5e Wondrous Items

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Wondrous Items

Wondrous Item Rarity Summary
Abhorrent Hybrid Fruit rare A fruit made from death and suffering that allows you to become a hybrid.
Aboleth Choker very rare A choker to make one an aboleth
Abraxonian Overseer's Helmet legendary An ancient helmet made out of dark Abraxonian steel styled in an Imperial Roman fashion complete with a faceplate designed like a generic face with holes for the eyes and mouth.
Acheron Cube legendary A raging battlefield in your pocket.
Acidic Brand legendary A scar that brands onto your face in exchange for power over acid
Adamantine Thread Robe uncommon
Adventurer's Harness common Conveniently attach weapons to your back, if you weren't just already doing that anyway.
Adventurer's Pouch uncommon A small pouch, capable of producing handy items in times of need
Agency Tattoo Special A standard issue magical tattoo issued by The Agency to protect their operatives.
Agility in a Bottle! rarity varies More Dexterity! Yay.
Alabaster Puppy common Once every two days, this figurine of wondrous power can become a Tiny mastiff for up to 8 hours.
Alchemical Supplementation Array very rare Inject up to six potions intravenously.
Alchemy Jug of Potent Spirits very rare A magical jug of questionable alcohols
Algernon's Gloves of Temporary Sentience rare Flowery patterned gloves packing an awakening effect
All Seeing Eye Goggles legendary You have truesight out to a range of 60 feet, and you can use your action to ascertain specific information about creatures in this range.
All-In-One Black Powder Flask rare Makes loading a black powder firearm a breeze.
All-Purpose Pocket Dimension very rare A marble sphere with a dimension inside
Amaterasu's Amulet legendary
Amazing Handwraps of Torrential Ki rare The nature of these handwraps enhances the effectiveness of Unarmed Strikes.
Amber Songstone rare A bard can use this instrument to empower his or her Bardic Inspiration, and improve the DC of bard spells.
Ambrosia and Nectar very rare A bottomless vessel of theobroma
Ammo Duplicator rare A tiny box that attaches to a weapon and duplicates any nonmagical ammunition that is in a weapon when you make a ranged attack with it.
Amulet of Answering legendary A trinket that allows one to respond swiftly in battle
Amulet of Assassination Unique An amulet boosting your critical hit rate
Amulet of Balgar legendary An amulet tied to the origins of the wemic race
Amulet of Companionship rare
Amulet of Construct Location uncommon You can expend a charge from this amulet to divine the presence and appearance of every nearby construct.
Amulet of Darkness uncommon Make your foes rot with your strikes.
Amulet of Determined Action very rare This amulet gives you an extra bonus action.
Amulet of Elements legendary While wearing this amulet, your Wisdom score is set to 25, you learn the shape water, mold earth, control flames and gust cantrips, and you can cast primordial ward once.
Amulet of Faith legendary When worn by a cleric or paladin, this amulet increases your Wisdom score and lets you add an extra portion of your Wisdom score to your spell save DC.
Amulet of Great Luck very rare This amulet, contrary to what the name implies, does not actually enhance your luck except by comparison.
Amulet of Languages uncommon An amulet that grants polyglot abilities to the wearer
Amulet of Life Warding very rare This amulet has the power to preserve and protect your life force.
Amulet of Lightning uncommon This amulet has the power to deal lightning damage to foes.
Amulet of Ooze Control very rare An amulet that allows you to take control of oozes, and while attuned, ordinary oozes will not attack you unless you threaten or harm them.
Amulet of Radiance Uncommon
Amulet of Recalling rare "I can't fall here, I must retreat!"
Amulet of Refreshment Rare <Purges 3 levels of Exhaustion>
Amulet of Regeneration rare An amulet that allows you to heal yourself or others for 2d6 hit points, consuming one of five charges.
Amulet of Spell Transfer very rare This green amulet allows you to transfer spells from one person to another.
Amulet of Storage very rare An amulet that can store stuff in a pocket dimension
Amulet of the Animal Within rare This amulet allows you to channel your wild shapes into a more powerful form.
Amulet of the Berserker very rare A trinket making one a tank and revenge striker
Amulet of the Magic Savior rare An abjuration amulet
Amulet of the Moon rare This necklace channels the power of the moon.
Amulet of the Wilds very rare An amulet of nature magic
Amulet of Translation rare While wearing this amulet, you can speak and understand the vocal words of any language.
Amulet of Undead Control rare Used primarily by necromancers, this silver amulet with an encrusted black onyx was hidden for years. Nobody knows exactly when these amulets were found and replicated. A spellcaster attuned to it can control an undead near themselves.
Amulet of Will legendary This amulet helps to protect the wearer from nonmagical attacks. While wearing it, you can also cast several spells at will.
Angreal rare A spellcaster can expend charges from this small statue to regain expended spell slots.
Ankh of the Cat Lord legendary Nine lives, and a few other effects.
Anti-Gravity Balloon uncommon Balloon with one-time levitation properties.
Apothecary's Amulet rare Boosts the body of its user
Apparatus of the Lobster legendary A larger, combat-oriented version of the Apparatus of the Crab.
Apparatus of the Scorpion legendary Derived from the Apparatus of the Crab, this magical vehicle is designed to allow smaller creatures to fight toe-to-toe with larger opponents.
Apparatus of the Shrimp legendary A variant of the Apparatus of the Crab designed for exploration.
Apprentice's Eyepiece uncommon A monocle that detects magic and identifies items
Apron of Julia rare An apron that increases the user's defense and allows you to create a bottle of wine.
Arcane Door rare Make your own door with these sticks and chain!
Arcane Kettle very rare A kettle imbued with arcane magic. Tea brewed with it has... strange effects.
Arcane Lock Box uncommon Can't look in this box!
Arcane Propulsion Device uncommon A series of straps, belts, and baubles, much resembling that of a jetpack.
Arcanum Spellbook very rare The only spellbook you will ever need
Archbishop's Robes legendary These prestigious robes grant several powerful benefits, including bonuses to your spell save DC, your spell attack bonus, and your Religion skill.
Archer Gloves legendary These gloves set your Dexterity score to 23 if it is lower, and empower attacks you make with longbows or shortbows.
Architect's Artifice legendary A rather large brass cube, covered and filled with small contraptions and locks. When manipulated correctly, it can expand dramatically.
Argent Blood legendary Silver blood
Ariana's Protectives Artifacts Artifacts for females.
Aries Arcana rare (+6), very rare (+8), or legendary (+10) A portable ram charged with arcane force.
Arkham Orb legendary spellcaster focus, provides +2 to spell attacks, increases spell save DC by +2
Arm Cannon rare A magical prosthetic that replaces your missing arm with a black powder cannon.
Arm of the Titan legendary The arm of an Empyrean who's power was sealed within.
Armband of Magic Resistance uncommon (+1), rare (+2), very rare (+3), or legendary (+4) An armband that helps overcome magic.
Armbands of Prestidigitation rare These armbands give you the mage hand and prestidigitation cantrips and a +1 bonus on Dexterity checks while worn.
Armor Assistant 9000 rare This magical cube assists those donning or doffing any armor within 10 feet of it, making it require only take 1 action.
Arms of the Horrid One very rare
Artisan's Tools, +1, +2, or +3 common (+1), uncommon (+2), or rare (+3) Magical, mastercraft artisan's tools of any variety which grant a bonus to checks made using them.
Aryeh's Embrace legendary
Asedal's Extra-dimensional Hat rare A magic hat with a real pocket dimension
Augmented Artificer Assistant legendary A robotic help bot
Augneral Gear legendary An augment for warforged
Azalith Plectrum rare A magic instrument pick
Azriel's Iron Horns very rare
Azule's Seashell rare When you use your action to thrown this tiny seashell, it will immediately seek out whichever nearby creature has the most hit points, then slam into it with a fiery explosion.
Backpack of Teleportation rare This backpack allows its user to teleport to its location.
Bag of Ash uncommon
Bag of Bags very rare
Bag of Clones very rare
Bag of Colding uncommon This bag functions as a bag of holding that can perserve perishable items, but can't hold as much material.
Bag of Halflings Uncommon A bag that can make you throw halfing Plushies at your foes!
Bag of Stuff uncommon A normal looking bag, with something in it?
Bag of the Between-Worlds legendary
Bag of Transmutation legendary
Bag of trinkets common This bag produces a never-ending supply of trinkets.
Bag of Unwelcome Surprises rare or very rare A bag of nasty tricks for you and your enemies.
Bag of Wind uncommon A magical bag of wind
Bag of Wizards very rare A thick woven cloth bag that contains small bipedal kitten spellcasters.
Balgar's Armor very rare
BAMF Belt rare
Bandit's Gloves very rare Gloves that are made to help with utility and combat roles.
Bands of Sundering legendary These armbands make you feel as if you could defeat every foe you face.
Banished One's Cloak very rare A cloak that will protect you from falling unconscious once and allows you to cast the teleport or dominate person spell once.
Barrel of Fermenting rare This barrel turns stuff into alcohol.
Battle Ready Armor very rare
Battlemage's Sheath common A wrist sheath to extend or retract a rod, wand, or light weapon.
Bead of Harmless Force very rare A bead of force that deals no damage and instead just traps creatures.
Beads of Sabotage common Use to sabotage an enemy, taking away their chance of gaining advantage.
Beads of the Tarantula very rare A set of beaded bracelets that sprout arms, as a spider.
Bedazzled Robes very rare
Bedding of Beauty Sleep rare A night in this comfortable bedding will leave you unnaturally bright and beautiful.
Beggar's Coin-purse uncommon A small pouch similar to a bag of holding which can hold an infinite amount of copper pieces... But only copper pieces.
Beholder's Lantern legendary A mechanical lantern with properties reminiscent of a beholder.
Bell of Toxin Rare A rotten bell that shall cause pain and suffering to local casters and a boon to allies health
Bella's Bag of Bits and Bobs very rare A bag filled with numerous small trinkets and many other types of magical items that "are said" to be able to help adventures in any situation.
Belt of Battle very rare Wearing this belt grants you advantage on initiative checks. You can expend charges from the belt to take extra, but limited actions as a bonus action.
Belt of Bestial Rage rare A belt that harnesses the wild rage of nature's beasts
Belt of Language Decoding common Wearing this belt over the course of a long rest gives you a random chance to temporarily understand a language of your choice until your next long rest.
Belt of Lost Things rare An extradimensional storage belt that evolved from the portable hole, it also features clever enchantments to help absentminded adventurers keep up with items they might otherwise misplace
Belt of Might rare Wearing this belt means that your Strength Score is equal to your Constitution Score.
Belt of Revenge legendary
Belt of the Giant of the Sun legendary An intricate golden belt, allowing the wearer to grow to the size, and power, of a giant.
Belt of the Grappler legendary The wearer of this belt gains several powerful enhancements to their grappling capabililties.
Belt of Wildshape rare
Black Belt legendary A belt from some of the greatest monks, this jet-black belt has golden runes on it, and allows the wearer to pull off insane attack combos and almost always score critical hits.
Black Wood Shadow Amulet Artifact
Bladed Wing, Variant rare
Blademaster Gloves rare
Bladesinger's Gloves uncommon While worn, these gloves allow any spellcaster to act as a bladesinger!
Blanket of Warmness uncommon
Bleeding Lapel legendary Strengthens your attacks as you lose hit points while also healing you and staving off death.
Blessed Garments uncommon
Blessed Jug of Chugging Very Rare A refilling jug that amps your resilience as you drink from it and gets you drunk at the same time.
Blind Man's Eyes rare
Blindfold of the Sharpshooter very rare a blindfold that somehow makes you shoot better
Blindfold of Truesight legendary While wearing this cloth over your eyes, you can truesight out to a range of 120 feet, among other benefits.
Blinkwyrm Cloak rare A scaled green and blue cloak, which allows the user to rapidly teleport.
Blood of an Archmage legendary Blood forcefully removed and preserved from a notable arch-mage of power
Blood of the Forgotten Reptilian God Very Rare
Blood Tablet rare A tablet that unlocks power.
Bloods Speed very rare Boots of speed and sacrifice.
Bloodstone very rare This stone allows you to take damage to empower your damaging spells.
Blue Dragon Tooth Legendary A set of dragon's teeth, capable of sending messages.
Bone Staff Very Rare
Book of Infinite Spells Legendary
Book of Living History legendary
Book of Memory common A book that can copy writing and drawing in the style of the user
Book of Songs rare Now bards can prepare some spells too
Book of the Elements Very Rare
Book of Time Legendary
Book of Unlimited Spellcasting uncommon This book increases the damage of your damaging cantrips.
Books of Long Distance Texting Common
Boomerang Bandolier Common
Boots of Compensation Varying Rarity A pair of boots that boost your weaker areas.
Boots of Frost very rare Boots that are fun and COOL.
Boots of Ghostwalk legendary
Boots of Hovering uncommon
Boots of Landing common
Boots of Luck rare Grants the wearer one use of the Lucky feat
Boots of Nimble Running uncommon Boots that grant the wearer additional speed
Boots of Parkour Steadiness very rare Boots that grant a +2 bonus to Dexterity saving throws and Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks, advantage on saving throws against being knocked prone, and enhance your jump distance.
Boots of Quick Mounting common Allows the wearer to mount and discount at incredible speed
Boots of Swiftness legendary
Boots of the Iron Footed legendary Boots that grant advantage on checks to resist being pushed or moved, resistance to piercing damage, and make your kicks deal 1d8 additional damage.
Boots of the Red Rogue rare
Boots of Thunderous Entry rare
Bottle of Bees uncommon
Bottle of Boundless Coffee, Variant Uncommon A magical bottle that never runs out of coffee and has a chance to grant benefits to those who drink from it
Bottle of Disappearing Liquid common
Bottled Bees uncommon Once per day, you can open this bottle to produce a swarm of bees that is friendly to you and your companions for 1 minute.
Bottled Water rare A bottle containing a small water elemental that can be used to put out large fires.
Bottomless Waterskin common This magical waterskin refills with fresh, pure water several times a day.
Bowl of Soups common A bowl and spoon. With this you can eat like a king... Or more so a peasant with many root vegetables.
Bowstring of Flame rare
Box of Rainbow Cigs rare Magical smoke
Bracelet of Adaptation very rare
Bracelet of Alchemy rarity varies Strengthens the user in randomly determined ways
Bracelet of Animal Adaptation very rare
Bracelet of Guardian's Protection very rare A bracelet that grants the wearer a +1 bonus on saving throws from magic and allows you to cast the hunter's mark, identify, magic weapon, and elemental weapon spells.
Bracelet of the Cardsharp rare A bracelet for magically cheating at games.
Bracelet of the Chibi Uncommon A bracelet that shrinks the wearer
Bracelet of the Colossus very rare "Huh, augmented polarity on magic properties, that's . . . New." - Tayloth
Bracelet of the Vampiric Fist uncommon
Bracelet of Time Distortion legendary Allows the user a slight control over the flow of time
Bracelet of Twined Favor very rare
Bracelets of Illusion Uncommon These silver bracelets with studded amethyst gems allow the user to manipulate the minds of others more easily.
Bracelets of Time Legendary These glowing jade green bracelets allow the wearer to gain abilities from the power to slightly alter time
Bracer of Inseparable Bonds rare
Bracer of Silvering uncommon This silver bracer magically coats your ammunition with silver.
Bracer of Titan Grip very rare A bracer that allows the wielder to wield large weapons, among other effects.
Bracers of Bonus Potions very rare A bracer that holds potions at the ready, allowing you to use them as a bonus action
Bracers of Deft Hands uncommon Allows the wearer to fire ranged weapons faster
Bracers of Giant Might legendary Harness the power of the Giants
Bracers of Haste rare Once per day, you can use these bracers to cast an empowered version of haste on yourself.
Bracers of Iron Shadow Very rare
Bracers of the Bloodied Beast rare
Bracers of the Dawnbringer very rare
Bracers of Vampirism uncommon Grants some hit points to the wearer upon killing a target
Brain Juice legendary A juice that boosts one's intellect
Branch of Connection very rare
Brand of the All Seeing very rare
Brawler's Handwraps uncommon
Broken Shackles very rare
Brooch of Rakshasa Persuasion uncommon While you wear this brooch, your Charisma is 19.
Brush Fruit Legendary This fruit gains the user the ability to create ink drawings and make them come to life.
Bubbly Wine uncommon A social drink for boosting Charisma.
Bucket of Levitation uncommon
Bumbo's Bag of Trash Legendary A mysterious bag of refuse... the stench is unbearable!
Buyer's Guidebook legendary
C.H.A. Cube very rare A rare device that bolsters the constitution of its wearer.
C.O.N. Cube very rare A rare device that bolsters the constitution of its wearer.
Cabinet of Theatrical Wonders rare
Calibri Cards rarity varies
Candle of Secrecy rare A magic candle that wards a small area against prying eyes and ears while lit.
Candle of Stabilty very rare While lit, this magical candle can allow you to effectively concentrate on two spells at once.
Candle of the Scholar rare
Candy Necklace rare
Canteen of Healing very rare You can drink the elixir from this magical canteen to immediately regain hit points. It partially refills each day at dawn.
Cap of Squirrel Kinship uncommon A magic cap providing squirrel-like attributes
Capacitance Gauntlet rare A mechanized gauntlet that channels electricity.
Cape of the Mist very rare A cape that allows you to escape situations easily
Cape of Wanderlust very rare
Capturing Quartz legendary
Cardsharp's Deck common
Cartographic Earrings common
Cat Slippers rare
Censer of Remembrance rare or very rare
Cerg's Glorious Right Hook rare A gauntlet, with connected armor reaching up to the shoulder.
Chain Gauntlet, Variant rare
Chains That Bind Us rare
Chalice of Purification legendary Impure fluid drunk from this chalice becomes pure water. Pure water drunk from this chalice can become a potion of superior healing.
Chalice of the Feast rare
Champion's Splendor Very Rare A gem that boosts a Fighter's Champion Subclass.
Charge Leech Symbiont legendary
Chariot Boots rare
Cherry uncommon
Chest of Shrinking uncommon A large chest that shrinks dramatically in size.
Chest of Tiny Things rare
Chime of Insanity very rare This tiny flute threatens to rend mind from body.
Cintura dell'Artefice legendary
Circlet of Onslaught rare A circlet that bolsters your speed and allows for multiple attacks.
Circlet of the Fae Very Rare
Circlet of the Warlock very rare
Clawed Symbiont very rare
Climber's Chalk uncommon
Cloak of Acid rare You can use this cloak to deal acid damage to those who hit you with melee attacks.
Cloak of Bedazzlement rare This finely crafted cloak is made completely out of mirrors stitched to fine silk cloth.
Cloak of Cherry Blossom Petals Common A cloak that ushers out cherry blossom petals making for some beautiful scenery.
Cloak of Concealment rare You can use this cloak to become invisible
Cloak of Death legendary This cloak gives you advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks, and lets you cast finger of death once per day.
Cloak of Death Obstruction legendary Several times per day, you can take damage for another creature that would reduce it to 0 hit points.
Cloak of Dragon Power very rare
Cloak of Dragon Speed Rare Cloak of Dragon Speed
Cloak of Frozen Scale very rare
Cloak of Gliding uncommon This cloak grants the wearer a glide speed of 60 feet and resistance to falling damage.
Cloak of Insect Flying legendary Wings that grant swift flight and extra effects. Be careful not to crash.
Cloak of Menacing Uncommon A cloak that enhances your intimidation factor
Cloak of Mirrors very rare A cloak that seems made of mirrors and is enchanted to make reflections of its wearer.
Cloak of Owl very rare
Cloak of Particles uncommon A cloak that makes spells more flashy works well with the teleporter class.
Cloak of Pet Storage very rare A pocket dimension for your pets and companions
Cloak of Reality Warp legendary This cloak allows the wearer to control reality and time.
Cloak of Suspicious Yet Innocent Levitation rare A suspicious looking cloak that allows you to levitate off of the ground.
Cloak of the Barbed Devil rare
Cloak of the Bearded Devil rare
Cloak of the Blessed Gargoyle legendary
Cloak of the Bone Devil very rare
Cloak of the Chain Devil very rare
Cloak of the Earthwalker rare This cloak allows the rangers that wear it to rapidly stride through the ground itself.
Cloak of the Horned Devil very rare
Cloak of the Ice Devil legendary
Cloak of the Innocuous uncommon
Cloak of the Mistwalker very rare
Cloak of the Mystic Smith very rare
Cloak of the Pit Fiend legendary
Cloak of the Plesiosaurus common
Cloak of the Sandshark rare A magical cloak that allows the wearer to swim through sand as if it were water.
Cloak of the Shadow Lord very rare
Cloak of the Shadowalker very rare This cloak will render the one who wears it invisible among shadows.
Cloak of the Warrior Legendary A cloak that greatly empowers the combat skills and resilience of any weapon user
Cloak of Verna Mist rare
Cloak of Warmth common
Cloak of Winter's Aspects rare A cloak blessed by the Frostmaiden and embued with the power to warp the wearing into an animal native to Icewind Dale.
Close Shave common Always look your best with this knife on hand.
Closed Fist legendary
Clown Cube Uncommon A small metal cube that summons angry clowns when hit.
Coat of the Hollow Man Varies
Coat of the Lycan King legendary
Cobra Hood very rare A cloak that evokes the unsettling nature of a cobra.
Cocoon Cloak very rare
Coin of the Acrobat uncommon As a bonus action, you can activate this coin with a 50% chance to vastly improve your jumping capabilities until the start of your next turn.
Coin Weapon common
Collar of Thorns very rare Grants the wearer to cast thorn whip as a bonus action and in beast shape.
Compass of Desires very rare
Compass of the Longing Heart very rare A compass that leads a pure-hearted wielder to that which their heart longs for
Compass of the Trailblazer rare This device shows a small, illusory map of the area surrounding its current location, and greatly aids you in navigation.
Compendium of Might Legendary
Compendium of Vigor Very Rare
Conch of Fibonacci rare The great Nautilus Shell blessed by a Potent Numerologist
Conjurer’s Map legendary A map that you can touch to teleport you and your party anywhere you want to go.
Cookie of Fortune uncommon A small baked good that is said to hold your future inside.
Copy Cat legendary
Corpsefat Candle uncommon A candle made from the fat of corpses, multiple of which can be used for greater effect
Corrosive Bomb uncommon
Cosmic Understanding very rare A gem which grants knew knowledge, if a difficult path to reach it.
Courier's Clothes very rare
Craag's Crawling Tower very rare
CreativiCell rare Metal chamber which contains raw inspiration as if it was power.
Crescendo Legendary A lute that is an exquisite example of its kind
Crescent Moon Charm rare
Critical Helm common A helmet that protects the wearer when struck by a critical hit, in exchange for breaking.
Crown of Bane legendary A crown that allows you to weaken surrounding creatures to strengthen yourself
Crown of Broken Daggers rare A crown with a 50% chance of casting shield on you when you are hit.
Crown of Thorns rare
Crown of True Resolve uncommon A crown that possesses a beautiful gemstone in the center that strengthens the minds from forcibly swaying to darker places.
Crown of Zion rare
Crystal of Health rare
Crystal of Peace very rare
Cube of Rubik legendary
Cufflinks of Warding rare
Curio Death Whistle rare A skull-shaped whistle that makes a loud screaming sound when played.
D.E.X. Cube very rare A rare device that bolsters the dexterity of its wearer.
D10 of Doom uncommon
D20 Uncommon
D4 Uncommon
Damage Stone rare Increases the damage of all your attacks.
Danger Chimes uncommon Chimes which alert their owners to danger.
Dark Abyss Gloves very rare gloves created by one of the few inhabitants of the 68th layer of the abyss protect the owner’s mind and influence his luck
Dark Arm Legendary
Dark Hilt uncommon
Darkmoon Grass Legendary A cure-all herb from the Shadowfell.
Dart Thrower Bandolier rare
Deadman's Brooch legendary
Deadman's Cape legendary
Deadman's Hat very rare
Death's Lyre very rare A magical lyre that enables the user to cast spells from the School of Necromancy
Deathbender's Charm Very Rare
Decanter of Endless Ale uncommon
Decanter of Endless Blood very rare ENDLESS BLOOOOD!!!!
Decanter of Endless Espresso uncommon
Decanter of Endless Milk rare What it says on the tin.
Decanter of Healing rare When ye flask needs more than one swish of healing juice...
Deck of Arcana, Variant legendary A deck of major arcana cards with magical effects
Deck of Greed legendary Thrice per century, you can draw a card from this deck and make a sacrifice to steal a random magic item from somewhere in the plane.
Deck of Infinite Whimsy Rare A deck of 100 cards with varied whimsical effects.
Deck of Many Things, Variant legendary
Deck of Ok Occurrences rare
Deck Of Plenty, 1st Variant legendary
Deck of Plenty, 2nd Variant legendary
Deck of Plenty, 3rd Variant legendary
Deck of Plenty, 4th Variant legendary
Deck of the Assailant rare
Deck of Weals and Woes Legendary A (hopefully) less game breaking deck of many things
Deck of Weals and Woes, Variant legendary A deck of cards which grants magic effects from a paired list.
Decrepit Lamp of the Undead legendary Raises the dead.
Demiplanic orb very rare
Demon Mask rare
Die of Fortune's Favor very rare A die that bestows blessings upon those who use it.
Die of Second Chances uncommon This 20 sided die has a magical fate-changing aura emanating from it.
Die of the Elements legendary Quite simply, a 6-sided die that, when rolled, casts a spell at an enemy of the bearer.
Dimensional Doorknob rare This doorknob can be used to create an extradimensional space
Dimensional Scissors rare
Dimensionality Reduction Dice rare Makes your critical failures... A bit less critical.
Distasteful Dust rare
Divine Blessed Gauntlets Uncommon A pair of magical divine gauntlets
Divine Hood legendary Improves both healing and smiting capabilities. Can Turn Undead and help you determine the wellbeing of others.
Divine Teapot Very rare A teapot imbued with divine magic. Tea brewed with it has... strange effects.
Doormaker Variable A series of doorknobs that make doors.
Dowsing Stone common This stone acts like a magic compass, as it always draws towards a predetermined location.
Drachma Coin very rare
Dracomaw rare A cloak used to augment dragon breath
Draconic Dentures very rare metal teeth to give your breath some bite
Dragon Gauntlet very rare This gauntlet grants resistance to one damage type, can empower your weapon attacks, and can detect dragons within a 10-mile radius.
Dragon Hearts Very Rare This item is meant to be used in players and serve as a permanent change to the players at a slight risk.
Dragon Mantle - Black legendary Formed from the soul and wing leather of an ancient black dragon, this magical cloak grants various powerful effects.
Dragon Mantle - Red legendary Formed from the soul and wing leather of an ancient red dragon, this magical cloak grants various powerful effects.
Dragon Ooze rare This gives the attuned draconic powers, growing more powerful as they level up
Dragon's Eye Legendary
Dragonslayer Swordspear very rare
Drakeleech very rare A small, coiled stone, which leeches upon the energy of dragons in range.
Dreamstone very rare
Drunkard's Flask common Allows users to disguise alcoholic beverages
Dueling Blade common Illusionary weapons that allow users to duel without risking injury.
Dunestalker Legs uncommon A pair of sleek, digitigrade legs.
Dust legendary
Dust of Forgery uncommon
Ear of Dionysius rare Stone ear which facilitates eavesdropping.
Earcovers of A03 rare
Earring of the Merfolk rare This earring allows you to transform into a merfolk.
Earrings of Quick Equipment rare A pair of earrings made for people who need to have their armor and weapons always ready
Echoes of Melodies Lost Rare An earring that allows a bard to play several different songs with positive effects.
Edible Token of Animal Control uncommon Feed this to an animal and gain control over it for a day
Egg of Mystery rare
Eihwaz Runestone uncommon A runestone with the Eihwaz rune written into it, giving it power over earthly forces.
Eldritch Punch uncommon
Elemental Gauntlet uncommon They come in several types and you can make different elemental attack combos by mixing and matching which gauntlet types you wear.
Elemental Guitar very rare
Elemental Scarabs uncommon Elemental Scarabs can convert the damage of a standard attack, cantrip or spell into the damage of their affinity.
Elemental Titan Heart legendary
Elemental Weapon varies
Elevation Boots common These boots can raise you up high into the air.
Ella-Mae's Brooch rare Beautiful heirloom brooch that enhances your negotiations
Elven Wand uncommon This is the wand used by the elven mage Corvus to fight against the forces of D'Sparil.
Empty Spoon uncommon A small spoon that is always empty
Enchanted Fistwraps uncommon These fistwraps magically enhance your unarmed strikes.
Enchanted Hourglass uncommon
Enchanted Sails very rare
Endless Bottle of Pills Very Rare A refilling bottle of pills with various effects.
Endurance Amulet very rare Enhance your defense.
Enhanced Wing Harness rare This harness can be put on any winged creature, and offers support while flying.
Entaglement Cloak Rare
Envelope of Sending common A simple, grey envelope with wings printed on the back.
Equinox legendary A very peculiar coin, flipping one's luck
Eternal Ember uncommon A hot coal which perpetually blazes with fire.
Eternal Winter Snow Globe Legendary
Ever Beating Heart rare A seemingly human heart, infused with gilded metals and flashing lights, which never seems to stop beating.
Ever-Bleeding Robe common
Everfull Inkwell common It looks like an ordinary inkwell, but that scribe has been writing for hours.
Everfull Purse varies A purse that always seems to have enough coin you need.
Everfull Tin of Beans common
Everturning Axle uncommon A rod that spins perpetually once activated.
Evil Eye rare
Evoker rare Helps to summon your persona.
Exceptionally Scrumptious Pie legendary
Expanded Coin Dispenser uncommon Sorts, holds, and dispenses a large number of coins.
Eye of Paranoid Watching legendary
Eye of the Beholder rarity varies
Eye of the Nothic rare
Eye of Watchfulness rare
Eyenox Monocle Uncommon A silver monocle that allows a wearer to see recent footprints.
Eyepatch of the Blind Captain Artifact
Eyepiece of Clear Sight uncommon
Face Mask of Ventriloquy Rare A mask made for spell-casters and tricksters alike.
Faerie Lantern uncommon
Fairy Dust Gloves Rare Turn your punches into Wild Magic!
False Flag uncommon A flag that portends an illusion of being benign to the viewer.
Fast Forward Boots very rare Boots that make you appear as though you teleport, though in reality you are simply moving faster through time.
Fattiest Heart Very Rare A transferable heart attack
Feather of Aethon unique An extremely rare feather that grants the user cold resistance and allows you to resurrect yourself or another creature upon dying.
Feywild Token uncommon (+1), rare (+2), very rare (+3) Any small accessory such as simple jewelry or a wooden totem imbued with wild power by an Archfey.
Fiery Demise Very Rare A small rock that, when crushed, explodes with a large fireball.
Fiery Runic very rare One out of three pieces of the rune master's pole
Finger of the Thief rare, A gift given by the Underground Guild to those who prove their loyalty.
Fingerprint Powder uncommon
Fire Extinguisher of Violence uncommon Because why not take a fire extinguisher into battle?
Fire Titan Heart legendary
Fists of The Storm very rare
Flag of Strategic Advantage Uncommon A flag that gives allies advantage on attack rolls.
Flame Fruit legendary This fruit gains the user control over fire.
Flamespitter uncommon This heavy crossbow-shaped wondrous item consumes oil to spew flames in a 15-foot cone.
Flask of Many Things Rare A flask that refills with a random liqo at each dawn
Flask of Perpetual Booze uncommon
Flask of Stoicism Very Rare A small metal flask that reads "JW" on the front of it.
Flask of Wondrous Liquids Very Rare A flask that grants special properties by drinking the liquid
Flute of the Dead Very Rare A magical flute that enablesthe user to summon undead creatures.
Flux Powder rare The remains of something exposed to such intense magic that some of that magic rubbed off.
Fly, Smart very rare A construct which retaliates when you take damage.
Flói's Never Ending Pint legendary
Force Gauntlet uncommon A gauntlet that can deliver powerful force blows
Forcepalm Gloves legendary Magic gloves for Monks.
Forgemaster's Hammer very rare
Fortunate Cookie common
FUBAR Button Rare When the situation is so shit that surviving is the worst possible outcome use this handy button
Gadgeteer's Bandolier Uncommon A quickdraw apparatus for equipment
Gambler's Suit rare
Garb Fruit Uncommon This fruit gains the user control over clothing.
Garfield Pouches common
Gate of change rare or very rare Transforms those who pass through.
Gauntlet of Exploration common The Ideal Item for a Lesser-Known Explorer
Gauntlet of Magical Orbs legendary
Gauntlet of Silver King legendary
Gauntlet of the Duel rare
Gauntlet of the Ghostwalker Rare
Gauntlet of the Prodigal Explorer Common
Gauntlets of Flame uncommon You can use these gloves to cast flame blade several times per day.
Gauntlets of Megaton Blows legendary
Gauntlets of Protecting Armor very rare
Gauntlets of Shared Life Rare A pair of gauntlets, which allows you to gift some of your lifeforce to others.
Gauntlets of the Necromancer uncommon A pair of spiked gauntlets that fires a necrotic energy
Gauntlets of the Sea Behemoth legendary
Gauntlets of the Storm very rare
Gauntlets of the Unarmed Mage rare
Gem of Power legendary
Gem of Spell Power rarity varies
Gem of the Genasi rare
Gem of the Lords of Law legendary
Gem of the Wretched uncommon
Genie's Lamp legendary
Ghostfire Jack O' Lantern rare A soul-devouring jack o' lantern
Ghostly Eye very rare A hollow stone socket containing a flicking blue flame.
Girdle of Aphrodite legendary
Girdle of Gender uncommon
Giving Glove rare
Glass Cannon Uncommon
Glasses of the Curator uncommon
Glasses of Truesight legendary
Gleaming Epaulet legendary Both produces lots and lots of light and eliminates darkness, makes it insanely hard for things to hide from you.
Glove of Nilin uncommon
Glove of Shocking uncommon
Gloves of Aon Drawing rare Powerful gloves for an Aon caster.
Gloves of Death very rare
Gloves of Lethal Strikes very rare While wearing these gloves, your critical hits do even more damage.
Gloves of Object Returning rare Thrice per day, you can use these gloves to teleport an object into your hand, but only if it's within 60 feet and you recently held it.
Gloves of Parkour Nimbleness very rare
Gloves of Potion Shrouding Uncommon A singular glove that can be filled with potions, poisons, and other liquids.
Gloves of Riftmaking legendary Gloves that allow you to stick your hands through shortcuts in space.
Gloves of silence rare For those who like an insanity-causing quiet. Hush.
Gloves of Soma very rare A pair of gloves that replace material and verbal components with somatic components
Gloves of the Dart Master, +1, +2, or +3 rare (+1), very rare (+2), or legendary (+3) Gloves that make infinite darts to throw
Gloves of the Grappler uncommon (+1), rare (+2), very rare (+3) Lightweight gloves that aid in grappling.
Gloves of the Juggernaut legendary
Gloves of the Mountebank rare Gloves that allow the temporary teleportation of contraband.
Gloves of the Pugilist rare
Gloves of the Storm Herald rare
Gloves of the War Mage rare A pair of gloves that can make your ranged spell attacks more powerful.
Gloves of Throwing rare
Gloves of Visible Surfaces uncommon
Gloves of Water Spout Common Gloves that creates water spouts.
Gnomengarde Silk Spider String very rare
Goblet of Golden Coin legendary
Goggles of Identification uncommon Gloves that allow you to cast the identify spell on an object you can see.
Goggles of the Despoiler rare A pair of goggles that allow the user to despoil the land.
Golden Birds Parlis Net legendary
Golden Butter Knife very rare The glorious golden gear that can slice nearly anything!
Golden Focus rarity vaires This golden focus can replace material components of a certain gold value.
Golden Symbiote rare this allows the bonded to temporally shape shift
Gravity Fruit Legendary This fruit gains the user control over gravity
Gravity Suit very rare
Greasy Lantern common
Grimheart Talisman legendary
Guardian Drone very rare
Guiding Light common While it is lit, this magic candle flickers towards the nearest exit, but it will only burn for 1 hour.
Gunslinger's Bandolier rare A bandolier that ensures you never leave your guns behind.
Gunslinger's Duster rare A rugged coat useful for keeping out the weather, and also bullets.
Gunslinger's Stetson rare A wide-brimmed hat that grants keen sight.
Gut Bucket Very Rare A belly protecting reinforced belt
H.P. Cube very rare A rare device that bolsters the life force of its holder.
Hand-Clock of Time legendary This small, golden hand-clock actually have powerful control over time.
Handbook of Growth and Instruction very rare A neat little book that gives you a feat if you read it.
Handbook of Skill Improvement very rare A handbook that grants you proficiencies.
Harlequin Mask rare A magical mask that embodies the duality of tragedy and comedy.
Harlok's Skeleton uncommon a simple grey box housing a long coil of arcane wire.
Hat of Commanding rare
Hat of the Witch very rare A hat that can conceal its user's identity and allow them to feel the flow of magic around them.
Headband Of Mahendra Unique Your ticket to true magic
Healer's Gloves Rare
Heart of the Wild Legendary The petrified heart of an ancient Dryad.
Heartache Locket rare
Hearthstone very rare
Helm of All-Knowing Artifact The gods laughed at pointed as they said "Look what they have to do, to mimic our power".
Helm of Domination rare
Helm of Hindsight uncommon Other creatures don't gain advantage on attacks rolls against you as a result of being hidden from you or for having an ally adjacent to you.
Helm of Mind Evasion legendary A helm that protects the user's mind from mental intrusion and allows the user to sense the presence of other creature, form telepathic links with other creatures, cast a few spells, and delve into the mind of other creatures.
Helmet of Brain Protection legendary
Helmet Of Mystery Common A helmet that hides the user's face.
Helmet of Time legendary
Helmet of Wealth rare A golden helmet that slowly accumulates money.
Hero's Hood legendary
Highwayman's Guitar Legendary The instrument of a great musician takes the form of its user's most preferred instrument.
Holy Lantern rare
Hooded Tunic of Flight very rare
Horn of Healing Hooch very rare
Horn of Nature's Call rare Summons animals to aid the owner.
Horn of Unyielding very rare
Horrid Mouth Harp rare
Hunter's Bracers uncommon These bracers let you cast a more versatile form of the hunter's mark spell once per day.
Hyperdimensional Klein Bottle Rare An ordinary-looking bottle that appears to intersect itself.
Hypnotic Box rarity varies
Hypnotizing Pocket Watch Very Rare A magical pocket watch that allows you to cast enchantment spells.
I.N.T. Cube very rare A rare device that bolsters the constitution of its wearer.
Icon of Sacrifice rare
Immortal King's Helm legendary
Immortal King's War Belt very rare
Immortal King's War Boots very rare
Immortal King's War Gauntlets legendary
Immortal's Lantern very rare This lantern can function as a "save point," if left in a safe place where no one can extinguish the flame.
Indigo Coat of Tears uncommon
Inscribed Veil legendary Protects the wearer against magic while improving their own spellcasting capabilities.
Invigorating Headband legendary Instills the wearer with vigor and abundant energy.
Invisible Symbiote rare
Irken P.A.K. legendary
Iron Wings very rare Sturdy mechanical wings that attach to your back.
Ironwood Seed legendary
Isaz Runestone uncommon A small gemstone or stone with the Isaz rune on it
Isikhati's Chronicle Uncommon Magical chronicle imbued with time god's power.
Iyon Orb unique
Jack's Foot legendary While you wear this necklace, you are proficient in all skills, tools, and saving throws, but each of your ability scores becomes 15 unless it was lower.
Jacket of Dragon Leather very rare A jacket made from the skin of a dragon.
Jacket of Useful Things, Variant Rare The most useful jacket around. It's what's inside that counts.
Jar of Lava rare
Jarred Black Pudding rare
Jarred Orchre Jelly rare This item grants the bonded the spider climb ability
Jarred Slithering Tracker rare This item allows people to track and kill people and things,
Jarred Symbiotic Oblex (green) rare This item allows people to see the memories of recently slain people and foes, and allows to read thoughts
Jelly Boots uncommon You can use these boots to make special attacks that inflict acid damage. They can also reduce the falling damage you take.
Jenevee's Bag of Dirt Rare A bag of enchanted dirt that, when thrown will explode into one of six spells
Jewel of Mastery legendary A small blue gem, which expands the knowledge of all who use it.
Jittering Anklet legendary Warns of possible interlopers and improves stealth capabilities.
Judgement's Headband rare A red headband with interesting magical things about it.
Jug of Infinite Liquids rare
Kaunan Runestone uncommon A small gemstone or stone with the Kaunan rune on it
Kazeer's Arcane Repulser legendary
Ki Gauntlets varies Increase the strength of your unarmed strikes and ki techniques.
Ki Knuckles legendary A pair of magical knuckles that increases the power of your unarmed strikes.
King of Kings Armory legendary
Kinto-Un Rare
Kitsunebi Lantern very rare A lantern that glows with a magical blue flame
Knife Throwing Gloves uncommon A pair of gloves that cause your thrown weapons to return to you
Krynn Moon Orb very rare Small, spinning spheres sparking superior spells.
Kurtansi Eye very rare
Kusarigama of the Moon Legendary
La guitar of death legendary
Lapidary (5e Subclass) rare A mystical tuning fork that resonates with the magic of the plane.
Lenses of Darksight common They're sunglasses.
Levitation Bomb uncommon
Lexicanum Botanica rare Magic Book of turn things into shrubs.
Lifeward Token rarity varies
Lifter’s Belt uncommon (+1), rare (+2), very rare (+3) Power lifting strap
Lightened Pack common
Lightfingers Pack very rare
Lightning Badge rare If you take lightning damage, there's a chance it is reduced or redirected to another creature.
Lightning Robe legendary Channel the elemental power of lightning into your life force with this stylish robe.
Lightweight Item uncommon
Lipstick of Seduction rare A cherry red lipstick with a faint spell of roses
Liquidform Hand rare A cover for a stump at the wrist, which can rapidly move frozen liquid to create shapes.
Living Moss Uncommon
Living Rebreather Rare
Living Slumber Jewel Rare
Lock of Deception uncommon
Lost Doll very rare
Lucky Coin rare
Lucky Hat rare This stylish hat has the power to save your life, once, when you are shot by an arrow or a bullet.
Lucky Ingot legendary A magical lump of metal
Lycanthrope's Lute very rare A lute that can charm and heal lycanthropes.
Mage Lens uncommon This item lets you cast a version of detect magic at will. If you are a wizard, it also halves the time needed to copy a spell into your spellbook.
Magic 8 Ball rare
Magic Display Cabinet common You can teleport an object stored in the cabinet into your reach.
Magic Keg legendary This keg foams and bubbles at all times, and is capable of transforming just about anything into consumable wine.
Magic Mama's Firebolt Moonshine uncommon A jar of moonshine with a brand on it called Magic Mama's
Magic Mortar and Pestle rare
Magic Nails rare Enchanted nails that provide various benefits to those who use them luckily.
Magic Sweet Box very rare
Magic Tinderbox legendary
Magical Prosthesis rarity varies
Magma Fruit Legendary This fruit gains the user control over Magma.
Majestic Cloak of Ego Rare
Mammon & Prattfeld’s Brooch of the Selfless Necromancer Legendary This fetid brooch is an unholy creation of the Prattfeld family, and bears their house seal. This brooch grants a variety of effects, but at the cost of one's vitality.
Manipulative Matter rare
Mantle of Ashes very rare or legendary
Mantle of Magical Mitigation rare While wearing this mantle, an attuned creature can diminish damage from magical sources.
Mantle of Tentacles very rare
Mantle of The Changeling rare
Mantle of the Magic Queen legendary
Manual of Martial Stratagems rare
Manual of Useless Trivia uncommon
Map of the Pathfinder rare
Marble of Liquid Storage common
Mark of the Outsider Very Rare
Mark of the Sun and Moon Artifact A pair of twin tattoos that together can unleash unimaginable power.
Marksman's Badge very rare This badge grants a +2 bonus to ranged attack rolls. Once per day, you can choose for your ranged attack to hit instead of miss.
Martial Snare very rare A drum, that when struck, evokes new power in surrounding combatants.
Mask of Aberrant Word rare
Mask of Dragon Scales rare A mask that allows the wearer to gain the Breath Weapon of a dragonborn.
Mask of Empty Eyes Legendary
Mask of Fate Varies A strange collection of multiple magical masks a creature could possibly attune to.
Mask of Fire and Ice legendary A mask with powers over fire and ice that allows you to protect yourself from those elements and cast a variety of fire and ice spells.
Mask of Hidden Identity rare Any divination spell that attempts to identify you while you wear this mask will automatically fail.
Mask of Identity rare A mask emulating the persona of another
Mask of Illuminating uncommon Allows wearer to see invisible creatures
Mask of Iratus, Avatar of Orcus Legendary Undead created via Animate Dead are permanent, Create Undead Duration is doubled.
Mask of Many Faces rare a mask that allows you to change your appearance and give advantages belonging to other races
Mask of Obfuscation Uncommon
Mask of Obsidian Night rare A mask that aids in spellcasting for nocturnal beings.
Mask of Spellcasting uncommon
Mask of the Warlock uncommon
Mask of Vedette common Protects the wearer in his sleep.
Mask of Zariel very rare
Master Smith's Gauntlets very rare These gauntlets boost the power of any artificer who wears them.
Master's Crown legendary
Meat Knuckles very rare This item empowers your melee attacks and provokes enemies.
Medallion of Ability Enhancement rarity varies
Medallion of Armor uncommon
Medallion of Discord legendary Control Wild Magic!
Mega Evolution Stones Legendary
Melanated Tomato uncommon A strange, color-shifting fruit.
Melody Charm Bracelet uncommon
Memory Orb common You can store a telepathic sensory image into this orb, which can never be changed or removed.
Merfolk Tunic rare This tunic lets you breathe underwater, grants you a swimming speed of 40 feet, gives you cold resistance, and lets you ignore water pressure.
Mermaid Music Box legendary
Mesmerizing Gem rare Gemstone which radiates with an irresistible allure when thrown on the ground.
Meteoric Soul Flail very rare
Midas' Coin rare
Mikon's Bracers rare
Mirror of Communication common
Mirror of Duplication legendary
Mirror of Scrying rare
Mistcloak rare You can use this cloak to cast a limited form of invisibilty on yourself at will.
Mobile Battle Wagon legendary
Mobius's Arm Canon rare This device replaces the user's arm, allowing them a prosthetic limb which shoots radiant blasts
Monastic Charm rare A small charm of power, made by and for the distinct traditions of the monks.
Monk Body Modification rare
Monk's Beads of Wisdom Very Rare This strand of monk beads enhances the wearer's physical and mental attributes.
Monk's Belt rare
Monocle of Insightful Knowledge rare Item allowing to gain information about the target
Monocle of Inspection rare Allows you to cast identify and grants advantage on Intelligence (Investigation) checks.
Monster Door of Monsters legendary
Moon Boots legendary The wearer of these special boots gains the ability to jump the moon.
Mordenkainen's Peddler Bag legendary
Morphic Cloak legendary A cloak that provides several small benefits and changes shape to fit any kind of transformation you undertake.
Moving Target Vest very rare Increases your AC for every 10 feet you move, to a max equal to your proficiency bonus.
Muffin of Might uncommon
Multi-Tool Common Have you ever thought, "Man this artisan tool would be sooo useful!"?
Muse Mirror rare
Mysterious Powder Uncommon
Mystery Seed uncommon You can destroy this seed by throwing it, which cases a random effect to occur.
Nature Runic very rare One of three pieces of the rune master's pole
Naupaka very rare Flower which blocks magical remote viewing by a single creature.
Necklace of Average Intelligence common An item that sets your intelligence to average.
Necklace of Calming rare Cast Calm Emotions a select number of times.
Necklace of God Blood legendary
Necklace of Infinite Magic Missiles very rare
Necklace of Languages rare
Necklace of Sparing rare A magic item that protects its user and its friends from dying.
Necklace of the Divine Messengers Common Radiant necklaces usually worn by low-class divine messengers.
Necklace of the Gods Legendary This magical necklace was gifted by the gods themselves to allow one to taste a tiny portion of divine power.
Necklace of the Healing Faith very rare
Necklace of the Lost Paladin very rare While you wear this necklace, you and friendly creatures within 10 feet of you have a bonus to saving throws equal to your Charisma modifier
Necklace of the Nap common
Necromancer's Mask legendary An ancient mask that allows you to revive the dead and forestall death.
Nightcap of Restfulness very rare A nightcap that leaves you feeling well-rested.
Novelty Rune Sticker Kit rare
Nun's Habit common
Nyan's Gambit very rare More Magic Missile!
Ochilles' Heels uncommon
ODM Gear Uncommon "Omni-Directional-Maneuver Gear"
Oil Essences rare Oil essences that deal different damage types based on the type of essence.
Old One's Gauntlets very rare
Omnidress uncommon
Oni Hannya uncommon
Open Hand legendary
Opus of Acumen Very rare
Opus of Knowledge Very rare
Opus of Physicality Very rare
Opus of Vitality Very rare
Orb of Antimagic legendary
Orb of Chaos very rare
Orb of Dar'Orahil rare
Orb of Dark Matter legendary An orb that uses negative energy to shred through enemies.
Orb of Darkness Artifact
Orb of Destined Fate legendary
Orb of Formidomancy Very Rare Item used to bend will of any ant to user's whim, and use them in battle
Orb of Fumes uncommon This glass orb contains fumes that warn you of danger and, in a pinch, can be used to protect yourself.
Orb of Health rare
Orb of Praesidium Legendary
Orb of the Past Very Rare A translucent orb that allows its wielder to convoke its ancestors.
Orichalcum Nugget uncommon A rare metal which radiates arcane energy.
Ossified O common A wristlet that makes you look like a spooky, scary skeleton.
Overflow Amulet rare A necklace that enhances and shares impermanent boosts to your vitality.
Pachyderm Helmet very rare
Pantry Hose rare
Pants of Lower Body Strength very rare
Pants of Punching common (+1), uncommon (+2), rare (+3), or very rare (+4)
Parachute of Peril common A parachute that deploys itself automatically to protect from one fall.
Pausing Amulet uncommon Sometimes pauses time for a split second, helping you avoid danger.
Pearl of Power, Greater very rare A rarer more powerful variant of the pearl of power.
Pearl of Power, Variations varies Various variations of pearls of power.
Pearl of Truth Detection rare A pearl that can sense if someone is telling the truth.
Pebble of Gluttony uncommon
Pebble of Metabolic Vitality uncommon
Pegasus Whistle rare A whistle that summons a pegasus for you to ride.
Pen of Endless Ink common
Pen of Literacy uncommon A pen that allows any creature to write their thoughts in common.
Pen of Spell Scribing rare A pen that endlessly creates fine ink, for use with scribing spells.
Pendant of Reduction rare This is a small pendant of a small, but intricate and lifelike toy soldier that has a switch with three modes on the back. The tiny soldier is wearing his own pendant with a toy soldier on it.
Pendant of Shifting Size rare A small cube pendant decorated with gold and silve pluses and minuses that continually shifts in size.
Pet Farm rare
Peter's Pan Flute rare A magical pan flute that instills knowledge of music into the wielder giving them +2 Charisma, access to the hypnotic pattern spell, and proficiency in Performance checks made with the flute.
Petrification Orb very rare
Phoenix Down Rare
Phoenix Fruit Legendary Consuming this fruit gains the user the ability to be a Phoenix.
Phoenix Rod Very rare A powerful weapon that fire blasts of fire towards your enemies.
Phoenix Tear uncommon A small amber stone, capable of absorbing fire damage.
Pickled Crimson Worms Very rare A small jar of magic edible healing worms that magically reproduce over time and taste like bacon
Pitcher of Instant Moat rare, very rare or legendary
Plague Doctor's Outfit uncommon An outfit consisting of a long leather robe, gloves, and a doctor's hat that gives you advantage on saving throws against being poisoned and contracting a disease and resistance to any damage from airborne poison.
Planar Looking Glass rare
Planar Tuning Fork rare A mystical tuning fork that resonates with the magic of the plane you're in.
Player's Band Hook uncommon A bardic magic item that summons a backup band and backup singers.
PMPU rare The Personnel Mounted Projectile Unit, PMPU for short, is essentially a shoulder mounted force ballista.
Polyglot's Diadem rare a headband that grants the gift of tongues
Polyippos legendary
Pop up Tent rare
Portable Battering Ram uncommon A battering ram that is extremely portable.
Portable Cover uncommon A durable tower shield that can be fixed in place to provide cover in battle.
Portable Temple rare Small totem which grows into a temple when used.
Pouch of Plentiful Potions uncommon A sturdy belt pouch that can hold up to 50 potions, empty vials, or similar items.
Pouch of Revisitation very rare This pouch contains corks which when used transports willing entities to numerous tavern.
Pouch of Tricks Uncommon
Prayer Beads of Tranquility rare These beads grant a monk additional ki points.
Primordial Earth Titan Knucklebone legendary
Prism Cloak very rare This cloak empowers your defenses, makes you more charismatic, lets you fly, and even allows you to cast both invisibility and prismatic spray.
Prismascope Rare An arcane spyglass used to alter the composition of a spell.
Purificationer Rare
Purse of Holding common Holds all the coins your heart desires, and not one thing else.
Pyromancer Robes legendary
Quick-To-Home Stones Uncommon (child stone), Very Rare (mother stone) A pair of stones, one set at a permanent base, one carried by a creature, which allows said creature to return to the base at a moment's notice.
Quicksilver Gauntlets legendary
Quill of Writing common The feather of an owl with a silver ribbon tied to the lower shaft.
Quincy Pendant Legendary
Quiver of Chaos legendary
Quiver of Elvenkind rare A magical elven quiver, that returns any non-magical arrows used to it at the dawn of every day.
Quiver of Endless Arrows rare (+1), very rare (+2), or legendary (+3) A magical quiver that replaces used ammunition as it is used while granting the user a bonus on their ranged attacks made with these arrows.
Quiver of the Arcane Archer uncommon A magical quiver that produces an endless supply of ammunition.
R'lyeh Scroll legendary
Rabbit's Foot common Lucky for you... not so much the rabbit...
Radiant Dance Machines rare Magic Boots
Radiant Moon Crystal legendary
Radnalek Eyepatch rare An eyepatch that randomly changes color every dawn. Each color grants resistance to a certain damage type and a +1 bonus to a certain skill.
Radnalek Parrot Statue rare
Ragnarok & AUX uncommon The Axe guitar and Homunculus Speaker
Rajhin's Mantle legendary
Ranger's Cloak uncommon Grants the wearer abilities similar to those of a wood elf
Raven Feather uncommon
Raven Feather Cloak rare A jet black cloak, which allows the user to fade into darkness.
Ravenheart Robe legendary
Reapers Instrument of The Bard rare
Red Headbelt of Accuracy very rare This small red belt fits around your head once attuned to it.
Regressed Fists of Balance Rare
Reliquary of Unmatched Wealth rare
Relll Rare
Resistance Rub very rare A magical balm that can grant a permanent damage resistance if applied continuously over a month.
Resizable Guitar Common An instrument that can change sizes at the holder's will.
Resizing Collar common Resizes to fit most pets
Respite of Memories rare Allow your memories to create a space of safety as you rest for the night.
Resurrection Orb uncommon Will make your undeads more undead
Rewind Circlet rare Provides time reversal capabilities limited to items.
Rickten's Instant Equipment uncommon
Rimeguard Shroud legendary
Ring of Altering rare
Ring of Bladewarping uncommon Originally invented at the behest of a warrior who kept losing his favorite magic axe, this magical ring warps space around the item it is attuned to!
Ring of Eternal Tears very rare A ring which holds the tears of a long forgotten ocean god.
Ring of Potions rarity varies
Ring of Returning Rare
Ring of the Adept Linguist common
Ring of the Fey Queen legendary An intricate ring that seems to be alive that was made specifically for a Queen of the Fey
Ring of the Raven King rare
Ripper Teeth common
Robe of Avoidance rare This robe improves your AC, makes magic missiles less likely to hit you, and gives you advantage on attack rolls against attackers that miss you.
Robe of Corpses See text for rarity
Robe of Rubik legendary
Robe of Shielding uncommon This shield lets you cast shield without preparing it ahead of time, but only if you can already cast the spell, and it still consumes a spell slot.
Robe of Shielding, Variant uncommon This robe temporarily instructs you on how to cast mage armor and shield without prior training.
Robe of the Archdruid very rare
Robe of the Archwizard Very Rare <>
Robe of the Reaper very rare
Robes of the Archsorcerer (Variant for Archmage Robe) legendary A variant of the original robes, for the sorcerer who wants his spells to always keep coming.
Robes of the Ascended rare
Rock Fists Rare
Rock of Bludgeoning very rare
Rodd's Raincoat very rare A magical raincoat that helps its wearer inflict more damage with their attacks.
Rolling Shield of Skoraeus legendary
Roman Coin rarity varies
Rotten Meat Knuckles very rare This item empowers your ranged attacks and deaggroes enemies.
Rubber-Rubber Fruit Very rare A fruit that grants to anyone who eats it a rubbery body.
Ruby of the War Mage, Variations varies Various variations of the XGE item ruby of the war mage.
Rune of II Uncommon One of the more common numerology stones which can effect the power of an attack or the armor of an enemy by a factor of II
Rune of III Rare A square stone or metal plate with the Rune of "3" etched into it. It can be used with three other Numerology Runes to create a necklace, based on the number of stones on the necklace it can activate it's special ability per day, so four stones can be used only four times per day. So the Necklace can have a minimum of one stone or all the way up to a maximum of four.
Rune of IV Rare This Rune Stone can multiply the damage of an attack by four or divide an enemies AC by 4
Rune of Muffled Noise common
Rune of V rare This stone can multiply damage from a standard attack by 5 or divide an enemies AC by 5.
Rune Scarred Bones uncommon Small sets of different bones, covered in small runes.
Rust Fruit Very Rare This fruit gains the user the power over rust
S.T.R. Cube very rare A rare device that bolsters the strength of its wearer.
Saddle of Haste uncommon A saddle that increases the speed of a mount
Safety Collar Very Rare A small collar that prevents violent actions
Sandy Shell rare
Sanguine Gem rare
Satchel of Slow Cooking common A satchel which slow-cooks its contents
Savior's Bandage common A small piece of cloth with a dab of magical ointment and adhesive applied to it.
Saw Collar Rare A collar to torture or kill
Scale of Will unique This dragon's scale allows its wielder to access magic only meant for dragonkind.
Scamp's Bandana Very Rare Grants you advantage against enforcer's of the law. Hides your Identity.
Scarf of Languages common A very fine scarf, knitted with excellent craftsmanship, worn by a human speaking draconic...
Scarf of the Journey very rare A scarf that grants the ability to jump further, run faster, and fall safely at all times.
Scarf of the Vermilion Bird legendary
Scatter Blaster uncommon
Scorching Socks uncommon Fancy footwear that provide you flaming kicks, burning stomps, and warm feet.
SCP-978 Desire Camera Uncommon A camera that reveals peoples truest desires
Scroll of Spell Forms varies A scroll containing the instructions necessary to teach a spell.
Scroll of Spell Mimicry rarity varies
Seed of the Forgotten rare
Seeker's Compass rare
Seer's Maginetic Marbles uncommon A bag of marbles attuned to the illusory field.
Self Eviscerator Rare Also known as the martyr maker this device helps make your death a spectacular one
Self hanging noose uncommon need a magical execution device or need an escape from life well the noose has got you covered
Self-Shuffling Deck common A deck of playing cards which shuffles itself.
Shade's Cloak rare An old, beaten cloak, capable of saving you from death.
Shadow Flask uncommon Created by the first thief to aid himself in his misdeeds
Shadow Lantern Rare
Shadow Symbiont legendary
Shadowed Monocle legendary Confers stealth benefits and improves perception capabilities. Also boosts spellcasting.
Shadowflame Gem legendary
Shadowplay legendary
Shave Butter Uncommon
Shawl of Charming rare
Shawl of Hellfrax Legendary
Shield Bracelet very rare When you are attacked by a spell, you can use your reaction to grant yourself a bonus to resist it by expending a charge from this bracelet.
Shifting Robes rare
Shifting Scarf very rare
Shimmering Bracers legendary Boosts both your evocations and illusions.
Shock Rod rare
Shopping List of Destiny Very Rare (1), Legendary (2) A shopping list that can pull out magic items only bought in stores.
Shyster's Shell Game uncommon
Sight of True Shooting uncommon A magical scope that increases your precision with ranged weapons.
Silver Force Bowstring rare
Silver Skull common
Simulacrum very rare
Skeleton Mirror Common a mirror that reflects creatures as skeletons
Skill Scan Goggles Artifact You can use your action to ascertain specific information about creatures in this range. You can use a long rest to learn a skill that the creature has. You can only learn skills from creature with the same skill type and you must be able to preform the skill naturally if the creature practice in the skill/
Skip Box rare A magic box that skips past moments in time.
Skul of Dracolich very rare
Smother Rug uncommon A rug that can capture creatures
Snake Bite Bracer uncommon An ornamental armguard with some hidden fangs.
Snake Oil uncommon Makes it harder for you to be frightened or diseased.
Snakeskin Robe very rare While wearing this robe, you resist poison, can communicate with snakes, and once per day cause your melee weapon attack to deal extra poison damage.
Sneaking Peeper very rare A semi-autonomous security camera
Sniper's Scope rare
Soil of Awakening rare
Songbook rarity varies A bard can use this book to record and learn spells in a manner similar to the way a wizard uses a spellbook.
Soothing Tie uncommon A necktie that can soothe the mind of nearby creatures
Soul Fruit Legendary This fruit gains the user control over the souls
Soul Grenade Very rare A grenade charged with one's own spirit
Soul Guard Legendary A gold medallion connected to a chain is all that stops death from taking you into its embrace
Soul Stone rare Once per day, this stone will recover some of your hit points if you fall unconscious.
Space Cat Shirt Uncommon A colorful shirt that imbues you with aspects of a cat.
Sparking Guitar very rare
Spectral Key legendary
Spell Anchor of the Wandering Sanctum Very Rare Keep area spells in place within a moving vehicle.
Spell Focus Tattoo rare (+1), very rare (+2), legendary (+3) A spellcasting focus in the form of a tattoo
Spell-snaring Gloves very rare
Spellbook of the Divine very rare
Spellslinging Glove uncommon
Spellwurm Symbiont very rare
Spelunker's Torch rare With this lit torch, you automatically spot traps and hazards within 20 feet of you, and you can identify if an object or creature is magical.
Spider Silk common (2 pt), uncommon (3 pt), rare (4 pt) A silk undershirt made from the silk of giant spiders.
Spike of Distorted Flesh legendary
Spirit Warrior legendary Massive insectoid warrior controlled from within
Split Soul Ring Unique
Spray On Armor rare You can use this can to instantly create and don up to five sets of nonmagical armor on yourself or other creatures.
Springing Boots legendary Grants incredible mobility options and negates the difficulties of obstructive terrain.
Spy's Paper common Definitely just normal paper.
Spyglass of Watching uncommon A spyglass with a detachable magic lens allowing remote viewing
Sseth's Amulet Legendary
Sseth's Fang Boots Legendary
Sseth's Gloves of Regeneration Legendary
Stalkie Talkies uncommon A pair of roses that transfer sound.
Star Gloves of Ôra Rare Said to be created by masters of the Astral Self, these gloves augment the unarmed prowess of their user.
Star of Shenanigans common
Steadfast Hold legendary A powerful shield wielded by those with something, or someone to protect.
Steel Hair-sticks Parlis Net legendary
Stepback legendary
Sticky Bomb uncommon
Sticky Hand common
Stone Fists of the Ancients legendary
Stone Grenade common A stone that fragments violently.
Stone of Domination rarity varies If you are a spellcaster, you can use this stone once per day to cast a certain dominate spell using your spell save DC.
Stone of Monkey Business uncommon Stone of Monkey Business
Stone of Morphing Very rare
Stone of Protection rare A stone that protects you.
Stone of the Buyer very rare Once and once only, you can use this stone to teleport directly to the plane of the buyer's market.
Stone of the Wise legendary This item give the player the hack tools necessary to abuse alchemy.
Stones of Elemancy Very rare Ten types of magic gemstones that have compounded effects when using multiple stones of the same type.
Stool of Comfort uncommon This stool will give its user a benefit on a short rest
Storm Gauntlets rare While wearing these gauntlets, you have resistance to lightning damage, and can cast shocking grasp at will.
Storm Quiver rare
Strixhaven Diploma rare A mark of honor for all graduates of Strixhaven Academy
Stygia's Frostbound Boots very rare boots imbued with the power of the ice of Stygia, the fifth layer of the nine hells
Subjugation Bands uncommon
Subspace Sewing Kit Very rare A sewing kit that can mend the fabric of spacetime
Subtle Lute Strings rare
Sufferer's Crown very rare A crown that gives the wearer nightmares in exchange for an increase in mental prowess
Sugar Snaps of Speed rare
Sune's Amulet Uncommon
Sune's Gloves of Beauty Rare
Swift Sash legendary
Sword of the Flowing Waters Very Rare
Swordmaster Gauntlets rare These gauntlets grant a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls with longswords and shortswords.
Symbol of Agony rare
Symbol of Justice very rare This holy symbol can be used to empower your melee attacks against undead, or cast protection from evil and good.
Tablet of "Y=X/O" rare A Bronze Tablet with the equation Y=X/0
Tablet of Exponential Growth and Decay rare A Potent Artifact that can give great potency or absolutely cripple an effect
Tablet of Inverse Functions rare A Strange Mathematical phenomena trapped in a Tablet
Tablet of Sinusodal Waves rare A Strange Tablet that can change the nature of any spells cast in "Ray" form
Tainted Amulet of Restoration Rare
Talisman of Infinity rare
Talisman of Sanguar uncommon Invoke the divinity of Sanguar to make people go crazy.
Talisman of the Little Reaper legendary
Tassels rare (+1), very rare (+2), legendary (+3) Tassels attached to a weapon grant a bonus to attack and damage rolls with it, while those attached to armor grant a bonus to the AC of the wearer.
Tattoo of Power very rare
Taulmaril's Quiver Legendary
Tea of the Soul rarity varies Refreshing tea whose power is slightly more potent than it lets on.
Tea-omot Plant rarity varies A magically created through a complex ritual
Teapot of Item Fusing very rare Rather than heating drinks, this teapot is capable of fusing magical equipment together.
Technicolor Dreamcoat rare While wearing this many-colored cloak, you can billow it to cast hypnotic pattern.
Teleportation Bead uncommon Throw a bead and teleport to its location, destroying the bead.
Teleportation Talisman rare A magical tool that will teleport you out of a pinch when you take melee damage.
Temperate Clothes common A coat you can wear in the desert or the tundra; and a bikini you'd wear in the tropics or the mountains.
Tergrid's Lantern Legendary Tergrid's Lanter, from MtG
Terrarium of Goodberry uncommon A miniature tree that, if watered, will produce up to 10 Goodberries each dawn.
The Alard Stradivarius very rare
The Arcane Anvil rare An magical anvil that allows you to transfer the effects of one magical item to another.
The Arcane Compendium legendary A leather-bound tome, drowning in arcane knowledge.
The Auditor’s Plume legendary
The Cloak Of The Wild very rare
The Compass of Worldly Desires very rare That with leads to which the heart desires most.
The Compass that doesn't Point North legendary
The Conch Shell rare
The Crown of Gruumsh very rare
The Crowned Eye uncommon
The Dealers Vest rare
The Devil's Coin very rare
The Escape Plan Uncommon When everything has gone south use this handy revolver!
The Flask of Something rare A metal flask that refills with a random different substance every time it is emptied.
The General's Bicorn rare A hat so synonymous with military genius, it can instill courage into the allies of its wearer.
The Infiltrator rare Male prosthetic. Just as good as the real thing
The Mask of Numerous Faces legendary The mask of numerous faces is an extremely durable blank mask with no discernible features that shifts and morphs the user's face and appearance.
The Moon Pearls varies
The Pale Violin legendary
The Perfect Loaf legendary Mmmmm, perfect bread.
The Pick of Destiny rare
The Pitcher uncommon A leather gloves that enhances your throwing ability, allowing you to throw small objects at creatures at insane speeds.
The Sufferer's Gauntlet legendary
The Sword and the Emerald uncommon (+1), rare (+2), or very rare (+3)
The Tear of Boccom-Pink legendary
The Tear of Boccom-Red legendary
The Teeth of Aezoan legendary
The Voyager's Map very rare
Thieve's Outfit legendary Clothes that giving the wearer a +3 bonus to checks with thieves' tools and all Deception, Investigation, Stealth, and Sleight of Hand checks.
Thieves Bag very rare A bag that will turn any item placed inside into sand
Thinking Cap legendary While you are wearing this cap, you gain +1 bonus to your Armor Class and your Wisdom is set to 21.
This Charming Helm rare
Tiara of Intellect very rare
Tidestone common
Tiebreaker's Clip legendary A tie clip that makes you win ties in which you are involved
Tier Chest of Storage uncommon A magical chest with 4 different locks, with each lock corresponding to a different inside.
Time Glove rare
Tina's Gloves uncommon Gloves that fill out a users digits, making it appear like the user has no missing fingers. In addition, these gloves allow you to cast mage hand.
Tinkerer's Infusion Goggles very rare Magical mechanical goggles to enhance an Artificer's vision through the use of multiple lenses
Tiny House Rare a house that can expand into a small but livable home.
Titanic Sigils Artifact Magical tattoos bestowed by the Galactic Titans, granting unique powers based on their domain.
TitanoBoa Taffy rare
Token of Perpetual Attendance rare At will unseen servants
Tome of Alteration legendary
Tome of Monster Knowledge very rare
Tome of Runes rare A large book, within lies a near infinite number of formula and runes.
Tome of the Body very rare A magical book that improves your physical stats
Tome of the Mind very rare A magical book that improves your mental stats
Tome of Vast Knowledge legendary A magical book that improves your physical and mental stats
Tonie Spark's Steel Defender Treat Ball Very rare A treat for your Steel Defender pal utilizing the Battle Smith Steel Defender Upgrades homebrew class feature.
Tool of Repairing common You can repair any object without needing to carry around a bag of holding of various artisan tools.
Tools of Magic Smithing uncommon Magical smiths tools to aid in the identification and creation of magical items
Topaz of Digging common Once per day, you can use this gem to instantly create a hole in an unoccupied space of natural, unworked soil or other loose earth within 30 feet of you.
Toxic Bomb uncommon
Tracking Gauntlet very rare This lets you divine the quantity, species, size, and distance of all creatures of a type you specify, but reveals to those creatures your location and appearance.
Transformation Mask rare When donned, this magical mask physically transforms you into a different race.
Traveler's Fort rare A rather plain tent, if it wasn't fully capable of moving on its own.
Traveler's Sigil rare Use teleportation circle as a ritual spell!
Trigger Discipline common Prevents negligent discharges
Trinket of Truth uncommon A small household object that prevents others from telling you lies.
Trisagion very rare A bundle of feathers that lets you shoot beams of holy light.
True-Seeing Mirror rare A heavy mirror that allows you to see into the Ethereal Plane, as though you had truesight.
Tumbler of the Drunk common You'll be tumbling alright.
Tuning Forks of the Bards very rare Magical tuning forks usable by Bards.
Twin Books of Long Distance Scribing uncommon
Twin's Locket of One's Heart Common Two twin paired lockets that lets you know a certain area and other stuff of a creature that wears the other locket.
Twinkling Pipeweed common
Twinstrike Arm very rare A sleek metallic pair of arms, connected at the shoulder.
Type 80 Integrated Thundercaster common A simple prosthetic hand, with a small concealable firearm.
Uifghx's Warrant rare
Ultimate Key legendary
Ultra-Heavy Shackles legendary A pair of shackles limiting your true strength
Urbraxus Assault Prosthetic uncommon A deadly weapon mounted where the shoulder is, cobbled together out of scrap.
Valiant Flame uncommon
Valiant Helmet very rare This helmet bolsters your defense against fear and charms. Once per day, it can cast a more powerful heroism spell.
Vampire Cape very rare
Vampire Teeth rare
Vanishing Powder uncommon Makes a creature vanish in one of 11 possible random ways known only to the recipient.
Variant Bags of Tricks rarity by bag
Variant Figurines of Wondrous Power rarity by figurine
Variant Ioun Stones rarity by stone
Venom Fruit Legendary This fruit gains the user control over poisons.
Very Comfortable Pillow common
Vest of Safety common A slightly puffed vest that may or may not be orange.
Vestments of Expert Elusion very rare
Visor of Protection rare A visor that protects your eyes.
Vocal Choker legendary Improves a creature's speaking and spellcasting abilities.
W.I.S. Cube very rare A rare device that bolsters the constitution of its wearer.
Wand of Minstrels common Everyone can be bard if they believe... Or you make them believe.
Wand of Smiles, Variant uncommon
Wand of the Arcane rarity varies A wand containing a pool of slots for you to cast spells with.
War Mage's Bracelet rare Issued to high ranking military mages in times of war.
Wardstone uncommon A small stone imbued to grant the effects of the spell Death Ward.
Waterflow Blade uncommon A blade designed to make your strikes flow like water.
Waterskin Cloak rare What if you could stuff an entire 5-foot cube of water into a single stylish container?
Weapon Bonding Gem rare Gemstone used to create a magical bond between a weapon and its bearer
Whetstone of Elemental Affinity rarity varies
Whistle of Bodyguard Summoning rare
Whistle of Silence common When you blow this whistle, only those you choose can hear it.
White Dragon Mask, Variant very rare
Whumpy Handwraps very rare
Wild Magic Pearls uncommon Magical pearls that when broken, create a random magical surge.
Wild Pelt uncommon
Wilsod Munitions™ Anti-Mischief Cream rare A Wilsod Munitions™ classic! A tin of magical cream that reduces one's deviousness, with a few side-effects
Wilsod Munitions™ “Handy Little Helper” rare With the Wilsod Munitions™ “Handy Little Helper,” you’ll have more arms than you know what to do with!
Windy Runic very rare One out of three pieces of the rune master's pole
Wings of Flying, Greater legendary
Wise Socks rare
Wisestone rare A brilliant stone that calms the mind and induces a more open state of consciousness.
Witch Hunter's Headset uncommon A headset that allows the wearer to communicate with other via the message and sending spells.
Witch's Fire common A candle, lamp, or lantern with mysterious properties.
Witch’s Head of Undeniable Wisdom very rare
Word of the Lord very rare
WorldKey legendary
Worn Very Comfortable Pillow common A well used Very Comfortable Pillow which has lost some of it's magic but has also gained some.
Wraith Leggings legendary While wearing these leggings, you are particularly difficult to notice, you can move faster in darkness, and once per day you can score critical hits more easily.
Wraith's Cloak rare While wearing this cloak, you can use your bonus action to teleport up to 60 feet between shadows.
Wraith's Hood uncommon While wearing this hood, you have darkvision, and can disguise your face with shadows.
X-Buster legendary
Zeus's Belt of Bolts uncommon This belt creates a supply of magic darts that deal extra lightning damage on a hit.
Ænglisc Runerow legendary A set of 29 magical stones, engraven with the letters of the Ænglisc runic alphabet.

Wondrous Items Based on Existing Fiction

Wondrous Item Rarity Summary
8 Inch Nails very rare Nails which give spells extra damage at an unreasonable cost.
9 Volt uncommon A weird electrical box that can store charge for an attuned item.
A Dollar uncommon A deceptively simple piece of auspicious paper that transforms into gold pieces.
Accuracy Stone common Increases accuracy of attacks.
Advanced Artifice Eye uncommon A false eye which can shoot magic lasers.
Aglet common Bit of string which increases movement.
Alchemist's Flask uncommon A resilient magical container for liquid reagents.
Anarchist Cookbook uncommon Can be used to create several lit bombs.
Ankh Charm rare A charm which resists a variety of negative conditions.
Anklet of the Wind uncommon Band which increases speed while worn.
Archer's Ring common Makes your ranged attacks magical for a short duration.
Arsene Amulet Artifact
Automail Limb uncommon Artificial limbs
Azura's Star legendary
Basic Artifice Eye common A poor mans attempt at a magical backup weapon.
Bezoar uncommon Stone-like lump which can treat poisoning.
Black Lotus legendary Rare flower that restores spell slots and hit points.
Bleed Amulet rare Causes slashing attacks to deal damage
Bleed Charm common Makes it easier for other creatures to stabilize you.
Bleed Stone common Enhances slashing damage done when you score a critical hit.
Blight Amulet uncommon Piercing attacks cause poison
Blight Charm common Increases your protection to poison.
Blight Stone uncommon Increases your chance to poison people.
Blood Charm rare Grants healing on stabilization
Bloodied Fetish uncommon Protects from poison and acid.
Blue Cap uncommon An odd mushroom with several effects.
Bombchu common This mouse-like explosive will travel rapidly in a straight line, and explode on impact with the first creature it touches.
Bone Marrow Ash common Infuse a piece of ammunition with the power of powdered calcium.
Book of Constitution rare A book which cures the body of fatigue and ailments.
Book of Hidden Secrets common Book that reveals nearby secrets.
Book of Intuition very rare A book that allows you to become more alert.
Book of Revelations uncommon Book that can provide temporary hit points.
Book of Shadows very rare Book that provides temporary invincibility.
Book of Sin rare Book that can generate a variety of items by demoralizing good creatures.
Boots of Hermes uncommon A pair of boots that let you run faster if not interrupted.
Boots of the Dunerider rare A pair of boots that let you run faster if not interrupted, or while on sand.
Boots of the Flame Waker uncommon Boots which light the ground on fire.
Boots of Water Walking common Footwear which lets you walk on water.
Boots of Water Walking, Obsidian uncommon Boots which resist fire damage and let you walk on water.
Boots, Frostspark very rare A pair of boots with built-in ice skates; greatly increase movement speed and grant limited flight.
Boots, Lightning rare A pair of ornate boots which greatly increase movement speed and grant limited flight.
Boots, Rocket uncommon A pair of boots that provide limited flight.
Boots, Spectre rare A pair of boots that increase speed and grant limited flight.
Bottle of Blizzard uncommon Bottle which lets you double jump while dealing cold damage.
Bottle of Cloud uncommon Bottle which lets you double jump.
Bottle of Sandstorm very rare Bottle which lets you make an improved double jump.
Bottle of Tsunami uncommon Bottle which lets you double jump, or dash in water.
Box of Crack Jacks common A salty snack with a fun and unpredictable prize.
Box of Hiding rare Got a strange box here...
Bunny Hood rare The wearer of this hood becomes as spry and alert as a bunny, gaining several benefits.
Bustling Fungus Uncommon A symbiotic fungus that gives the host regenerative qualities and aura
Cain's Eye Rare A child's eye which reveals the structure of an area.
Canoptek Cloak rare A elegantly crafted necrodermis cloak, enabeling both flight and better repairs
Caryll Runes varies Sigils that grant boons when one etches them into the mind.
Caution Cloak uncommon Increases your passive perception.
Chaos Card legendary A card that can be thrown to instantly destroy something.
Clawshot rare This gauntlet-like tool can be used to grab a creature or object from afar, and then either pull you towards the target or pull the target to you.
Cloak of Invisibility very rare A cloak that can be draped over a creature or object to turn it invisible.
Cloak of the Fire Rat legendary A cloak that provides immunity to fire damage and 2 damage reduction to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
Coconut Halves of Phantom Steed Uncommon
Coconut of Swift Movement rare or very rare
Crazy Diamond's Pendant Legendary
Critical Stone uncommon Allows the ability to turn a natural 19 into a critical hit.
Crown of the Blood of the Martyr legendary A crown that increases damage.
Crown of the Princess very rare
Dark Fruit Legendary Consuming this fruit gains control over darkness.
Dazzling Charm rare Causes critical hits to daze
Debuff Charm common Increases your Wisdom saving throws.
Debuff Stone common Decreases the chances of enemies to succeed on wisdom saves against you.
Deku Nut uncommon By violently destroying this magic seed, you create a bright flash that can momentarily blind or incapacitate nearby creatures.
Deteriorating Bracer rare A bracelet with an enchantment that degrades from critical damage
Din's Fire rare You can use this crystal to cast Din's fire, a spell which ignites enemies around you with magical flame.
Disease Charm common Prevents the next non-magical disease that would affect you.
Dodge Stone common Increases Dexterity save bonus.
Elite Artifice Eye rare A bulky artificial eye that can rapidly fire magic lasers.
Ember Seed common
Estus Flask rare A small flask made of pale green glass that holds glowing, golden liquid.
Falcon's Fist very rare While wearing this glove, you can execute an abnormally powerful unarmed strike that deals 4d6 fire damage.
Fetus in a Jar, Greater very rare A preserved, partially reanimated fetus with improved spellcasting abilities.
Fetus in a Jar, Lesser rare A preserved fetus with simple spellcasting abilities.
Fire Flower uncommon A red flower that grants the user the ability to throw small fireballs.
Fire Flower, Variant common A red flower that grants the user the ability to throw small fireballs.
Flare Scroll Common
Fly, Angry uncommon A construct which can be thrown, and batters the nearest creature repeatedly.
Fly, Big uncommon A simple construct which sometimes blocks attacks.
Fly, Lost rare A construct which can be planted as a trap.
Fly, Pretty uncommon A construct which sometimes blocks ranged attacks
Frozen Turtle Shell uncommon Turtle shell which reduces damage while at low health.
Ghost Pepper rare A spectral fruit which grants short-term fire breath.
Giorno's Piano Legendary
Glasses of the Nighteye very rare A pair of glasses that allow their wearer to glimpse the future
Gloves of Auras rare
Gloves of Compression very rare A set of gloves that can fit things into impossibly small spaces.
Gloves of the Black Silence Varies Shadowy black gloves with access to an extradimensional space that allow it's user plenty of combat tricks.
Goa'uld Sarcophagus legendary An arcane sarcophagus which rejuvenates anyone placed within it and can revive the dead.
Godflesh Mushroom rare An odd mushroom that makes enemies appear to shrink.
Goggles of Erasure very rare A set of Goggles similar to that of the pair owned by the Pro-Hero Eraserhead.
Golden Experience's Brooch Legendary A ladybug brooch with the power of Golden Experience.
Grafted Dragon Head Legendary The head of a noble dragon, infused with magic to function as if it were alive.
Guardian Egg very rare A heavy brass-colored egg capable of transforming into different guardian creatures.
Halo of Flies rare Simple headgear which summons protective constructs.
Hawkeye rare This mask enhances your long-range visual clarity. Using it, you can attack beyond the normal range of ranged weapons without disadvantage.
Head of Tammy very rare A mummified cat head which can replicate cantrips.
Head of The Moon legendary
Health Stone uncommon Grants the attuned temporary hit points whenever they rest.
Heavenly Beasts Beads Legendary A bracelet made out of beads with the blessing of the Four Gods.
Hocotatian Whistle common a whistle that was made by Hocotatians to control Pikmin
Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch legendary
Holy Mantle very rare A simple holy symbol that nullifies the first source of damage your receive.
Hover Boots uncommon While worn, these boots cause your feet to float just above the ground on a thin cushion of force, which causes several effects.
How to Jump common Booklet that lets you jump.
Howl's Magical Doorway rare
Human Fruit, Model: Nika Legendary This fruit gains the user control over freedom.
Ice Flower uncommon A blue flower that grants the user to throw small balls of ice.
Infinity Gauntlet legendary
Infinity Gauntlet, Variant Artifact
Infinity Stones legendary
Inner Eye uncommon A third eye which sometimes duplicates spells.
Iron Boots common These abnormally heavy boots anchors you firmly to the ground while you wear them, which can be either beneficial or detrimental.
Kanohi Mask rarity varies Powerful masks granting special abilities when worn.
Killer Queen's Necktie Legendary
Korok Leaf common You can swing this leaf like a giant two-handed fan to create magically powerful gusts of wind.
Lasso of Truth legendary
Lava Charm uncommon Glass charm which provides temporary immunity to environmental fire damage.
Lava Waders very rare Boots which let you walk on water and provide resistance or immunity to all fire damage.
Lil' Bomber Legendary
Magic Armor legendary The Magic Armor isn't really a suit of armor. It's actually an item that grants its user invulnerability at a cost.
Magical Charms rare These three magical charms let the wearer use unique aquatic abilities.
Magma Skull rare Stone which resists incoming fire damage while dealing bonus fire damage to enemies.
Magma Stone uncommon Chunk of igneous rock which makes melee attacks burn enemies.
Mask of Confession very rare A mask that resembles that of a plague doctor's, holding the power of the Confession quirk.
Mask of the Crow very rare A red bird mask, once worn by a traitorous detective.
Mask of the Fox very rare A fox mask, once worn by a starving artist.
Mask of the Noir very rare A black eye mask and hat, once worn by a manipulated gardener.
Mask of the Panther Very rare A red cat-like mask, once worn by a model.
Mask of the Queen very rare An iron mask, once worn by a lonely scholar.
Mask of the Skull Very rare A skull shaped mask, once worn by a punk.
Masque of Clavicus Vile legendary
Mini-Hakkero very rare
Mirror of Self Reflection very rare Mirror that lets you recall spells towards yourself.
Mogma Mitts rare These gloves give you a modest burrowing speed. They can also be used as makeshift weaponry.
Molten Charm rare Obsidian charm which provides temporary immunity to environmental fire damage and resistance to fiery attacks.
Molten Skull Rose very rare A trinket made of volcanic stone and glass that provides resistance to fire damage and makes melee attacks burn enemies.
Moodulator Very rare
Move Charm common Decreases the amount of forced movement that can be exerted on you.
Move Stone common You can use this stone to force other creatures to be pushed further.
Mystic Eyes of Death Perception legendary
Nova Corps Helmet rare, very rare, legendary
Nutritional Bread Very Rare Bread that gives a +1 to con and rids the creature of any exhaustion levels
Obsidian Skull rare Stone which resists fire damage.
Obsidian Skull Rose rare A trinket made of volcanic stone and glass that provides resistance to fire damage.
Omni-tool legendary An arm-mounted multipurpose tool that can contain one or more casting foci.
Orange Guidance Soapstone common Read and write hidden messages!
Panther Necklace legendary
Paraglider uncommon This transformable cloth contraption lets you slow yourself while falling, or glide long distances.
Pegasus Boots uncommon These boots enhance your Dashing capabilities, and increase the distance of your running long jump.
Pellet Flower common (1 pellet), uncommon (5 pellet), rare (10 pellet or 20 pellet) Flowers that can make pikmin
Pendant of Memories very rare The wearer of this pendant has advantage on all saving throws that use Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma.
Phantom Hourglass very rare or legendary This relic can grant a group immunity to necrotic damage, psychic damage, and fear. The legendary version can even stop time around you.
Phasing Coat varies A series of strange coats lined with biomechanical interiors.
Pictograph Box uncommon This wondrous item can be used to cast pictograph, producing an image of what you can see on a piece of parchment.
Pokeball common, rare, very rare Pokeball, a good way to carry a large creature or capture an enemy.
Portable Fortune Teller uncommon Mechanism that dispenses cryptic advice and, occasionally, spell slots.
Portal Bracers legendary
Power Gloves common, uncommon, or rare These gloves may increase the weight the wearer can push, drag, or lift.
Propulsion Gear rare A harness with two massive sheaths for harpoons, capable of launching the user with ease.
Protection Stone uncommon Reduces non-magical damage suffered by a slight amount.
Purification Beads rare
Quake Medallion very rare Once per day, you can use this medallion to simultaneously cast a pair of powerful spells that debilitate creatures around you: spell and earthquake.
Ravio's Bracelet legendary This magic bracelet protects you from certain spells, and allows you to merge into walls.
Red X Suit Unique
Roc's Feather uncommon Whoever clutches this feather has enhanced jumping capabilities.
Rod of Remorse legendary
Sand of Hours rare This item can be consumed to grant a creature immunity to necrotic damage, psychic damage, and fear. Alternatively, it can empower the Phantom Hourglass.
Seed Shooter common You can wield this pipe-shaped item as a ranged weapon. Its projectiles can bounce off walls at perfect angles.
Sending Stone, Variant uncommon Sending stones, but they work how people who don't know how they actually work think they should work.
Share Crystal Very Rare
Shikon no Tama legendary
Shiny Red Balloon common A balloon which makes jumps larger.
Skeleton Key legendary Using this key, you can open any lock.
Skycracker very rare A marble feather which creates beams of holy light.
Slippery Boots rare These make it more difficult for you to be grappled and attacked.
Some Observations on the Art of Invisibility very rare Learn how to hide in plain sight.
Soul Dew Rare
Speed Stone common Increases your Initiative bonus
Spellcard Common A card able to store projectiles containing spell effects.
Stand Bound Item Varies Sentimental items that have absorbed the dying will of a stand user
Star Platinum's Hat Legendary
Star Pocket rare This small, star-shaped pouch is made of shimmering fabric and has a silver drawstring. It can hold up to five magical stars.
Star Wand common
Stargazer's Pendant legendary
Stone Mask of the Vampire legendary
String Fruit Legendary Consume this fruit to gain control over string.
Stun Charm common Decreases your chances of being stunned.
Stun Stone uncommon Makes your stunning strikes hurt if a creature fails a save against them.
Suicide King legendary A playing card which kills its user.
Super Lamp uncommon
Survival Guide very rare A book that teaches Survival and Sleight of Hand
Sworn Protector very rare A small construct that intercepts magical attacks.
Telepathy for Dummies uncommon Book that temporarily makes magic more accurate.
The Black Pearl legendary
The Lamp of Cameo Legendary
The Orb of Leadership Artifact
The Philosopher's Stone unique
The Space Stone legendary Dominion over space is granted through this.
Thousand-Men Pins rare Small wedges that grant you enhanced strength and longevity when embedded into your flesh.
Three Gold Piece rare A counterfeit coin which can randomize magical damage.
Thunder Helm legendary While you wear this helmet, you have a +1 bonus to your AC, you are immune to lightning damage, and you have resistance to thunder damage.
Time Stone legendary A stone of unimaginable power. To have dominion over time.
Tortoise Shell of Open Space very rare A tortoise shell that opens up demiplanes.
Totem of Undying very rare
Vindictive Band Common
Warrior's Cap uncommon Increases the accuracy of your first melee attack each turn.
Water Dragon Scale uncommon While wearing this amulet, you can float over solid ground, and use your swim speed on land in place of your base walking speed.
Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator Rare
Zilean Time Bomb uncommon A magical grenade capable of stopping time on those it hits

April Fools Wondrous Items

Wondrous Item Rarity Summary
$2 Coin common A coin worth 2 gp.
Awesome Equipment legendary
BACON!!!!!! legendary The foodstuff of gods and kings alike.
Bag of Bacon very rare This bag produces a never-ending supply of bacon.
Ball of Gravity Detection Common
Bottle of Suni-Dee rare A decanter filled with orange liquid that can be drank to restore 25 hit points and cure all diseases or be used to cast a variety of sun based spells.
Broom of Sweeping Legendary
Bucket of Horrible Collision legendary Useful for speedruns.
Can of Whoop@$$ rare A tin can that unleashes it's fury onto any who dare open it.
Cape of Monologuing Legendary This at-first unassuming necklace can become a rather dramatic cape and allow you to monologue without interruption.
Chankla Legendary A magical slipper of reprimanding
Chaos Satchel rare A bright green satchel that transforms anything put in into a random thing of equal weight
Confused Binoculars uncommon A pair of binoculars that definitely should not work that way.
Cool Sunglasses Common
Cow Tools rare These don't look like any tools you've ever seen.
Dehydrated Water Rare Just add a drop of water..
Dentures common Teeth that you put over your existing teeth
Dora's Backpack uncommon
Exploding Potato Common An exploding potato.
Fire-ball Uncommon Not to be confused with the spell "Fireball"
Flute of Birds common
Guitar of Breaking common A guitar that is meant to be smashed!
Hair Cream of Wondrous Style Common Makes you look hotter, as long as you keep cool.
Ioun Pringle uncommon An Ioun stone look-alike that increases your maximum hit points based on its size.
Labels of Identification Rare A set of labels and magical quill that will identify the name of any item you use them on.
MacGuffin Stone legendary
Magic Item of Spell uncommon Use [item] to cast [spell].
Mistresses' Mantreaders very rare A pair of dark red pointed high heels designed for the cruelest of punishments
Muscle Milk rare
Pants of Awesomeness legendary
Robes of Ambiguity common
Scroll of Summon Scroll common
Seven Hundred League Boot rare
Sneak-ers very rare
Staff of Cats uncommon A wooden staff that can be used to make cat sounds, summon cats, and turn creature into cats.
Staff of Ducks uncommon A wooden staff that can be used to make duck sounds, summon ducks, and turn creature into ducks.
Steamed Hams Legendary I hope you're ready for an unforgettable luncheon.
The Death Sandwich legendary
The Fleece of Navidad rare
The Hat of the Preston rare
The Waifu Cannon legendary Have you ever had a dream that that you um you had you'd you would you could you'd do you wi you wants you you could do so you you'd do you could you you want you want him to do you so much you could do anything?
Toothpick of Resistance Attack uncommon A toothpick that allows you to fire an energy beam, whose damage type is dependent on your resistances.
Unstable Banana Rare

Incomplete Wondrous Items

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