Dualcast (5e Feat)

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Prerequisites: Spellcasting ability score 18 or higher
You are extremally fast in your spellcasting, soo fast thas you can cast two at same time! You gain the following benefits:

  • When you cast a spell, you may cast another spell with same casting time as part of same action (you still consuming de two spells slots/points for the spells).
  • Whenever you apply a metamagic option on the first spell or cantrip , the second spell or cantrip can also benefit (if possible) of the same metamagic, without expending aditional points.
  • You gain an additional reaction each round that may only be used to cast a spell with a casting time of 1 reaction.
  • if you cast the same spell or cantrip twice depending on the type of the spell or cantrip you gain:

Offensive: You deal double the damage dice of the spell or cantrip and they gain +2 damage per die.

Healling: You deal the max numbers of the dice on each healling spell or cantrip + spell level of each spell (Cantrips count as level one for this purpose) and you can overheal the target. The overhealing is gained as temporary hit points. The target, however, cannot be healed by any magical means for 1d4 turns. Once the unit can be healed again, the temorary hit points are removed.

Utility: You can either extend the duration, range or summons by double the amount of the spell or cantrip, or you can target aditional creatures by the base amount of the spell or cantrip multiplied by 2. You maintain 1 concentration on the entire spell or cantrip if either requires concentration.

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