Feats (Jujutsu Kaisen)
The following feats are available to characters with levels in the Jujutsu Sorcerer and Heavenly Restriction classes. In addition, you may pick any standard dnd feat that's not magical or that if your GM allows.
Background Feats[edit]
You were artificially created by a powerful sorcerer for a greater purpose, this trait has provided your abnormal properties. You will gain proficiency in Constitution saving throws and one of the following benefits: Poisonous Blood. Your blood is akin to a particularly dangerous poison, making yourself a deadly weapon. If your blood comes into contact with a creature, it takes 1d12 poison damage at the start of it's turns until it is removed as an action or 1 minute has passed. If your blood enters the body of a creature that doesn't possess the Artificially Created Feat, it must make a DC20 Constitution saving throw or become paralized until the beginning of it's next turn. It will also become poisoned for 1 minute as well. Poison damage from this feature overcomes resistances and immunities. Otherworldly Strength. Your body has been reinforced to withstand very powerful attacks from all sources. You'll gain 3 additional hit points towards your hit point maximum whenever you gain a level. Additionally, when you gain a level, your Strength score increases by +1. In addition, your Strength score limit is increased to 22. However, this trait causes you to be unable to use your Innate Technique until 12th level. Sorcerer Paths are unaffected by this.
Prerequisites: Must not be a Cursed Spirit, Must not be a Heavenly Restriction Your constitution is something to marvel as you may consuming Cursed Objects and suffer next to no afflictions from this act, a trait so rare that it appears in a human once every 1000 years. You have advantage on all checks and saving throws to resist any kind of Cursed Objects you consume, with their DC being reduced by your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier. A Cursed Object you consume cannot force you to submit your body unless a Binding Vow has been made between you and the Cursed Object. If you consume more Cursed Objects than your level + your Constitution modifier or are knocked unconscious, you must make a Charisma saving throw as normal to not be possessed. In case the Cursed Object possesses you while you were unconscious, you regain all of your hit points as the Cursed Object is in control. A Cursed Object can only be in control this way for a number of minutes equal to their level/CR + their Charisma modifier. As an action, you may “switch” with a Cursed Object you have consumed, giving them temporary control over your body. At any time as a reaction, you can make a DC 15 Charisma saving throw. On a success, you take control back from the Cursed Object whereas on a failure, you cannot take back control for 1 minute. The DC for this save increases by 1 for every success and is reduced by 1 for every failure. The DC returns to its original difficulty when you take a Long Rest. When some time has passed by the GM’s choice but a maximum of a year, you learn the Innate Technique of the very first Cursed Object you have consumed. Lastly, you will gain the Strong Body feat.
Prerequisites: Must not be a Cursed Spirit. You are a direct descendant of the famous Michizane Sugawara, which granted you enormous reserves of cursed energy. Your cursed energy maximum increases by your Jujutsu Sorcerer level added twice + your proficiency bonus added twice.
Prerequisites: Must not possess Unique Cursed Energy Your cursed energy is far more denser than normal, making its usage more powerful. You will gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: Must not possess Dense Cursed Energy Your cursed energy naturally possesses a unique trait, making it both rare and powerful. Choose one damage type excluding necrotic and radiant. The chosen damage type becomes your Cursed Energy Trait. When activating Cursed Armor, you gain resistance to your Cursed Energy Trait. Whenever you are hit by a melee attack while under the effects of Cursed Armor, you deal your Cursed Energy Trait as damage equal to your level towards the attacking creature. When you deal damage with the Cursed Strike or Cursed Weapon Enhancement, its damage type can be the same as your Cursed Energy Trait or remain the same. Any features that may change their damage type depending on your selected Cursed Technique can change to match your Cursed Energy Trait or remain the same. Your Cursed Energy Trait naturally provide you with one of the following options: Wellspring Of Energy. Your Cursed Energy maximum will increase by your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier. If you possess a Cursed Feat that increases your Cursed energy maximum or a similar feature granted by your Cursed Technique or Sorcerer Path, your Cursed Energy maximum is increased further by your Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution modifier. Dynamic Striker. Whenever you score a critical hit with an attack roll that uses a feature affected by your Cursed Energy Trait or a creature rolls 1 on the d20 against a feature affected by your Cursed Energy Trait, the creature is afflicted with a condition that depends on your Cursed Energy Trait excluding the incapacitated, paralyzed, and restrained conditions (Discuss with your DM as which condition is possible) that lasts for 1 minute. They can end the chosen condition early by succeed on a saving throw at the beginning of their turn. (The saving throw depends on your energy trait) At 14th level, you gain resistance to your Cursed Energy Trait and if you have Cursed Armor active, you become immune to your Cursed Energy Trait instead. Additionally, anytime you use a feature with its damage type changed to your Cursed Energy Trait, you can bypass the resistance that a creature or target may have against that damage type but not any immunities it could possess.
Your body has been born with a vow that makes you unable to travel on sunlight, in exchange on gaining enormous reserves of cursed energy. You will gain the following effects, depending on the severity:
Prerequisite: Cannot possess the Six Eyes Background feat, Must have two Ability Scores of 15 or higher, one of which is Charisma Your potential is virtually limitless even when compared to other incredible Jujutsu Sorcerers or Cursed Spirits. You gain the following benefits: Endless Possibilities. One prerequisite belonging to a feat or cursed feat can be ignored by you, however you cannot ignore prerequisites that require another cursed feat or a race to obtain them. For example, you can't pick the reverse cursed technique if you are a Cursed Spirit.
You have the gift granted only to the strongest of the Gojo Clan, the Six Eyes. You will gain the following benefits: Illuminated Vision. You will gain 60 ft. of Truesight while at your maximum Cursed Energy. You may not have any penalties for seeing through any thin, light and non rigid object, such as a blindfold, towel, or scarf, allowing you to use it as a way of protecting your eyes from the sheer amount of information your eyes capture. Information Overload. Due to the amount of information your eyes capture, if you're not wearing any light object to protect your eyes, you cannot mantain concentration in anything. At 14th level you will lose this detriment. At 14th level, you do not lose your Truesight while below your maximum Cursed Energy. You can spend 6 Cursed Energy as a bonus action to expand your range of Truesight to 120 feet for 1 minute in initiative, or 1 hour out of initiative. |
Body Feats[edit]
Prerequisites: Must have at least 15 Strength or more. You have been born unnaturally strong, capable of destroying walls with just sheer brute force. You will gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: Must have a 18 Strength score or more, Athlete History The strength you now possess is capable of matching experts at cursed reinforcement or massive curse spirits & shikigami. You will gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: Must have at least 15 Dexterity or more You have an innate speed advantage over others of your kind or have trained intensely on your agility. You will gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: Must have a 18 Dexterity score or more, 50 Meters In 3 Seconds! Even by the supernatural standards of the Jujutsu world, your agility is a trait that makes you just as fearsome as any other. You will gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: Must have at least 15 Constitution or more Your body's immune system has naturally been superior to your peers or exposure to dangerous foreign elements has dramatically improved it. You will gain the following benefits:
Prerequisite: Must have 14 Constitution or more. You have proven yourself to be very durable, making taking you down a very hard task. You will gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: You must have 18 Constitution or more, Strong Body Your endurance is from out of this world, no matter what you're not going down in the battlefield. You will gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: You must have at least 15 on your Constitution score. Your resilience is no joke, enabling you to survive much more than normal sorcerers during long periods of fighting. All of your Hit Dice increase in size by one step, and as a result, your hit points increase by an amount equal to your level + 1. Whenever you gain Hit Die and hit points after you have acquired this feat, your newly gained Hit Die is treated as though it was one size larger. You can take this feat any number of times, but you cannot increase a Hit Die above d12.
Prerequisites: At least 7th level. You can choose one additional saving throw to gain the benefits of the Resistant feature. You may take this feat multiple times.
Prerequisites: Must be a Cursed Spirit, having 16+ Charisma score. Due to having a body fully made of cursed energy, any wounds can be solved with cursed energy. As a bonus action for x cursed energy or as reaction to receiving damage, you can use cursed enrgy to regain hit points once per round. For every 1 cursed energy spent, you regain 5 hit points. If you are suffering from a physical effect injury such as a concussion or something similar, one of these effects can be healed for every 5 hit points healed with regeneration.
Prerequisites: Must have the Regeneration feat. Your regeneration is far beyond that of a normal curse, being comparable to even reverse cursed energy. Your regeneration now makes you regain 10 hit points per energy spent.
Prerequisite: Must be a Cursed Spirit with the Cursed Womb Subrace, 12th level, have failed two death saving throws or experience psychological trauma(determined by the GM). Due to a large degree of trauma, you have evolved into a new improved version of yourself. You will lose all of your subrace features, but you'll gain the following benefits:
Prerequisite: Must have a Strength or Dexterity score of 16 or higher, 2nd level Rather than focusing on the mental and energy aspects of sorcery, you have come to focus on the physical and martial aspects of sorcery instead. You will gain the following benefits:
Prerequisite: Must have a Strength score of 16 or higher Rather than a sequence of perfectly placed strikes of martial arts, sometimes you prefer to fight like a wild beast. Once per turn as part of an unarmed strike, you may make a grapple attempt against a creature. If you succeed, you may pick up the creature and slam them against a solid surface within 10 ft. of you, such as the ground or a wall, dealing another roll of your unarmed strike in damage. The surface takes as much damage as the creature, and if it breaks the creature takes another 2d6 damage of an appropriate type.
Prerequisite: Must have a Dexterity score of 16 or higher You've adopted a quick, swift and mobile fighting style, using your environment to your advantage.
Prerequisite: Must have an unarmed strike damage die of a d10, Must have the Cursed Strike enhancement, 8th Level Your expertise regarding unarmed combat exceeds those of a similar skill level through complex training and overall mastery of this martial practice. You will gain the following benefits:
Prerequisite: Must have wielding a Grade 2 or higher Cursed Tool, Must have Cursed Weapon Enhancement Or must have score 3 critical hits using weapons in a single combat encounter, 8th level Your mastery over all forms of weaponry has made you a more ideal wielder for cursed tools that possess a higher status and greater power to them. You will gain the following benefits:
Prerequisite: Score of 12 Intelligence or higher, Score of 20 Charisma or higher, Deception Expertise, 12th level When an opponent can see through the moves of your body, the best way to beat them is to get in their head. When you roll initiative against a creature or make an attack roll/cause a saving throw against them for the first time, you may make a Deception check contested with their insight Check. If you win the roll, you may add your proficiency bonus to your attack rolls against that creature for 1 minute and their proficiency bonus as well as the resistant feature cannot apply to saving throws you cause. At the end of each minute, you may make another contested roll of the same nature to keep the effect going. Regardless of the result of the following rolls, you will also treat their their passive and regular perception as if it is their passive and regular insight for the rest of the battle for the purposes of resisting your features and attacks. All bonuses and debuffs also apply to the attack roll or effect that initiated this feature. Additionally, if you spend 1 minute talking to a creature who can understand what you say, you can make a Charisma (Persuasion), or Charisma (Deception) check contested by the creature’s Wisdom (Insight) check, in an attempt to make a creature agree to something unintentionally, such that you can force them into a binding vow. The target automatically succeeds you or your companions are fighting them. If your check succeeds, work with your dm to establish a binding vow appropriate for the situation which you forced your target to agree to unintentionally. If your check fails, your target is aware of your tactics, and may become hostile, or seek revenge. Once you use this feat on a target and fail, you can’t use it again on the same target for as long as they remember the event.
Prerequisites: Must have scored at least 3 critical hits in melee attack rolls in a single battle, Must have Cursed Strike or Cursed Weapon Enhancement You have become more connected with your cursed energy, now being able to use the famous Black Flash technique, where your attack is raised by 2.5 times it's original damage (with the bare minimum being 2 from what gege said). To use this feat, the creature must be able to using cursed energy and either Cursed Strike or Cursed Weapon Enhancement feature.
When you score a critical hit (It must be a nat 20 for it to count) with a melee attack that benefits from either Cursed Strike or Cursed Weapon Enhancement, You can choose to land a Black Flash. Before the damage calculation, roll a d6 to see how much additional Necrotic damage your Black Flash will add onto the damage roll using the table below:
In addition, the amount of dice you roll from your critical with this attack will increase by one additional damage die. After you land a Black Flash, it becomes easier to land another one. Your next attack on the same turn will trigger a Black Flash on a 15 or higher, known as a black flash DC. For every other Black Flash after you land the second one, the attack needs to land a 1 higher roll naturally (15>16>17...). In The Zone. Hitting a black flash makes you get in the zone, leaving you in a state of 120% of your potential. You will gain the following benefits for a number of rounds equal to the black flashes you hit in the turn, the benefits will last from during the turn you landed the black flash until those number of rounds after it:
Prerequisite: You must have Black Flash feat, and have landed a Black Flash at least 4 times. Through your experience as a sorcerer, you have made a personal record of how many black flashes you have hit up to this point. Your Black Flash DC is reduced from 15 to 10 for consecutive Black Flashes. The DC increases by 1 for every successful Black Flash you land after the first when performing consecutive Black Flashes (Ex. 10 -> 11 -> 12 -> etc). |
Cursed Technique Feats[edit]
Prerequisites: Ten Shadows Technique Innate Technique, must have a score of 16 or higher on your Dexterity and atleast 14 or higher on your Charisma score, 4th level. You have been training to get used with fighting up and close as to not rely entirely on your shikigami, but to instead syncronize with them. While you are within 10 ft. of one of your shikigami, both you and them get advantage in attacking the same creature, and your Action cost to control them is reduced by 1 (Action>Bonus Action>Free Action).
Prerequisites: Ten Shadows Technique Innate Technique, Max Elephant Tamed You have learned to manifest the Max Elephant’s water Cursed Technique without summoning it. As an action for 5 cursed points while Max Elephant is not summoned you can use its Water Spray or Water Cannon actions. If your Max Elephant is in its totality form you use the totality’s version of those actions instead. Additionally at 6th level you learned to compress and pressurize the water to make it extremely deadly. While Max Elephant is not summoned, you may use it's Water Spray while turning it in a 5 foot wide, 120 foot long line that forces all targets in it to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they will take 6d10 damage, on a success they will take half as much damage. If you are using it's totality form, the damage is increased to 8d10.
Prerequisite: Ten Shadows Technique Innate Technique, 14th level You have now mastered control over the Well's Unknown Abyss, granting you access to combine most of your spirits into a new heightened totality. Once per long rest, as an action for 15 Cursed Energy, you may summon the ultimate totality, Chimera Beast Agito. Once it is defeated, you are unable to summon Nue, Great Serpent, Round Deer, or Mourn Tiger until you finish a long rest.
Prerequisite: Ten Shadows Technique Innate Technique, 16th level, you must have Mahoraga under your control.
Prerequisites: Must have Limitless cursed technique and Cursed Strikes, 3rd level While practicing with your cursed strikes, you have learned how to infuse your Blue in your strikes to increase their power. Whenever you use your cursed strikes, you can spend 5 additional cursed energy to imbue blue in them. If the target is hit, they take additional 5d8 force damage. You cannot increase this damage or decrease the cost by applying Tokyo School features to Blue.
Prerequisites: Must have Limitless cursed technique, 12th level You’ve learned to cast multiple Blue’s in extremely rapid succession without loosing output. When you cast Blue you may pay half it's cost an additional amount of times up to half your Charisma modifier (rounded down), creating an additional Blue within 5ft. of the initial blue for each additional time you pay the cost. The additional blues will deal only half the damage of the original and will not restrain the target. You may not use Delayed Explosions, Maximum Output, Chanting, or any damage increasing Tokyo School features on a Blue cast in this way.
Prerequisite: Idle Transfiguration Innate Technique, 4th level You have gotten a lot better when altering your body, making it a much simpler task. You will gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: Idle Transfiguration, 8th level You can now transform your entire body into other animals. As an action for x cursed energy(with x being the beast's CR, minimum 1), you can transform yourself into a beast. The transformation lasts for 1 minute, until you use it again, or until you drop to 0 hit points or dies. The new form can be any beast whose challenge rating is equal to or less than the your jujutsu sorcerer level. Your Strength, Dexterity and Constitution scores are replaced by the scores of the chosen beast. You mantain your alignment and personality. You assume the hit points of yor new form. When you revert to your normal form, you return to the number of hit points it had before it transformed. If it reverts as a result of dropping to 0 hit points, any excess damage carries over to your normal form. As long as the excess damage doesn't reduce your normal form to 0 hit points, it isn't knocked unconscious. You gain the actions of the creature you've become, however you can still do all of your normal actions as long as the body allows it. Your gear melds into the new form. You can't activate, use, wield, or otherwise benefit from any of your equipment.
Prerequisite: Idle Transfiguration Innate Technique, 8th level You have learned new ways to manipulate people's souls, and you have become quite experienced with it too!
Prerequisite: Cursed Speech Innate Technique, 14 Constitution You have amazing vocal chords, making them extra durable. Your vocal chords hit points are increased to 1/2th of your maximum hit points instead of a 1/3th. At 10th level, this increases to your maximum hit points.
Prerequisite: Cursed Speech Innate Technique, 20 Charisma, 10th level You have used Cursed Speech frequently enough to easily force enemies to do whatever you say. Your DC for every Cursed Word increase up to you proficiency bonus.
Prerequisites: You must be a Blood Manipulation user You have developed a method to have basically infinite blood for your cursed technique. Whenever you use one of your techniques that require blood points, you may spend additional cursed energy equal to the blood points needed for the technique, creating 3 blood points per cursed energy spent.
Prerequisites: You must be a Blood Manipulation user, 4th level By rotating your blood at high speed, you can increase it's strength and lethality by making a weapon out of it. You can spend up to your Charisma modifier in blood points to create any kind of non-magical melee weapon as a free action, although they count as magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances. For every two blood points used the weapon gains one additional damage tier.(d10->d12->2d8) This also means you can’t create melee cursed tools this way.
Prerequisite: Cursed Spirit Manipulation Innate Technique The cicle of exorcising and consuming is a painful one, something most minds cannot handle. However, you have overcome this cicle and learned how to accept it. You will gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: Cursed Spirit Manipulation Innate Technique, 4th level In your experience you've learned and adapted to the habits and routines of generic cursed spirits, and have developed a method to find and hunt them quickly to get them to your arsenal. As part of a long rest, you spend 1 hour searching for weak cursed spirits and absorbing them. At the end of this period, roll a d6. The result is the number of random Grade 4 cursed spirits you managed to find and absorb during your stroll. When you reach 11th level, you'll be able to find and absorb Grade 3 cursed spirits this way. If you have the Cused Energy Tracker feat, you roll this d6 with advantage.
Prerequisite: Cursed Spirit Manipulation Innate Technique, 8th level, must have Curtain or Basic Barrier feat. You've learned to use the vision of your spirits as an extension of your own. By taking an object capable of generating or reflecting an image, such as a small mirror or a cellphone, you can spend 2 cursed points for each cursed spirit you can merge on your barrier, receiving the benefits below:
Prerequisites: Cursed Spirit Manipulation Innate Technique, 10th level. You have become the ultimate battle master of your cursed spirits, being able to perfectly integrate them into your combat style. You can now summon cursed spirits as a Reaction to being targeted by a weapon attack, spell, cursed energy attack roll or any saving throws from sources outside your body, and you gain additional Reactions equal to your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus that you can only use to summon your cursed spirits, use one for reducing damage or command them to take their Reaction. When summoning a cursed spirit as a Reaction, you can immediatly command them to perform a Reaction if they have one without expending another Reaction, and they can take their Reaction as if they were being targeted by whatever effect you were originally. Alternatively you can have them make one Action or Bonus Action, in which they can only make a single attack, spell, ability or technique, and can't open Domain Expansions if they have one. Additionally, when you use your Martial Arts to make an extra unarmed strike as a Bonus Action, you can command one of your cursed spirits to make one melee weapon attack instead, and when using your Cursed Blast of Blows you can instead command one of them to take their full Attack Action. You must be within 10ft of your spirits to do that.
Prerequisites: Vengeful Cursed Spirit Innate Technique, 14th level You and your spirit have finally made ammends, making it finally pass on to the afterlife. However, the spirit left you a present before going. Your Vengeful Spirit is now fully under your control, not being berserk when you summon it. It will still be considered a cursed spirit, despite now acting as a Shikigami. Although you can use it's action to give it a order, making it act on it's own to complete the order.
Prerequisites: Mythical Beast Amber Innate Technique, 8th level The thrill of fighting strong opponents progressively ramps up until you are practically overflowing with electricity and killer intent. Whenever you engage in a combat encounter against a creature whose level or CR is either equal or higher than your own, you may use your bonus action to ramp up. This Ramped Up state forcibly provides all of the benefits found in the In The Zone feature from the Black Flash feat even if you do not possess for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier and all of your Mythical Beast Amber features have their cursed energy costs reduced by half of your proficiency bonus (rounded down). Additionally whilst you are in your Ramped Up State, your Sparks feature may now be used twice on a singular attack rather than twice per turn. If you use the Sparks feature this way, you add double the damage dice from that Mythical Beast Amber feature to your attack's damage roll. The next turn after the Ramped Up state ends, your body is then flashed-fried from the excessive amounts of electricity you had been generating in that state that causes you to suffer the paralyzed until the end of your next turn. The Ramped Up state can only be entered once per long rest.
Prerequisites: Private Pure Love Train Innate Technique, Must have landed Jackpot atleast three times, Must have used Domain Expansion:Idle Death Gamble twice in a single combat encounter, 8th level The love of a good gamble drives you into a state of absurd euphoria known as the Fever that makes winning huge all the sweeter. Whenever you are rolling your Jackpot die from the Domain Expansion: Idle Death Gambler, you may also roll a d20 alongside the 3 dice. The d20 must beat a DC 20 check in order for you to enter the Fever alongside scoring the Jackpot. For every 40% expectation you had when rolling to determine the Event and Multiplier awarded from Domain Expansion: Idle Death Gambler, the d20 roll gains a +1 bonus. If you score a Jackpot and beat the DC 20 check or you score a Rainbow Jackpot with a bonus to roll of +6 or less then the infinite cursed energy you obtain is a higher quality than normal. You will gain the following benefits:
Barrier Techniques Feats[edit]
Prerequisites: Must have at least 14 Charisma score. You have learned how to create basic barriers to protect areas or trap opponents. As an action for up to your Charisma modifier in cursed energy, you make a dome starting from yourself with a 5ft. radius and a 10ft. height. For each cursed energy spent, the barrier increases it's width 10ft. and it's height by 10ft. This barrier has 10 hit points times the amount of cursed energy spent, it has resistance to all damage from the inside, is vulnerable to all damage from the outside and is immune to Psychic damage. This barrier has an AC equal to the caster's Cursed Energy DC and automatically fails saving throws. This barrier lasts a number of minutes equal to your Charisma modifier.
Prerequisites: Basic Barrier feat. Emerge from the darkness, blacker than darkness. Purify that which is impure. As an action for 5 Cursed Energy, you cover the sky and the ground within a 2165-foot radius dome of darkness for 10 minutes. Upon activation, a dark, almost liquid-like matter drips down from the sky to form the outer barrier wall in the shape of a half-sphere. The curtain changes the sky becomes dark despite the time of day, provoking any cursed spirits out of hiding. For each extra 1 Cursed Energy spent, you can add 1 additional minute to the curtain's duration and +10 hit points. Those without levels in the Jujutsu Sorcerer class cannot see anything inside the barrier, merely seeing as if nothing but the vegetation was there. Creatures who can see into the ethereal plane or have levels in the jujutsu sorcerer path can see the black half-sphere. Your curtain has a number hit points equal to your Charisma modifier times your jujutsu sorcerer level. This barrier has an AC equal to the caster's Cursed Energy DC and automatically fails saving throws. It is also immune to Psychic damage.
Prerequisites: Must have the Curtain feat. You have studied barriers and their effects for a long time, making you become an extremely vital resource for the Jujutsu world.
Prerequisite: Must have at least 18 Charisma score, Barrier Master feat. You have learned how to invade barriers without breaking them. You will gain the following benefits:
None of the features above affect domain expansions.
Prerequisites: Basic Barrier feat. The main technique of the new shadow style, also known as "the domain for the weak." As an action or reaction against a cursed energy attack roll or saving throw, spell or domain expansion opening for 5 Cursed Energy, you surround yourself with a 15 ft. barrier for 1 minute. The circle has an amount of hit points equal to your proficiency bonus times your refiniment points. Any cursed techniques or spells that target you or targets an area that overlaps with your simple domain, will now target the barrier instead, reducing it's hit points by the damage it would cause. Your simple domain can be refined with time and practice, the more refined your simple domain is, the stronger it gets. You will start out with 1 refiniment point. You have the following methods to refine your simple domain: Training. On a short or long rest, you can spend a number of cursed energy up to your proficiency bonus, gaining an equal number of refiniment points. You cannot regain this cursed energy until the next long rest. Practice. Every time you activate your simple domain, you gain 1 refiniment point. Resistance. For every 5 damage your simple domain receives, you gain 1 refiniment point. You gain benefits the more refined your simple domain is. The refiniment benefits for each refiniment level are described bellow:
Your refiniment points cannot go above 100. To use this technique, you must remain still without moving and must maintain concentration as if you were concentrating on a spell. You cannot use any innate technique features while concentrating on simple domain. If you are in a Domain Expansion then you negate its sure-hit effect.
Prerequisites: Basic Barrier feat. A technique predating the new shadow style’s simple domain, most popular during the Golden Age of Sorcery; the Heian Era. As an action, bonus action, or reaction against being affected by a sure hit effect of a Domain Expansion, or seeing a Domain Expansion open, for 5 Cursed Energy, you surround yourself with a 15 ft. barrier for 1 minute. Within that radius, the sure hit effect of the domain is negated; anyone of your choice inside of the barrier is unaffected. The barrier has no effect on cursed techniques or other people entering the barrier; it simply negates sure hit effects.
Prerequisites: You must have the Basic Barrier feat. Or, you must have the Sorcerer Family Background. Unlike Simple Domain, in which the user manifests their own domain to nullify a domain expansion's auto-hit attack, Falling Blossom Emotion shrouds the user in cursed energy that counter-attacks the moment a domain's guaranteed hit makes contact. As an action or reaction for 8 Cursed Energy, you will surround yourself in cursed energy, making any attack rolls that would automatically hit you or saving throws you would automatically fail be denied. This technique will last for 1 minute, however it does not work for melee weapon attacks. You may also use this technique offensively while wielding a melee weapon. As an action for 5 Cursed Energy, you can surround yourself in cursed energy to get ready for an attack for 1 minute. When you would receive a attack roll, you can use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack with advantage. On a hit, the attack will be considered a critical and will deal the weapon's damage in necrotic damage. Once you use the technique, you must activate it again before reusing the attack. In case your cursed energy alters damage types, it can also alter the damage type of falling blossom emotion.
Prerequisites: Must have a Cursed Technique, 16 Charisma score, 8th level. Through great study of your technique and a lot of creativity, you have reached an incomplete domain. As an action for 10 cursed energy, you can expand your incomplete domain in a 90fts circle around you for 1 minute. To do this, you must be surrounded by objects or barriers on all sides within 90ft of you since you've yet learnt to apply a barrier. Since you haven't imbued a cursed technique within your domain it won't have a sure-hit effect, however it will still improve your cursed technique by allowing you to make cursed energy attack rolls with them with advantage and creatures have disadvantage when making saving throws against your cursed techniques. You gain one of the following depending on your choice: Known Domain. Your technique already has a domain, so you have a basis to start off. Your domain will have the same effects it does at 20th level, however any of it's damage dice, effect duration or cost reductions will be halved. On the case your domain reduces cursed techniques' cost to 0, it will instead only be halved. Created Domain. Your technique has scarce information around it, or your simply it's first user. By using your creativity, you can come up with any effects that involve your technique in it's Lapse state. You have various types of "effects" your domain can cause. Choose a number of effects up to half your proficiency bonus(rounded down) to add to your incomplete domain:
This feature follows all the rules of Domain Expansion. Lastly if you would gain Domain Expansion as a 3rd or 20th level feature, you may replace this cursed feat with another feat or cursed feat you meet the requirements for providing it is not a Background, Taijutsu, or Body cursed feat.
Prerequisites: Incomplete Domain, Must have 400 domain refiniment points, Must have the Basic Barrier feat. You have finally learned the trick to create a lethal domain barrier, now having a complete domain expansion. This feature follows all rules of Domain Expansion. You gain one of the following domain types depending on your previous choice: Known Domain. You will gain the domain you would normally gain with your class at 20th level. Created Domain. You have refined the domain you have already created, now finally achieving a full domain expansion. Your domain effects have become more refined, now granting a more powerful version:
If you would gain a domain at 20th level and already has this feat, your refiniment points are doubled once you reach said level. Also, if you gain this feat at 3rd level your refiniment point gain is doubled. |
Cursed Energy Feats[edit]
Prerequisites: Must have 15 Charisma or higher. Your Cursed Energy has massive reserves, making you become a cursed energy powerhouse. You gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: Must have 17 Charisma or higher, Immense Cursed Energy Your Cursed Energy reserves are so absurdly massive that they seem practically endless at times even allowing you to perform great feats of Jujutsu when others run out of cursed energy. You gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: You need to have at least 20 on your Charisma score, chaotic evil alignment. Your soul is rotten to it's very core, and your cursed energy shows that. Whenever someone tries to track you or feel your cursed energy, they must make a Wisdom saving throw against your cursed energy dc. On a success, they can feel your cruelty but are not shaken by it. On a failure however, they are frightened and receive the following detriments:
If the creature's cr or level is equal to or higher than your Jujutsu Sorcerer level, they make this saving throw with advantage. If the creature's cr or level is 3 or more bellow your level, they make this saving throw with disadvantage. Once a creature passes this saving throw, they become immune to it unless their cr or level is at least 3 or more bellow your level, which makes them only become immune for 24 hours.
Prerequisites: You must have proficiency in Perception, and at least 14 or higher on your Charisma score.
Cursed Energy Manipulation Feats[edit]
Prerequisites: You must have at least 13 or higher on your Charisma score, a Cursed Enhancement Feature You have been trying out new ways to use your cursed energy, and has managed to learn a new method to use it.
This feat may be taken multiple times.
Prerequisites: 18 or higher Charisma score, 12th level. Your entire body is enhanced by cursed energy, making you excel in tasks people who train their bodies all their lifes can't. You gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: At least 16 on your Charisma score, Cursed Energy Weapon Enhancement As an action while Cursed Energy Weapon Enhancement is active on a weapon that deals slashing damage, you can spend Cursed Energy up to your Charisma modifier to give a huge cursed energy slash. You make all creatures in a 30ft. line make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take the damage of your weapon + a number of rolls of your weapon damage dice equal to the amount spent in necrotic damage, on a success they take half as much damage. The damage type of this technique may change according to your cursed technique.
Prerequisites: At least 16 on your Charisma score. You have learned how to create huge blasts out of pure cursed energy. As an action by spending cursed energy up to your Charisma modifier, you can launch a cursed energy ball in a line of 30ft. Once it reaches the end of the line, it will explode in a 15ft. circle, making every creature in that range make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 1d12 + a number of additional dice equal to the amount spent in necrotic damage, and half as much on a success. The damage type of this technique may change like the Cursed Strike and Cursed Weapon Enhancement features.
Prerequisites: Must have atleast 15 Charisma or higher, Atleast two Cursed Energy Enhancement, 8th Level As opposed to simply forcing cursed energy into use for your abilities, you have become far more efficient in their output resulting in a dramatic boost in power. You will gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: Charisma score of 20 or higher, Improved Cursed Energy Output, 16th Level Gaining mastery over your cursed energy output enables you to manipulate the capabilities of your cursed energy techniques and abilities. Whenever you use a feature that requires cursed energy, you can expend 8 cursed energy to drastically alter its functions as a part of the same action you use the feature with. If the feature was an Attack Roll, the target of your Cursed Energy attack or attacks has their AC treated as if it had been reduced by your half of your proficiency bonus (rounded down) + 1. If the feature requires a Saving Throw to be made, you may change the saving throw to another saving throw depending on its original saving throw. The changes are the following below:
Prerequisites: At least 15 on your Charisma score, 8th level, Curse-Empowered Strikes Upon gaining this feat, your curse empowered strikes now apply to both attacks with weapons and unarmed strikes.
Prerequisites: Cursed Weapon Enhancement, 2nd level. You have learned to imbue your cursed energy into projectiles such as arrows, bolts or any other type of ammunition or weapon with the throw property. When using Cursed Weapon Enhancement, you can imbue a number of pieces of ammunition up to your Charisma modifier with the damage bonus, turning them into Cursed Projectiles, which also add your Charisma modifier to the damage instead of any other modifier you would use. When using these Cursed Projectiles, you make ranged Cursed Energy Attacks instead of what you would normally use to attack with them, and you control their trajectory while in the air, making so that attacks with them ignore cover. Additionally, they will stay in the air floating for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier, allowing you to keep making attacks with them even after being shot until they hit a solid object or target, when they lose this property. You can only control a number of pieces of ammunition this way at the same time up to your Charisma modifier. A creature in range may attack your Cursed Projectiles to destroy them; they have 1 hit point and 10 AC.
Prerequisites: Must not have the Six Eyes Background Feat, 20 Charisma score or higher, must have all Cursed Energy Enhancement options, Cursed Enhanced Body, 19th level. Your cursed energy manipulation is some of the best that the world has ever seen, it must take at least a couple of centuries for another person such as yourself to be born once again. You gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: Must have a Cursed Technique, Intelligence or Wisdom score of 14 or higher, Charisma Score of 17 or higher. 12th level. You can set a recitation of chanting for one of your cursed techniques. Example: “Polarized light, crow and declaration, between front and back.” You may recite your chant as an action. If you use the bonded technique in the next turn after reciting your chant, it will be given the following boost:
If your Innate Technique does not deal direct damage initially, you can choose one of the following options:
If your Innate Technique feature that benefits from Chanting requires more than one attack roll or save to be made, the first attack roll or save gains the benefits of Chanting. You cannot use Maximum Output on an Innate Technique feature you are performing Chanting on nor can you use a Domain Expansion whilst Chanting. |
Cursed Creations Feats[edit]
Prerequisites: At least 16 on your Charisma score, one talisman(paper imbued with your cursed energy). You have obtained a talisman, a symbol or a seal used to summon Shikigami. You must choose one of the Shikigami listed at the Shikigami list, with a CR equal or lower than half of your level(rounded down). You can now spend an action to summon said shikigami by spending a number of cursed energy equal to it's CR(Minimum 1). The Shikigami fights on your initiative and is controlled by you. It regains all of it's hit points after a long rest. If the Shikigami dies, you cannot summon it again until you take a long rest.
You can take this feat multiple times.
Prerequisites: You need an Innate Technique, must have Cursed Weapon Enhancement. You have learned how to more efficiently create cursed tools out of your technique. When making a Technique Imbued Cursed Tool, you don't need to spend the maximum amount of energy every time, and only need to enhance the weapon 50 times instead of 100.
Prerequisites: You must have at least 11th level, 20 on Charisma score. With enough time and experience, you have learned how to create cursed objects. During a long rest with a willing creature, you can turn them into a cursed object. To turn a creature into a cursed object, they need an object imbued with their cursed energy, even a body part will do. Once they've become a cursed object, all Cursed Spirits with an intelligence of 10 or less within (100 times the cursed energy of the creature in the cursed object) fts. must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they are drawn into the object and are going to use all of their action to try and consume them. On a success they won't detect it. If a creature that's not a construct or cursed spirit consumes said object they'll have to make a Wisdom saving throw against the object's cursed energy DC before becoming an object. On a failure, they lose all of their mind and free will as the cursed object reincarnates in them, changing their race to Cursed Vessel. The reincarnated creature will retain all of it's previous features except racial ones, and will gain the following features from their new body:
On a success, the creature will have control of it's body, having to share with said cursed object. Whenever the creature makes a initiative roll, it must make a Wisdom saving throw against the cursed object cursed energy DC, or have their body controlled by them for 1 minute. At the end of the minute, they may remake the saving throw.
Prerequisites: Cursed Object Creator You have gone beyond the knowledge of even the most experienced sorcerers, becoming able to transform yourself into a cursed object. As an action or bonus action you can expend 20 cursed energy to turn a part of your body into a cursed object. If someone consumes it, it will work the same as the cursed object creator feat explains. |
Reverse Cursed Energy Feats[edit]
You cannot gain any of these cursed feats if you're a Cursed Spirit or a construct.
Prerequisites: You must be at least 8th level, have 17+ Charisma score, must have failed two death saves in the same combat and survive. After many battles and studies about your cursed energy, you learn to use your cursed energy in a completely opposite way, canalizing positive energy instead of negative. You have a pool of healing you can use with your reverse cursed energy that's equal to 5 times your level times your Charisma modifier. As a bonus action for x cursed energy, you can remove healing from that pool to regain hit points. You may also remove healing from the pool as a reaction to receiving damage once per round. For every 1 cursed energy spent, you regain 10 hit points, removing an equal amount from the pool. If you are suffering from a physical effect injury such as a concussion or something similar, one of these effects con be healed for every 10 hit points healed with reverse cursed technique. You can use your Reverse Cursed Technique until your healing pool ends before getting burnout, during which you can't use RCT until your healing pool recovers. At the beggining of every two rounds, you gain 10 hit points of your healing pool. Your healing pool automatically goes back to full at the end of an long rest, or short rest if you recover cursed energy on a short rest. Once per round, you may try to force your reverse cursed technique to come out despite being in burnout, forcing you to make a DC25 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, you will gain 1 level of exhaustion, which can be reduced upon taking a short or long rest instead of just upon taking a long rest. On a success, you regain half as many hit points as you normally would.
Prerequisites: You must have Reverse Cursed Technique, Must not have Improved Reverse Cursed Technique While you were not gifted with the ability to learn how to output Reverse Cursed Technique, you have mastered the efficiency of it when used in your own body. You will gain the following bonuses to Reverse Cursed Technique
Prerequisites: You must have Reverse Cursed Technique, Must not have Reverse Cursed Technique Mastery. You have mastered this new type of energy, becoming a high level sorcerer. You will gain the following benefits:
In addition, whenever you deal damage to a Cursed Spirit with an unarmed strike or natural weapon, you can spend cursed energy to remove hit points from your healing pool to add as radiant damage. You add 5 radiant damage per 1 cursed energy spent to a maximum of your charisma modifier cursed energy.
Prerequisites: You must have Reverse Cursed Technique, Must have a Cursed Technique Through constant use of reverse cursed technique, you have learned how to reverse your very own cursed technique. You gain the Reversal Form of your Cursed Technique, detailed at the end of the cursed technique's description. |
Binding Vow Feats[edit]
Prerequisites: 5th level You became experienced in making vows with people or yourself, which led to you making them more and more. Your binding vows limit increases to 2 + your Wisdom modifier added twice(minimum 4).
Prerequisites: Must have 13 or higher Wisdom score,Vows Master, Binding Vow feature , 8th Level Your understanding of the concepts of Binding Vows has provided an uncanny amount of insight. So much so that certain Binding Vows no longer strain the user and even one binding vow that you possess is far greater than those of other sorcerers. You will gain the following benefits:
Canon Feat Changes and Additions[edit]
While we can make most feats strong while keeping balance in check, some are just impossible to adapt without breaking the game. That's why we have canon feats for those who want the true jjk feeling
Instead of rolling a D6, put the damage of your attack to the power of 2.5(rounded down), then that is your attack damage. For example, if an attack deals 20 damage, it deals 1788 damage when you land a black flash.
Cursed Technique Feats[edit]
Prerequisite: Ten Shadows Technique Cursed Technique, 14th level You will now be able to create totalities even when your Shikigami haven't been reduced to 0 hit points, and may use more than two on a totality.
Prerequisites: Limitless Cursed Technique, 12th Level. You’ve learned to cast multiple Blue’s in extremely rapid succession without loosing output. When you cast Blue you may pay it's cost an additional amount of times up to your Charisma modifier, creating an additional Blue within 5ft. of the initial blue for each additional time you pay the cost. You may not use Delayed Explosions, Maximum Output, Chanting, or any damage increasing Tokyo School features on a Blue cast in this way. |
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