Grid Shield (5e Equipment)

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Grid Shield[edit]

Cost Armor Class (AC) Strength Stealth Weight
1,000 gp +2 Disadvantage 10 lb lb.

A grid shield is composed of multiple large plates hinged to a central brace structure. While a grid shield is capable of acting as a normal shield while its plates are folded in, they are intended to be used as mobile cover.

Three-Quarters Grid. As a bonus action, a creature proficient with shields wielding a grid shield can extend its grid. While in this state, the grid shield counts as a Medium-sized object with an Armor Class of 15 and 40 hit points and acts as three-quarters cover. A creature touching the grid shield may use a bonus action to fold the barrier away, regaining the use of it as a shield. A grid shield is automatically folded if it is moved, such as by being shoved. If a grid shield drops to 0 hit points, it can no longer act as a shield or grid until it is repaired for 500 gp.

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