Multi-Elemental Combustion (5e Spell)

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Multi-Elemental Combustion
4th-level evocation
Casting time: 2 actions
Range: 120ft.
Components: a flame of any sorts, or a container of any amount of water, or a non-poisonous plant of any kind (flowers count for this), or any form of super cold water/ice cube
Duration: duration: Charges for 1 turn. Projectile Deals half damage if you take damage while charging -->

Fires a magical, elemental projectile in a direction of your choice. Takes 2 turns to use. Turn 1 charges the attack, by forming a bright circle, colored red, green, blue, and ice blue, with either the component, or the user's magical focus at the center. Turn 2 will change the circle's color to be either full red, green, blue, or ice blue, and then fires either a Fire orb, a Thorny orb, a Water orb, or an Ice orb. The orb fired is dependent on the component used.

RED/FIRE ORB (needs flame component): Fires essentially a bootleg fire ball, Dealing 8d6 fire damage. The orb also explodes upon impact, dealing 3d6 blast damage to creatures within 5ft of the orb, and 2d4 to creatures within 10ft.

GREEN/THORNY ORB (needs plant component): Fire off a green orb made of plants, and covered in sharp brambles and thorns. Upon hitting the enemy, the creature takes 12 + 7d4 slashing + 4d6 piercing damage. The orb also shoots 3 giant thorns at the nearest three enemy creatures, dealing 2d4 piercing damage.

BLUE/WATER ORB (needs water component): Fire off a bright blue, and clear orb of water at the enemy. Attacked creature takes 10 + 6d6 force + 4d8 blast damage. The creature and anything within 10 feet of the creature are completely soaked in water. Electric, or lightning based attacks are counted as critical hits against soaked enemies. Fire damage on soaked enemies deal 1/4 normal damage. Critical fire damage deal 1/2 damage and evaporates the water.

ICE BLUE/ICE ORB (needs ice water or ice cube component): Fire off a huge hail ball, the bowls through everything in it's way, dealing massive cold damage. This orb moves 15ft, per round in a direction of your choice. the orb is a 25ft sphere. Everything in this orb's way takes 17 + 13d4 cold + 5d8 bludgeoning damage.

This spell consumes 1 spell slot.

This spell is meant to be a joke. No DM will allow a spell with 4 different bootleg fireball types.

At higher levels When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, each orb's damage dice is increased by 1 for each slot level above 4th

Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Sorcerer, Warlock, and Wizard can all use this spell at 4th level.

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