Hollowing (5e Disease)

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An affected induvidual.

Contracting Hollowing[edit]

If you are trapped inside a riftmaw for too long (20 rounds) you will contract this disease.


Stage 1: Beginning The affected individual's skin wil slowly change to a shade of purplish red and go tough, and their teeth go sharp. This effect will begin immediately.

Stage 2: Expanding The affected individual's mouth will start to grow down their body while their tongue grows longer and tougher. This effect will begin after 10 rounds with the disease.

Stage 3: Mawing The affected individual's mouth will have partially grown down their body and along their middle, however it can't open. This effect will begin after 25 rounds with the disease.

Stage 4: Dissolving The affected individual's mouth will have fully grown down their body and along their middle and all of their internal organs except for the stomach will have started to dissolve while the stomach itself grows bigger. At this point the affected individual will lose the ability to speak. This effect will begin after 40 rounds with the disease.

Stage 4: Hollowing All of the affected individual's internal organs, except for the stomach, will have dissolved while the stomach has grown bigger to the point where it fills the whole torso, all facial features will slowy begin to recede as will fingers and toes. This effect will begin after 50 rounds with the disease.

Stage 5: Completion The stomach has grown to the point where it fills the whole body, the stomach itself is filled with acid and at this point the affected individual is entirely hollow and only stomach inside. The affected individual is now a riftmaw. This effect will begin after 60 rounds with the disease.


Hollowing can be cured with lesser restoration up until it reaches stage 3.

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