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This page needs grammatical help. Reason: As a whole, most of the armor's properties need wording tweaks or need to be rewritten to follow 5e wording. Some of this armor's wording issues include: this armor having a number of capitalization issues, missing punctation, and some properties also missing clarification for how exactly they work like the Vambrace weapons (range, what type of attack, etc.).
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Armored forged from beskar in the Mandalorian way custom fitted and designed to fit the owner. Beskar armor has high resistance to energy and kinetic damage from it's unique metal property.
The armor is equipped with a jetpack, Helmet, and Vambraces.
Jetpack. as a part of your Action, bonus action, or reaction you can activate or deactivate your jetpack. While active you have a fly speed of 60 feet.
Helmet. While wearing this helmet you have darkvision out to 120 feet, and blindsight out to 30 feet from the onboard computing the helmet also includes built-in Light filter and Ear protection granting advantage on saving throws against blinded and deafened.
Vambraces. Your armor contains a weapon in each Vambrace:
Whistling Bird. A weapon used by Mandalorians Mini-rockets made of beskar steel. Whistling Bird holds a max of 10 mini-rockets, As an action you can fire up to all of your mini-rockets at once striking a single target or multiple targets dealing 4d6 Piercing each. The Whistling birds are guided so they hit the target automatically. Due to the size and difficulty of loading the Whistling bird you can only load it during short or long rest.
Flame Thrower. A weapon used by Mandalorians firing compressed flammable gas. The flame thrower holds a max of one minute of fuel before needing to be reloaded with new gas. As an action you can fire a burst of flame in a 15 feet cone dealing 3d8 Fire damage or half as much on a successful Dexterity save (DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier)
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