Ren Gama Takaramono (5e Creature)
Medium humanoid (Takaramono), neutral good Armor Class 14 (studded leather)
Saving Throws Dex +5, Cha +5 Mana Bound. Ren has 14 mana points, and regains 2 mana points at the beginning of each of his turns. Magic Mastery (Earth): 9 MP Magic Mastery (Fire): 9 MP Hydrophobic. While Ren is in contact with water, he is paralyzed. Keen Senses. Ren has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight, hearing, or smell. Elastic Reflexes. Ren has advantage on checks to avoid and escape being grappled. Spell Access. Ren has access to a spell list. ACTIONSRecharge. Ren regains 2 mana. Worshipping Dance. Ren's spells gain one of the following effects: ignore resistance, double range, increase DC by 3, halve mana cost, or gain advantage on attack rolls. This effect lasts until he loses concentration on this effect. BONUS ACTIONSRecharge. Ren regains 1 mana. Off-Hand Casting. Ren casts a spell that has a casting time of 1 action as a bonus action. When cast in this way, a spell costs 1.25x as much mana and deals half damage. REACTIONSRecharge. Ren regains 1 mana. Counter Spell: Can cast spells to counter attacks. Dodge: Acrobatics check to halve damage on fail, none on success. Mage Sentinel: Protect an ally with a spell reaction. Rebound Defense. When Ren is hit by a melee attack, he reduces the damage he takes by 2. |
Appearance: Ren Gama Takaramono is a 14-year-old with a cheerful demeanor and an energetic presence. His style reflects his adventurous spirit, with casual, loose-fitting clothes and a signature hat. His body has a slightly rubbery texture due to his elemental affinity. Personality Traits: Ren is funny, kind, and steadfast with a strong moral compass. Background: Ren hails from a once-noble clan that lost its status. Despite this, he is carefree and does not let his family's downfall bother him. He aims to rise to greatness through his own strength and dreams. Goals: - To gather a crew of trustworthy friends outside of his kin and travel the world. - To become the Arch Mage of Poseidon, mastering water and sea magic despite his fear of water. Fears: - Water magic, swimming, and being wet, due to his Hydrophobic condition. Relationships: - School: He is part of Team 7, labeled Eta (H), under the supervision of ???. - Romance: Ren has a huge crush on ??? and will go to great lengths to protect them. - Clan: Ren is beloved within his clan and seen as a potential heir to the main branch due to his evolving abilities. Combat Style: Ren fights using his elastic abilities to dodge attacks and strike back with precision. His combat style focuses on mobility and utilizing his mana efficiently. |