Mech Guardian (5e Class)
Class Features[edit]
(¡¡¡¡Solo puedes usar esta class siendo un constructo totalmente mecanico!!!!)
Class Features
As a Mech Guardian you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d10 per Mech Guardian level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Mech Guardian level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: Light armor, medium armor, heavy armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, firearms
Tools: Tinker’s tools, mechanic's tools
Saving Throws: Constitution, Intelligence
Skills: Choose two from Athletics, Perception, Investigation, Arcana, Persuasion, Acrobatics, and Technology
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- (a) Simple weapon or light firearm with 20 bullets or (b) Tinker’s tools or mechanic’s tools
- (a) Explorer's pack or scholar’s pack or (b) {{{item2b}}}
- (a) Combat suit or (b) Communication device
Level | Proficiency Bonus |
Features |
1st | +2 | Cybernetic Bond |
2nd | +2 | Offensive Assistance |
3rd | +2 | Shield Generator |
4th | +2 | Ability Score Improvement, Ability Score Improvement (Level 4) |
5th | +3 | Fused Power |
6th | +3 | Tactical Reversal |
7th | +3 | Unstoppable Assault |
8th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement, Cybernetic Awakening |
9th | +4 | Ultimate Guardian Form |
10th | +4 | Supreme Guardian Form |
11th | +4 | Commander's Bond |
12th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement, Advanced Coordination |
13th | +5 | Tactical Fusion |
14th | +5 | Supreme Protection |
15th | +5 | Perfect Bond |
16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement, Tactical Overdrive |
17th | +6 | Commander’s Leadership |
18th | +6 | Mech Mastery |
19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement, Supreme Commander |
20th | +6 | Ultimate Guardian Ascension |
Level 1: Cybernetic Bond[edit]
At 1st level, the mech fuses with its user, becoming an advanced suit of armor. The mech loses its ability to act independently but provides the following benefits to its user:
- Soul armor: All the feats, competency and abylities you have are now also held by your bearer. - Armor Boost: The user gains a +3 bonus to AC as the mech’s advanced alloy plating reinforces their own defenses. - Enhanced Senses: The user gains darkvision up to 60 feet, or an additional 30 feet if already possessing darkvision, as the mech’s sensors provide heightened awareness. - Stabilized Systems: The user gains advantage on saving throws against poison, charmed, and frightened effects, thanks to the mech’s stabilizing countermeasures. - Internal Repair: As a bonus action, the user can activate the mech’s repair systems, restoring 1d10 + Constitution modifier hit points once per short rest.
Narrative Detail: When the user first bonds with the mech, they feel a pulse of energy as the machinery becomes part of their body. The bond allows them to move in perfect synchronization, as if their minds are one, and the mech’s advanced sensors protect them from harm and allow them to detect hidden threats in the environment.
Level 2: Offensive Assistance[edit]
At 2nd level, the user gains the following combat enhancements: - Combat Precision: The user gains +2 to attack rolls while bonded to the mech, as the suit calculates perfect trajectories and weak points of enemies. - Damage Surge: The user deals an extra 1d6 damage with weapon attacks, as the mech’s energy cores boost the user’s strikes with an added charge of kinetic energy. - EMP Blast: Once per short rest, the user can release an EMP pulse, forcing all electronic devices and constructs within a 30-foot radius to make a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + Proficiency bonus + Intelligence modifier) or be stunned for 1 round.
Narrative Detail: The mech’s powerful processors analyze the battlefield in real-time, providing the user with pinpoint precision in every attack. Each strike is empowered by the mech’s energy system, and its offensive capabilities can disrupt enemy technology, leaving machines temporarily helpless.
Level 3: Shield Generator[edit]
At 3rd level, the mech generates a protective barrier around the user, enhancing their survivability: - Adaptive Shielding: The user gains resistance to all energy damage (fire, cold, lightning, radiant, necrotic) as the mech’s shield technology adapts to different types of attacks. - Deflective Reaction: As a reaction, the user can redirect any attack made against them, reducing the incoming damage by half and forcing the attacker to roll a Wisdom saving throw (DC 8 + Proficiency bonus + Intelligence modifier) or suffer disadvantage on their next attack. - Forcefield Pulse: Once per long rest, the user can activate the mech’s forcefield generator, granting all allies within 30 feet temporary hit points equal to the user’s Intelligence modifier (minimum of 5).
Narrative Detail: The mech’s shield technology projects a forcefield that constantly adapts to the environment and the damage taken. The user can feel the energy pulse around them as the mech proactively deflects incoming blows, and when the need arises, the user can channel the forcefield to protect their allies.
Level 4: Ability Score Improvement[edit]
At 4th level, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, the user may increase one ability score by 2, or two ability scores by 1 each. Alternatively, they can choose a feat.
Narrative Detail: The user’s connection with the mech grows even stronger, and their physical and mental prowess are enhanced by the continuous feedback and data provided by the mech’s systems.
Level 5: Fused Power[edit]
At 5th level, the user can harness the full power of the mech: - Overcharged Energy: Once per long rest, the user can choose to gain 6d6 hit points, or they can activate Fused Power to deal an extra 2d6 radiant or force damage with their weapon attacks for 1 minute. - Energetic Aura: The user gains the ability to project an aura of pure energy around them, increasing the damage dealt by all allies within 10 feet by 1d4 for 1 minute.
Narrative Detail: As the mech’s energy flows through the user, they can harness it to increase their offensive and defensive capabilities. The bond with the mech feels like an overflowing surge of energy, empowering them to fight with unimaginable ferocity.
Level 6: Tactical Reversal[edit]
At 6th level, the user gains access to advanced combat strategies: - Counterstrike: Once per short rest, when the user is hit by an attack, they can use their reaction to make a weapon attack against the attacker with advantage. - Strategic Retreat: Once per long rest, the user can disengage as a bonus action, moving up to their speed without provoking opportunity attacks. - Combat Focus: For 1 minute, the user gains +4 to all attack rolls, saving throws, and damage rolls once per short rest.
Narrative Detail: The mech’s tactical systems are now synced to the user’s brain, allowing them to execute flawless countermeasures and strategic retreats. It’s as if the battlefield becomes clearer, and every move they make is part of a larger, perfectly calculated plan.
Level 7: Unstoppable Assault[edit]
At 7th level, the user becomes a true combat juggernaut: - Double Attack: The user gains the ability to make an additional attack when they take the Attack action. - Critical Mastery: Weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 18-20, and on a critical hit, the user deals an extra 2d6 damage.
Narrative Detail: With the mech enhancing the user’s physical strength and reflexes, they are able to strike rapidly and powerfully. Their attacks hit with such force that they can land devastating blows, capable of breaking through even the toughest defenses.
Level 8: Cybernetic Awakening[edit]
At 8th level, the mech unlocks its full potential: - Unyielding Mobility: The user’s speed increases by 20 feet, and they can use their bonus action to Dash or Disengage. - Perfect Coordination: The user and the mech now move in perfect synchrony, and the user gains advantage on Athletics and Acrobatics checks.
Narrative Detail: The user feels the mech’s full power coursing through them, unlocking even greater speed and agility. Every move they make is seamless, as if they’re no longer just wearing the armor, but have become one with it.
Level 9: Ultimate Guardian Form[edit]
At 9th level, the user and mech merge fully into a single combat entity: - Invulnerability: For 1 minute, the user gains resistance to all damage types and becomes immune to being frightened or paralyzed. During this time, all attacks automatically hit and deal an extra 1d6 radiant or force damage. - Overwhelming Presence: All enemies within 30 feet of the user must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 8 + Proficiency bonus + Intelligence modifier) or become frightened for 1 minute.
Narrative Detail: When the user activates Ultimate Guardian Form, the mech becomes a towering figure of immense power, both protecting and obliterating. The synergy between the user and the mech reaches its peak, overwhelming foes and transforming the battlefield into a theater of destruction.
Level 10: Supreme Guardian Form[edit]
At 10th level, the user enters a state of supreme protection: - Titanic Resilience: The user gains temporary hit points equal to twice their level (minimum 10), and all damage they take is reduced by 10. - Commanding Presence: The user can use their action to grant all allies within 60 feet a +2 bonus to AC and saving throws for 1 minute. This ability can be used once per short rest.
Narrative Detail: The mech now encases the user in an impenetrable form, protecting them from even the most devastating blows. The bond is so strong that they radiate an aura of power, inspiring their allies to fight with greater strength and resolve.
Level 11: Commander’s Bond[edit]
At 11th level, the mech can now actively command allies on the battlefield: - Tactical Command: The user can issue orders to one ally within 60 feet as a bonus action, allowing them to take an immediate reaction or use a bonus action on their turn. This can be used a number of times equal to the user’s Intelligence modifier (minimum of once) per long rest. - Battlefield Vision: The user gains the ability to see all enemies within 60 feet, even if they are hidden or obscured. Additionally, they can use an action to grant all allies within 60 feet advantage on their next attack roll.
Narrative Detail: As the user strengthens their bond with the mech, they develop tactical insight that allows them to lead their allies with precise commands and provide superior battlefield awareness.
Level 12: Advanced Coordination[edit]
At 12th level, the synergy between you and the mech reaches new heights: - Perfect Synchronization: The user can now grant one ally within 30 feet advantage on attack rolls, saving throws, or ability checks once per short rest. - Battlefield Command: The user can spend their bonus action to direct all allies within 60 feet to take a reaction, such as imposing disadvantage on an enemy attack roll or gaining advantage on their next attack.
Narrative Detail: The user's bond with the mech has matured to the point where they can send out mental signals, guiding their allies with precise instructions. The battlefield becomes a well-coordinated dance, and every move counts.
Level 13: Tactical Fusion[edit]
At 13th level, your understanding of the mech's combat capabilities deepens, allowing for devastating offensive maneuvers: - Fusion Strike: Once per short rest, the user can channel all of the mech’s power into one devastating strike, dealing an extra 4d10 damage (of a chosen type) on a successful attack. - Energy Overload: The user may overload the mech’s core, causing it to release a powerful burst of energy. All creatures within 20 feet must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + Proficiency bonus + Intelligence modifier) or take 6d6 force damage and be knocked prone.
Narrative Detail: The mech channels its energy directly into the user’s strikes, empowering them with the might of a hundred battles. When forced to release its energy reserves in an overload, the mech shakes with power, leaving enemies in disarray.
Level 14: Supreme Protection[edit]
At 14th level, the user gains unparalleled defense capabilities: - Unbreakable Shield: The user’s AC is increased by 2, and they can use a bonus action to activate a temporary shield that grants 20 temporary hit points for 1 minute. This ability can be used once per short rest. - Shielded Assault: While using the Unbreakable Shield, the user can make two weapon attacks per Attack action.
Narrative Detail: The mech’s defensive systems are now at their peak, making the user nearly unstoppable. Every attack bounces off their enhanced defenses, and their offensive strikes become all the more dangerous.
Level 15: Perfect Bond[edit]
At 15th level, the user and the mech share a bond so deep that their movements are indistinguishable: - Unison Attack: Once per long rest, the user and mech can combine their efforts for an attack that automatically hits and deals double damage. - Tactical Reflex: Whenever the user takes damage, they can use their reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll.
Narrative Detail: The mech’s systems have been so perfectly tuned to the user’s instincts that their every move is in perfect harmony. The result is a combatant who never misses, a seamless machine of destruction.
Level 16: Tactical Overdrive[edit]
At 16th level, the user can push the mech beyond its normal limits, unleashing its full potential: - Overdrive Mode: Once per long rest, the user can activate Overdrive Mode, increasing their movement speed by 30 feet, gaining advantage on all attacks, and dealing an extra 2d6 damage with every weapon attack for 1 minute. - Enhanced Strike: The user gains the ability to deal extra force damage equal to their Intelligence modifier (minimum of 2) with every weapon attack.
Narrative Detail: The user channels all of their mental and physical focus, pushing the mech into a state of heightened power. In this mode, their attacks become more precise, and they move with unmatched speed and lethality.
Level 17: Commander’s Leadership[edit]
At 17th level, the user gains ultimate leadership abilities: - Leadership Aura: All allies within 30 feet gain advantage on saving throws against fear and charm effects and gain temporary hit points equal to the user's Intelligence modifier (minimum of 5). - Battle Command: The user can use an action to grant all allies within 60 feet the ability to make an immediate weapon attack against an enemy of their choice.
Narrative Detail: As the user’s connection with the mech reaches its zenith, they gain the power to inspire and lead their allies with supreme confidence. Their presence on the battlefield is commanding, and their commands are followed without hesitation.
Level 18: Mech Mastery[edit]
At 18th level, the user achieves complete mastery over the mech: - Mech Suit Mastery: The user can now attune to the mech itself, allowing them to manipulate its systems directly. The user can use their action to grant themselves advantage on any skill check, saving throw, or attack roll that uses the mech’s built-in systems. - Mech Assault: The user can now unleash a devastating mech-assisted attack once per short rest, dealing 10d10 damage and stunning enemies in a 15-foot radius (DC 8 + Proficiency bonus + Intelligence modifier).
Narrative Detail: The user is now completely in tune with the mech, able to control its systems as if they were their own body. Every strike, every movement is an extension of the user’s will.
Level 19: Supreme Commander[edit]
At 19th level, the user becomes a supreme leader of the battlefield: - Master’s Strategy: Once per long rest, the user can choose an enemy to become the focus of all attacks by allies within 60 feet. All attacks against this enemy have advantage, and the enemy must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 8 + Proficiency bonus + Intelligence modifier) or be forced to attack the user’s chosen target for 1 round.
Narrative Detail: The user’s tactical genius is unmatched. Their orders cut through the battlefield like a knife, and the very presence of their leadership alters the course of combat.
Level 20: Ultimate Guardian Ascension[edit]
At 20th level, the bond between the user and the mech reaches divine proportions: - Ascended Form: The user’s physical and mental capabilities are amplified to godlike levels. They gain the ability to fly for 1 hour per long rest and can use their action to cast the spell "Meteor Swarm" once per day, using their Intelligence modifier as the spellcasting modifier. - Supreme Resilience: The user is immune to all damage types for 1 minute once per long rest, and they can choose to heal for 50 hit points whenever they reduce an enemy to 0 hit points.
Narrative Detail: The user and the mech have ascended beyond mere mortals, becoming a force of nature. Their connection is eternal, and they wield divine power to shape the course of history.
Subclass: Mech’s Chosen[edit]
The connection between the Mech Guardian and their mech is forged in a special way. Instead of a mere mechanical companion, the mech was designed for a chosen ally, a being destined to fight alongside the Mech Guardian. This ally, although powerful, cannot exceed the level of the Mech Guardian than them. Furthermore, if the ally dies, a month must pass before this ability can be used again, at the discretion of the DM.
Level 1: The Chosen[edit]
Starting at level 1, the Mech Guardian can choose an ally to become their "Chosen," a warrior or companion who will fight by the Mech Guardian’s side with an unbreakable bond. The Chosen must be a creature with a race and class defined by the Mech Guardian, but cannot exceed the Mech Guardian’s level. The Chosen gains the following advantages while under the Mech Guardian's protection:
- **Bond of Resistance**: The Chosen gains resistance to all forms of damage (except force and psychic damage) while within 30 feet of the Mech Guardian. - **Combat Synergy**: The Chosen gains advantage on their attacks and skills as long as they are fighting alongside the Mech Guardian.
Narrative: From the moment the Mech Guardian selects their ally, the mech adapts to their physical traits, providing unparalleled combat strength. The Chosen feels an immediate connection to the mech and becomes a vital ally in battle.
Level 2: Mental Synergy[edit]
At level 2, the Mech Guardian and their Chosen develop a mental synergy. The Mech Guardian can share their vision and combat strategies with their Chosen, allowing them to perform certain actions without needing orders.
- **Shared Vision**: The Chosen can see what the Mech Guardian sees, even through obstacles or at a distance. This mental vision is so clear that the Chosen can attack hidden enemies without penalty from cover. - **Linked Mind**: The Mech Guardian can give tactical orders to the Chosen as a free action once per turn, granting them advantage on an action of their choice (attack, saving throw, or skill check).
Narrative: The Mech Guardian becomes an extension of the Chosen’s mind, and both move as a perfectly synchronized unit, sharing strategies, thoughts, and actions in a near-telepathic connection.
Level 3: Unbreakable Protection[edit]
At level 3, the Mech Guardian can channel some of the energy from their mech to protect their Chosen in critical moments.
- **Temporary Shield**: The Mech Guardian can, as an action, grant their Chosen an energy shield that absorbs up to 30 points of damage for 1 minute. This shield can be activated once per long rest. - **Rapid Repair**: If the Chosen falls to 0 hit points, the Mech Guardian can spend an action to restore 10 + their Intelligence modifier in hit points to the Chosen. This ability can only be used once per long rest.
Narrative: In a moment of desperation, the Mech Guardian can redirect energy from their own mech to create a protective shield or quickly repair their Chosen, ensuring the bond remains unbroken.
Level 4: Regeneration of the Chosen[edit]
At level 4, the Mech Guardian can use their mech’s repair systems to heal their Chosen beyond normal limits.
- **Rapid Reconstruction**: Once per long rest, the Mech Guardian can use an action to heal the Chosen for 50% of their maximum hit points. - **Bond Revitalization**: If the Chosen is critically wounded (below 20% of their hit points), the Mech Guardian can, as an action, heal the Chosen by an amount equal to the Mech Guardian's level in hit points. This ability can be used once per long rest.
Narrative: The mech feels the Chosen’s injury as its own, and once the bond is formed, it provides vital resources to recover the ally from even the most grievous wounds.
Level 5: Supreme Sacrifice[edit]
At level 5, the ability to rescue the Chosen reaches its peak, allowing the Mech Guardian to make a sacrifice for their companion.
- **Energy Sacrifice**: If the Chosen dies, the Mech Guardian can, as an action, use part of their own life force to bring them back to life. The Mech Guardian loses 20 hit points permanently (which cannot be restored for 1 week) to resurrect the Chosen with 1 hit point. - **Death Duration**: The Chosen can only be revived this way once per month.
Narrative: In the most critical moment, the Mech Guardian does not hesitate to risk their own existence to save their Chosen. The price they pay for this action is great, but the bond with their companion is unbreakable.
Level 6: The Chosen's Awakening[edit]
At level 6, the Chosen undergoes an awakening, enhancing their combat prowess to the level of a champion.
- **Increased Power**: The Chosen gains a temporary increase of 2 to their Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution score. Additionally, their attacks deal an extra 1d6 damage. - **Advanced Tactics**: The Chosen can take an extra action for every two turns that the Mech Guardian has used a support action, such as attacking or healing the Chosen. This allows the Chosen to take an additional action for every two turns in which the Mech Guardian actively supports them.
Narrative: The Chosen, by sharing more energy with the Mech Guardian, experiences an awakening that elevates them to the ranks of the most powerful warriors, fighting alongside their companion with new vigor and skill.
Level 7: The End of the Bond[edit]
If the Chosen dies and cannot be revived immediately, the Mech Guardian enters a state of affliction.
- **Mental Affliction**: If the Chosen dies, the Mech Guardian cannot use this ability for 1 month, while suffering a loss of concentration and vital energy. During this time, the Mech Guardian must deal with the grief of the loss and cannot establish a new bond until the time has passed.
Narrative: The Mech Guardian feels the deep pain of the loss, and like any sentient being, suffers the emotional blow of their Chosen’s death, preventing them from connecting with new allies until the sorrow has subsided.
Level 8: Mech Ascendance[edit]
A t level 8, the bond between the Mech Guardian and their Chosen grows even stronger. The mech is now capable of unhing devastating power, amplifying the Chosen's abilities.
- **Ascendant Strike**: The Mech Guardian can channel their energy into the Chosen’s weapon, granting them an additional 2d10 force damage on their next successful attack. This ability can be used once per long rest. - **Unyielding Spirit**: The Chosen gains advantage on all saving throws against being frightened or charmed as long as they are within 30 feet of the Mech Guardian.
Narrative: The Mech Guardian and their Chosen become an unstoppable force, with the mech itself feeding the Chosen’s strikes and protecting them from mental manipulation.
Level 9: Mech Fusion[edit]
At level 9, the Mech Guardian can partially fuse with the Chosen’s combat techniques, granting them the power of Mech fusion.
- **Fusion Power**: As an action, the Mech Guardian can merge their combat techniques with the Chosen, doubling their movement speed and allowing them to take one additional action per turn for 1 minute. This ability can only be used once per long rest. - **Mech Soul**: While fused, the Mech Guardian and Chosen can communicate telepathically within a 120-foot radius and coordinate their actions with perfect precision.
Narrative: The Mech Guardian and their Chosen transcend normal limits, momentarily combining their physical and mental prowess, becoming a singular force on the battlefield.
Level 10: Chosen’s Legacy[edit]
At level 10, the Chosen evolves into an ultimate warrior, granted abilities that rival the strength of legendary heroes.
- **Legendary Resistance**: The Chosen can now automatically succeed on saving throws against spells or abilities that would normally inflict status conditions (like paralysis or poison) once per day. - **Soul of the Mech**: Once per long rest, the Mech Guardian can transfer some of their own vitality into the Chosen, healing them for a number of hit points equal to twice the Mech Guardian’s level.
Narrative: The Chosen’s connection with the Mech Guardian has reached its zenith, and their prowess in battle is now on par with the greatest of legends. They are a living testament to the power of the bond between them and their mech.
Level 11: Rebirth of the Chosen[edit]
At level 11, the Mech Guardian can now offer the ultimate sacrifice, resurrecting their Chosen immediately upon death, at the cost of their own life force.
- **Rebirth**: If the Chosen dies, the Mech Guardian can sacrifice their own life to bring them back, expending 50% of their maximum hit points permanently (cannot be restored for 1 month). The Chosen is brought back to life with full hit points. - **Eternal Bond**: Upon resurrection, the Chosen becomes immune to any damage that would kill them for 24 hours, during which time they receive double the healing they would normally receive.
Narrative: The Mech Guardian, driven by an unbreakable bond, willingly gives their life to restore their Chosen, knowing the sacrifice will allow their ally to continue the fight for freedom.
Level 12: Ultimate Synergy[edit]
At level 12, the bond between the Mech Guardian and their Chosen reaches divine levels of power, where their fates are intertwined in ways that make them virtually unstoppable.
- **Shared Power**: The Mech Guardian can now grant their Chosen a portion of their own maximum hit points as a shield once per long rest. The shield lasts for 1 hour and absorbs damage equal to 30 + the Mech Guardian’s Intelligence modifier. - **Bond of Eternity**: The Mech Guardian and their Chosen can now teleport to each other’s location within a 1-mile radius once per day as a bonus action, instantly appearing in the other's place without provoking attacks of opportunity.
Narrative: The Mech Guardian and their Chosen are now bound so closely that they become a single entity in the eyes of the universe. They share everything — strength, will, and purpose — ensuring their combined victory in even the most perilous of battles.
Level 13: The Mech’s Final Gift[edit]
At level 13, the Mech Guardian and their Chosen can unleash the final, ultimate form of their bond.
- **Mech’s Fury**: The Mech Guardian channels all of their remaining energy into a devastating attack, allowing the Chosen to deal triple damage on their next attack. This ability can only be used once per long rest and causes the Mech Guardian to suffer 10 points of permanent damage (which cannot be healed for 1 month). - **Unbreakable Will**: For 1 minute, the Mech Guardian and the Chosen can’t be reduced below 1 hit point. Any damage that would reduce them to 0 hit points is redirected to a protective barrier that absorbs the damage.
Narrative: In their final act of loyalty, the Mech Guardian sacrifices everything to give the Chosen one last surge of power — a final gift that ensures their ally’s victory against the darkest of foes.
Level 14: The Mech's Legacy[edit]
At level 14, the bond between the Mech Guardian and their Chosen becomes legendary, transcending death itself.
- **Legacy of the Mech**: If the Chosen dies, the Mech Guardian can now choose to have their own body completely assimilated into the mech, becoming an integral part of its systems. The Mech Guardian cannot die while the mech survives. The Guardian’s consciousness resides within the mech, and they can control it fully, giving them direct command over all of its functions, but they lose the ability to interact with the world normally. - **Eternal Protectors**: While the Mech Guardian is merged with the mech, their bond to the Chosen is strengthened, and the Chosen gains divine protection — an aura that grants immunity to fear, charm, and other negative effects while the Mech Guardian is fused with the mech.
Narrative: In the final chapter of their journey, the Mech Guardian becomes one with the legacy they built, ensuring their Chosen is protected in both life and death. The bond is eternal, a story written in the annals of history, forever shaping the future.