Soul Reaper, 2nd Variant (5e Class)
Soul Reaper[edit]
The Soul Reapers are a peace keeping society based in the afterlife, it is our jobs to come back to the world of the living, and help the lost souls of the dead reach the afterlife. Aside from being guides to the lost souls, we are also their judges, and juries. We alone posses the power to read their lives and decide whether they are to pass on to heaven, or be put to eternal damnation in hell. Thus we train our-self in the ways of Zanjutsu, Hakuda, Hoho, and Kido as lines of defense for those whom fight their destiny, or worse... become hollow.
Eternal Presence[edit]
Though unseen, Soul Reapers have been around since the dawn of time. They practice their many skills in the afterlife, before being sent out by the Soul Society to collect the souls of the deceased.
Jigokucho, or Spiritual Butterflies, are small creatures that glow a bright green color. They can be summoned at will in groups as large as 20 by Soul Reapers to preform mundane tasks, as well as deliver messages between them and the Soul Society. They can preform things such as scouting areas ahead making Wisdom(Perception) checks using their owners modifier, or follow tracks with a Wisdom(Survival) check.
The primary weapon of a soul Reaper, the Zanpakuto, is a one-handed martial finesse weapon which deals 1d10 slashing damage. Although the specific appearance is dependant on the wielder as it is an imprint of their spiritual pressure, they primarily take the form of a katana, wakazashi, nodachi, or tanto. Though initially formless, the spirit inside the sword is molded by the user’s soul, eventually becoming its own being. If your Zanpakuto is destroyed, it can be reformed during a long rest.
Creating a Soul Reaper[edit]
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13 Soul Reaper Liutenants, Tite Kubo |
Think about how your character became a Soul Reaper. Did a mysterious stranger stab you in the chest with an odd sword? Did you murder a high ranking officer in the spirit world? Did you simply enter the academy?
- Quick Build
You can make a Soul Reaper quickly by following these suggestions. First, Dexterity or Strength should be your highest ability score, depending on your preferred Zanpakuto type, followed by Constitution.
Class Features
As a Soul Reaper you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d12 per Soul Reaper level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d12 (or 7) + Constitution modifier per Soul Reaper level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: Light Armor, Medium Armor
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons
Tools: Gigai, Jigokucho
Saving Throws: Dexterity and Constitution
Skills: Choose 3 from the following: Acrobatics, Athletics, History, Insight, Investigation, Perception, Religion, or Survival
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- Zanpakuto
- Reaper Gi
- Gigai (Artificial Body)
- (a) Explorer's Pack or (b) 2 Simple Weapons or (c) 1 Martial Weapon
Level | Proficiency Bonus |
Features | Reishi Points | Slot Level |
1st | +2 | Zanjutsu, Soul Transference, Lighter than a Feather, Reishi, Reaper's Gi | 8+con | 0th |
2nd | +2 | Kido | 12+con | 1st |
3rd | +2 | Soul Path | 16+con | 1st |
4th | +2 | Ability Score Improvement | 20+con | 1st |
5th | +3 | Extra Attack | 24+con | 2nd |
6th | +3 | Reaper's Gi improvement | 28+con | 2nd |
7th | +3 | Soul Path Feature|Extra Attack | 32+con | 2nd |
8th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement | 36+con | 2nd |
9th | +4 | Reaper's Gi improvement | 40+con | 3rd |
10th | +4 | Soul Path Feature | 44+con | 3rd |
11th | +4 | Reaper of Souls | 48+con | 3rd |
12th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement | 52+con | 3rd |
13th | +5 | Reaper's Gi improvement | 56+con | 4th |
14th | +5 | Soul Path Feature|Extra attack | 60+con | 4th |
15th | +5 | # | 64+con | 4th |
16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement | 68+con | 4th |
17th | +6 | — | 72+con | 5th |
18th | +6 | — | 76+con | 5th |
19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement | 80+con | 5th |
20th | +6 | Shikai True Form | 84+con | 5th |
At 1st level, you begin to harness the energy of all spiritual forces known as Reishi. You have a number of Reishi points as listed in the Resihi Points column of the Soul Reaper class table + your Constitution modifier. You regain all expended Reishi points when you finish a long rest. If your Reishi points reach a count of 0, you have Disadvantage on all saving throws, excluding death saving throws, until you regain at least 1 Reishi point. If you already have Reiryoku from another class, such as from the Fullbringer or Espada class, and any features that use Reishi may use the other point pool as well.
Some of your Reishi features require your target to make a saving throw to resist the feature's effects, or you to make a spell attack. Constitution is your ability modifier for these features. The saving throw DC and spell attack bonus are calculated as follows:
Reishi save DC= 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier.
Reishi attack modifier= your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier
Lighter than a Feather[edit]
Starting at 1st level, while in Soul Reaper form you are lighter than a feather. You can move your normal walking speed through the air as if you were flying. However, if something were to paralyze you or cause your movement speed to fall to Zero, or you have no remaining Reishi, you will begin to fall,.
Reaper's Gi[edit]
A Reapers Gi, like his Zanpakuto, is made of his soul pressure, meaning that it can be repaired by the will of it's wearer, and is stronger than a normal robe. At 1st level, while wearing your Reapers Gi and no shield and have at least 1 Reishi point, your AC is equal to 10 + your Constitution modifier + your Dexterity modifier. As your power as a soul reaper increases, so does the strength of your Reaper's Gi. At 6th level, your gains a +1 AC bonus, at 9th level this bonus increases to +2, and at 13th this bonus increases to +3.
At 1st level, You gain the ability of Zanjutsu. Zanjutsu is the skill that allows Soul Reapers to create a sword from their "Soul Pressure" and manifest it in physical form, as well as handle the blade proficiently. This skill also binds the Zanpakuto to the creator. This means that only the person with a matching soul may wield the Zanpakuto. (Discuss with the DM to determine the zanpakuto, a real one may be used if the DM approves.)
Soul Transference[edit]
At 1st level, You gain the ability to use Soul Transference. Soul Reapers are adept at manipulating their souls and soul pressures. This gives them the ability to transfer their soul into a "Gigai" or temporary body. While inside a Gigai, soul reapers appear to be normal humans as their soul pressure is contained by the Gigai. However, Soul Reapers may summon their zanpakuto while in their Gigai. You may enter or exit a Gigai with a Bonus Action. If you are made unconscious inside of a Gigai, you are forced out next to it, and must make saving throws for both your soul and Gigai. If a Gigai dies, it can be replaced by contacting the Soul Society, and expending 1,500GP for service fees.
Starting at 2nd level, you have learned the ways of Kido. You may start learning basic Bakudo, Hado, and Kido spells, barriers, and seals. Kido is a fairly useful utility to Soul Reapers with enough whit and guile to make it work for them. You must spend twice as many Reishi points as a spell's level to cast it. Cantrips cost 1 Reishi to cast. Casting a spell using Reishi negates its material cost. You may only cast spells with a level less than or equal to the spell slot listed in the Slot Level column of the Soul Reaper table. You may have a number of spells prepared equal to your Intelligence modifier, and you may change 1 prepared spell at the end of a long rest.
Soul Path[edit]
At 3rd level, you chose a soul path that to help define you as a Soul Reaper. You may choose between Zanjutsu Expert and Kido Expert, both listed at the end of this class description. You gain additional features at 7th, 10th, and 14th level.
Ability Score Increase[edit]
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Extra Attack[edit]
Starting at 5th level, you gain the ability to make an extra attack with your attack action. You also gain additional attacks at 7th(2), and 14th(3) level.
Flash Step[edit]
At 6th level, your skill and practice in quickening your own movement allows you to flash step as a bonus action for 1 Reishi points, instantly moving you up to 60 feet away. This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks. This can not be used in the same round as Hoho.
Reaper of Souls[edit]
At 11th level, your experience has taught you the best ways to cleanse Hollows and Non-Hollows alike. Your Zanpakuto counts as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistances.
Zanjutsu Expert[edit]
By focusing less on Kido training, you put all of your time into physical training, and mastery of your skill with the blade. You gain +2 to Attack rolls with your Zanpakuto.
- Hoho
At 3rd level, by forgoing Kido training, you have learned to move at a greater pace then other Reapers. Your movement speed increases by 10. For 7 Reishi points as an action, you may push yourself to perform a Reapers Sprint, moving up to 3 times your movement speed and, until the end of your next turn, if a feature causes you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take half damage on a success, you instead take half as much damage on a failure and no damage on a success.Also due too your high soul pressure any room you enter you may choose a target too take 2 psychic damage, if the user does not choose a target the entire room takes 2 damage.
- Shikai
At 5th level, through intense training and work on your skill with the blade, you have finally learned the name of your Zanpakuto. As a bonus action for 4 Reishi, you call your Zanpakuto's name, invoking it's power. All Shikai have their own unique special ability, work along side your DM to decide this ability based on your character's personality.
- Soul Resonation
At 7th level, you have focused long and hard, and now acknowledge that your blade, though made of your soul, has a will and soul of its own. Though you still do not know it's name, this bond allows you and your sword to synchronize to new heights in power. At 6th level your Zanpakuto has a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls and deals 1d12 slashing damage. At 9th level, your Zanpakuto has a +2 bonus. At 13th level your Zanpakuto has a +3 bonus.
- Bankai
At 14th level, your weapon and you are one in the same. Your thoughts and emotions, your very wills are intertwined allowing you to draw forth the maximum power your weapon is capable of. You now gain critical hits with rolls of 19 or 20. While in Shikai form, another short phrase is uttered to unleash the power within for 4 additional Reishi, and work with your DM to find your weapons special ability that is added as an effect, such as a bonus to certain types of Bakudo or Hado, a boost to speed, or some special attack. You must spend an additional 4 Reishi at the end of each of your turns to maintain this form.
- True Form
At level 20 you are the greatest Soul Reapers too wield a Zanpakuto you may fuse two Bankai’s to count as one permanently, for 20 Reishi points you may enter True form (Discuss with your DM).In this form, your Soul pressure is so immense that anyone with the intent to kill takes 1d6 of psychic damage. In this form you are very powerful and faster than the speed of light, making your movement speed 250 feet while in this form, all damage rolls receive a +20, and all Dice rolls receive a +10 (not including damage). All attacks towards you are rolled with disadvantage due too your high Soul Pressure and you may add +5 too you AC. This form Lasts 1 hour but once the hour is up the user becomes very exhausted and must roll disadvantage on all rolls until 1 long rest Also your HP is Doubled + your CON modifier. (includes 3 bonus actions and 3 Complete actions). Also, you gain the access to use every Bankai Fused together without wasting any reishi. As a Bonus action you can you may use another Bankai’s ability while having another active.
Kido Expert[edit]
As of 3rd level, you gain a +2 to your Spell Modifier and Save DCs. Kido masters seek to learn all of the known Bokudo in the Soul Society. They excel at situational analysis, and are usually well studied. Some Kido experts dream of learning all 99 or the known Bakudo, Kido, Barriers, and Seals that the Soul Reapers have at your disposal. Some of the more corrupted and seek to only gain power through the lost arts of the unnumbered Kido.
- Eishōhaki
at 3rd level, you have learned to cut the time on certain incantations without lowering their power. You may now cast Kido that would normally take 1 minute to prepare as an action. However if the incantation is part of the 100+ Kido (or more well known as "Forbidden Kido"), this effect does not take place.
- Mental Master
At 7th level, you have sharpened your mind far further then any Zanpakuto has ever been. Because of this, when calculating how many Kido you may have prepared at one time, you add your Intelligence modifier twice as opposed to once as normal.
- Nijū Eishō
At 10th level, you have learned to cast two Kido spells on the same action. However, when choosing Kido to cast, keep in mind that the total spell level of both Kido cast cannot exceed the current highest level Kido you can cast. (e.g. if you can cast a 4th level Kido at best, the two you choose to use can both be 2nd level, or a combo of a 3rd and 1st level Kido) In addition, when using this feature, Eishōhaki cannot take effect due to the taxation of the mind.
- Nijū Eishōhaki
At 14th level, your mind in sharper, sturdier, and more flexible then the strongest of any known Zanpakuto known to the Soul Society. You have learned how to control your Soul Pressure to the point that casting Two Kido at the same time is mere child's play. You may now use the effects of Nijū Eishō and Eishōhaki at the same time. In addition, the max spell slot level of the Kido that can be cast with Nijū Eishō is now equivalent to the max level of Kido you can cast + your Soul Reaper level divided by 5 rounded up. (e.g. Soul reaper level 14 = Max Kido slot + 3)
Soul Reaper Kido List[edit]
You know all of the Kido on the basic Soul Reaper spell list. You can prepare a number of Kido equal to your Soul Reaper Level + Your Intelligence Modifier.
- Cantrips
Fushibi (Firebolt)
- 1st Level
Okasen (Burning Hands), Danku (Shield) Tenran (Gust of Wind), Inemuri (Sleep), Senju Kōten Taihō (Jim's Magic Missile)
- 2nd Level
Shibireyubi (Hold Person)
- 3rd Level
Shakkaho (Fireball), Meiyu (Mass Healing Word), Raikouhou (Call Lightning), Hanki (Counterspell)
- 4th Level
Kurohitsugi (Blight), Noren Mekuri (Dimension Door)
- 5th Level
Tozansho (Wall of Stone), Hiryu Gekizoku Shinten Raiho (Destructive wave), Soren Sokatsui (Flamestrike), Bankin (Hold Monster), Hyōga Seiran (Cone of Cold), Kūkanten'i (Teleportation Circle)
Back to Main Page → 5e Homebrew → Spells |
Shinigami Spells[edit]
1st-Level Spells[edit]
Abjur | |
Conj |
Div | |
Ench |
Evoc | |
Illus | |
Necro | |
Trans | |
Needs Work |
2nd-Level Spells[edit]
Abjur | |
Conj | |
Div | |
Ench |
Evoc | |
Illus | |
Necro | |
Trans | |
Needs Work |
3rd-Level Spells[edit]
Abjur | |
Conj | |
Div | |
Ench | |
Evoc |
Illus | |
Necro | |
Trans | |
Needs Work |
4th-Level Spells[edit]
Abjur | |
Conj | |
Div | |
Ench | |
Evoc |
Illus | |
Necro | |
Trans | |
Needs Work |
5th-Level Spells[edit]
Abjur | |
Conj |
Div |
Ench | |
Evoc |
Illus | |
Necro | |
Trans | |
Needs Work |
You're free to create, use, and add your own Zanpakuto examples. All spells that require a saving throws follows the kido CON save Zangetsu 1[edit] Getsugo Tensho . Each creature in a 200-foot cone originating from you must make a Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 15d10 + your Dexterity modifier force damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. If you have Gran Rey Cero, you may use both features on the same action. While in Bankai, Zangetsu becomes a wide blade connected to your arm by a chain. Your Zanpakuto damage die becomes 2d6, you lose your second Zanpakuto, and it gains the Thrown (20/40) and Returning properties. Engetsu[edit] Burn, Engetsu While in Shikai, Engetsu is engulfed in flames. Your Zanpakuto damage die becomes 2d6, and you may choose to have it deal fire damage instead of slashing damage. As an action, you may spend 35 Reishi to release energy from your blade in a sweep known as Getsuga Tensho. Each creature in a 200-foot cone originating from you must make a Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 15d10 + your Dexterity modifier force damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. If you have Gran Rey Cero, you may use both features on the same action. Tensa Engetsu While in Bankai, Engetsu's flames grow higher. Your Zanpakuto damage die becomes 2d8, you may use Getsuga Tensho as a bonus action, Getsuga Tensho costs 20 Reishi, and you must spend 10 hit points in addition to the normal Reishi at the end of each of your turns to maintain Bankai. Nozarashi[edit] Drink, Nozarashi While in Shikai, Nozarashi becomes a massive axe. Your Zanpakuto damage die becomes 2d8, and its reach increases by +10 ft. Modosu Nozarashi While in Bankai, Nozarashi remains exactly the same, instead resonating with your spiritual pressure to transform you into a demonic beast. Your size increases by 1 category to a minimum of Large, and you can not be frightened, charmed, or stunned. Zabimaru[edit] Howl, Zabimaru While in Shikai, Zabimaru becomes a segmented, bladed whip. Your Zanpakuto's reach increases by +20 ft., and you may grapple a creature from that distance. Sōō Zabimaru While in Bankai, you can not be disarmed of Zabimaru, and you gain +1 AC. As a bonus action after a successful attack against a creature within 5 ft. of you for 30 Reishi, you may force the creature to attempt a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take 15d10 + your Strength modifier force damage, or half as much on a successful one. A creature reduced to 0 hit points by this damage or any objects in the area that aren't being worn or carried are instantly disintegrated. A disintegrated creature and everything it is wearing and carrying, except magic items, are reduced to a pile of fine gray dust. Hōzukimaru[edit] Grow, Hōzukimaru While in Shikai, Hōzukimaru becomes a segmented, bladed whip. Your Zanpakuto's reach increases by +10 ft. As a bonus action, you may split your Zanpakuto into 2 identical Zanpakuto with a normal Zanpakuto's reach that have the Light property. Ryūmon Hōzukimaru While in Bankai, your Zanpakuto is always 2 identical Light Zanpakuto with +10 ft. of reach. You lose Soul Resonation's attack and damage roll bonus, but you gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls at the end of each of your turns in initiative. Benihime[edit] Awaken, Benihime While in Shikai, Benihime becomes an intricate but otherwise unspectacular medium-sized sword, but makes up for it with its Kido enhancement. When you cast a Kido that deals damage, it deals Force damage, and all Kido can be cast as an action or bonus action. Kannonbiraki Benihime Aratame While in Bankai, your Zanpakuto remains unchanged, instead summoning a Gargantuan woman in red robes with a Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution score of 17, an Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma score of 5, a movement speed, list of known languages, and list of actions of 0. Any object or creature of your choice within 5 ft. of the woman regain 8d12 hit points or regains 1 body part of your choice, or they must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 10d12 necrotic damage. Cost:8 Reishi points Suzumushi[edit] Cry, Suzumushi While in Shikai, your Zanpakuto remains unchanged. As an action for 20 Reishi, you may force every creature within 120 ft. to attempt a Constitution saving throw as Suzumushi vibrates at a painfully high frequency. On a failure, they are knocked unconscious for 1 minute. On a success, they are deafened for 1 minute. Alternatively as an action for 5 Reishi, you may force every creature in a 60 ft. line to attempt a Dexterity saving throw as you generate a storm of blades. On a success, they take 12d12 slashing damage. On a failure, they take half as much damage. Cost:12 Reishi points
Suzumushi Tsuishiki: Enma Kōrogi
While in Bankai, all creatures except you are blinded and deafened. Yhwach[edit] Future Sight While in Shikai, You have true sight for 1 minute, creatures roll disadvantage when rolling to hit you and you roll with advantage +10 Rewrite While in Bankai, You may rewrite the history of any actions that occurred in the last hour. You may do this a number of times equaled to your CON modifier. COST:45 Reishi Katen Kyōkotsu[edit] Cry, Katen Kyōkotsu While in Shikai, your Zanpakuto becomes two Light Zanpakuto and their damage die becomes 1d10. As an action for 7 Reishi, you may initiate the following effects against a creature within 60 ft.: Takaoni - Whichever creature is physically lower at the start of your next turn takes 6d12 force damage. Kageoni - Both creatures can dictate in which 5 ft. space within 5 ft. of them their shadow is. If a creature occupies the same space as their shadow, they take 2d6 force damage at the start of their turn. This lasts for 1 minute. Irooni - Both creatures name a damage type in secret. They become immune to all damage except the type the other creature called. EX: If a creature calls slashing he can only take damage from slashing damage.
Katen Kyōkotsu: Karamatsu Shinjū
While in Bankai, the area within 120 ft. becomes gloomy to all those who view it. As an action for 7 Reishi, you may initiate the following effects against a creature within 60 ft.:
Ichidanme: Tameraikizu no Wakachiai - Any damage either creature takes, the other takes as well.
Sandanme: Dangyo no Fuchi - Both creatures begin to suffocate.
Shime no Dan: Itokiribasami Chizome no Nodobue - This can only be used against a creature within 5 ft. while grappling them. Sheathing your sword, you slowly wrap a white thread around the creature you are grappling's throat. If they do not escape the grapple after 5 turns (30 seconds), they are killed instantly. (Note while in this Bankai Naturel 20 or Naturel 1 does not guarantee anything. If a creature rolls 20 it equals 19 if a creature rolls 1 it equals 2)
Ashisogi Jizō[edit]
Rip, Ashisogi Jizō
While in Shikai, your Zanpakuto becomes a deformed trident. As a bonus action on a successful attack against a creature for 5 Reishi, they must succeed a Constitution saving throw or become paralyzed for 1 minute. They may retry this saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect on a success.
Konjiki Ashisogi Jizō
While in Bankai, you lose the effects of Shikai and summon one poisonous caterpillar-like creature within 5 ft. of you that can not speak and follows your verbal commands until your Bankai ends.
Play, Kinshara
While in Shikai, Kinshara becomes a golden, whip-like mace. Your Zanpakuto's reach increases by +20 ft. and it deals magical bludgeoning damage. As a bonus action for 3 Reishi after a successful attack, all creatures within 5 ft. of the target must succeed a Constitution saving throw or take 4d12 thunder damage as Kinshara creates a vortex of sound.
Kinshara Butōdan
While in Bankai, you create up to 10 hobgoblins that act on your own turn for 3 Reishi per hobgoblin. These Zanpakuto hobgoblins do not have crossbows, and desummon immediately after Bankai ends.
Play, Tenken
While in Shikai, each swing of Tenken generates the ghostly form of your Bankai. Your Zanpakuto damage die becomes 2d8, and its reach increases by +10 ft.
Kokujō Tengen Myō'ō Kinshara
While in Bankai, you create a clone of yourself that is identical in stats to you save for being Gargantuan. It acts in the exact same manner as you no matter what, and is desummoned when Bankai ends.
Ryūjin Jakka[edit]
Reduce All Creation to Ash, Ryūjin Jakka
While in Shikai, your Zanpakuto deals fire damage, and you may cast any Kido that deal fire damage without spending Reishi. In addition, any water not inside living creatures within 100 ft. of you evaporates instantly.
Zanka no Tachi,
Unlike normal Bankai, you must spend 60 Reishi to initiate Bankai. While in Bankai, your Zanpakuto deals 20d10 fire damage for 10 minutes.
Sit Upon the Frozen Heavens, Hyōrinmaru
While in Shikai, your Hyōrinmaru generates multiple ice dragons from its blade. Your Zanpakuto's reach increases by +15 ft. and deals cold damage. As an action for 2 Reishi, you can create a 5 ft. wall of ice with 15 AC and hit points anywhere within 30 ft. of you. In addition, you can control the weather in any indirectly offensive way.
Daiguren Hyōrinmaru
While in Bankai, you gain a flying speed equal to twice your movement speed, your ice walls can look identical to yourself, and you become resistant to ice damage. You may change your Zanpakuto's range into a 10 ft. cone or back into 1 target as a bonus action. As an action for 5 Reishi, all creatures within a 30 ft. cone must succeed a Constitution saving throw or become paralyzed until the end of your next turn.
Sode no Shirayuki[edit]
Dance, Sode no Shirayuki
While in Shikai, your Sode no Shirayuki freezes anything it touches. Your Zanpakuto deals cold damage.
As an action for 2 Reishi, you become paraylzed and become immune to all damage by freezing yourself until the beginning of your next turn.
As a bonus action for 4 Reishi, you create a 5 ft. wall of ice with 15 AC and hit points anywhere within 5 ft. of you. If there is a creature in the area, they must succeed a Dexterity saving throw or take 6d6 ice damage.
Hakka no Togame
While in Bankai, as an action for 8 Reishi, you may force all creatures within 20 ft. of you to succeed a Constitution saving throw or take 6d6 ice damage and become paralyzed for 1 minute. They may retry this saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect on a success.
Whisper, Muramasa
While in Shikai, Muramasa turns all Zanpakuto and sentient weapons within 30 ft. of you against their wielder. The creature must succeed a Strength saving throw at the beginning of each of their turns or make an against an ally or the wielder themself with the weapon. This does not consume the creature's action.
Mukōjōchū Muramasa
While in Bankai, Muramasa manifests themself into the physical world along with any other Zanpakuto spirits and sentient items within 30 ft. All Zanpakuto spirits and manifested sentient items are identical to their wielder, but act autonomously. Muramasa may spend 20 Reishi (which are pulled from their pool instead of your own) as an action to force a Zanpakuto spirit or manifested sentient item within 30 ft. of them to attempt a Wisdom saving throw, becoming charmed for 1 minute on a failure. They may retry this saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect on a success.
Blow it Away, Tachikaze
Tekken Tachikaze
While in Bankai, your skin becomes red and your blade turns into one of a longsword dealing 2d20 of every single damage type at once, all damage also has a critical effect. Your Movement speed doubles each time at the end of your turn and instantly succeeds all Dexterity and Strength saves. All damage is halved and can’t feel any pain as you laugh while being dealt the pain. The duration for these effects last 5 minutes and cost 35 reishi to activate.
Pierce, Gonryōmaru
While in Shikai, your Gonryōmaru transforms into a rapier. Its damage die becomes 3d6.
Kōkō Gonryō Rikyū
While in Bankai, your Gonryōmaru is sent to the sky before exploding into a storm of electricity. You can control the weather. You can make an attack against any creature within 60 ft. of you using Gonryōmaru dealing 3d6 + your Dexterity modifier lightning damage on a hit.
Scatter, Senbonzakura
While in Shikai, you can not attack with your Senbonzakura as it dissintegrates into a cloud of cherry-blossom-like blades. Any creature that comes within 15 ft. of you, moves 5 ft. within this range, or starts its turn in this range is targeted by a Zanpakuto attack.
Senbonzakura Kageyoshi
Sting All Enemies to Death, Suzumebachi
While in Shikai, Suzumebachi becomes a glove-like stinger capable of poisoning the soul. If you score a critical hit against a creature you have already attack, you roll damage 4 times instead of twice.
Jakuhō Raikōben
While in Bankai, Suzumebachi becomes a large surface-to-air missile. Unlike normal Bankai, you must spend 50 Reishi to activate this Bankai, and it does not cost Reishi to maintain. Every creature in a 60 ft. radius within 120 ft. must succeed a Constitution saving throw or take 6d10 bludgeoning damage and 6d10 fire damage. After this missile is fired, you immediately leave Bankai.
Kyōka Suigetsu[edit]
Powerful Soul
While in Shikai, your Zanpakuto gains no additional properties due to the difficulty of mastering this weapon.
Shatter, Kyōka Suigetsu
When you enter Bankai, all creatures that can see you must succeed a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, any time your Bankai is active, you may create an illusory clone of yourself anywhere that you can see or turn yourself invisible as an action. These clones are identical to the real deal to all the creatures under this effect's
senses. These effects only effect creatures who have failed the Wisdom saving throw. Upon using your shikai any creature that fails the saving throw, upon entering Bankai you may swap all the damage,and placement anytime once per long rest, spawn 10 clones that have hit points equaled to your CON modifier and WIS modifier clones, cause the creature to see their loved one die thus becoming petrified. The user has free will over what each creature can see for this duration (1 hour).
Sakanade[edit] Powerful Soul While in Shikai, your Zanpakuto gains no additional properties due to the difficulty of mastering this weapon. Collapse, Sakanade When you enter Bankai, Any creature that is hit with your Zanpaukto is now under your control, You may alter any creature's memories. The duration of this Shikai is infinite as long as the user is alive. While in Shikai, your Zanpakuto gains no additional properties due to the difficulty of mastering this weapon. Raise Your Head, Wabisuke While in Bankai, on a successful hit with Wabisuke, the weight of an object is doubled. If used against a creature, their speeds and distance to take falling damage is halved on every successful attack. If their speed becomes less than 5 ft., it becomes 0 and they must succeed a Strength saving throw or fall prone at the beginning of each of their turns, and removing the prone condition requires an action. Sanpo Kenjū[edit] Powerful Soul While in Shikai, your Zanpakuto gains no additional properties due to the difficulty of mastering this weapon. Summon, Sanpo Kenjū When you enter Bankai you summon 5 clones of yourself that have the same amount of hit points, features, movement speed, stats, and abilities including magical items. These clones are also in the initiative order and must roll for each of them. For 2 minutes these clones will help and attack the same creature you attack, or as a reaction take hit points for you. Reishi Cost:65 Zakuro[edit] Siphon, Zakuro While in Shikai, your Zanpakuto's damage die becomes 2d12. Urozakuro While in Bankai, you lose the effects of Shikai and you can fuse with any surface you can touch as a bonus action. Your senses apply to the entirety of the surface. If the surface is solid, you may cast spells or make Zanpakuto attacks from anywhere within the surface, and you may cast any number of spells on the same action as long as you can match the Reishi cost. While fused with a liquid or gaseous surface, you are immune to all damage except fire, force, and necrotic damage. When Bankai ends, you may appear anywhere touching your surface. You may attempt to fuse with a creature for 10 reishi points, forcing the target to attempt a Dexterity or Constitution saving throw, their choice. On a failure, you occupy their space until you end this effect as an action, your Zanpakuto attacks automatically hit and deal twice as much damage to the target, you can not attack other creatures and any damage the target takes that is not dealt by you is automatically dealt to you as well. Gagaku Kairō[edit] Massacre the auspicious omens and come into being; respect the darkness as you become decrepit with age, Gagaku Kairō While in Shikai, your Zanpakuto disappears. 3 Medium featureless spheres with gaping maws appear within 5 ft. of you. They are identical in statistics to you save for not needing to eat, sleep, see, hear, or breath, and have 60 ft. of blindsight. They all act on your turn, and desummon when Shikai ends. Gagaku Kairō While in Bankai, a pair of massive jaws covering a 45 ft. radius circle. Any creature the starts its turn or comes within 5 ft. of this radius must succeed a Dexterity saving throw or take 8d20 magical slashing damage. Kazeshini[edit] Reap, Kazeshini While in Shikai, your Kazeshini becomes two kusarigama-like blades, which are thought to represent death, connected by a chain, thought to represent life. You regain 2 hit points at the end of each of your turns after you spend Reishi to maintain Shikai. You may spend additional Reishi at this time to regain an equal number of hit points. Fushi no Kōjyō While in Bankai, Kazeshini's chains extend into a noose around your neck, further extending into a 30 ft. radius orb above you with chains loosely hanging from it. You must designate one other creature under the orb. You and the other creature become immune to all damage. You must spend 24 Reishi instead of the usual 8, between the two creatures unless both creatures decide otherwise or one can not contribute their amount. Ikomikidomoe[edit] Unlike any other Zanpakuto, Ikokimidomoe has multiple Shikai forms. Orbit the Stars, Ikomikidomoe While in Shikai, Ikomikidomoe's own arm sprouts from your Zanpakuto's hilt. Your Zanpakuto gains +5 ft. of reach. In addition to your own attacks, you may make a Zanpakuto attack against any creature that enters, starts their turn, or leaves a 10 ft. radius of you without spending a reaction as Ikomikidomoe swipes at them autonomously. Jot Down Their Funerals/Hatch Out and Be Ruined, Ikomikidomoe While in Shikai, Ikomikidomoe is summoned from the Zanpakuto's inner world into the physical world. It is under your control and acts on your turns. It uses the stat block of a draugr, save for having an equal number of hit points as you. You can make it use or end its Enlarge action, which no longer has a duration, for 4 Reishi as your action, and when you activate this Shikai, you may decide whether it is Enlarged or not. While not Enlarged, it loses its Maddening Presence action, and gains the following: As both you and Ikomikidomoe's action, you spend 35 Reishi points to blast a gigantic concentration of Reiatsu in a direction of your choice. Each creature in a 200-foot cone originating from Ikomikidomoe must make a Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 15d10 + your Dexterity modifier force damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. A creature reduced to 0 hit points by this damage or any objects in the area that aren't being worn or carried are instantly disintegrated. A disintegrated creature and everything it is wearing and carrying, except magic items, are reduced to a pile of fine gray dust. If Ikomikidomoe is reduced to 0 hit points, your Zanpakuto is destroyed. Ikomikidomoe Hōraku Hakkei While in Bankai, you can not use any of your Shikai. Instead, you gain all of Ikomikidomoe's actions (excluding Enlarge, though all actions act as they would if you were Enlarged, and including the Reiatsu blast), features, and ability scores that are better than your own, and you take on a form similar to a Visored Resurrección.
Shikai True Form[edit]
True Shikai form, Once you have Mastered Kido Expert and Zanjustu Expert you are the Greatest Soul Warrior too Touch the other side, and you're known throughout hell and heaven and any soul you interact with volunteers to help you in any way. To start with your base stats, all your attacks have the critical effect and your movement speed becomes 350 feet if the user has an additional boost for movement speed it may be applied, Your hit Dic becomes a 1d20, and you are able to add +10 to your AC though it cannot Pass 35, You may add an additional +25 bonus damage when using your Zanpakuto, Your soul pressure is too immense that you can’t contain it and take 5 psychic damage or release it on someone or an entire room and deal 10 psychic damage, doing this will make people fall and will have trouble breathing.Now time for True Shikai form, to start off with True Shikai Form your movement speed is infinite you are beyond light speed and is faster than the sound itself, (Your AC must stay under 45) you may add +15 to your AC, All Dice rolls receive a +15, Every person that attacks you must roll 3x disadvantage and Take -10 on all attack rolls, whoever has the intent to kill must now take a 1d10 psychic damage, your Zanpakuto is your choice too form (Discuss with DM to shape your Blade), On all attacks toward you may roll a Dex or Con saving throw depending on the attack and will take half damage if under a 15 and no damage if over 15, If anyone is standing 10 feet o you, you may shield with your Soul pressure and can only be destroyed if hit 10 times.Now to enter this form you must spend all your reishi points and you may last in this form until deactivation once deactivating you are left with 1 Hit point.(includes 5 bonus actions and 4 Complete actions) You may Combine all Bankai effects but not damage. You may use Final Bankai once per long Rest, this Bankai was only ever used by the Soul King and is extremely powerful. Upon activating the final Bankai your blade turns into a Golden Longsword and your Soul Pressure is constantly hurting creatures in a 200-foot radius. For 1 minute your new Zanpakuto now deals 5d100 of all damage and has the critical effect, Lastly yelling the words Bankai will release a Power so strong it’ll shake both heaven and hell, and every creature in a 3,000 feet radius takes 40d100 of all damage and is immediately turned to ash including magical items. Upon using such power you must take 2 long rests before using your Soul Reaper powers again
Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Soul Reaper class, you must meet these prerequisites: 15 Dexterity, 15 Constitution, 12 Intelligence
Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Soul Reaper class, you gain the following proficiencies: Zanpakuto, Gigai, Jigokucho
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