Mothling (5e Race)

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Physical Description[edit]

Mothlings have four arms and two antennae. Their eyes are normally in a pattern (eye color black, cornea white, pupil black. The other eye is normally the opposite). Their wings normally have markings to show what their role is. Subraces have markings that relate to their subrace.


Mothlings were born in the vast forests of the Feywild. Their kind loved to socialize and trade, making them the most profitable race in all of the Feywild. Mothlings love adventure and some have even traveled to Farune. However, due to circumstances with war and fear, the subraces of the mothlings are seen as inferior and outcasts, so they don’t get roles.


Mothings have varying social classes. Normal Mothlings get roles due to being "superior". However, this does not mean that Mothling subraces are treated poorly. They are treated with less respect than normal ones, but not as much as Death Mothlings, who are treated poorly because of extreme fear and superstition.

Mothling Names[edit]

Mothlings love to laugh, and laughing at names is a form of respect for a Mothling.

Male: Squimsh, Terichekin, Grapish, Fartiske.

Female: Geylina, Fertanve, Sqesha, Vatechi, Mothra

Mothling Traits[edit]

Summary - Mothlings' skill in fighting is great, and their magical abilities are outstanding

Ability Score Increase - Your Ability increase is based off of your role. If you do not use a role, your Wisdom increases by 2.

Age - Mothlings' appearances don’t change based on age. They reach maturity around 13 years old and can live to be 250 years old. Many only live to be 125, however.

Alignment - Mothlings are very social creatures, so their alignment is normally lawful. Though some may choose chaotic alignments.

Size - Mothlings are normally the size of humans but slightly smaller. Your size is Medium." Special considerations need to be made for races that are not Small or Medium.

Speed - Your base walking speed is 30 feet. They also have a flying speed of 30ft and can hover. This changes with armor. Light makes them unable to hover unless specially made—medium cuts flying speed in half. You cannot fly with heavy armor.

Creature Type - You are considered Humanoid

Darkvison - You see dim light as bright light and darkness as dim light for 60ft. You cannot tell color in darkness. Of Many Arms - Due to your multiple arms, you have the advantage while grappling and you can wield both a shield and a two-handed weapon. You also choose a trait below

  • Dual weapons - If you use dual weapon fighting, you deal complete damage from both or add proficiency to both damage.
  • Greater spellcasting - When you cast a cantrip that costs an action, you can cast a second one as a bonus action. The damage is one die less (minimum of 1 die)
  • Hand-eye coordination - While grappling, you can use an action to make two unarmed attacks. The damage is 1d4 per hit. Damage increases at 5th level to 2d4, 10th level to 3d4, and 15th level to 4d4. If you have extra attacks, you can only make one additional unarmed strike. If your unarmed strikes can increase in damage dice (1d4->1d6->1d8->etc.), you get 2 dice at 10th level and 3 dice at 15th level
  • Great defender - you can wield 2 shields, but you only get the bonus AC from one. If you are within 5ft of an ally that gets attacked, you can use a reaction to increase their AC by 2. You can instead increase their by 4 and oppose a disadvantage on the attack in exchange of not getting the bonus AC for a shield until your next turn.

Magical wings - Your wings have healing capabilities. You can cast cure wounds at first level up to your wisdom modifier per long rest (Minimum of 1)

Languages - You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.

Poison Moth[edit]

Ability Score Increase - Your Constitution increases by 1

Toxic Fumes - Your body can release toxic fumes when threatened. When you get hit with an attack, you can release a 5ft poison cloud in every spot around you. Anyone in the poison cloud must make a DC 8 Constitution saving, adding your proficiency and Wisdom modifier throw or be poisoned. You can use this skill up to your proficiency bonus per long rest.

Poison Blood - Your blood runs with poison and you're used to it. You have resistance to poison damage and immunity to diseases and being poisoned.

Fatal Touch - You can use your action to touch an enemy with your hand. Your hands have tiny spikes that you can harden and soften at will. These spikes hold poison. You make an attack roll to inject poison into the body of the creature. You deal 1d4 poison damage and the creature must make a DC 8+Proficiency+wisdom Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 hour. You cannot use this ability on dragons-like creatures. You can use this ability up to your Constitution modifier before taking a long rest.

Tiger Moth[edit]

Ability Score Increase - Your Dexterity increases by 1

Swift Strikes - Slicing skin makes them weaker. Slashing weapons deal a better damage die (1d4->1d6->1d8->etc.).

Fast Limbs - All movement increases by 10ft.

Strong-willed - If you drop to zero but are not killed outright, you can instead drop to 1 hp once per long rest. You are not incapacitated.

Silk Moth[edit]

Ability Score Increase - Your Intelligence increases by 1.

Crafter - You gain and have proficiency in Weaver's Tools.

Web - You can shoot webbing at an enemy. You make an attack roll with proficiency to pin a creature in place. They need to make a Strength saving throw DC 8+Proficiency+Intelligence. You have advantage against a creature in the web. You can use this feature up to your proficiency bonus. To regain this feature, you need to complete a short or long rest.

Weaving Dance - You've learned to entertain people with your silk. During a short/long rest, you can give an inspiration die to 4 creatures. Your inspiration die is equal to what it shows on the bards table. You can use this once per day.

Death Moth[edit]

Ability Score Increase - Your Constitution increases by 2, your Intelligence decreases by 1

Grim Fantasy - You thrive in the wake of death. When there is a dead creature within 15ft of you, you can feed on their essence as a bonus action. If you do, you can heal 1d18+Constitution. If you don’t heal, you can make an attack at advantage.

Death Talks - You can talk to the dead’s echo for a short period of time. When you talk to a dead creature, you can ask it any three questions you want before they pass into the beyond. They will not answer if they don’t speak your languages. Anyone can ask the dead questions.

Reminiscent Pain - you are connected to all lives and deaths. When a creature hits you, you can choose to halve the damage to yourself and split it with your attacker. They will always receive necrotic damage from this. You can use this up to your Constitution modifier (minimum of once) per long rest.

Black Death - You can cast Deadly Disease. Deadly Disease can give a creature one of the following.

  • Pestilence - painful boils and blisters appear all over the targets body, causing them to be distracted. Every turn they must make a DC 8+proficiency+constitution Constitution saving throw. If they fail, they take 1d10 damage and have disadvantage on attacks until next turn.
  • Small Pox - Itchy spots appear all over their body. They have disadvantage on saving throws and ability checks.
  • Corona Virus - You give a disease given by bats. Every turn, they make a DC 8+Proficiency+Constitution Wisdom saving throw. If they fail, they get a temporary crown of madness until end of turn.

Make an attack with proficiency and Constitution Modifier to see if they get the disease. You can cast this up to your proficiency every long rest.

Mimic Moth[edit]

Ability Score Increase - Your Charisma increases by 1.

Natural disguise - You can change your look to seem like a race of similar size. You gain proficiency in deception and stealth. You have advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks to pass as a different race or sub-race around your height.

Illegal Training - Your Mimicry was unnoticed long enough for you to learn some Role skills. Choose 2 Role skills that do not need special Class features.

Kenku Accuracy - You can nearly make a perfect impression of anyone you hear. You must listen to their voice for 1 minute to copy it. You have advantage on deception checks to convince people that you are someone else with your voice.


Mindless Fighter - Barbarian[edit]

Ability Score Increase - Your Constitution increases by 2, your Strength increases by 1

Strong Arm - You can wield 2 two-handed weapons at once due to your arms. You can attack as an action, then a bonus action, with the damage rules of duel-weapon fighting. While in fury, your bonus attack gains the damage bonus (example->2 great axes. Without fury, 1d12+strength+1d12. With fury, 1d12+strength+1d12+strength.)

Swoop - If you flew at least 15ft, you can swoop as an action to make an attack. You deal an extra 1d6 damage due to momentum. If you stay in the air after a swoop, then you stop moving. If you land after a swoop, you can move away without opposing an attack of opportunity from the enemy you hit. Your movement after landing is 30-amount of ft you moved while flying.

Unthinking - You cannot fly while raging. However, your movement increases by 10ft while in fury.

Soft Voice - Bard[edit]

Ability Increase - Charisma increases by 2, Dexterity increases by 1

Illusion maker - Your wings can make illusory scenes, which come in handy while telling a story. You can cast minor illusion. You gain advantage on Charisma (Performance).

Handy player - You can give up to 3 creatures an inspiration die for the cost of one. You must take a rest before you can use this again.

Soothing voice - Your voice can soothe even a dragon. You have advantage on persuasion and deception checks.

Death Note - Your music capabilities can make people faint. You can choose up to 3 creatures to make a wisdom saving throw with a DC of 8+Proficiency+Charisma modifier. If there is a dead creature they can see, they have disadvantage. If they fail, they become incapacitated for 1 minute until they are damaged, shaken awake with a strength check, or until Death Note ends. Can use this up to half of you Charisma modifier (rounded down) before a long rest.

Religious Figure - Cleric[edit]

Ability Increase - Wisdom increases by 2, Constitution increases by 1

God Blessed Wings - Your wings can be your spellcasting focus. Your wings can emit a healing radius of 30ft from you, healing yourself and allies 2d6+Wisdom modifier and that much radiance damage to enemies. You can use this up to your proficiency bonus.

Godly Shout - You make a prayer to your god to instill fear in the hearts of your enemies. All enemies that can hear you must make a wisdom saving throw against DC 8+Proficiency+Wisdom. If they fail, they are frightened of you for 3 turns. If they cannot be frightened, they will find they have difficulty hitting you. They get disadvantage when they attack you for 3 turns if they cannot be frightened. This incapacitates the undead for 3 turns. You can use this up to half your Religion modifier (rounded down) before a long rest.

Dying wish - When you become incapacitated due to a creature hitting you, you can use your reaction to ask your god to inflict bad luck on the creature. They have disadvantage on attack rolls, and allies have advantage against it.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

′ '' + lb. × () lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

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