Geodite (5e Race)

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Geodite society is very

Physical Description[edit]

Geodites have dark gray skin, and hair and eyes that match the color of their gems. Their skin can be hardened and softened at will, although this doesn't make them any less durable. Additionally, the gems that sprout from their body can be retracted and protracted, as well as moved along the surface of their skin.

Geodite Names[edit]

Geodite first names are all similar, throughout the different subraces; They sound very rough, and typically have hard consonants in them. Geodites don't use surnames.

Male: Korblox, Azurewrath, Rafael, Skarner

Female: Zoria, Krimsynn, Risky, Karie

Geodites Traits[edit]

The Geodites are a race of strange gem people that live deep underground inside of massive geode caves. Their sharp gem claws and hardened skin make these peaceful people formidable foes.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1 and two other ability scores of your choice increase by 1.
Age. Geodites reach adulthood after only 3 years, and typically live over 300 years.
Alignment. Geodites vary widely in morality, but are rarely evil.
Size. Geodites are the same size as humans, ranging from 5 to 6 feet. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 120 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Gem Claws. You can retract and protract pointed gems from your body, which count as simple melee weapons with which you are proficient. You add your Constitution modifier, instead of your Strength modifier, to the attack and damage rolls when you attack with these claws. They deal 1d4 slashing damage on a hit.
Natural Armor. The jagged gems protruding from your body make armor ineffective. However, your skin can be hardened at your will, giving you a base AC of 17 (your Dexterity modifier doesn't affect this number). Although armor doesn't add to your AC, you can still use a shield normally.
Gem Magic. You learn one cantrip based on your gem type, as seen on the Gem Type table. Your casting ability for this cantrip is Constitution.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Deep Speech.

Gem Type[edit]

d8 Gem Type Cantrip
1 Ruby fire bolt
2 Sapphire shape water
3 Emerald druidcraft
4 Diamond guidance
5 Amythest prestidigitation
6 Topaz booming blade
7 Onyx toll the dead
8 Spinel dancing lights

Random Height and Weight[edit]

′ '' + lb. × () lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

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