Soulbinder (5e Race)
The Soulbinder race is a unique creation that combines powerful emotional influence with the ability to shape and control human-like creations known as Echoes. These beings resemble humans in every way and experience emotions, but they are bound to the Soulbinder’s will, always obeying their creator’s commands. The Echoes are shaped by the Soulbinder's emotional state and reflect their desires, fears, and attitudes.
- Physical Description
Soulbinders are often seen as emotionally intense individuals, their presence marked by a deep aura of authority and connection to their creations. They appear human, but their eyes often glow faintly with an ethereal energy, reflecting the power they wield. Their expressions shift rapidly, mirroring their emotional states. A Soulbinder's appearance can sometimes become unnervingly perfect or inhuman, depending on their emotional state.
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- History
Soulbinders have long been a mysterious and misunderstood race. The ability to create and control Echoes is a gift that comes from deep emotional connection, often developed through centuries of honing emotional mastery. They are considered powerful, though their creations are both a blessing and a curse. Echoes often reflect the darker sides of their creators, leading to strained relationships with other races.
- Society
Soulbinders typically lead solitary lives, either as wandering creators or in secluded sanctuaries where they can refine their craft. Due to their intense emotional connections with their Echoes, they often form deep bonds with their creations, treating them as extensions of their own selves. However, the creations will always obey the Soulbinder’s will, never able to disobey their creator. Some Soulbinders view Echoes as children, while others see them as tools for power.
- Soulbinder Names
The naming conventions of Soulbinders often follow traditional human naming schemes, though some choose names that reflect the nature of their creations. The names are often tied to an emotional resonance, symbolizing their connection with their Echoes.
Male: Tharion, Zephyros, Edrin, Aroth Female: Seraphine, Elara, Althea, Liora
- Soulbinder Traits
Soulbinders are humanoids who have the ability to create and control Echoes, soulless beings that reflect their emotional state. They wield emotional influence and shape the world around them through their feelings.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2, and your Constitution score increases by 1.
Age. Soulbinders mature at the same rate as humans, but their emotional connection to their creations allows them to live longer, often exceeding 200 years.
Alignment. Soulbinders tend to be neutral or chaotic in alignment, driven by their emotions and the desire to control their creations. However, their emotional state often influences their behavior.
Size. Medium. Soulbinders are human-sized and resemble humans in stature.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Emotional Resonance. You can sense the emotions of those around you, and your own emotional state affects your creations. You have advantage on Insight checks to read the emotions of others. In addition, your creations (Echoes) will act according to your emotional state when created.
Echo Creation. You can create a single Echo, a soulless human-like being that reflects your emotions. You can control and command your Echo at will, and it will obey your commands without question. As you level up, you can create more Echoes and influence their behavior with greater precision.
Emotional Influence. You can project an emotional aura that influences those around you. As an action, you can choose to project an aura of calm, rage, fear, or sadness. Creatures within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC = 8 + your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus) or be affected by the aura for 1 minute.
Empathetic Control. You can temporarily suppress the emotions of your Echoes to force them to act in a different way. Once per short or long rest, you can change the emotional state of your Echoes to align with a specific command, overriding their natural emotional tendencies.
Soulbinding. Your creations are bound to you. They can never betray you, and their emotional state will always reflect your own. The bond between you and your Echoes is unbreakable; they cannot be turned against you by magical means.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.
Ability Score Increase. Increase your Charisma score by 1.
Empathic Sensing. You have an innate ability to sense the emotions of others, even those who try to hide it. You can sense the general emotional state of a creature within 60 feet of you, even if they are hidden or behind cover. You also gain proficiency in the Insight skill.
Echo's Voice. You can communicate with your Echoes telepathically, regardless of distance, as long as they are within 1 mile of you. This telepathic bond allows you to issue commands or check on their emotional state.
Resonant Aura. You can project a calming or unsettling aura around you, making it easier to influence the emotions of others. As an action, you can choose to project an aura that causes all creatures within 15 feet of you to make a Wisdom saving throw against being charmed or frightened for 1 minute.
- Random Height and Weight
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
5′ 8'' | +2d10 | 120 lb. | × (2d6) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
- Suggested Characteristics
When creating a Soulbinder character, consider the following tables of traits, ideals, bonds, and flaws to flesh out your character. These traits reflect the emotional complexity of a Soulbinder and their unique bond with their Echoes.
d8 | Personality Trait |
1 | I often speak with my Echoes as if they were children, despite their obedience to my will. |
2 | I prefer solitude, for it allows me to focus on my emotional state and my Echoes' development. |
3 | I am deeply protective of my Echoes, viewing them as extensions of myself. |
4 | I struggle with controlling my emotions, and it sometimes affects my creations. |
5 | I am constantly searching for ways to improve my emotional control to create better Echoes. |
6 | My Echoes are my only companions, and I often talk to them as if they are real people. |
7 | I cannot bear to see my Echoes suffer, even though they are bound to me. |
8 | I often see myself as both a creator and a caretaker, and I am constantly trying to balance both roles. |
d6 | Ideal |
1 | Creation is a sacred act, and I must nurture my Echoes with love and care. |
2 | Power is everything, and I will stop at nothing to create the strongest Echoes. |
3 | I believe that emotions are the key to understanding the world, and I seek to explore them through my creations. |
4 | I value independence, and I will fight to ensure my Echoes are free to make their own decisions. |
5 | The bond between creator and creation is unbreakable; I will protect my Echoes no matter what. |
6 | My Echoes are a reflection of myself; I seek perfection through them. |
d6 | Bond |
1 | My bond with my Echoes is the strongest relationship I have. |
2 | I seek to create a perfect Echo, one that truly mirrors my inner self. |
3 | I will protect my Echoes at any cost, even if it means sacrificing my own well-being. |
4 | My Echoes are my family; they are the only ones who truly understand me. |
5 | I fear that my Echoes will surpass me, and I am constantly striving to control them. |
6 | I long to find a way to make my Echoes more than just reflections of my emotions. |
d6 | Flaw |
1 | I sometimes lose control of my emotions, causing my Echoes to become unstable. |
2 | I am too emotionally attached to my Echoes, often putting them above my own needs. |
3 | I am paranoid that someone will use my Echoes against me. |
4 | I fear that I am becoming too reliant on my Echoes for emotional support. |
5 | I am constantly struggling with the burden of controlling my emotions. |