Face Mask of Safe Breathing (5e Equipment)

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Face Mask of Safe Breathing is magical cloth or leather filter mask, powered by magical (alchemical or holy) charcoal. It may resemble a plague doctor's mask, a modified gas mask, a cloth filter mask, and many more. It is more potent than Gas Mask (5e Equipment).

While wearing a Face Mask of Safe Breathing, you are immune to all inhaled chemicals, toxins, or particles, and you have advantage on saving throws against them. Even should you fail a saving throw against such an agent, you still have resistance to the damage it causes. It also supplies you with clean air, allowing you to breathe anywhere, even in places you usually can't breathe in. It's life support time is unlimited - no need to change filters. The wearer is effectively immune to water, smoke, and any damage that relies on smell, inhalation, odors, or gaseous contact with the face.

Since it's worn close to skin, or even skintight, it doesn't stop you from benefiting from other magic items on same slot.

Rarity: Rare
Weight: 1 lb.