Inugami (5e Race)
Physical Description[edit]
Inugami is a dog spirit race similar to nekos, as they both are little humanoids that resemble elves or humans extremely closely, with the exception that they have dog-like ears, furry tails, and sometimes, whiskers, or dog-like legs. With expectations, some tend to look more dog-like due to their genetics and can be mistaken as Dogfolk. While anatomically similar to human hands, their hands are broader, tend to have little to no hair, and have significantly shorter fingers with bent nails almost resembling claws. They have a wide variety of hair and eye colors that may nearly always be combined, making them considerably more thin and swift than humans. They are a little bit weaker and primarily seem more human than the typical Dogfolk. They do, however, move quickly and frequently have a really appealing face. They look younger and more energetic because their skulls are really more rounded They frequently take advantage of this by gaining popularity for their loyalty in society.
For centuries Inugamis are quite a mystery regarding their origin some believe that the inugami believes that they used to be actual dogs in their first lives and were given this one as a chance to live out their true purpose in this life, having not done so in their last. They each believe their breed in this life gives the guidance to their purpose and hope to earn their eternal rest giving faith in each other and starting to build packs with each other earlier in the years packs because their main way to survive as they were quite dependent on them.
Yet modern-day Inugamis still thrive as packs typically working where a lot of people are needed as either servants or guild members in other cultures where they are citizens. Although some are mercenaries, others serve as guards. In rare occasions, a domesticated Inugami has or has to buy their freedom. Yet, because some people believe that untethered Inugami "belong" with a master and not by themselves, they are sometimes treated extremely cruelly. When they find trouble usually their pack is not far behind to assist in helping them. They can't just go away and transform into wild Inugami because of their training; they usually end up becoming their slaves.
Inugamis over the years has migrated some living in cities and becoming domestic while others stay and live in the wild.
Naturally, be seen in any populated place as their species' origin is not shared with historians to document, in what they call pack homes, where those in their pack can come and go as they please, no matter the species of origin. When by themselves, they form tight-knit communities often seen as feral to other humanoids, and approaching a stand-alone pack is never recommended due to their more undomesticated manner.
Inugami Names[edit]
Domestic Inugami's names are given after birth and adopted the pack's name as their surname.
Wild Inugami[edit]
Nonji, Ihum, Marhi, Devah, Shorra, Niasa.
Domestic Inugami[edit]
Shep, Bear, Kovu, Belle, Nala, Najira.
Inugami Traits[edit]
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength, Charisma, Intelligence score increases by 1.
Age. Inugami age about 7 times faster than humans; up to 200 years. According to some that reached the title "elder" reach 210 years.
Alignment. Inugami alignment tends to take on the will of their pack
Size. Inugami can be Small, Medium, or Large depending on breed.
Speed. Your speed is 40ft and your dash action is 2.5x your normal speed
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Sense. Inugami have a great sense of smell and hearing. You have an advantage on perception checks based on hearing and smell.
Unarmed Strike. As an Inugami, you have pronounced claws and canines. You can attack as an unarmed strike using either of these, as 1d4+Str slashing or piercing damage.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, and one other language of your choice.
Subrace. Choose either the Domestic or Wild subrace.
Master of terrain. You are proficient in the Survival checks.
Safe and Sound. When you are traveling with a wild Inugami and they are on watch, the group is given a guaranteed safe zone for the duration of their watch
Hearty Breed. Inugami has a resistance to cold and poison
Pack Mentality. helping a pack mate take a bonus action instead of an action from the inugami
Big Bark. All breeds of Inugami, if you are intimidating someone other than any canine race, you have advantage