Cafae Latte (5e Campaign Setting)

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Rating: Not-Rated / 5
This campaign setting has yet to be rated for comprehensiveness/completion. Please help and rate this here.

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This setting is based on a Tik Tok Series Created by C.M.alongi_author on Tik Tok please watch her for the original story.  

Campaign Setting Information[edit]

Players Guide

Races available in the campaign setting and how common/rare they are

World of <!-Setting->

Thousands of years ago The fae realm and the human realm collided magical creatures started popping into the human this was only brought to light in the 1970s and it took intel the late 90s for the fae to get proper rights. Originally spending a weekend would be equivalent to spending a few centuries in the human realm but after a few of the most powerful sorcerers came together to try and fix the time difference this worked a lot but didn't fix the difference entirely but made it to where spending the weekend in the fae realm is the rough equivalent to 2 months

Dungeon Master's Guide

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