Ender (Pathfinder Template)

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Gains large height

When targeted by a ranged item the ender monster can fey step misty step or dimensional step as a quick reaction

Can misty step as a minor action

Creatures within a 0ft radius take 1 d10 frost damage

Ender cannot be used as a class for huge or bigger creatures


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Creating an Ender[edit]

Size and Type[edit]


Hit Dice[edit]


Armor Class[edit]


Full Attack[edit]

Special Attacks[edit]

Special Qualities[edit]

Vulnerable to water. Doesn't need air food water or sleep.






Challenge Rating[edit]


magic gelatin pearl that when thrown will put users feet on the place where the pearl impacted pearl breaks on impact.


becomes neutral or not on the grid.


Level Adjustment[edit]

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