The Fallen Hero (5e Background)

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Fallen Hero[edit]

You were once a celebrated hero, known for your courage and noble deeds. People looked up to you as a savior, but over time, you saw the corruption and injustices of the system you served. Betrayed by those you once trusted, your heart now burns with anger and a desire for vengeance. The hero you once were is gone, replaced by someone who seeks the destruction of the very system you fought for.

Skill Proficiencies: Perception, Intimidation

Tool Proficiencies: Disguise kit, Poisoner’s kit

Languages: None

Equipment: A set of common clothes, a memento from your days as a hero (a medal, a symbol, or a letter), and a pouch containing 15 gold pieces.


While the path of vengeance may vary, every fallen hero has their own way of dealing with the betrayal and corruption they encountered. Roll or choose from the table below to determine how your character channels their rage.

d6 Specialization
1 Avenger: You seek to bring down the corrupt system and those responsible, using any means necessary.
2 Infiltrator: You blend into the corrupt system, working from within to sabotage it.
3 Revolutionary: You aim to inspire the oppressed and lead a rebellion against the system.
4 Vigilante: You act as judge, jury, and executioner, dealing swift justice to those who deserve it.
5 Renegade: You’ve turned your back on society and live as an outlaw, fighting the system from the shadows.
6 Destroyer: You want to see the entire system burn, regardless of the cost.

Feature: Mask of hero[edit]

Your past as a hero allows you to leverage your experience. You can see through the masks of other heroes and know their intentions, more or less

Feature: Echoes of the Past[edit]

You have expertise in persuasion and intimidation, stemming from your past in helping people +1 Charisma +1 Str

Suggested Characteristics[edit]

The fallen hero has strong ideals and emotions that have shaped their path. Their personality reflects both the bitterness of betrayal and the drive for justice or vengeance.

d8 Personality Trait
1 I trust no one easily, having been betrayed by the system I once served.
2 I speak with conviction, even if I no longer believe in what I say.
3 I hold onto a symbol of my past as a reminder of what I’ve lost.
4 My anger sometimes gets the best of me, and I lash out at those close to me.
5 I am always suspicious of people who seem too good to be true.
6 I have a dry, sarcastic sense of humor as a defense mechanism.
7 I keep my emotions bottled up until they explode in moments of rage.
8 I still secretly hope that there is someone worth trusting.
d6 Ideal
1 Justice. I fight for a better world, even if I must use the same tools of oppression. (Lawful)
2 Vengeance. I want to make those who betrayed me and others pay. (Chaotic)
3 Redemption. I believe I can still make things right if I find the right path. (Good)
4 Power. Only by seizing control can I reshape the system into something better. (Neutral)
5 Destruction. The system is beyond saving; it must be destroyed completely. (Chaotic)
6 Survival. I do whatever it takes to stay alive in a world that betrayed me. (Neutral)
d6 Bond
1 I will never forget the people who believed in me before I fell.
2 I owe a debt to someone who helped me when I was at my lowest.
3 I must protect those who are still oppressed by the system.
4 I will burn down everything to see the system that betrayed me fall.
5 A memento of my past drives me to make things right, no matter the cost.
6 I still care about someone in the system, even though I know I shouldn’t.
d6 Flaw
1 My anger sometimes clouds my judgment, leading me to rash actions.
2 I can’t let go of the past, and it haunts me constantly.
3 I struggle to trust anyone, even those who mean well.
4 I push people away, afraid they’ll betray me like the system did.
5 I am obsessed with revenge, even when it puts me or others at risk.
6 I sometimes question if I’m doing the right thing, but push forward out of pride.
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