Half-Ogre, Variant (5e Race)

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Physical Description[edit]

Half-ogres are massive, powerfully built beings, towering over most humanoids with broad shoulders and thick muscles. Their appearance strongly resembles that of their mother, whether she is human, orc or another humanoid race. Their height typically ranges between seven and eight feet, making them loom over most humanoid races. Their features are a blend of their parentage, with a heavy brow, flat noses, deep-set eyes and a square, powerful jaw lined with pronounced fangs that jut from their lower lip. Their skin tends to be a mix of rough textures, often ranging from pale to to the mottled grays, greens, or sickly yellows of their ogre bloodline, marked with scars from their violent and often harsh lives. Their hair, when present, is thick and coarse, sometimes forming wild manes, tangled dreadlocks, or being shaved entirely. Short, pointed ears are another trait inherited from their ogre fathers. Half-ogres usually have a slightly stooped posture, due to the weight of their muscles and the awkwardness of their large frames. Their eyes are often bright and intense, with shades ranging from deep amber to reddish hues, giving them a somewhat predatory look. Though not quite as grotesque as full ogres, half-ogres still exude a rough, savage quality, often adorned with crude armor or scraps of clothing that barely fit their large bodies. Their movements are powerful, though not always graceful, and they can be seen as a force of nature on the battlefield, charging with reckless strength. Their voices are deep and guttural, often carrying a booming resonance that can be heard from a distance.

Civilized savages[edit]

Half-ogres are neither civilized nor savage, roaming both worlds. In addition to regular discrimination against their race due to their resemblance to the fearsome and cruel ogres, due to their unwild minds, half-ogres will never get along with ogres. An outcast from both worlds, cruelty and strength are the only things that can describe a half-ogre. They are the result of an ogre male's violence against a human, goblin, or orc mother - who may see them as a burden, a painful reminder, or a reluctant responsibility. They are usually raised by their mother. The strength and endurance of ogres have not completely disappeared, and so those who live as half-ogres constantly struggle with the primal, savage anger and hunger that over time consumes their minds if left unchecked. Their muscles are dense with strength, their bodies built for endurance, and their appetites—both for food and violence—are nearly insatiable. Left unchecked, their primal instincts can drive them into a downward spiral of savagery, leading many to become the very monsters that others fear them to be. A half-ogres who wishes to be civilized must always remember what prevents them from becoming a monster, and must never succumb to the primitive nature within. Their temper is volatile, their hunger relentless, and their urges primal, but to live among softer races, they must learn restraint, discipline, and purpose—lest they become nothing more than another mindless brute.

Inferior Giantkins[edit]

As the children of Ogres, the lowest of the giants of Ordning, half-ogres also have their place in giant society. As the lowest link in the chain, half-ogres are subject to bullying and ridicule by stronger giants, especially their ogre "parents", who take out their anger and resentment on the weaker and oppressed. This is why most half-ogres refuse to associate with giants and live among humanoids. However, some half-ogres pray to the god of trolls and orcs, Vaprak.


Since half-ogres are a mixture of humanoid and ogre, they are usually not part of either of these societies. Typically, half-ogres live an isolated life as they are not easily accepted into any of the mentioned societies, but, sometimes they are accepted into a tribal society based on strength, such as an orc tribe, so the strength of the half-ogres can be an advantage in this situation. Since half-ogres are not actually pure orcs, they rarely occupy important positions in the hierarchy, but often half-ogres are content to serve as the chief's bodyguard or the brawn of the tribe.

Half-Ogre Names[edit]

Half-ogres are usually raised by their mother and usually have orc, goblin, or human names. Half-ogres typically use a shortened version of their given names and their mother's first and/or last names to refer to themselves. For example: Maz (Mazaan) Duusha or Serg (Sergor) Natalie-Chernin. By the number and length of the named names, you can determine the degree of trust and comfort of the half-ogre; they will not give the full version of the name and the mother’s first / last name to someone they cannot trust, perhaps calling themselves by a nickname, and vice versa, they will no doubt call them to their best friends. Half-ogres usually take nicknames themselves (for example, Argh or Trogg) or use those given to them by friends (for example, Big One or Baby), wearing them with honor.

Half-Ogre Traits[edit]

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2 and your Constitution score increases by 1.
Age. Half-ogres reach maturity by age 14, and rarely live beyond 60 years.
Alignment. Half-ogres do not have a particular tendency towards chaos or order, although those raised in the society of orcs and goblins tend to adopt their alignment, but ultimately strive for a Neutral alignment. The tendency towards a Good or Evil alignment also depends on the mother, but those living next to civilized humanoids tend to be good.
Size. Half-ogres typically stand 7 to 8 feet (213 to 243 centimeters) tall, and their weight can range from 300 to 400 pounds (136 to 181 kilograms). Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Thick Skull. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and you have resistance against psychic damage.
Powerful Build. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
Ogrish Toughness. Your hit point maximum increases by 1, and it increases by 1 every time you gain a level.
Big and Scary. You are proficient in the Intimidation and Athletics skill.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one language of your choice: Orc, Goblin or Giant.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

7′ 0'' +2d6 300 lb. × (10) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

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