charge.

This feature has charges equal to your proficiency modifier and gain a charge every short rest or all three with a long rest. You may use a charge to force advantage on your attack toward your marked target with your currently equipped weapon until the end of your turn.

Stealth Augmentation

You are considered a professional at assassination and espionage, starting at level 7 you a given the Stealth augmentation mod and you become proficient in the stealth and slight of hand skills.

Patience is a Weapon

At 10th level, patience becomes a powerful weapon. You may take the equivalent of a short rest to camouflage yourself with the environment around you. In doing so, you gain advantage to your stealth cheeks while within the said environment.

You may use your time wisely to study your target. Taking a day, you study and come to understand one of three options. One - A vulnerability, or lack there of; of the target. Two - An individual of significance to the target. Three - A resistance the target poses.


Starting at level 15, the Stealth augmentation is applied to your armor without taking an Armor mod slot. The Stealth augmentation is upgraded and along with the passive ability it gives you a charge of invisibility. This invisibility acts like the invisible spell without the concentration property, and cannot be dispelled as it is not magical invisibility; and lasts one minute unless canceled early by the user. This charge is restored every short and long rest, as it can only be used while your Energy Shield is still active.

In addition, any hit you score against a creature that is surprised is a critical hit.

Designation: Hyper Lethal

At level 18, your actions and achievements have gained you the designation of Hyper Lethal. As long as the creature is at full health, your first shot is a critical hit at maximum damage.



At level 3, you gain a number of grenades equal to your proficiency modifier. These grenades are restocked every long rest. You can also add your proficiency modifier to your damage. As an action, a character can throw a grenade at a point up to 60 feet away. Each creature within 20 feet of an exploding fragmentation grenade must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d6 piercing, 1d6 fire, and 1d6 force damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Explosive Personality

Starting the 7th level, you may re-roll your damage dice with your explosive ordinance. You may do this only once per turn and must accept the new result.

Explosive Expert

At the 10th level, you gain access to Explosive Charges. These explosives may be used in a number ways, only limited by your imagination. They can be remote detonated with a range up to a mile away, or placed on a timer up for to an hour.

You have three charges to create an explosive which are consumed upon use, and recharged every long rest. You gain access to another charge at levels 12, 14, 16, 18, and 20, Each explosive acts like a 3rd level fire ball and takes up one charge. You add additional charges to your explosive to increase the level of the fire ball. Each charge increasing its level by one.

Danger Close

Starting at level 15, you are able to control your explosives more efficiently. You are able to designate a number of targets to not get caught in your explosions. All ally units take half as much damage, and have advantage on saves against them while taking no damage on a successful save.

True Explosives

At level 18, feats and abilities like Uncanny Dodge and Shield Master that reduce or ignores area of effect attacks are rendered useless to your explosive weapons.


Run n’ Gun

You are the first to run into battle, starting at level 3 you may add your proficiency bonus to your initiative.

Serpentine Movement, Extra Attack

You know when your at a disadvantage, at level 7 you may use our bonus action to dash. While taking this action others have disadvantage on attacks against you until the beginning of your next turn.

You gain an Extra Attack at levels 7, and again at level 18.

Specialist Equipment

At level 10 you’ve become very familiar with your choice of weapon, choose one weapon from among you have equipped. Said weapon gains a +1 to your attacks and damage. You may change your primary weapon every long rest.

Your armor also gains an additional mod slot, or your choice of weapon gains an extra attachment slot and may have a maximum of 2 for any 1 attachment type.

Stragetic Positioning

Starting at level 15, you gain the ability to use your and your ally’s placement to give you an advantage. As long as your ally is within 5 feet of your target, you gain advantage on your attacks. You also gain advantage to your attacks as long as you are to your target’s back.

Misriah Armory[edit]

- You may purchase a maximum of 1 item each, with the exception of the weapons with the light property and weapon attachments. These exceptions have a max of two. - All weapons and armor are considered magical items and are automatically attuned upon being equip and unequip. you can only be attuned to 4 items at a time as long as they are from this class.


(Levels 1, 5, and 10 respectively) - for the Mjolnir Armor to be upgraded you must meet the level requirement and pay the cost.

Mjolnir Mk.4, 17 AC, 16 Constitution requirement, Disadvantage on stealth, 1000 lb. 1 mod slots - 1000 gp
Mjolnir Mk.5, 18 AC, 18 Constitution requirement, Disadvantage on stealth, 1000 lb. 2 mod slots - 1000 gp
Mjolnir Mk.6, 19 AC, 20 Constitution requirement, Disadvantage on stealth, 1000 lb. 3 mod slots - 1000 gp

While wearing this armor you are given a number of effects. Your strength and dexterity are increased by 1. While your shield is active you are given +1 to AC and resistance to non-magical damage.

The armor was built to give every advantage possible to soldiers that often fought impossible odds. While wearing this armor you are resistant to poison, your armor provides you air, gain darkvision up to your normal sight, and automatically gives you proficiency to athletics and acrobatics. You are given expertise in these skills if you are already proficient. However, due to the weight of your armor; you have difficulty in a number of situations and up to the DM’s discretion.

Note: You may only equip and unequip this armor via storing it into your inventory as it’s impossible to take off through normal means with exception to the helmet.

Armor Mods[edit]

Participation Trophy! - Gain at 10gp per kill you've personally gotten or participated in killing. This applies as long as the enemy is a challenge rating 1 or higher with each level increasing the amount earned by 10gp. Meaning a CR 2 will gain you 20gp. This is given to you in the system, rather than physical gold coins.

Killing Celebration - Whenever you bring an enemy to 0 hit points, they die in an explosion of confetti. All enemies within 5 feet of of the target must make a Charisma save of 10 or become feared for the duration of their next turn.

Grenade Dispenser - You gain access to a grenade as a charge. You gain this charge every short rest. As an action, a character can throw a grenade at a point up to 60 feet away. Each creature within 20 feet of an exploding fragmentation grenade must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d6 piercing, 1d6 fire, and 1d6 force damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Sprint - Allows you to use your dashing speed as your walking speed, you can only use this again after spending one turn without moving.

Thrusters - Using your reaction, your thrusters give you a boost and move you 10 feet in the desired direction. This may be used as an attempt to escape the range of an attack or ability. You have a number of charges equal to your proficiency modifier, and regain these charges every long rest.

AI - Has 3 uses, and can only do 1 at a time and can only be changed every long rest. The personality and gender is up to the player for the purposes of lore and/or background.

1. Offense, increase response times with your weapons/hand eye coordination giving you a +1 to attacks. 2. Shield efficiency, gain 2 points of shields after combat has finished up to your current maximum. 3. Utility, the AI is unoccupied and can help you with a number of things increasing your wisdom and intelligence checks by 1. It can remember what you've seen and heard, tell which way is North, South, East, and West, and can help translate anything given enough time to analyze a number of examples. You may only stop and change the AI's priority every long rest.

Shield Surge - Your Energy Shield surges with emergency power. This Mod has 3 charges that are replenished every long rest. Using your reaction you may increase your shield points equal to your proficiency bonus, consuming a charge.

Armor Lock - Your shield super charges for a moment and locks your armor in place, you are considered immobile and immune to all types of damage and ailments until the beginning of your next turn, with the exception of psychic damage. This consumes 1 point of your shield. This ability must be activated using an action to activate and deactivate.

Gripped Gloves - Gain advantage in keeping items in your hands. Gives or increases climbing speed by 10ft.

Spiked Boots - Gives or increases climbing speed by 20ft.

Hidden Blade - Using an object interaction you can reveal the hidden blade that extends from the wrist. For all intents and purposes it has the stats of a dagger.

Jetpack - This mod comes with a number of charges equal to your proficiency modifier (all charges are refilled after a long rest). Using an object interaction you activate your jetpack. For a total of a 1 minute flight time, you gain a flying speed of 30ft. Once over you can't use it again until after a long rest.

Overshield - Armor Mod, consuming the rest of your shield you gain a temporary overshield that lasts 2 rounds unless destroyed before deactivation. This overshield gives you temporary hit points doubling the maximum hit points of your energy shield.

Bubble Shield - Armor Mod, exchanging your personal energy shield you charge your bubble shield instead. This bubble shield can only intercept ranged damage and covers a 5 foot radius around and above you. As long as you reside within, it takes all outside damage. The health pool of this shield is equal to double your personal shield. You and your allies that begin and end their turn within its walls heal 1d4 health. Should the shield be destroyed, the initial damage is blocked before the shield is destroyed leaving the target or targets unscathed. As long as the shield has not been destroyed, it will disperse after five rounds including the one it was deployed in. Your bubble shield can only be used again after recharging through a short or long rest.

Emergency Battery - Armor Mod, as long as it has a charge or is an armor ability. You may use this battery to give one of your Armor abilities an extra charge or constitutes for a short rest in terms of a recharge for said ability.

Lock On - Armor Mod, this ability has charges equal you your proficiency bonus. And is recharged every long rest. Using a bonus action your targeting Systems locks on to your desired target. As long as you keep line of sight,  you have advantage in attack rolls against your target and the effective range on your current equipped weapon is doubled.

System Analysis - Armor Mod, you helmet is upgraded to study your opponents. Using a charge your on board computer system gives you some details of your target. You may ask the DM to give you 1 piece of information regarding your target. Whether that be a vulnerability, and resistance, or an attack/ability it has; it is up to the discretion of the DM which piece of information to disclose. This also allows you to zoom in and see things a hundred feet away as though it was 10 feet. This ability has three charges that are reset after a long rest.

Herculean Strength - Armor Mod, this mod comes with a number of charges equal to your proficiency modifier (all charges are refilled after a long rest). Using your great strength your able to pull off seemly impossible feats. For a minute your strength modifiers are doubled and can easily lift 5 tons overhead. Your unarmed attacks also increase in damage to 1d12 budgeting damage.

Lightning Speed - Armor Mod, this mod comes with a number of charges equal to your proficiency modifier (all charges are refilled after a long rest). Your speed is increased to unbelievable speeds, using the dash action you can double your normal dash speed.

Stealth Augmentation - Your armor no longer has disadvantage during stealth checks.

Stealth Damage - When making a sneak attack you now deal an addition Xd4 damage, where X is your level divided by 2 rounded down. (Ex. if your level 3 then 3/2 = 1.5 -> [round down] -> 1)

Reinforced Armor - Your suit has more armor than usual increasing your weight by 100 pounds and adds 1 to your AC.

Energy Dissipator - Energy based weapons no longer break upon reaching 0 energy and your energy based weapon recharges half the amount you used after combat.

Ammunition Production - This prototype was made in an effort to prolong a Spartan's activity behind enemy lines. Every long rest you may create a normal magazine of ammunition for a currently equipped weapon from the store. If said weapon has an extended magazine mod this produced mag is still considered a normal magazine.

Advanced Weaponry (You may only gain access to these weapons after choosing the Advanced Weaponry Armor System or Fighting Style)

- Many of these weapon mods are level locked and won't become available until later.

Energy Converter - Using your energy shield you may recharge your energy based weapons. Using 1 shield point will recharge the weapon for 5 energy. This takes an item interaction action to preform.

Titanium Reinforcements - (Lv.3) - With this armor mod your armor has been reinforced to take the punishment of gravity, you no longer take falling damage.

Integrated Jetpack - (Lv.5) - These jets are integrated with your suit's design using the armor's reactor as fuel. This mod gives you a flight speed of 20ft.

Grappling Hook - (Lv.5) - This mod is located on either of your arms allowing you to fire a grappling hook in to the desired location. This mechanized mod pulls you to the end of the hook allowing you to effectively fly to the location as if your speed was 60ft (this movement requires your bonus action). Launching your grappling hook requires an Attack action (DC 10, +1 for every 20 feet of distance the grappling hook is shot, to a maximum DC of 20 at 200 feet). You may also use this on creatures both willing and unwilling. If used against an unwilling creature the DC is equal to their AC (DC = AC, +1 for every 20 feet of distance the grappling hook is shot, to a maximum of 200 feet). If you have yet to reach the creature by the time it is their turn they may use an action to remove the hook with a strength DC of 16.

Drop Shield - (lv.5) - This mod comes with a number of charges equal to your proficiency modifier (all charges are refilled after a long rest). This mod allows you to drop a shield that spreads out into a line of 10ft. This shield blocks all incoming ranged attacks in the direction of your choosing. However, the other side will allow all range attacks to move through it allowing one to attack from a far while being protected from ranged attacks. This shield has health equal to 5 multiplied by your proficiency modifier and an AC of 12 + your proficiency modifier.

Active Camouflage - (Lv.6) - This mod comes with a number of charges equal to your proficiency modifier (all charges are refilled after a long rest). Using this mod acts like a lv. 1 invisibility spell without the concertation attribute and only lasts 5 minutes.

Emergency Stim - (Lv.3) - This mod comes with a number of charges equal to half your proficiency modifier rounded down with a minimum of 1 (all charges are refilled after a long rest). Using a bonus action your system injects you a healing stim that heals you for 2d6 health.


Melee Weapons

(Lv. 1) M11 Combat Knife, 50 gp 1d4 slashing/piercing 4 lb. light, finesse

Advanced Weaponry (You may only gain access to these weapons after choosing the Advanced Weaponry Armor System or Fighting Style)

(Lv. 3) Energy Dagger, 100 gp 1d4 fire damage 0 lb. light, finesse - This weapon can be equipped to the top of your wrist armor and can be turned on with a mere thought without the need to use an object interaction

(Lv. 5) Jackal Shield, 500 gp, 5 lb. - Provides 2 AC and 10 temporary hit points. After the temporary hit points are reduced to 0 the shield deactivates losing its protection. This shield will reactivate the moment you are no longer in combat.

(Lv. 6) Energy Sword, 500 gp 3d6 fire damage 5 lb. light, 100 energy charge (every attack that hits reduces the energy charge by 10 and becomes unusable when weapon reaches 0 energy), light

Ranged Weapons

(All ranged weapons use your dexterity modifier.)

- for rules on 'burst fire' -

Dual Wielding - When dual wielding these weapons, the effective range is cut in half rounded down to the nearest 5 feet.

(Lv.3) - Pistol, M6D Magnum 250gp 1d6 piercing 3 lb. Ammunition (range 150/300), reload (12 shots), light - 12 shot magazine - 12 gp

(Lv.4) - Fragmentation Grenade 100gp - As an action, a character can throw a grenade at a point up to 60 feet away. Each creature within 20 feet of an exploding fragmentation grenade must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d6 piercing, 1d6 fire, and 1d6 force damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

(Lv.4) - Assault Rifle, MA37 500gp 2d4 piercing 8 lb. Ammunition (range 50/100), burst fire, reload (32 shots), two-handed - 32 shot magazine - 36 gp

(Lv.5) - Battle Rifle, BR55 600gp 2d4 piercing 8 lb. Ammunition (range 100/200), reload (36 shots), two-handed - 36 shot magazine - 36 gp

(Lv.6) - DMR, M392 700gp 1d10 piercing 8 lb. Ammunition (range 200/400), reload (15 shots), two-handed - 15 shot magazine - 15 gp

(Lv.7) - Sniper, S7 1000gp 2d12 piercing 12 lb. Ammunition (range 400/800), reload (4 shots), two-handed, heavy - 4 shot magazine - 100 gp

(Lv.7) - Shotgun, DTM 800gp 4d4 piercing 8 lb. Ammunition (range 15/30), burst fire, reload (12 shots), two-handed, heavy - 12 Shells - 60 gp

(Lv.7) - Grenade Launcher, 700gp 1d8 force, 1d8 fire 10 lb. Ammunition (range 30/60), reload (1 shot), two-handed, A.o.e. of 10ft radius - 1 grenade shell - 50 gp

(Lv.7) M7057 Flamethrower, 800gp (Burning Hands Spell, 3d6 fire damage) 122 lb. Ammunition (range 15/30), burst fire, reload (100 fuel, 1 attack cost 10 fuel), two-handed, heavy, encumbering (halves movement speed while equipped) - 1 canister of (100)fuel - 200 gp

(Lv.8) - SMG, M7 300gp 1d8 piercing 5 lb. Ammunition (range 20/40), burst fire, reload (60 shots), light, no attachment slots - 60 shot magazine - 60 gp

(Lv.10) - Rocket Launcher, DTM 1200gp (Fire Ball Spell, 8d6 fire damage, 10ft blast radius) 15 lb. Ammunition (range 50/100), reload (2 shots), two-handed, heavy, no attachment slots - 2 rockets - 200 gp

Advanced Weaponry (You may only gain access to these weapons after choosing the Advanced Weaponry Armor System or Fighting Style)

- These weapons are of alien technology and are incompatible with the system's weapon mods.

- These weapons can sometimes over charge for a more powerful attack and will be detailed under the weapon's description.

- Many of the alien's weapons have 'energy' instead of bullets and are used as the weapons ammunition.

(Lv. 3) - Plasma Pistol, 300 gp 1d4 fire damage 7 lb. Ammunition (30/60), 100 energy (unable to be reloaded, once the ammunition is used up the weapon becomes unusable), light - This weapon can be over-charged using your attack action, and must be fired your next turn. Over charging the weapon consumes 20 energy instead of 1 and deals 6D4 fire damage

(Lv. 4) - Plasma Rifle, 600 gp 2d4 fire damage 13 lb. Ammunition (40/80), burst fire, 100 energy (unable to be reloaded, once the ammunition is used up the weapon becomes unusable), light

(Lv. 5) - Carbine, 700 gp 2d4 fire damage 19 lb. Ammunition (100/200), Reload (18 shots), two-handed - 18 shot magazine - 36 gp

(Lv. 7) - Beam Rifle, 1100 gp 3d8 fire damage 40 lb. Ammunition (400/800), 100 energy (10 energy is consumed per shot) (unable to be reloaded, once the ammunition is used up the weapon becomes unusable), two-handed, heavy

(Lv. 10) - Fuel Rod 1400 gp (Fire Ball Spell, 6d6 fire damage, 5ft blast radius) 50 lb. Ammunition (50/100), reload (5 shots), two-handed, heavy - 5 rockets - 300 gp

Weapon Attachments[edit]

- Guns can fit a max of 3 customization attachments, and only 1 per attachment per each type such as only one barrel attachment at a time

- You may swap out a mod with another using an action to do so, taking a bonus action as well will allow you to change all of the weapons mods if desired

Compensator (Barrel) - 50gp - Multiplies the weapon's effective range by 150% rounded to the nearest 5 feet.

Thermal Vision (Sights) - 100gp - With this sight you can see in non-magical darkness as though it was bright light. As long as the enemy is a living being they can't escape your sights and you can see their heat signatures through even walls unless they are invisible. The range for this is the effective range of the equipped weapon.

Suppressor (Barrel) - 50gp - Your bullets make little to no sound, and missing your attack does not cause your location to be compromised to the enemy. This item degrades with each shot and can only survive 2 full normal clips/magazines of the equipped weapon.

Extended Barrel (Barrel) - 100gp - Multiplies the weapon's effective range by 200% rounded down to the nearest 5 feet. This attachment can’t be used with the SMG or Shotgun.

Gun-basher Stock (Stock) - 50gp - As a bonus action you may attack a creature within 5 feet of you for 1d6 blugeding damage using your strength modifier.

Knight Blade (Barrel) - 200gp - As a bonus action you may use your bayonet as a melee attack dealing 1d4 fire damage.

Flashlight (Barrel) - 30gp - You gain an under barrel flashlight that shines light up to 30 feet in bright light, and 30 feet further in dim light in front of you.

Armor Piercing Rounds (Magazine) - 100gp - Your bullets are considered magical for the purpose of overcoming resistances. This is shown as a special magazine clip that applies this bonus to the ammunition with in.

Extended Mag (Magazine) - 50gp - Multiplies ammo capacity by 150% rounded down. You will have to pay for the additional rounds in a clip, as when you purchase a new magazine it will automatically become an extended mag assuming it's for said weapon with the mod.

HE Rounds (Magazine) - 100pg - You deal half the weapon's damage in a 10 foot radius from the point of impact. This is shown as a special magazine clip that applies this bonus to the ammunition with in.

Hollow Point Rounds (Magazine) - 25gp - If the target wears no armor, and is made of flesh and bone. Your ammunition adds an extra 1d12 damage to your attack. This is shown as a special magazine clip that applies this bonus to the ammunition with in.

Incendiary Rounds (Magazine) - 100gp - Deal the weapon's base damage as fire damage. This is shown as a special magazine clip that applies this bonus to the ammunition with in.

Scope (Sight) - 100gp - If you have not moved this round, you can look through your scope to use your weapon’s maximum range without incurring disadvantage. This attachment is exclusive to two handed weapons.

Holographic Sight (Sight) - 50gp - Usable only on weapons with the light property, this sight increases the maximum effective range by 10 feet.

Advanced Weaponry (You may only gain access to these weapons after choosing the Advanced Weaponry Armor System or Fighting Style)

- Many of these weapon mods are level locked and won't become available until later.

Electromagnetic Rounds (Lv.5, Barrel) - 500gp - This mod adds an electromagnetic kick to your ammunition as it moves through the chamber. Doing so projects the ammunition to Mach 3 increasing it's piercing power. This mod increases your weapons damage die by 1. For an example, if the original damage was 1d4, it increases to 1d6 and so on.

Amor Piercing Rounds (Lvl.3, Magazine) - 500gp - This magazine mod gives you AP rounds to help pierce through heavy armor. As long as the opponent has 17 or more AC you ignore 1 point of their AC, additionally every 2 additional AC after 17 you ignore another point of AC. (For an example, if a creature has 16 AC you ignore 1 point of their AC. However, if they have 21 AC you ignore 3 points of their AC attacking as if they only had 18 AC.)

Hair Trigger (Lv.5, Stock) - 500gp - Installing this special mod allows you to attack more often. You may use your bonus action to preform a second attack with the specific weapon this mod is attached to.

Double Barrel (lv.5, Barrel) - 500gp - Equipping this mod makes your weapon fire 2 ammunition in one attack. When attacking with this mod you consume 2 ammunition and your weapon's attack die is decreased by 1 (ex. if the original base damage is 1d6, it goes down to 1d4 with 1d4 being the lowest possible).

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