Sutario (5e Creature)

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large undead (Godly Amalgamation), chaotic lawful evil nuetral

Armor Class 18 (First phase) 25 (Second phase)
Hit Points 250
Speed 120ft

30 (+10) 30 (+10) 30 (+10) 30 (+10) 30 (+10) 30 (+10)

Saving Throws All
Damage Resistances Radiant, Slashing
Senses passive Perception X
Challenge 20 Boss Fight. At the start of combat, the creature rolls once for initiative, taking five turns per round of combat.

Bloodied Resistance. Upon taking damage that would reduce the creature to 0 hit points or lower, the creature returns to full hit points, and the creature immediately ends all negative conditions on itself. Once this feature activates, it cannot activate again until the creature takes a long rest. This effect can occur even when taking normally lethal damage, such as from power word kill, this advances them to phase 2

Tactics Change. When Bloodied Resistance activates, the creature becomes its phase 2 ( XP)[[Category:CR20 Boss Fight. At the start of combat, the creature rolls once for initiative, taking five turns per round of combat.

Bloodied Resistance. Upon taking damage that would reduce the creature to 0 hit points or lower, the creature returns to full hit points, and the creature immediately ends all negative conditions on itself. Once this feature activates, it cannot activate again until the creature takes a long rest. This effect can occur even when taking normally lethal damage, such as from power word kill, this advances them to phase 2

Tactics Change. When Bloodied Resistance activates, the creature becomes its phase 2]]


Godly Slash Melee Weapon Attack: Deals 5d12 per slash



The boss can take 1 boss action, choosing from the options below. Only one boss action option can be used at a time and only once per ability. These are seperate from actions and happen before.

Flame of Laughter Sue Miley's Ability. Deal an extra attacks worth of fire damage (Doubles damage on one hit), however they only take damage down to 1hp.

Infinity Handle Rio Ranger's Ability. Roll a d100 and deal that much damage to one creature, however they only take damage down to 1hp.

Tears of Healing Tia Safalin's Ability. Roll 12d12 and heal that much in one turn, however they only take damage down to 1hp.

Pure Insight Gashu Satou's Ability. Gashu gains an extra turn, during his 2 turns he always crits and does double the crit dice, however they only take damage down to 1hp.

Painful Pleasure ?̴̧̧̥̝̖͕̖̙̰̖̩̟͍̓̽̈́̀͘ͅ?̸̛̬̼̈̉̈́̎̍̿̔̍̈́̃͋̏͛͝?̶̧̛̹̣̭̮͖͕͈̒̒͒́̆͒͊̇͘͝'s Ability. They will heal 75 hp after dealing a min of 75 hp, this ability can be used AFTER an attack, however they only take damage down to 1hp.

A creature with the Boss Template applied to it.

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