Panopletherea (5e Race)

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Panopletherea (Armored Spirits)[edit]

A whisper in the undercurrents of the breeze, curling around your feet like smoky vapors. Plates and arms strewn upon the ground rattle then move, collecting together into the form of a warrior. You stare into its eyes, steeling yourself against the powerful gaze of a being you'd never seen before. An ethereal presence commanding your attention. An Armored Spirit. The mighty Panopletherea.

Design Note: This race utilizes both the Large Player Characters and Tiny Player Characters rules

Physical Description[edit]

Armored Spirit, By Allen Song

Two parts make up the Panopletherea: their ethereal body, and their armor. Their body, when fully materialized, is very vaporous, like steam forced into the shape of a humanoid. They typically resemble nebulae in coloring, mesmerizing those who gaze upon them. Most have androgynous forms, though some may appear more feminine or masculine. Their eyes shine brightly, often described as "two orbs of fire, reflecting the worst and the best of every man that looks into them," but they have no other facial structure to speak of. Some are more ghostly than others, even going so far as to be missing definite legs, even though their upper body is still vaguely shaped like a humanoid. Due to their vaporous nature, they are incredibly difficult to fight with nonmagical weapons.

Their armor varies widely, with some having a full panoply and others being fashioned from bits and pieces of miscellaneous suits of armor, or just taken from the environment they come from. Some Panopletherea look like mighty Paladins, standing tall above the rest in their full plate mail. Others look like creatures formed from the fog of a magic forest, wandering the world in their patchwork wooden armor. What they wear is often a good reflection of their origin, giving a glimpse into a life they led or the magic that brought them into being.

Born for Servitude[edit]

No Armored Spirit exists that wasn't created for a purpose. Some are made by powerful mages to guard sanctuaries or hunt enemies, and others are born of the innate magic of an area forming them to defend an area or guide wanderers. Most know no will beyond that of their creator and/or master, and their loyalty is as sure as water is wet. If something were to happen to their master, whether they be man or magic, they will enter a dormant state until either someone finds and claims them, or until they fade from the material plane and retake their place as magical energy.

Attitudes & Beliefs[edit]

The Panopletherea are typically stoic and emotionless but can mimic emotions when they're told to or it benefits their mission. They also believe whatever their master tells them to believe without doubt or question, further enhancing their loyalty. Even so, they are still deeply connected to Arcane magics and will react strongly when magic is being disturbed. Their Arcane nature also makes them react more violently towards people or items that utilize other forms of magic, including Elemental and Divine magic.

Sometimes, though, when an Armored Spirit encounters an area of twisted and distorted magic or becomes affected by Wild Magic, they can gain some degree of personality or emotion. They may even gain some degree of will or agency, allowing them to stay awake and persist even if something happens to their master. Despite this, even if they gain a unique conscience and free will, they still cannot directly go against the orders of their former master, but can ignore or circumvent them. These "free" Panopletherea will only truly be so if their master perishes or releases them with a clear and uninfluenced mind.

Panopletherea Names[edit]

The Panopletherea typically do not name themselves, alternatively accepting a name given to them by their master. Occasionally, when a Panopletherea becomes free, they may change their name to fit in with whatever culture or group they find themselves with.

Panopletherea Traits[edit]

The Panopletherea are a race of spiritual servants and guardians, there isn't one that exists that wasn't created or born for a purpose.
Ability Score Increase. The Panopletherea can vary greatly in their abilities, depending on their subrace.
Age. The Panopletherea are created at their prime and do not age. You are Immortal.
Alignment. The Panopletherea typically have the alignment of their current master, and the ones who are free are usually of any alignment in the same column of their last master.
Size. The Panopletherea can vary greatly in terms of size, depending on their subrace.
Speed. The Panopletherea can vary greatly in terms of speed, depending on their subrace.
Ethereal Eyes. You have a 60 ft Blindsight and can see in fog, dust, magical darkness, and in other types of obscuring environments. You cannot be blinded by physical or magical means, but you cannot see through non-transparent walls or other similar obstructions.
Living Construct. Your creature type is construct instead of humanoid. You do not need to eat, drink, sleep or breathe. Instead of sleeping, you can enter an inactive state wherein you do not dream and are fully aware of your surroundings, able to notice approaching enemies and other events as normal. You are also immune to being charmed or poisoned, but spells like cure wounds don't affect you. The only way to regain health is through rest and mending.
Arcane Dependency. If your master, whether they be man or magic, is killed or is severed from you in some other manner, you will go into an inactive dormant state where your natural armor and ethereal body condense into a ball, 6 inches in diameter with your full mass and weight. Until your master is revived, or until you are claimed by someone who finds you and verbally declares their ownership of you while in contact with you, you will remain in this state. If you remain in this state for 100 years, you will fade from the material plane, effectively dying.
Devoid of Body. Once per day, you can completely disperse your ethereal body for 1 hour, leaving your physical parts and equipment on the ground. You can reform with your gear at any point as an action, or as as a reaction to someone approaching a pre-specified area or object. While in this state, you cannot interact with the world or be interacted with, and any damage done to your equipment is reversed when your reform. You can observe the world through your equipment, and can still communicate telepathically, when available. You can choose which piece of your armor you reform around, but if you reform because the duration of the trait ran out, then you will reform around your largest piece of armor.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, Primordial, and one language of your choice. You can also communicate telepathically with other Panopletherea, ignoring any language barriers.
Subrace. Armored Spirits are built for a variety of purposes, leading to a large variety of subraces. Pick one.

Panopletherea Subraces[edit]

Warrior-Class Spirit[edit]

The most common variant of the Panopletherea, Warrior-Class Spirits are humanoid in appearance and have an easier time communicating with others due to their familiar form. They cannot wear more armor over their pre-existing set, but they can use tools and weapons.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2 and your Constitution score increases by 1.
Size. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 ft.
Bereft of Body. Due to your astral body, you are resistant to your choice of nonmagical Bludgeoning, Piercing, or Slashing Damage, but are vulnerable to your choice of Force, Psychic, or Thunder Damage.
Heavy Armor. Created for the thick of battle, you were made with your own heavy armor that you cannot remove. Because of this, you cannot wear traditional armor. However, your unarmored AC is 10 + your Constitution modifier. You can use a shield and still get this benefit.
Clawed Gauntlets. Created for the thick of battle, you were given physical gauntlets that you cannot remove. This makes your hands into natural weapons, dealing Slashing Damage equal to 2d4 + your Strength modifier when you make an unarmed strike with your hands.
Battle Charity. A soldier's ability to save their comrades in the heat of battle is paramount to success, so you can use the Necromancy cantrip Spare the Dying.

Defender-Class Spirit[edit]

The second-most common variant of the Panopletherea, Defender-Class Spirits are humanoid in appearance and are the least talkative of the Panopletherea variants. They cannot wear more armor over their pre-existing set, but they can use tools and weapons.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 3.
Size. Your size is Large.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 15 ft.
Denser Body. You are made to be more solid than others, meaning you do not have the resistances typically associated with Armored Spirits. You are, however, still vulnerable to Force, Psychic, and Thunder Damage.
Dense Armor. Created for repelling offensive charges, you were made with your own armor that you cannot remove. Your unarmored AC increases by 10. However, this armor gives you disadvantage on all Dexterity rolls.
Heavy Gauntlets. Created for repelling offensive charges, you were given physical gauntlets that you cannot remove. This makes your hands into natural weapons, dealing Bludgeoning Damage equal to 1d8 + your Strength modifier when you make an unarmed strike with your hands.
Line Splitter. You can use the Evocation cantrip Eldritch Blast.

Healer-Class Spirit[edit]

A rarer variant of the Panopletherea, Healer-Class Spirits are humanoid in appearance and are typically given as gifts or signs of goodwill. They cannot wear more armor over their pre-existing set, and they cannot use tools or weapons.

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 2 and your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Size. Your size is Small.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 ft.
Bereft of Body. Due to your astral body, you are resistant to nonmagical Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing Damage, but are vulnerable to Force, Psychic, and Thunder Damage.
Light Armor. Created for being able to heal others in the thick of battle, you were made with your own heavy armor that you cannot remove. Your unarmored AC increases by 3.
Gauntlets. Created for being able to heal others in the thick of battle, you were given physical gauntlets to protect yourself that you cannot remove. This makes your hands into natural weapons, dealing Bludgeoning Damage equal to 1d4 + your Dexterity modifier when you make an unarmed strike with your hands.
Bedside Charity. You can use the Evocation spell Cure Wounds, without spending Spell slot's. Wisdom is your spellcasting modifier for this spell.

Rogue-Class Spirit[edit]

A stealthy variant of the Panopletherea, Rogue-Class Spirits are humanoid in appearance with insectoid wings and are often made for non-combatant espionage missions. They cannot wear more armor over their pre-existing set, but they can use tools and weapons.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Size. Your size is Tiny.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 40 ft and your base flying speed is 35 ft.
Bereft of Body. Due to your astral body, you are resistant to nonmagical Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing Damage, but are vulnerable to Force, Psychic, and Thunder Damage.
Thin Armor. Created for moving swiftly without being noticed, you were made with your own armor that you cannot remove. Your unarmored AC increases by 1. However, this armor gives you advantage on all Dexterity rolls.
Perception Avoidance. Created for moving swiftly without being noticed, you were given the unique ability to, as an action, actively make others not look in your direction. This effect lasts for 10 minutes but will end automatically if you make an attack, cast a spell, or take damage. While under this effect, you can add 1d6 + your Dexterity modifier to your Dexterity (Stealth) rolls. You can use this trait three times before you must take a short rest to regain your uses.
Night Whisper. You can use the Transmutation cantrip Message without needing the somatic or material components.

Raptor-Class Spirit[edit]

An avian variant of the Panopletherea, Raptor-Class Spirits have the appearance of various birds of prey and are often used as messenger birds. They cannot use weapons or wear more armor over their pre-existing set, but they can use small tools.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2 and your Constitution score increases by 1.
Size. Your size is Small.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 5 ft and your base flying speed is 45 ft.
Bereft of Body. Due to your astral body, you are resistant to nonmagical Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing Damage, but are vulnerable to Force, Psychic, and Thunder Damage.
Aerodynamic Armor. Created for moving swiftly, you were made with your own armor that you cannot remove. Your unarmored AC increases by 2. However, this armor gives you advantage on all Dexterity rolls related to getting somewhere quickly.
Beating Wing. Since you were made without sharp claws so that you could land on people or object without breaking or injuring them, you were instead given the ability to cast the Evocation spell Thunderwave with the beating of your wings. Dexterity is your spellcasting modifier for this spell, as it has been incorporated into your flight.
Night Whisper. You can use the Transmutation cantrip Message without needing the somatic or material components.

Ursine-Class Spirit[edit]

One of the rarest variants of the Panopletherea, Ursine-Class Spirits have the appearance of a bear and are often used as status symbols. They cannot wear more armor over their pre-existing set, and they cannot use tools or weapons.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2 and your Charisma score increases by 1.
Size. Your size is Large.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 60 ft.
Denser Body. You are made to be more solid than others, meaning you do not have the resistances typically associated with Armored Spirits. You are, however, still vulnerable to Force, Psychic, and Thunder Damage.
Heavy Armor. Created for the thick of battle, you were made with your own heavy armor that you cannot remove. Your unarmored AC increases by 5.
Bear Claws. Since you were made with bear paws, making your hands into natural weapons, dealing Slashing Damage equal to 3d6 + your Strength modifier when you make an unarmed strike with your hands.
Line Splitter. You can use the Evocation cantrip Eldritch Blast. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this cantrip.
Show of Power. You have access to the Transmutation cantrip thaumaturgy, and using it will give you advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks throughout its duration. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell.

Becoming Free[edit]

When you encounter an area of twisted and distorted magic or become affected by Wild Magic, roll a d20, then see its corresponding effect on your personality and loyalty. If you become free, you are no longer affected by your Arcane Dependency trait, instead becoming truly free when your master dies.

d20 Effect
1 Your loyalty becomes more assured.
2 - 11 You aren't affected in this way.
12 - 16 You gain emotions.
17 - 19 You gain a full personality.
20 You become free.

Racial Feat[edit]

Whenever Panopletherea character gets Ability Score Improvement can instead choose racial feat listed below.

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