Pact Boons (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous item,

Pact Boon[edit]

This subclass offers an additional option when selecting your Pact Boon at 3rd level.

Cursed Weapon

At 3rd level when you select Cursed Weapon as your pact boon, your Patron bestows you with a cursed item pulled from the world you inhabit. It entrusts you with the task of protecting others from its curse. You attune to and become proficient with the Cursed Weapon if you are not already during a 1 hour ritual with your Patron. As an action, you can attempt to cleanse an item of a curse by channeling it into your Cursed Weapon. Make a Charisma Saving throw, the DC of which is outlined in Cursed Weapon DC Table, to successfully transfer the curse. Some mundane curses that your cursed weapon can start with are outlined in the Curse Table.

Your Cursed Weapon has a maximum number of curses that can be transferred to it and successfully transferring more than you can store onto it causes one curse of your choosing to dissipate from the weapon, cleansing the world of its scourge.

Additionally, at 5th level you can make one additional attack when you take the attack action with your Cursed Weapon in addition to the weapon now counting as magical for the purposed of overcoming resistances.

Cursed Weapon Bonuses
Warlock Level Number of Curses Bonus
5th 2 +1
10th 3 +2
15th 3 +3
Cursed Weapon DC Table
Rarity DC
Common 10
Uncommon 12
Rare 15
Very Rare 17
Legendary 20
Curse Table
Curse Level Description
No Taste C You lose the ability to taste things
Deep Wound UC On a successful weapon attack, your weapon becomes lodged in the body of the creature you attacked. A DC 15 Strength check is required to remove it.
Heavy Hitter UC It requires 2 attack actions to make one attack, but on successful hits, your weapon deals twice the normal damage.
Ignorance is Bliss C When asked if you are under the effects of a curse or charm effect you must lie and say that your are not.
Critical Error UC When you land a critical hit on an enemy treat your next attack roll as if you have rolled a 1
Turn off the Flash R If you are within 5ft a spell being cast that is not your own, you become blinded for 1 minute.
Proficient Strike R After completing a long rest, you must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or lose proficiency in the item this curse is on.
DM's Portent VR Roll 2d20s after taking a long rest. Until you take another long rest, if you roll a number equal to either of the dice rolled this way, treat it as if the other number was rolled.
Restless Sleep VR Whenever you take a short rest you must pass a DC 10 Constitution check or suffer one level of exhaustion.
Weakness is Strength Declare an elemental damage type, if you succeed on the Constitution saving throw you become resistant to an elemental damage type of your choice until you finish a long rest. If you succeed on the saving throw by more than 5, you can choose any damage type to become resistant to. Otherwise, you become vulnerable to the declared elemental damage type until you finish a long rest. You may only attempt this once per long rest regardless of the outcome.
Demonic Velocity You invigorate your body with unnatural speed. You must succeed on the Dexterity saving throw or have your movement speed halved for 1 minute. On a success your Dexterity score increases by 2 and you gain 5 times your proficiency bonus extra feet of movement for 1 minute.
The Bigger They Are Your Strength score increases by your proficiency bonus for 1 hour. On a fail, your Strength score decreases by your proficiency bonus for 1 hour.
Patron's Wisdom On a successful Wisdom saving throw your Wisdom score increases by your proficiency bonus for 1 hour. On a failure, you expend one hit die and take damage equal to a roll of it.
Extra Power You can attempt to up cast your spells, drawing on cursed magic. You can increase a spells level by 1, if you succeed a DC 10 plus the spell’s upcast level Charisma saving throw or have the spell downcast a level.
Forbidden Knowledge You can learn one ability score from the creature who targeted you. On a failure, you gain one level of exhaustion.
d10  Effect
1 The pc will gain one point of exhaustion every long rest they spend not surrounded by or touching gold. such gold can be coins, artifacts, or jewelry.
2 The pc will become suspicious of all strangers they meet. any rolls made to decipher a strangers true intent or character will lead them to believe they are an enemy. the dm is also free to describe them to become more suspicious if needed. the pc will not know about this effect.
3 The pc will become distressed when parted with any of their magic items, gaining disadvantage on all attack rolls and saving throws.
4 The pc will refuse to part with any of their wealth, down to the smallest copper coin.
5 The pc becomes brutish in nature, like a white dragon. they gain disadvantage on stealth, sleight of hand, deception, and persuasion checks, but gain an advantage on intimidation checks.
6 The pc becomes deceptive like a green dragon. they gain advantage on deception checks, but take 1 psychic damage every time that they speak truthfully.
7 The pc becomes prideful and vain, like a blue dragon. they gain disadvantage on deception rolls that would belittle themselves in some way, only capable of lying to make themselves look better.
8 You gain an unrivaled cruelty, like a black dragon. you become neutral evil.
9 You gain a terrible ferocity, like a red dragon. your melee weapon attacks have a +2 to them, but you take 1d4 psychic damage if you spend two turns without dealing damage to any creature.
10 You become unable to speak any language except draconic.

Cursed Items[edit]

Rusty Amulet

Requires attunement

You gain temporary hitpoints equal to your total hit dice when you complete a long rest.

When you complete a long rest, roll a d100. On a 5+Charisma modifier or lower, the gifter of the Rusty Amulet briefly recalls a vague memory of the wearer.

If this item is gifted to you, until your attunement with it ends, the gifter will lose all recollection of you.

Everburning Lantern

A black and spiked wire frame lantern with no glass containing the flame. The flame cannot be snuffed out by normal means. Drawing an item through the open flame will be lit on fire and will remain on fire until snuffed out. Being on fire does not damage the object in any way and if a humdane item it has the properties of a torch. If a weapon is drawn through the lantern as a bonus action, it gains 1d4 fire damage on hit. add some negative effect here

Patricia’s Box

Requires attunement

Whenever you complete a long rest you may attempt to open Patricia’s Box. A successful DC 15 Strength check will allow you to open the box. The box remains open until you finish a long rest. If successfully opened you can add 1d4 to all saving throws. If you fail the check the box remains closed tight and rattles loudly and weights heavily as if filled with rocks. You have disadvantage on Stealth checks and lose 5ft of movement.

Bracer of True Strike

Requires attunement

Whenever you roll initiative make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. On a success begin your first turn as if the spell True Strike had been cast on you. If you fail roll with disadvantage on your first turn.

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