Dethroned Deity (5e Background)

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Dethroned Deity[edit]

You were once beloved, but due to circumstances, your name does not hold the power it once did. This may bring relief but may also bring agony.

Skill Proficiencies: Religion, History and one related to your domain up to DM and player discretion (or two and no tool proficiency)

Tool Proficiencies: A weapon or tool representative of the domain (musical instrument, kit, etc)

Languages: Common, the most common language of your people and one of your pantheon. (Example: Duregar Deity: Common, Undercommon, Dwarvish)



d6 Varieties
1 Replaced: While you may be a member of your pantheon in status, another pantheon's deity is far more known in your domain.
2 Banished: Your pantheon cast you out for sins that were or were not your own.
3 Forgotten: You are no longer worshipped due to the nature of time.
4 Usurped: You were overthrown by a member(s) of your pantheon - do the others even know you are alive?
5 Missing: You vanished one day, and no one knows why.

Feature: Ancient Worshippers[edit]

You have advantage roles when working with those who serve your domain that recognize who you are and have no quarrel with your pantheon and/or you.

Alternate Feature: Scorn for the Banished[edit]

Worshippers of your old pantheon will disdain you, unless their own deities are also banished or outcasted in their pantheon.

Suggested Characteristics[edit]

d8 Personality Trait
1 I am burdened and sometimes nostalgic with the knowledge of the eras I have lived.
2 My life is about my domain, and everything goes through the lens of my domain.
3 I am particular about how my domain is represented, for better or worse.
4 I am nostalgic, missing the old days and my powers.
5 I am very flashy, as I should be for who I was.
6 I am scared and subtle - I don't think I was meant to survive my dethroning.
7 I am unsure who I am now. Mortality is a completely different thing.
8 I am a fountain of wisdom (real or otherwise) that I wish to share.
d6 Ideal
1 L (Lawful)
2 f (<-Alignment->)
3 <-Ideal->. (<-Alignment->)
4 <-Ideal->. (<-Alignment->)
5 <-Ideal->. (<-Alignment->)
6 <-Ideal->. (<-Alignment->)
d6 Bond
1 Loyalty: I will do whatever I can for those who still hold me in their hearts (Lawful)
2 Pride: I will take back my right no matter what (Neutral)
3 Vengeance: I will make everyone who turned on me pay (Evil)
4 Peace: I will walk among people, helping quietly (Good)
5 Service: My life is about my domain, and always will be (Lawful)
6 Reputation: Even if I am not recognized for who I was, my name will still mean what it must (Neutral)
d6 Flaw
1 I crave the power I once had and will do anything to get it back.
2 I am so lost in my own mythology that I am unable to accept things might be different than they seem to me.
3 I am jealous of other deities who still get worshipped.
4 I burn myself out serving others because I forget my own new limitations.
5 My loyalties to my old life are too rigid to be based in reality.
6 As a deity, I was never wrong and am still never wrong.
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