Spelljammer Ships alt (5e Spelljammer Setting)

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Template:Spelljammer Breadcrumb

Create a new Spelljammer ship.

Spelljammer Ships[edit]

Name Summary

Preparing Ships as Adversaries[edit]

Ships to be used in combat against the PCs should have the following information:

  • The ship statistics as noted above.
  • What spell slots the helmsman (or equivalent) has available. The helmsman will probably already have expended some spell slots for the purpose of travel.
  • What NPCs are on the ship and what actions they might take. In particular, a ship that has NPCs able to take the Rigging or Direct Weapons actions can make combat more challenging.
  • Since a ship-to-ship battle relies more on the ships' capabilities rather than the PCs level, the XP awarded as though this was a noncombat challenge (DMG p. 261)