The Tormented One (5e Class)

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(This Background is meant to be only chaotic evil, and exclusively used with: The Kaev race, The Forsaken background and the Chains of Cadarso Subclass in conjunction.)

The Tormented One[edit]

Image made by me using an ai.

You are a monster, more or less, until you truly awakened, you were patrolling the dungeon, it is now you truly gain sentience, your bloodlust is a bottomless well, you were made to relentlessly chase your pray and destroy it, painfully, for that matter. You trascend the limits of your mortal vessel thanks to the dark powers used to create you.

Your body is sturdy, your claws formidable weapons, an unstoppable killing machine, following their targets to the ends of the world. You make use of your mutated physique combinated with bits of dark magic that dwell inside you, remnants of the forgotten, petty gods.

Binding of the old gods[edit]

You can't use armor, of any kind, your flesh is more than enough, futhermore besides your claws, chains, and beak, you cannot use any other weapons.

Corrupted soul[edit]

You can't attune to magic items, your soul is far too twisted to sintonize with other magics.

Class Features

As a The Tormented One you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d12 per The Tormented One level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d12 (or 7) + Constitution modifier per The Tormented One level after 1st


Armor: None
Weapons: Your claws, fists and beak
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Wisdom
Skills: Choose two from: Athletics, Survival, Intimidation, and Stealth,


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • None

Table: The The Tormented One

Level Proficiency
1st +2 Unarmored Defense, Mauling Claws
2nd +2 Flock of crows, Brand of Death
3rd +2 Cadarso, Shapeshift
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 Extra Attack, Flock of crows 2.0
6th +3 Soul ravager, Supernatural body, Ability Score Improvement
7th +3 Cadarso
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement, Peck
9th +4 Siege crow
10th +4 Supernatural body 2.0
11th +4 Cadarso
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement, Peck v2
13th +5 Supernatural body 3.0
14th +5 Cadarso
15th +5 Siege crow 2.0
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement, Peck 3.0
17th +6 Cadarso, Supernatural body 4.0
18th +6 Ability Score Improvement
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement, Supernatural body 5.0
20th +6 A terryfing presence

Unarmored Defense[edit]

While you are not wearing armor, your CA is 14 + dexterity and your movement increases 10 feet.

This evolves to 14 + dexterity + constitution at level 10.

Mauling Claws[edit]

You posses natural claws at the tip of each of your fingers, you are competent with those, they deal 1d6 + your strenth or dexterity bonus slashing damage. (This levels up dealing 1d8 at level 3, 2d6 at level 7, and 2d6+1 at level 11, 2d6+2 at level 14 and 2d6+3 at level 17).

Flock of Crows[edit]

Starting at level 2, as a bonus action, you may summon a flock of crows to deal 3d4 piercing damage to a target and forcing it to do a constitution save DC 10 + your wisdom bonus or be blinded for 1 minute. You may do this once per turn, and up to your proficiency bonus (Minimum of 1) per short or long rest.

At level 5 the damage increases to 6d4 and the constitution save DC becomes 13 + your wisdom bonus, if the target suceeds it becomes blinded for one turn, if It fails, he loses an eye and becomes blinded for two turns.

Brand of Death[edit]

Starting at level 2, as a bonus action you can make an attack roll, on hit, you deal 2d4 piercing damage and bite a small piece of flesh from the target and eat It. Until you use the brand feature on another target or after 10 minutes, whatever happens first, you always know the exact location of the affected target, as long as both of you are in the same plane of existence. You may use this feature a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus (Minimum of 1) per long rest.

This evolves to 30 minutes at level 5, 1 hour at level 9, and at level 13 you always know where the target is until you use the feature on another one, so long as you both are on the same plane of existence.


For the sake of walking between cattle undetected At level 3 you learned to channel the tiny bits of dark magic inside you to shift yourself into other similar forms.

Starting at level 3, as an action, you can shapeshift gaining the effects of "Disguise self", but you can only look like other races of "similar" size and appareance (the dm decides) like a kenku.

You may use a bonus action to change back into your original form.

You may use this an unlimited amount of times but only in a ritual way (must be "casting" it for atleast 5 minutes.)

Ability Score Improvement[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 4th, 6th, 8th, 12th, 16th and 19 level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack[edit]

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Soul ravager[edit]

Starting at level 6, all the attacks you make using your claws, beak, summons or other natural weapons, count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.

Supernatural Body[edit]

Starting at level 6, your corrupt body is slowly shedding what was left of mortal from it, your strenth, dexterity and constitution cap increase by two. (22)

This increases by two (24) at level 10 (2.0), at lvl 13 (26) (3.0), and at level 17 (28) (4.0)

At level 19, you gain competence in strenth and constitution saves, also gain advantage in strenth and dexterity ability checks (5.0).


Starting at level 8 as an attack roll, you open your giant beak and try to chop and eat the head of your opponent, this attack deals 7D8 and has a +2 to hit.

If the target isnt wearing a helmet, and isnt more than one size larger than you, it suffers 12D8 and must make a constitution throw DC 16 + your strenth bonus, on a fail, it must throw from the table of grave injuries.

You may use this feature only once per turn and number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus (Minimum of 1) per long rest.

At level 12 It and has a +3 to hit and deal 8D10 + your strenth bonus, the target must make a constitution save DC 13 + your strenth bonus, on a fail, It becomes critical (2.0).

At level 16 It has +5 to hit and deals 10D10 + your strenth or dexterity bonus, if the enemy isnt wearing helmet nor is more than one size larger than you, on hit it must make a constitution save DC15 + your strenth, on a fail, the target gets decapitated and you eat his head (3.0).

Siege Crow[edit]

The damage of all your melee attacks are doubled against structures.

At level 15 you count as two sizes larger for the purpose of carrying weight, pushing or be pushed, pulling and be pulled and grabing and being grabed (2.0).

A terryfing presence[edit]

A terryfing presence At level 20 just looking at your true form hurts the mind of your foes. As a bonus action, for one minute, you enlarge one size, from medium to large, you also grow one extra crow head wich can use the "Peck" feature, while transformed your peck can be used two times per turn, one as an attack roll and another as a bonus action, for the duration of the transformation you can use peck without wasting peck uses.

When you activate this transformation, every hostile and neutral creature in a 60 feet radio must throw a wisdom save DC 15 + your proficiency bonus or be frightened for 2 minutes, creatures can repeat this save on each of their turns.

You can use this transformation once per long rest.

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