Fragment (5e Race)

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Neither human nor god, but still living.

Physical Description[edit]

They can appear as any race…but maybe their teeth are a little too sharp or they simply have too many sharp teeth. They look human, but to skilled observers, their familiar human appearance falls apart in the worst ways. They look human— but maybe their pupils are too thin, or their eyes are just a little too big, but it's a hard thing to catch.

You can never remember their faces— it always seems to slip away and escape your mind when you try to recall any physical details beyond what they were wearing.


Being the pieces of the Wholes, Eternity and Infinity, they have existed on land for as long as the concept of countries have, no matter what they've been called. They appear as children when a country is first created, typical as 10-year-olds but more often than not, they are not the same size as ten-year-olds. They rapidly grow upon reaching the human age of maturity and grow into adult bodies; When a country is created, these beings are broken off the Wholes, thus creating Fragments and are always broken off in pairs. Fragments cannot exist as a combination of Eternity and Infinity, nor can they exist alone. Fragments are always in pairs.

Upon the death of a country, the Fragments also die. If the country is remade, the same Fragments cannot be taken again from Eternity nor Infinity. It is in impossible feat, and it cannot be done with magic or other ways, no matter the greatness of the method.

The Wholes are as old as the universe, making the possibility of Fragments exist for the same amount of time. The Wholes are where Fragments originate from and are parts of The Wholes, which have created all Country Representing Entities. At the beginning, they created the very first Land Entity from the dirt and dust of the super continent, but they were not a Fragment as they were not made with pieces of Eternity nor Infinity.

In history, it has been seen countless times that only Fragments have been able to permanently injure or kill other Fragments. Despite being part of the same Wholes, Fragments are not guaranteed to get along.


Fragments don't necessarily have a society, and each pair can have a different relationship and roles in their own country depending on how they're raised and by who.

Relationships Fragment pairings can have a variety of different relationships whether they be romantic, completely platonic, or purely work-based. Fragments with the one of the first two have a relationship as exactly as it sounds, those who are romantic are partners and those who are platonic are friends. Those with work-based relationships don't often interact with each other beyond work situations and only see each other if necessary or required of them.

Behaviors Some do the work needed of them only when absolutely necessary while others will choose to do the work required of them a lot more often. Fragments outside of work or "off the clock" will prefer farm or military duty, but their chosen line of work outside their main job has a lot of variety. Other times, when they're raised in specific environments or by specific people, they can end up apart of a mortal royal family. They also do take on the cultural norms of the society they are raised in but depending on how or with who they're raised with, morals and their own personal ideals will vary.

Despite being apart of the same two wholes, Fragments are not a hivemind. Each and every Fragment has their own way of thinking, ideals, moral compasses, emotions, and memories.

Fragment Names[edit]

Fragment names vary. Whatever race or culture a Fragment is meant to represent determines how they are named.

Fragment Traits[edit]

They may look like you, but they certainly aren't what you think they are…
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 3 and your Wisdom score increases by 2. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this trait.
Age. Fragments mature at 18 and live for as long as what they represent lives until the country collapses.
Alignment. There is not a specific alignment for Fragments, their alignment can range from lawful good to chaotic evil.
Size. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet and base swimming speed is 20 feet.
Superior Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 120 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and two other languages of your choice.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

′ '' + lb. × () lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

(3 votes)

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