Dharikstalva, the First Vampire (5e Creature)

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Dharikstalva, the First Vampire[edit]

Medium undead (shapechanger), lawful evil

Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
Hit Points 144 (17d8 + 68)
Speed 30 ft.

24 (+7) 21 (+5) 19 (+4) 22 (+6) 20 (+5) 22 (+6)

Saving Throws Dex +7, Wis +7, Cha +8
Skills Animal Handling +7, Arcana +8, History +8, Perception +7, Religion +8, Stealth +7
Damage Resistances necrotic
Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Senses passive Perception X
Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Elvish, Giant, Infernal

Shapechanger. If Dharikstalva isn’t in running water or sunlight, he can use his action to polymorph into a Tiny bat, a Medium wolf, or a Medium cloud of mist, or back into his true form.

While in bat or wolf form, Dharikstalva can’t speak. In bat form, his walking speed is 5 feet, and he has a flying speed of 30 feet. In wolf form, his walking speed is 40 feet. His statistics, other than his size and speed, are unchanged. Anything he is wearing transforms with him, but nothing he is carrying does. He reverts to his true form if he dies.

While in mist form, Dharikstalva can’t take any actions, speak, or manipulate objects. He is weightless, has a flying speed of 30 feet, can hover, and can enter a hostile creature’s space and stop there. In addition, if air can pass through a space, the mist can do so without squeezing, and he can’t pass through water. He has advantage on Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution saving throws, and attacks against him have disadvantage.

Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Dharikstalva fails a saving throw, he can choose to succeed instead.

Misty Escape.' When he drops to 0 hit points outside his coffin, Dharikstalva transforms into a cloud of mist (as in the Shapechanger trait) instead of falling unconscious, provided that he isn’t in running water or sunlight. If he can’t transform, he is destroyed.

While he has 0 hit points in mist form, he can’t revert to his vampire form, and he must reach his coffin within 2 hours or be destroyed. Once in his coffin, he reverts to his vampire form. He is then paralyzed until he regains at least 1 hit point. After spending 1 hour in his coffin with 0 hit points, he regains 1 hit point.


Action Name. Melee Weapon Attack: +X to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: X (1dX + X) damtype damage.


The can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. The regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

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