Saucepan Shield (5e Equipment)

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Stub Logo.png This page is incomplete and/or lacking flavor. Reason: What is the "Cook" class? If there is a homebrew class this is intended to work with, can we get a link? 5e measures movement speed in 5-foot increments, not meters and certainly not in fractions. As a side note, I get that this is meant for dwarves, but a saucepan seems a little small to be considered a shield, shouldn't this be more like a saucepan buckler or maybe a wok shield?

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Scales.png This page is of questionable balance. Reason: For a measly 60 gp, a gnome in plate armor can get 23 AC, which is comparable to wearing a normal shield and +3 plate armor (a legendary item). A +3 shield isn't entirely out of the question, but such a thing requires some major downsides. Depending on how one reads the description, this might also grant resistance to fire damage, which would definitely be beyond the bounds of a mundane shield.

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Saucepan shield[edit]

Cost Armor Class (AC) Strength Stealth Weight
50 gp Special/Specific +3 4 lb.

This shield is special and specific, made from a meteorite and forged for dwarves, can be used for cooking. Can only be used by cook class dwarves. Gives +3 AC when wielding or +2 if carried on the back. This shield is light but large and difficult to hold, reduce its movement by 5 feet. Link to the chef class:

(2 votes)

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