Valeis (3.5e Deity)

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Symbol: A dragon’s head rising above a lance entwined with vines, framed by a trinity knot.
Home Plane: Valeis’s Realm
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Clergy Alignments:
Domains: Arcana, Nature, Knowledge, War, Transformation
Favored Weapon: Lance

Valeis, also known as The Three-Fold God, The Shifting Dragon, and The Being, is a deity of immense transformative power and chaotic nature. Originally a woodland elf, Valeis ascended to godhood through the absorption of draconic and primordial essences, including those of Bahamut and Tiamat. Now embodying aspects of both light and darkness, Valeis stands as a symbol of change, ambition, and the eternal struggle against draconic greed, known as Dragon Madness. He wields a lance as his favored weapon, a remnant of his mortal days riding the dragon Minaithnir, and his domain includes arcana, nature, knowledge, war, and transformation.


Valeis’s divine form is mutable, often appearing as a striking humanoid with draconic features or a majestic, prismatic dragon. His appearance reflects the blend of Bahamut's and Tiamat's essences, with an ever-shifting aura that embodies both harmony and discord. In his mortal days, Valeis was inseparable from his dragon companion Minaithnir, and the bond they shared remains a core aspect of his divine identity, particularly in his favored use of the lance in combat.


Valeis is a complex deity, torn between the ambition that drove his ascension and the draconic greed that still claws at his mind. Though he triumphed over Dragon Madness, the lingering effects of this struggle make him fiercely possessive of his followers and his domain. He views everything he claims as "his" with an unyielding protectiveness, fiercely defending his loyalists and the knowledge he has amassed. Valeis’s teachings emphasize balance and control, encouraging his followers to master their desires without allowing ambition to consume them.


Valeis’s realm is a frozen keep in the far north, a place of shifting ice and stone that mirrors his own mutable nature. This ever-changing fortress serves as both a sanctuary and a trial ground for his followers, where they are tested in their ability to adapt and grow. Guarded by his elite warriors, the realm is a testament to Valeis’s belief in the necessity of transformation and the relentless pursuit of power.


Valeis's relationships with other deities are fraught with tension, particularly with those who prize order and stability. Though he wields the power of Bahamut and Tiamat, Valeis does not align fully with either the forces of good or evil, instead walking a path of personal ambition and transformation. This neutrality makes him a valuable, if unpredictable, ally to gods of change and chaos, and a thorn in the side of those who seek to impose order.


The teachings of Valeis revolve around the relentless pursuit of power and self-mastery. His followers are encouraged to seize every opportunity for growth, embracing transformation as the highest form of existence. However, they are also warned of the dangers of unchecked greed, as Valeis himself continues to wrestle with the darker aspects of his draconic nature. Through discipline and balance, his followers strive to rise above the constraints of their mortal origins, embodying the boundless potential that Valeis himself achieved.

Tenets of Faith
  • Embrace Transformation: Change is the essence of power; strive to evolve beyond your limitations.
  • Defend What Is Yours: What you possess must be protected fiercely, whether it be allies, knowledge, or territory.
  • Challenge Stasis: Stagnation is the enemy of growth; disrupt complacency and seek progress through conflict.
  • Master Your Ambitions: Balance your desires with control; true strength lies in mastering oneself.

Clergy and Temples[edit]

Valeis attracts a diverse group of followers, including mages, warriors, and seekers of knowledge who are drawn to his doctrine of transformation and personal evolution. His worshippers often form secretive orders dedicated to unlocking the mysteries of draconic power and arcane lore, embracing change as the ultimate path to greatness. They venerate Valeis not just as a god of dragons, but as a guide in the pursuit of boundless potential.

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