Living Jar (5e Race)
Living Jar[edit]
Physical Description[edit]
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They are as adorable as a cute puppy credits to image: @TFachai. |
A "Living Jar" is a magical and fantastic creature that, despite its seemingly inanimate appearance, is actually a living being with unique and surprising characteristics. Although it is not a common concept in most mythologies or fictions, you can imagine it as an imaginary creation in the realm of fantasy., . It can be used as a kind of magical reserve, and wizards and sorcerers often seek it out to collect its energy or protect magical objects within it, is a mythical and powerful creature that has been conceived and brought to life through ancient magic and alchemy. Its appearance and characteristics vary according to tradition, Its color is a natural clay tone, and its surface may be adorned with alchemical marks or magical inscriptions,
In the depths of an ancient magical library, he discovered a dusty ancient grimoire that spoke of the creation of living beings from natural elements, magical inscriptions on its surface, infusing it with fragments of his own magical essence. In the heart of the Living Jar, he placed a magical crystal that would act as the core and source of life for it. Finally, he spoke an ancient incantation that channeled his life energy into the newly created creature, For years, Elarion studied ancient texts and consulted with other wizards to discover the secret of artificial life. Finally, after decades of effort, he managed to decipher an ancient grimoire that contained the recipe for creating an animated being from magical clay. With a special mix of soil from a sacred spring, rare minerals, and a spark of his own magic, he began the process of bringing his creation to life. "" Life diary of the ancient and deceased Magician: Elaron ""
The living jars, their society, are among the highest levels of society, serving the nobility throughout their lives until their descent to the great tree to die in peace and creating new life based on their own. On the other hand, they also serve great magicians as well as not so powerful ones who found the secret of artificial life in gromories of ancient deceased magicians. They are mostly used to store magical objects as well as weapons, potions and varieties of magical objects inside.
Kindness and Compassion: The Living Clay Jar is inherently kind and always seeks to do good. He has deep empathy for other living beings and wants to help you any time he can. This creature is willing to lend assistance and support to those in need, whether guiding them through the forest, protecting them from danger, or providing comfort in difficult times. Protective: Although it may appear fragile due to its clay nature, the Living Jar is Become a brave protector when your friends or loved ones are in danger. He will be willing to face any threat with bravery and determination to keep those he cares about safe. Intellectual Curiosity: Despite his seemingly simple appearance, the Living Jar has a curious mind and is eager to acquire knowledge. He is always willing to learn and explore new horizons, and often seeks wisdom and knowledge in whatever books and magical artifacts he can find.
Living Jar Names[edit]
Usually the names of the jars are usually given well thought out by magicians or artificers, the names of the nobility include a royal surname of the house and are usually common names as well as naming a person: Names created by a magical entity: Claysy, Barok, Terrac, Mop, Arcanit, Muddy,Terracin, Chimera (a reference to alchemy), Goleim, Terrafeliz, Spark (for the magical spark of life that animates them), Charmyn, Quarry (a reference to its origin), Barmic.
Names created by a Nobility Family: Isabel de Monteflor, Guillermo de Lisandro, Genoveva d'Aubrey, Percival de Wycliffe, Eleanor Fitzroy, Cedric Ravenscroft, Arabella Tremaine, Reginald Hastings, Serafina Ashbourne, Geoffrey Radcliffe
Surnames of a noble family: Monteflor, Lisandro, D'aubrey, Wycliffe, Fitzroy, Ravenscroft, Tremaine, Hastings, Ashbourne, Radcliffe
Living Jar Traits[edit]
Created with magical clay by high society or some curious or powerful magician.
Ability Score Increase. Increase one ability score of your choice by 2, and another ability score of your choice by 1.
Age. Living Jars do not age but can be destroyed throughand they grow with their maximum age, a few are created to grow like a living creature over time..
Alignment. The living jars are of a docile and good nature, although some magicians or nobles tend to be inclined to evil..
Size. Living jars can range in size from Tiny to Huge
Speed. Your walking speed is 20 feet.
Blindsight. Your have blindsight and your are blind you can perceive its surroundings without relying on sight, within a specific radius(20 ft). Creatures without eyes, such as oozes, and creatures with echolocation or heightened senses, such as bats and true dragons, have this sense.
Jar Resistance. The clay from which the jar is made gives the living jar a base AC of 13+ your Constitution Modifier.
Artificial. Your creature type is construct instead of humanoid. As such, spells like cure wounds don't affect you, and you are immune to spells like crown of madness or dominate person because they specifically target humanoids. You are immune to poison damage, diseases and being poisoned.You do not eat or drink, like an ordinary creature, however you will have to repair your cracks constantly to avoid states of fatigue. You will have to take a long rest lasting 8 hours with a normal creature.
Knowledge of the Jar. Due to your attunement to nature and longevity, you gain proficiency in the History and Nature skills.
Memory of a soul:. Beging Lvl 6 you have the ability, according to your size, to store corpses inside your creatures, granting you advantages permanently or partially depending on your class and your adventure path:
You can use your action to Store a corpse inside you, granting you several benefits:
For a permanent Score effect you must meet the following parameters,:Maximum hit points, Repairing Magic Clay, Have completed a Long Rest, Not being in Combat and Not be full of corpses.
If any of the parameters are not met, they will have a partial effect with a Duration of 8 hours
The creatures that you keep inside you will be counted based on their class and must be humanoid with a minimum of 6 intelligence. The following list will give you an effect according to their class:
°Casting Classes studied: Made up of Magicians and artificers. Granting you +1 Intelligence
°Born Caster Classes: Made up of Witches, Sorcerers and even some Clerics
Granting you +1 Charisma or Wisdom
°Melee classes: They are made up of monks, barbarians, Warriors, Paladins, Explorer or Rogue.
Giving you +1 to Strength or Dexterity.
°Religious classes :
They are classes like the paladin, a warrior or cleric Giving you +1 wisdom or Charisma
°Classes attached to nature: they are like the druid, explorer, barbarian Giving you +1 or +2 to wisdom or Constitution or Skill in :Nature
Languages. You can understand Common and one other language of your choice bur you can´t read
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
2,4,5,10′ 0'' | +2ft, 4ft, 5ft, 10ft | 80, 160, 320, 2200 lb. | × (13d6, 20d8, 40d8, 110d20.) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
Optional racial Feats[edit]
Auto Jar Reparation
°Prerequisites: Living Jar race, 3th level:
Only you and your creators can repair the cracks in your body. While you are not in combat or on a long rest you will be able to recover all hit points the more time you spend on yourself. You will roll 1d4 when you receive 20 hit points or less, the result is the number of cracks you will have, if the damage is more than 20 the die scales to 1d6 and so on every 20 hit points. Repairing a crack takes you 1d4 hours and you must search for clay or through a process unknown to everyone but you magically imbue the material in magic and it is useful to repair yourself, then take a long rest for the repair to be effective. It will heal you for 1d8 per rift, excess hit points will be lost but are repaired once the process has been carried out.
Master potter
°Prerequisites: Living Jar race, 9th level.
Living Jars are creatures born of magic and clay, and have developed an innate ability to interact with this material in unique ways. This racial ability allows them to magically shape and manipulate clay, giving them an advantage in both defense and item creation. You can spend an bonus-action to shape the surrounding clay and alter its shape. This can be used both in and out of combat. In combat, they could create temporary clay barriers to block attacks or form crude clay weapons to attack their enemies,1d4 turns in combat or 1d4 hours in outside of combat. This ability can be used to create simple clay objects wearing 1 portion of your "Magic repair clay", such as containers, tools, or decorative figures, objects created in combat will have a base health equal to 1/4 of your Life Points and AC Base :13 + Your Proficiency Bonus, the height of an object is limited to your height.