5e Wizard Spells

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Wizard Spells

0-Level Spells

  • Arcane Deflection With a wave of your hand, you create a barrier of arcane energy to deflect a ranged spell attack.
  • Astral Barrier Reinforce yourself with starstuff to blunt an incoming attack.
  • Disjunction You channel a sliver of magical energy into your target’s cantrip as it forms, attempting to destabilize the casting.
  • Furious Charge You create a shield of force on your shoulder and ram it into your foes.
  • Glyph Trap You cast a glowing pool of magic upon the ground by drawing a glyph with paint, or something that can mark a surface, that damages and hinders anyone who wanders through or is pushed into it.
  • Haptic Counter You focus on the energy kept within you and release it in a defensive manner.
  • Hydro Barrier Throw water in front of yourself to blunt an incoming attack.
  • Mana Shield, Variant Create an intangible magical shield around you
  • Spectral Shield You invoke a minor protective force to grant yourself a +1 bonus to your AC.
  • Static Armor You generate a shocking aura on a willing creature's armor that damages attackers.
  • Temporal Blur You briefly glimpse the future, which allows you to narrowly evade an attack.
  • Temporal Rift Reduce the movement speed of a target
  • Vortex Gaze The target is forced to look into your eyes and is shown an image of the Vortex itself.
  • Acidic Blast Shoots beams of acidic energy at enemies.
  • Acidic Bolt You shoot a solid bolt of acid at a target, dealing piercing and possibly acid damage too.
  • Aero Slash Hurl ripples of razor-sharp air at your enemies when you attack, anime-style.
  • Aerostrike You enhance your next attack with condensed air.
  • Air Slash You form a blade of air and launch it at incredible speeds at a creature or object within range.
  • Almighty Strike You clap your hands and create an almighty aura that sends a blast wave out in a 30-foot sphere centered on you.
  • Arc A ranged lightning attack which can jump between foes.
  • Arcane Attraction A cantrip to pull folks closer.
  • Arcane Blast Releases a force blast in a cone in front of you, deals damage and knocks enemies back
  • Arcane Bolt You fire a bolt of magical energy that seeks its target before exploding.
  • Arcane Strike For those mages that wade into the fray.
  • Astral Light By gently waving your hand in a circular motion, you slowly draw forth an aurora of light into the air around yourself for the duration.
  • Blast You create a blast of pure destructive force.
  • Blast Cantrip Blast your enemies with elemental power, using the most generic of cantrips.
  • Blazer You cover your sword in volatile flames that propell you into the air to strike an airborne opponent or drag one off the ground, but its flames strike back at you if you miss.
  • Blazing Counterstrike Counter an attack with a fiery strike
  • Blazing Slash You extend your hand as a slash of scorching heat burns the creature in front of you.
  • Blinding Bolt You hurl a bright yellow lightning bolt at a creature within range.
  • Bolt of Time You send out an orb of warped time to a creature within range and try to manipulate its cognitive function.
  • Bolt Strike You enhance your next attack with electric energy.
  • Bomb Magically create a small non-magical explosion.
  • Boom Beat Arrow
  • Boreal Strike Your weapon emanates a misty cold aura of subtle and scintillating colors, freezing all in its path.
  • Bounding Flame You create a magical flame that travels along the ground and autonomously seeks out targets.
  • Carian Slicer Create a translucent blue short sword to quickly slash your opponent.
  • Cataclysm You summon a small amount of pure destruction into your hand and can apply it to something of your choosing.
  • Chaotic Rocket A missile trailing a ribbon of multicolored light is lobbed from the caster, producing random sounds (a whistle, ducks quacking, a long burp, etc) as it streaks for its target.
  • Chill Boomerang You launch a gust of freezing air at an opponent, after which it comes back to your hand.
  • Chilling Wind You freeze the air around you and then send it at a creature or object within range.
  • Chord You pluck at the strings which hold the fabric of time, causing ripples to form in space and resonate forward.
  • Chromatic Bolt Shoot a spark of elemental energy at nearby foes.
  • Coldslinger Spin up a bowling ball of ice before slinging it right at a target.
  • Combustion Your body is briefly enveloped in flame, burning the creature that damaged you.
  • Concussive Blast
  • Conduct You channel lightning through your hand to smite a creature or object you can touch.
  • Coral Blast You hurl a sharp chunk of neurotoxin-laced coral.
  • Corroding Strike You enhance your next attack with Acidic energy.
  • Dark Fire A wisp of purple flame coalesces in your hand, which you can use to either illuminate an area or deal damage to an enemy.
  • Dark Matter Blast Fire a clump of invisible space matter.
  • Dark Mote Summon a floating mote that emanates darkness.
  • Daunting Volt Blade Your weapon is charged with electric energy, released upon impact.
  • Delay Upon an ally dropping to 0 hit points within 60 feet, you can freeze them in time.
  • Disarming Cry
  • Discord Bolt A bolt that pulses with a chaotic nature
  • Divine Arcane Attraction A cantrip to pull folks closer.
  • Dongle's Frozen Fire Bolt A frozen version of the Fire Bolt cantrip, invented by the Gnome Bard Sorcerer Dongle.
  • Double-Edge Dance You unleash a quick slash of fire which as you progress in strength, results in a series of fiery slashes.
  • Double-Edge Dance, Variant You unleash a quick slash of fire which as you progress in strength, results in a series of fiery slashes.
  • Drago Bolt A bolt with the face of a dragon flies through the air damaging anything in its path.
  • Earthshatter You use your abilities to cause a point within range to shatter.
  • Eldritch Burst You launch an invisible blast towards a target.
  • Eldritch Strike, Variant A magically enhanced strike
  • Electrical Handaxe Conjure and throw a handaxe made of electricity
  • Element Blast
  • Elemental Arrow You throw an arrow made of elemental energy on your target.
  • Elemental Blast You form a ball of energy that gathers elemental energy around it and then sends that elemental blast at a creature or object.
  • Elemental Blow you cast a 10 foot cone of elemental damage against creatures
  • Ember
  • Ember Strike You infuse your weapon with the embers of a fire, then strike as it bursts into flame.
  • Emberbolt
  • Emit Spores You cover the area around you in a fine toxic cloud of fungal spores.
  • Endrian Slash You channel you melee weapon with Endrian energy allowing you to slash your opponent to bits.
  • Energy Strike You enhance your next attack with force energy.
  • Entropy You create a point of entropy in your hand and touch it to a creature or object within range.
  • Faerie Glitter You hurl a mote of sparkling energy at a creature within range.
  • Farron Dart You hurl a tiny projection of bluish-white energy at a creature or object within range.
  • Feu Sans Nuit
  • Fiery Disengage A spell allowing you to rapidly escape in an burst of flame.
  • Final Stroke The fury of the tranquil, wielded only as a last resort.
  • Finger Gun Budget Eldritch Blast for any Spell Caster
  • Fire Boom
  • Fire Splash You hurl an exploding bolt of fire at a point within range.
  • Firecracker A dazzling, explosive bombardment.
  • Firesweep
  • Flame Ring You make a weapon attack that rings the target in flames.
  • Flame Shot
  • Flare Blade There is a burning sensation near the hilt of your sword as you prepare to cast this spell. It grows as you hold and channel the spell up your blade until it is almost unbearable, releasing a destructive explosion of fire that decimates opponents but burns you in the process.
  • Flare Blitz The caster coat itself in flames, then flies forward spinning like a torpedo.
  • Flare Counter Your sword is wreathed in fire as you prepare yourself in a parry stance. If an adversary attempts to harm you while in this stance, the results are devestating.
  • Flare Shot Shoot an explosive projectile that dazes and burns the two targets.
  • Flèche Chromatique Himo A cantrip that combines with chromatic orb.
  • Force Arrow Enhance an arrow, dart, or other such weapon with raw magical power
  • Force Cannon fires a swirling ball of air
  • Force Streak You fill your weapon and ammunition with raw magical energy that repels or draws in those stricken by your projectiles.
  • Forceful Flash A ball of magical energy hurtles toward a creature in range and blinds them with a flash of bright light.
  • Forceful Hand You surround one or more of your hands with gloves of transparent force for a minute, gaining several benefits.
  • Forceful Strike Magical energy coats your melee weapon and gives it more forceful attacks.
  • Frost Bolt You hurl a ball of magical frost
  • Froststrike You enhance your next attack with frost energy.
  • Fulgur A basic lightning spell.
  • Gandr Shot A simple curse originating from Scandinavia, which decreases the physical health of the target.
  • Glacies A basic ice spell.
  • Glintstone Pebble Fires a small glintstone the size of a pebble.
  • Glyph of Pain You write a magic glyph in the air and launch it at a creature within range.
  • Gravity Force You use gravitational energy to forcefully push or pull an object or creature within range.
  • Haunting Whispers You begin whispering haunting words which instills pain in those who hear them.
  • Heat Beam You concentrate your firepower into a single beam and shoot toward a creature or object within range.
  • Heated Hands You touch a sheet of ice up to 6 inches thick and no larger than 5 feet in any dimension, which instantly melts.
  • Hershey Squirt You cause the target to lose control of their bowels.
  • Hoarfrost Blade Your weapon is coated in fractalline frost as you attack.
  • Hurricane Blade Whirling winds whip around you and your weapon that threatens to force away any in its path.
  • Ice Blade You deftly pull moisture from the air, which briefly solidifies into a blade you use to strike a creature or object within 5 feet of you.
  • Ice Shards You evoke shards of ice to rain into an area.
  • Ignite Create a burst of heat within a cube in front of you.
  • Ignite, Variant You extend your hand and a volcanic explosion sears your foe, taking more damage if they took fire damage previously.
  • Ignitions You extend your hand and a volcanic ignition sears your foe, making them more vulnerable to fire.
  • Illumination, Variant You conjure a globe of light, illuminating an area and blinding an enemy.
  • Instil Pain You attempt to twist the mind of a creature you can see within range.
  • Iridescent Ray You evoke rays of light that scorch enemies.
  • Keen Cut Cut down your foes with the power of your mind
  • Kinetic Garrote You create and attack with a garrote made out of force.
  • Kinetic Throw You manipulate the power of force to toss your target.
  • Liberate Flame Make a flame within range burst, damaging foes nearby
  • Life Flare
  • Lightning Field A cylindrical aura of electricity sweeps around you for a moment, jolting adjacent foes.
  • Lightning Lasers
  • Lightning Orb You summon a ball of electric energy to strike a creature within range.
  • Lightning Tendrils Summon tendrils of electricity to shock multiple opponents.
  • Lightning Whip You create a lash of lightning energy that strikes at one creature of your choice that you can see within range.
  • Lofting Breeze A cantrip frequently used to move or aid in the movement of flying vehicles.
  • Mage Fist For those mages that wish to brawl.
  • Magic Dart A single magical dart akin to those created by magic missile.
  • Megaton Punch Super Punch!
  • Mental Shred Weave darkness into your weapon to drain your opponent's vitality with a hefty strike.
  • Minor Implosion
  • Moonbeam Bolt Hurl a shard of moonlight against a target, can potentially revert shapechangers to their original form.
  • Moonlight You create a source of dim moonlight, capable of revealing the true form of things.
  • Nahal's Reckless Dweomer
  • Ni You call upon an ancient power and speak a forbidden word.
  • One Inch Punch You deliver a ki-infused close quarter unarmed strike
  • Pillar of Sand You cause a small pillar of sand to erupt from the ground in a 5-foot cube originating from a point you can see within range.
  • Pixie Storm You point at a creature within range, and they are assailed with a magical storm of glitter.
  • Plasma Bolt You fire a bolt of hyper charged matter that simultaneously burns and electrocutes your enemy.
  • Pleasant Breeze You create a pleasant breeze of air around a creature, giving it slight protection against heat and gasses.
  • Power Beam You project a beam of force from your melee weapon to attack from a distance.
  • Power Chord
  • Powerful Punch You concentrate a amount of energy and it explode when you hit your target, making possible to push it away and knock it prone.
  • Powerful Strike Control your foes with the power of force.
  • Psionbolt You release a bolt of psionic energy and fire it at the target.
  • Psionic Blast
  • Psionic Kunai You launch a blade that slices the mind.
  • Psionic Strike You enhance your next attack with force energy.
  • Psychic Missile You shoot a projectile made out of psionic power that hurts and dazes your opponent.
  • Psychokinesis You fling an object weighing up to 10 pounds within range towards another point within range.
  • Push You blast an enemy with raw kinetic force, knocking them back.
  • Pyrokinesis Manifest your magical power by igniting a fire.
  • Quickbolt Creates a silver liquid-like bolt that travels silently and strikes a target.
  • Radiant Blade You make a weapon attack that rings the target in radiant flames.
  • Radiant Flame Blade You make a weapon attack that rings the target in radiant flames.
  • Red-Flame Missile You unleashed fiery fury upon your foe using ranged weaponry.
  • Rimeward Strike Water and icy winds collect around your weapon to turn it into magical frost.
  • Rune Blast You draw a rune in the air and blast an object or creature in range with different types of damage.
  • Sacrificial Strike You channel all of your energy into a singular burst.
  • Shadow Blast Create a blast of shadows to defeat you enemies and torment your friends.
  • Shadowcery Conjure an object or creature out of your shadow that stands up
  • Shartrund's Energy Blade The caster raises her hand, a sword of flame forms in her grip and she strikes the goblin that is hurtling up the path, igniting it. Screeching in pain, the goblin jumps back and frantically pats himself out as the wizard readies herself for another strike.
  • Shenanigan You launch an unpredictable and everchanging bolt of energy at a creature or object within range.
  • Shining Force Blast A pulse of radiant energy which shines like a star blasts out from you in a line.
  • Shinsu Baang
  • Shocking Bolt You hurl a small bolt of lightning at a creature or object in range.
  • Shocking Grasp, Variant Lightning springs from your fingertips. Your attack roll has advantage if the target is soaked or wearing metal.
  • Shocking Reaction The creature that hit you takes 1d4 lightning damage.
  • Snipe A long-range, high damage cantrip with a high chance of missing.
  • Sorrel's Minuscule Missile Sorrel Glintwing's micro magic missiles, now a dime a dozen!
  • Spark Shower You bring down sparks of lightning in a small area centered to a point you choose within range.
  • Spellfire You conjure arcane fire in your hand that can be used for light and combat.
  • Spellstrike You increase the accuracy of your attacks using your magic power.
  • Starlight Bolt A bolt of brilliant light streaks toward a creature within range.
  • Static Shock Strike Charge your weapon with electric magic to fend off foes with a strike of your weapon
  • Static Shot Imbue a weapon or piece of ammunition with arcing lightning
  • Static Strike Imbue a weapon with arcing lightning as you strike.
  • Stone Bullet You hurl a stone at a creature or object within range.
  • Thunder Shock
  • Thundering Whip Summon forth a thunderous whip to rattle and deafen foes.
  • Thunderous Strike A thunderous strike meant to push back the foes of the War wizards and bladesingers.
  • Tractor Ray You pull or push a creature you want.
  • Vent Anger You vent your anger and pulse out hot air in a 15-foot sphere centered on yourself to cool yourself down.
  • Voidbolt
  • Water Blast
  • Water Bolt You hurl a bolt of tightly compressed water at a creature or object within range.
  • White-Frost Weapon You brandish a weapon coated in unnatural frost and swing.
  • Wind Slash Basicaly a firebolt that can snuff-out candles
  • Wind Strike A spell which allows one to project the attack of their melee weapon a short distance.
  • Withering Thorn Weave darkness into your weapon to drain your opponent's vitality with a hefty strike.
  • Word of Virulence You utter a divine word, and corrupting virulence erupts from you.
  • Zap Fire a thin streak of electric energy towards the target.
  • Blue Death You force a creature into believing they are in a life-or-death situation.
  • Chloromorpho You change the color of a touched object or willing creature for the duration of this spell.
  • Concealment Creatures must make a Wisdom save to notice a specific, small item magically guised on your person.
  • Concealment, Variant You magically draw attention away from a singular, small item on your person.
  • Deepen Shadows Remove the light from a 10 foot cube and cause the area to become darker.
  • Grain of Sand Make grains of sand appear to be grains of wheat.
  • Label Place a small permanent magical label on an item. The label can be seen by any spell caster or magical creature.
  • Label, Variant Place a permanent magical label on an item. The label can be seen by any creature which can use spells or spell-like abilities.
  • Manipulate Hearing Influence a creature's sense of hearing
  • Shadow Garrote With a subtle gesture you carve a slice of shadow from the air around you and cast it toward your foe. It wraps around the creature's neck and squeezes the life from it.
  • Shadow Mist You conjure an illusory swarm of inky black clouds.
  • Shady Visage You obscure the features of the willing creature that you touch.
  • Spurt of Weirdness Give a creature the sensation of touch
  • Umbral Visage You conjure a cloak of shadows to hide you from sight.
  • Warding Flare You throw up your hand to create a flash of light and distract a creature that is attacking you.
  • Bleeding Wounds Cause stable creatures to resume dying.
  • Blood Bind Bind your own life force to that of another creature in order to inflict the same damage you deal upon yourself to them.
  • Blood Blade You create a blade out of your own blood to use as a weapon.
  • Bloodbridge The caster creates a bridge of blood between 2 creatures, taking the blood of one and giving it to the other.
  • Charnel Claw Channel necrotic power through a clawing strike.
  • Coagulate You cut yourself to form a magical mote to assault a creature in range that you can see.
  • Curse Bestow a minor curse on a creature.
  • Dark Exchange You touch an injured, willing creature, concentrate on the wound as the sinew magically stitches close wounds, graft overs burns and otherwise closes and protects the injured creature.
  • Dawndragon's Vitality Steal A minor life drain spell.
  • Death Blade You enchant the weapon that you wield with the life force of a slain creature.
  • Death Bolt You hurl a dark ball at a creature or object within range.
  • Death's Garrote You infuse your garrote with the power of death.
  • Desecrate Strike Imbue your weapon with necrotic energy as you strike.
  • Desecration Desecrate the land.
  • Empowering Sacrifice
  • Fingers of the Necromancer Rays of necrotic energy shoot from your fingers, withering anything you shoot.
  • Ghostly Hands You touch a willing creature and cover its hands with ghostly energy.
  • Grum's Fix 'em/Hurt 'em Caster chooses to either heal or damage a target, using their own lifeforce.
  • Jolt Cadaver You compel a dead or undead creature into a sudden, jerking motion.
  • Malignant Blast You harm creatures or objects within range with blasts of evil power
  • Minor Animate You animate a number of tiny creatures to serve basic purposes
  • Minor Blood Infusion You infuse an agonizing creature with your blood.
  • Minor Blood Orb You cut yourself and hurl your blood against your opponent.
  • Momentary Relapse A cantrip that deals temporary damage.
  • Necro Blast A beam of necrotic energy streaks toward a creature within range.
  • Necrotic Overlay You imbue your weapon with necrotic power.
  • Necrotic Overlay, Variant You imbue your weapon with necrotic power.
  • Necrotic Sickles You conjure necrotic energy from the lower plains of existence to give your weapon an aura to increase your attack power
  • Roll the Bones Control dice made of bone.
  • Shadow Pulse You harm evil creatures or objects within range with pulses of evil power
  • Shadowblade With a couple quick movements, you pull a sword made from solidified shadow from thin air that lasts for the duration.
  • Shadowstrike You enhance your next attack with necrotic energy.
  • Shrieking Skull
  • Soul Drain Your hands sap health from others to bolster yourself
  • Soul Shallow You cause fear in the soul of another, sending a spirit through their mind.
  • Soul Tear
  • Spectral Scythe Create a blade of necrotic energy at the end of a staff.
  • Spirit Meddling you use spirits to play tricks on others such as flicking on and off a torch, giving somebody a chill down their spine or any number of things
  • Tear You cause the matter of a creature or object that you touch to split apart.
  • Vicious Rant You lace your words with withering magic and aggressively rant at a creature or object in range.
  • Viktor's Soul Rend A flash of light sparks from your finger and strikes a creature, dealing necrotic damage that increases each time it is hit by this spell.
  • Wyrd Reconstruction You mend a creature's wounds with the risk of further injury.
  • Accelerate/Decelerate Your mastery of time manipulation allows you to make some changes to the speed of objects, or even people.
  • Alacrity This spell boosts the speed of another creature within range.
  • Amanuensis You point at the writing and then move your hand as though holding a stylus or quill. As you intone the spell, the script appears on a sheet of paper close at hand.
  • Aqua Push You conjure a blast of water and hurl it into a creature within range.
  • Arcane Blade Imbue a weapon with arcane energy.
  • Arcaning A melee attack using a magically infused arcane focus
  • Astral Sacrifice A dangerous gamble. Would you trade your own HP for more spell slots?
  • Attack Bonk!
  • Blade Meld Transform your flesh to fuse a weapon into it.
  • Blood Rush You cause the blood from a creature's body to flow towards its head, dazing it temporarily.
  • Can't Trip You magically resist being knocked off balance.
  • Charged Blade You infuse a melee weapon with arcane energy, guiding your strikes with it.
  • Condense/Suffuse Condense various coins into a coin of equal value, or suffuse the value of one coin into several other coins
  • Control Electricity You take a portion of static charge and manipulate it in one of the following ways...
  • Cryonis Upon a relatively flat plane of liquid water at least five by five feet, you create a pillar of magic ice that has dimensions in feet of 5 x 5 x 10.
  • Descent Cause a creature to be pulled back down to the ground.
  • Destroy Wall Destroy a wall with a corrosive slime
  • Earthen Bullet A ranged spell attack hurls a clod of hardened dirt and stone towards a creature or object.
  • Elemental Edge Alter the elemental properties of an equipped weapon, changing its damage type.
  • Erasure You can paint over the body of your target, erasing parts of it.
  • Firewater
  • Flame Edged Bolts A minor enchantment commonly used by archers who have dabbled in magecraft to allow their bolts or arrows to strike with the fervor of fire.
  • Flavor Blast
  • Floating Figment You suspend all held items in the air, as if the items are unaffected by gravity.
  • Gaiastrike You enhance your next attack with the earth.
  • Glass Form Manipulate the properties of a large piece of glass
  • Halt A moderate magical force ceases or slows time at a specific point within range, creating one various effects.
  • Hardened Stone
  • Hemomancy Manipulate your own blood in a limited fashion.
  • Inferno, Handaxe
  • Inferno, Mace
  • Inferno, Quarterstaff
  • Launch Bolt A crossbow bolt you touch flies towards a target.
  • Leonardo's Magic Card You throw a card imbued with energy that explodes shortly after.
  • Mage Strike Use magic to pull your weapon towards your target for you.
  • Magic Card Turn ordinary playing cards into deadly weapons.
  • Magical Blade A basic enchantment to enhance a blade's sharpness with magic.
  • Magnetize Magnetize metal objects and send them flying in a direction of your choice.
  • Manipulate Snow and Ice You manipulate a portion of snow or ice that you can see within range.
  • Metabolic Boost A "healing" cantrip.
  • Minor Stasis A light object or creature is stopped in time until touched.
  • Mordenkainen's Magnificent Magical Mauling You channel pure magical energy into your hands to causing them to glow brightly become extremely sharp.
  • Origamist You control the folding of paper into a new form, infusing magic into its creation.
  • Poisoned Blade You coat your weapon with a deadly poison created by magic.
  • Porte Ècarlate
  • Precipice Blade
  • Razor Tome You momentarily transmute several pieces of paper or parchment to have sharp edges, which then fly out to slice a creature in range, before safely returning to your book or hand.
  • Reinforce Armament Strengthen the power of light & finesse weapons made of metal, using your spellcasting ability.
  • Reinforce Arms You make a weapon you touch magical and do more consistent damage for a period of time.
  • Shata's Rock of Flames You cause a rock to burst into flame, and kick it at a target.
  • Shift Stone You crudely shape stone or move it up to 30 feet along the ground.
  • Slip Removes friction from a small area.
  • Spectral Throw Throw a ghostly duplicate of your melee weapon.
  • Step Up You slightly hasten your own movement, or the movement of another creature within range.
  • Stonefists Your fists transmute to hard stone.
  • Sunder Generate minor destructive vibrations with a touch
  • Sylvanism Minor time manipulation.
  • Temporal Surge You give up some of your time and grant it to an ally.
  • Venom Strike Your blade is coated in a crippling neurotoxin
  • Venomstrike You enhance your next attack with poison.
  • Water Whip, Variant Lash out at an opponent with a snake of water.
  • Weapon Shift A melee weapon you are wielding transforms into a different melee weapon for the duration.
  • Weave Shadows
  • Weld Weld metal together with just a touch!
Needs Work

1st-Level Spells

  • Adamantine Shell A basic defensive protective spell.
  • Adloquium Restore some health to an ally and conjure an additional protective shield to safeguard them from further harm.
  • Armour of Jenova You summon a colourful aura of aberrant energy around you that harms creatures close to you.
  • Begone Thot, Variant In the wise and eternal words of Jesus, whose words are kept alive through the scriptures of the Thot Patrol, "If she breathes, she's a thot."
  • Block Seed Prevents conception.
  • Brand Don't touch my stuff!
  • Broken Ward
  • Celebrimbor's Battle Glyph A more fighting efficient glyph of warding.
  • Corazon's Tiny Glyph A smaller, more efficient Glyph of Warding.
  • Countertrip No more pesky cantrips for you...
  • Darius's Selfless Shield An invisible barrier of magical force appears and protects a creature you can see within range.
  • Endure Elements Protection from normal environmental hazards.
  • Enhanced Durability A useful spell for temporarily increasing durability by increasing AC and granting temp HP.
  • Etzel’s Bolstering Bands An invisible brace made up of thin filaments of force appears against your skin, strengthening your bones.
  • False Blade Afraid your 9th level spell might actually kill someone? Well no more!
  • Flame Cloak You weave yourself into a cloak made of fire.
  • Flash Sweat You produce a burst of localized heat, drenching you in sweat.
  • Force Armor You touch a willing creature who isn't wearing armor, and a protective magical force surrounds it until the spell ends. The target's base AC becomes 13 + its spellcasting ability modifier. The spell ends if the target dons armor or if you dismiss the spell as an action.
  • Ice Ward You throw up your hands as you are attacked, and icy symbols protect you from harm and slow your assailants.
  • Leomund's Shield A shield that defends the user from harsh elements and the small inconveniences of life.
  • Leonardo's Imploding Shell You momentarily protect a creature with a sphere of armor, only to for the sphere to implode and damage the creature on your next turn.
  • Leonardo's Splinter Shell You throw an a energy shell at a creature.
  • Magical Deflect Weaken spells that hit you.
  • Mana Shield Create a protective sphere of magical force.
  • Mark This is mine, and we both know it.
  • Mind Spike, Variant You attempt to interrupt an attack by psionically piercing through the mind of the attacker.
  • Mist of Inhibition A translucent magical fog settles around you, impeding motion.
  • Prismatic Barrier For a brief time, protect yourself and your allies from damage.
  • Protective Barrier
  • Repel Pushes any Large or smaller creature or object away from you to a certain distance.
  • Rift Balance Chronomancers are tasked with keeping balance in the Astral Plane, whenever you remove something, something must take its place.
  • Sand Replacement
  • Scholar’s Shield Enchant one via touch with an increased armor class.
  • Shield of Darkness
  • Shield of Stasis You create an invisible barrier of stasis in front of a creature or object that intercepts spells, creatures, projectiles, etc. and traps them in time.
  • Allowance Create money when you need it, consequences be damned.
  • Arcane Runes Create up to three magical, invisible runes on one or more creatures within range to make them easier for you to detect and strike.
  • Arcane Tether Conjure a rope that brings two things together
  • Attract Summons a Small or Tiny object that you can see to yourself.
  • Bakudo 8 Bakudō #8. Seki (斥, Repulse; "Repulsion") is a Kidō spell.
  • Blade Shift You teleport your blade into your enemy's flesh.
  • Blade Surge You manifest an ethereal aura that turns into an energy weapon to protect you from attackers, hurting them in the process.
  • Blue Shield Basically a ridable Tenser's Floating Disk.
  • Bound Weapon, Variant You create a weapon of your choosing to bind to yourself.
  • Bullet Channel the power of Gun Magic™!
  • Conjure Ammunition Conjure a handful of ammunition.
  • Conjure Creature The standard summoning spell.
  • Conjure Gemstone You can conjure a gemstone.
  • Conjure Marionettes You summon wooden, hovering, human-shaped constructs that appear in unoccupied spaces that you can see within range.
  • Crush Crush enemies you already have in your magical or literal grasp!
  • Diamond Storm A cone of "diamonds" shot into the air at your enemies to tear them apart.
  • Earthen Servant You summon a small creature made out of earth.
  • Eihwaz the Yew Rune Eihwaz is a earthly rune with domain over both healing and poison.
  • Feather Glide You conjure a chicken to help stop your fall.
  • Fitzmyr's Sage Hands A modified version of the mage hand cantrip, by a kenku wizard. Effective for use of offence, utility, and defense, but not the best at any of them. An all-rounder for 1st level spells.
  • Glacial Crash You conjure a large chunk of ice and launch it at a creature in range.
  • Glintblade Phalanx Creates a phalanx of magical blue translucent blades that rush forth.
  • Grum's Spectral Melee Weapon You exchange an object in your hand for a spectral necrotic damage weapon from the Ethereal Plane.
  • Hyetomancy Conjure localized rain around yourself.
  • Icy Weapon You freeze the air around you to create a weapon of pure ice.
  • Isaz the Ice Rune A Rune that when infused with magic can create several effects related to cold energy.
  • Kaunan the Fire Rune A powerful sentient fire Rune which can create explosive traps, bless weapons and armor or curse enemies
  • Lunae
  • Maelstrom, Variant Trap your foes in wind.
  • Magic Glintblade Sets up magical blades in the air to be automatically fired after a short period
  • Magic Scimitar
  • Magnet Orb You conjure an orb that pulls foes towards it.
  • Minor Distortion In the grand scheme of things, we make many choices. Where exactly we stand, how we move when we see a sword being swung at our head. Sometimes, you're standing in the perfect spot to mitigate a hit you take. Through the use of magic, one can instantly move themselves to said spot as if that were the choice they'd made.
  • Moist Flame A dripping flame appears in your hand.
  • Mordenkainen's Buzzing Bee Conjure a small phantasmal bee to annoy opponent spellcasters
  • Morifn’s Deathly Wind A torrent of wind, filled with a poisonous red mist and flying weapons composed of red liquid erupts from your outstretched hand in a direction you choose.
  • Planar Calling You summon creatures from other worlds to fight by your side.
  • Quill of Duplication You touch a book, drawing, map or similar document with the quill and imbue the content inside it.
  • Raven Bolt Summon a bolt of dark energy in the form of a raven and send it flying at a creature or object within range.
  • Rewind Want to go to that spot you were in 6 seconds ago? Go right ahead with this spell!
  • Shadow Snare Summon a pool of shadows beneath your target to attempt to immobilize (grapple) them.
  • Shadow Spray
  • Shell Kick
  • Spell Blade You conjure a blade of force in your free hand.
  • Spellblade
  • Summon Corpse You summon a corpse, ready for necromancy.
  • Summon Weapon Summon a weapon or object from a pocket dimension into your hand.
  • Swarm of Pests You cause a cloud of mites, fleas, and other parasites to appear in a 15-foot-radius sphere centered on yourself.
  • Veitch's Marvellous Letter You conjure a letter with up to 150 words written in it. It flies to a target that you designate at a speed of 6 mph.
  • Analyze Analyze grants valuable info for enemies and items.
  • Arcane Mark You place your mark upon a subject.
  • Bone Read You attempt to perceive the past, using the bones of the deceased to get some insight into what its last moments of its life was.
  • Calder's Starry Sky You project a map of the stars into the air.
  • Clear Thought You touch a creature to bestow it pristine thought.
  • Detect Outsider This spell allows its user to detect whether a creature or object is native to the plane they are in while casting it.
  • Detect Secrets You grant yourself magical perception that greatly enhances your ability to uncover hidden mysteries.
  • Detect Weapons For the duration, you sense the presence of manufactured weapons within 30 feet of you.
  • Discern You detect some of a creature's vulnerabilities and immunities.
  • Gift of Alacrity
  • Glyph of Tracking A more tracking and utility efficient glyph of warding.
  • Impart Knowledge A way to quickly and silently communicate complex ideas.
  • Know Recipe You touch a piece of food or a potion and learn how to replicate it.
  • Know Thy Foe A spell that lets the caster peer into the defenses of their target.
  • Master's Touch Makes a target proficient with a held or worn piece of equipment.
  • Minor Inventory A simple but useful spell to quickly itemize a container can help you divide loot, level the field on a negotiation or avoid searching a room for hours for something that isn't there. You'll still have to search for it though, this spell just makes you aware of the contents not it's exact location.
  • Minor Psychometry Sense information about the last creature to touch an object and it's past whereabouts.
  • Morgrave's Clear Mind You embed a psychic mote in a creature's mind and force it to broadcast its thoughts to those nearby.
  • Patternweave Gives unique investigative insights into things that seem random.
  • Scan Check for the presence of certain things.
  • See Through You touch a simple surface such as a door, a wall, or even a shield to see through it as if it was transparent.
  • Shale's Instant Compass Know where you are at all times!
  • Speak with David Allows you to speak telepathically with David's past present or future.
  • True Glimpse See things as they truly are for a brief moment.
  • Truer Strikes
  • Weight of 1000 Years, Variant You solidify the memories of every surrounding creature, turning them into a force of harm.
  • Adula's Moonblade An icy sword forms in your hand and sweeps toward a creature of your choice within range
  • Aether: Ascent A blast of wind magic allows you to throw your sword upwards with great strength, lifting your target off the ground or ascending great heights.
  • Aether: Quickdraw By invoking wind magic around the blade in you hand, you are given a moment of intense speed as you slash; propelling yourself forward to strike a distant target.
  • Agni Shine You throw a hand forward and send a roaring ball of flame roughly 1 foot in diameter towards a target within range.
  • Air Wave This spell converts a melee attack into a wave of cutting air.
  • Arc Bolt You conjure an unstable bolt of electricity and fire it toward a target.
  • Arcane Smite You infuse a weapon with arcane power
  • Attract Object A simple trick most people learn as a starting point to magic. Attracting an object to your hand.
  • Babu Slime
  • Bakudo 30 Bakudō # 30: Shitotsu Sansen (嘴突三閃, Beak-Piercing Triple Beam is a Kidō spell.
  • Bakudo 4 Bakudō #4: Hainawa (這縄, Crawling Rope; "Slithering Rope") is a Kidō spell.
  • Begone Thot By denouncing the thot-hood of an enemy one may strike them down with lightning.
  • Black Snow You create a sphere of dark snow that is laced with acid in a 10-foot sphere centered on you.
  • Blast Cast Blast your enemies with elemental power, using the most generic of spells.
  • Blink Slash By channeling magic around you, and your blade, you teleport yourself to strike a distant target.
  • Bubble Blast You shoot three bubbles out of your mouth.
  • Burning Orbs Summon and fling a barrage of flaming missiles.
  • Caustic Blood
  • Chromatic Missile You create two darts made of an energy type of your choice.
  • Ciao's Magic Missile You create two white bubbling streaks of magical force that inflict a debuff onto the targets.
  • Corrosive Flame You snap your fingers, invoking chaotic green flames to engulf your target.
  • Corrosive Hands Corrosive liquid sprays and damages targets and metal objects.
  • Crackle With Power You ignite yourself with fiery power from the Strixhaven snarl, then channel it into a blast against your opponents.
  • Crystal Barrage Releases a group of glintstone shards fired from the caster.
  • Crystal Burst Fires a short ranged, spread out blast of glintstone shards.
  • Crystal Wave After you touch the ground, a thin sheet of crystal rapidly extends forth in a 15-foot cone, then ruptures, causing crystal shards to launch skyward.
  • Culdir's Orb of Fire Create a ball of fire, which enhances other spells slung nearby.
  • Cyclone A spell that sends a cylinder of air around an area moving creatures about.
  • Dark Reach You call on the power of shadows to restrict another's movement.
  • Delayed Spell You use your action to focus and upscale your next evocation spell.
  • Deliberate Surge You pull magic from the weave and release it into the world, causing a surge.
  • Dismantle Cuts your enemy into small, fleshy bits.
  • Dongle's All-Purpose Mending A general purpose spell, invented by Dongle, that combines the effects of Cure Wounds and Mending, to a certain extent.
  • Eldritch Rebuke Arcane Energy Rebuke.
  • Elemental Strike Imbue Your weapon with magical energy of the element of your choice for a time.
  • Energy Ray
  • Erratic Bolt A wild and unstable bolt of electricity arcs from your fingertips towards a creature of your choice in range.
  • Eruption Counter You prepare yourself for an oncoming strike, and counter it.
  • Final Gambit Release a quick, and last, burst of power.
  • Fire Shot Poor man's fireball.
  • Fire Spin Fire bursts from your hands as you rapidly spin in a circle, blasting enemies
  • Fire Whip You create a magical whip of fire that can be used as a melee weapon.
  • Flame Burst Bouts of flame burst forth from your body as if trying to escape, damaging nearby enemies.
  • Freezing Burst Emit a blast of chilling energy that stops enemies in their tracks.
  • Frost Breath You blow a critically cold cloud of frost at your enemies.
  • Frost Strike Infuses your weapon with the power of frost.
  • Frostwave
  • Ganon's Fist You concentrate destructive energy into a single, supernaturally-powerful punch.
  • Gorgath's Rock-Volver High Nooning with some cheap stones. David and Goliath these dudes.
  • Hado 1 Hadō #1. Shō (衝, Thrust) is a Kidō spell.
  • Hado 4 Hadō #4. Byakurai (白雷, Pale Lightning) is a Kidō spell.
  • Hadō Sōren Sōkatsui Generating blue energy with his/her index and middle fingers, the practitioner makes a pushing motion with both of his/her palms to push the gathered energy toward the target in a concentrated blast.
  • Hellfire Bolt You make an infernal gesticulation, and a thin blast of hellfire roars towards a creature you can see within range.
  • Homing Shards You create 1d4 + 2 frozen shards of ice.
  • Homing Soulmass You create several glowing orbs poised to strike instantly.
  • Ice Bolt You create a gelid bolt of supercooled water and direct it to hit at a creature you can see.
  • Ice Shock You exhale a blast of freezing mist at a creature in range.
  • Ice Spike A spike made of ice thrusts from the ground towards target creature.
  • Ice Wave After you touch the ground, a thin sheet of ice rapidly extends forth in a 15-foot cone, then ruptures, causing spikes of ice to launch skyward.
  • Icicle Crash With a loud smashing sound, you shower the area in front of you with shattered ice.
  • Immolation, Variant You set yourself ablaze to torch surrounding foes.
  • Imperial Bolt You shoot a pure beam of radiant energy that weakens your target's will.
  • Last Words Go out with a witty one-liner and a bang. Or just a bang, that works too.
  • Lee's Fume Punch Channel forth your anger in the form of a pillar of flame from your fist.
  • Lesser Baja Blast Bring the power of the all-mighty Baja Blast to the battlefield.
  • Lucky Star You summon a star of energy that explodes on an enemy, dealing incredibly random damage.
  • Magic Burst Expends all spell slots of one level to create a huge explosion.
  • Magic Strike Your fist is wreathed in magic that instantly draws it to your opponent.
  • Miracle Moon Slice and dice your foes with crescent moons.
  • Misinterpreted Color Spray A wash of colorful mist inexplicably does ludicrous amounts of damage to foes.
  • Orion's Bolts You point at a creature you can see within range, speaking an invocation to the celestial hunter. Clubs imbued with starlike radiance fly from somewhere behind you, burning and bludgeoning the target creature.
  • Paddle Star Fire an omnidirectional star that can then be redirected.
  • Paralysis Blow You summon black flames on your weapon.
  • Phoenix Wave You put your hand out in front of you or you focus this spell onto a weapon you move your hand or weapon in a sideways slashing motion causes a firey wave to apear from your weapon or hands then sendng the firey wave out 20 feet infront of you.
  • Pixie's Gale Evoke the power of wind to fling creatures and objects away from yourself.
  • PK Fire (5e spell)Earthbound’s PK fire, A short ranged evocation with a supportive roll.
  • Psionova
  • Railgun
  • Rapid Acceleration During Flight, Instantly accelerate to twice your movement speed for one turn
  • Remote Bomb
  • Revert Time A creature you touch has its wounds revert back in time.
  • Riddle (5e spell)You call upon an extraplanar entity, an alien intellect or devious fiend, becoming a conduit for its power as you speak out a complex riddle.
  • Rock Splash Chuck a big rock at somebody and hit them with shrapnel.
  • Rock Toss You lift up a small rock and throw it at a target within range.
  • Rock Wave You create a storm of razor-sharp stones that forms a line that is 30 feet long and 5 feet wide.
  • Rod Surge You project an elemental energy surge from your rod to a target within range.
  • Sakanagi Strike a target with the force of your being for pure damage.
  • Sand Impact
  • Sand Shurikens Magic Missile, but sand!
  • Sandblast
  • Scholar’s Armament Coats a nonmagical weapon with magic damage.
  • Searing Orb You launch an unstable orb of flames toward a target, where it detonates.
  • Shocking Blast Release a burst of electricity that fries your opponents.
  • Shoulder Touch
  • Snap of Radiance You snap your fingers and emit a blinding burst of light.
  • Sorrel's Leaping Missile Sorrel Glintwing wonders, how useful would this actually be?
  • Sorrel's Retributive Missile Sorrel Glintwing decided she was tired of people hitting her in melee combat and getting away with it. Now, they don't.
  • Soul Arrow Fires a small magical arrow straight ahead.
  • Spin Attack You brandish the weapon used in the spell's casting and whirl around in circles, striking foes all around.
  • Spirit Shotgun You focus energy into a fist before firing a wave of numerous small force blasts.
  • Stone Bolt You fire a piece of stone at an enemy, much harder than normally possible.
  • Thunder Shock Last Resort An extremely powerful lighting spell last resort option.
  • Thundershock Unleash paralyzing shocks of electricity.
  • Tri-Element Deals lightning, fire, then cold damage to a target
  • Valla's Whirlpool Create a swirling whirlpool that drags enemies into its center.
  • Venomous Ray You fire a venomous ray, which delivers a virulent poison to the target.
  • Verge A spell that gains power with each consecutive casting.
  • Void Bolt You fire a fazing, mass of void energy at one enemy.
  • Void Burst A small explosion of aetherial energy centered on a point within range strikes out at all creatures within a 10 foot radius of that point.
  • Volatile Vortex You cause weapon to begin violently spinning, causing damage anyone who comes near.
  • Waist-High Wave You conjure a rolling wave of elemental force.
  • Water Jet A jet of steaming hot water launches forth from your wrist
  • Water Whip You summon a long, rubbery whip of pure water to lash out at a creature or object in range.
  • Weight of 1000 Years You close your eyes and focus on the Vortex of Time, condensing the memories of the past millennia into a single thought, then gesture above the target and snap your hand down as all these thoughts and memories are solidified and forced upon the target.
  • Will Charge The user has learned to channel his will into his weapon for a short period of time.
  • Wind Blades Blades made of wind.
  • Zap Bolt You fire a small, but concentrated electric current from your hand to zap a creature or object in range.
  • Zodiac Strike The raw power of the zodiac ring and its components placed into a small orb.
  • Zoltraak A simple spell that shoots either a large blast or multiple smaller blasts of concentrated mana.
  • Ambush, Variant Diet invisibility
  • Chameleon You change yourself to blend into your environment.
  • Color You permanently change the color of cloth, leather, or any other inanimate object.
  • Elonia's Glamour
  • Horrific Visage You choose a creature within range and reveal the horrors of the void to them.
  • Hush You touch a creature and imbue it with silence.
  • Hush, Variant Shroud a creature's voice in magical silence without compromising their spellcasting.
  • Muffle A spell that hushes a creature, making it more difficult to detect.
  • Net of Shadows You cast the spell, and the surrounding shadows shift at your command, flying toward your targets and wrapping themselves around them.
  • Obscure Illumination Obscures a light source so one may see in the dark without either giving one's position away or resorting to darkvision-like solutions. Unlike darkvision, one can distinguish colours (as permitted by the torch's quality of light)
  • Placebo Grants temporary relief and protection from harm and ailments.
  • Silhouette Cause a creature to appear as a stark black silhouette of itself
  • Silhouette, Variant Cause a creature to appear as a translucent black silhouette of itself
  • Sound Bubble Create a membrane that blocks the transmission of sound
  • Turning Tables
  • Ventriloquism Make your voice appear to come from somewhere else.
  • Aging Hands You cast a streak of time energy at a creature or object within range.
  • Animate Energy Summon a tiny floating ball of undeath
  • Animate Shadow You bring to life the shadow of a creature you can see within range.
  • Banshee Wail You shriek like a banshee after being struck.
  • Bind Skeletal Familiar You bind a lost soul to a skull, creating a floating skull that serves you.
  • Blood Lust You sacrifice some blood to increase the power of your weapon attacks.
  • Blood Tentacles Attack your friend and foes with the blood spilled over the battlefield
  • Bloodbridge, Variant
  • Bloodletting You imbue a weapon with the power of create wounds that bleed profusely.
  • Bloodsurge A powerful healing spell that requires sacrifice of blood from the caster or ally.
  • Bloody Shell You create a coating of blood that surrounds a creature's skin, protecting them from damage.
  • Cell Decomposition You cause a creature's cells to gradually deteriorate.
  • Curse Water This spell imbues a flask (1 pint) of water with negative energy, turning it into unholy water.
  • Dark Bead Black beads that seem to sap away the light
  • Dark Dive You grab hold of a creature you can touch and drain its life force until it breaks free.
  • Dark Orb Forms a ten foot diameter dark orb that deals necrotic damage to creatures whose space it occupies.
  • Death Blossom Die, die, die!
  • Death Coil A black coil of energy attempts to restrain and constrict a target.
  • Death Grip You seize the essence of a creature in range and pull it towards you.
  • Death Touch You touch a creature and attempt to end its life instantly.
  • Deathly Servant Rather than using a soul to control an undead, this undead is weaker, but more easily controlled.
  • Drain Warmth Take the warmth and lifeforce of a creature for yourself
  • Flowing Undead Wrath You raise tortured souls from some forsaken source. All creatures within range fall victim to their wrath and woe, only surviving through sheer willpower.
  • Freezing Clutch You curse an object with cold regrets.
  • Grasping Souls with a sacrifice of blood you pull hundreds of undead hands from the ground, grasping and dashing toward any life they feel.
  • Grum's Greater Fix 'em/Hurt 'em Caster chooses to either heal or damage a target, using their own lifeforce.
  • Hand of the Dead Creates a beam of necrotic energy.
  • Inflict Positive Energy You infuse positive energy into a creature, with intent to harm.
  • Laughing Skull Reanimate Human Skulls to disturb your oponents
  • Lesser Animate Dead This spell creates a temporary undead servant.
  • Lesser Blood Orb You hurl a powerful orb of blood infused with necrotic energy against your enemies.
  • Life Sap Drain health to transfer to allies
  • Light Blood Transfusion You transfer your blood to a wounded creature, healing it.
  • Man's Best Fiend Fiendish/Undead familiar variant
  • Nauseate One creature that you can see in range has an extremely distorted vision for one turn in addition to a horrible stomachache.
  • Palpitate Forces a creature's heart to stop and restart suddenly
  • Post-Mortem Servitude Create a skeleton butler that cannot attack, but can carry out tasks.
  • Raise Flesh You raise an incomplete, amateur undead being.
  • Raise Undead Summons an undead from a corpse.
  • Sanguine Tide You cause the blood of the touched creature to flow to you, mending your wounds.
  • Sculpt Corpse Change the appearance of a corpse in one of multiple ways.
  • Touch of Unlife Invigorate the undead with health-restoring vigor.
  • Transfer Pain You attempt to syphon the life from a creature you touch.
  • Wrath You point your finger, and dark energy washes over a target you can see within range.
  • Aberrate Warp the form of a creature, turning it into an aberration.
  • Aetheric Reconstruction You repair an item of any damage and wear from the last decade
  • Affect Cantrips Galore!
  • Air Step Extra jumping power, and double-jumping too!
  • Alter Object You transform an object into a useful item or tool.
  • Animate Minor Object Lesser form of animate objects that targets a single object.
  • Animate Rope You animate an inanimate rope-like object, such as string, yarn, cord, line, rope, or cable of up to 50 feet or a maximum of 10 lbs.
  • Arcane Arrow You charge a projectile with arcane energy, ready to release it explosively.
  • Arcane Battery You can create a multipurpose arcane battery.
  • Arcane Crush Cripple a creature that you are holding further.
  • Arcane Strength Magically enhance your strength.
  • Barbarian Knowledge You touch a willing creature, causing its head to swell and muscles to shrink.
  • Blade of Blood You shape your blood in the form of a weapon.
  • Bloodied Spittle You spit bloodied saliva on a target's eyes.
  • Chrono-deceleration Slows down time for target creatures, making them easier to deal with.
  • Coinify What are you supposed to do when you have all metal and no coins?
  • Construct Homunculus Few can find a good familiar that they can trust, and even fewer can find one's that are able to remain connected at all times.
  • Craftsmanship
  • Create Magic Item You create a magical item instantaneously, which varies in power based on the spell level.
  • Curse of Comus A curse that afflicts its victim with a monstrous animal's head.
  • Deeppockets
  • Demon Skin You cover your skin with fiendish scales and grow a small set of horns.
  • Dissonance Field Twist time and space to cause difficult movement and make it difficult to cast spells.
  • Earth's Crush A spell for earth benders
  • Earthen Pillar You cause a pillar of earth to erupt from a surface
  • Erase With a wave of your hand, you erase all writing from scrolls, sheets of parchment or paper, or similar objects that you touch.
  • Excarnate Corpse his spell removes the flesh, exposing the skeleton of a medium-sized corpse targeted by the caster.
  • Expand/Contract Expand and contract space around you.
  • Fitzgeralts' Fast Inverse Mender Connect a line to cut.
  • Floor of Ice Freeze over a floor with slippery, spike-covered ice.
  • Flurry You magically enhance your weapon's speed and unleash a pair of blows.
  • Flurry of Missiles You touch your weapon and unleash a torrent of projectiles to a creature of your choice... or several creatures if you so choose.
  • Flurry of Strikes Deliver strikes with incredible speed
  • Gordian's Tripwire You command a tripwire to string itself up, ready to confound your foes.
  • Infuse Weapon You bolster a weapon's power with a magical enchantment.
  • Inversion Invert a spell effect back to it's original caster!
  • Log to Lumber Invoke magic to transform a log into an equal amount of lumber for 5 silver a pound
  • Magnesis You gain control of one object that is made mostly or entirely of metal in range that you can see, and does not exceed 10 feet in any dimension.
  • Manipulate Metal Bend and shape metal into usable forms.
  • Midwife's Spell A collection of folk magic intended to help with conception and childbirth.
  • Might of Annam Call upon magic learned- or perhaps stolen- from the giants to deliver a devastating strike.
  • Molten Blades Your weapons glow red hot, burning your enemies on contact.
  • Phase Causes the caster to be able to move through some solid matter as if it was a liquid.
  • Quill Hide Long quills sprout from the target’s body, dealing damage on contact.
  • Reorientate Rotate a region of space, and all matter contained within, however you choose.
  • Repair Repair an object or restore hit points to a construct.
  • Restore You repair a small item or restore a magical effect on an object, depending on its type.
  • Slight Polymorph
  • Stasis Mine You choose a bit of space to arm with a stasis mine. When you activate it, it causes anyone inside it to be harmed and stopped in time.
  • Sticky Blood Your transmutated blood seals the wound and catches the opponent's weapon.
  • Stone Spike You cause stone spikes to raise from the ground underneath up to three creatures of your choice on the ground within range.
  • Stone Tent
  • Summon Rain Cause a light rain with cloud cover and harmless thunder and lightning.
  • Surge You channel harmless electrical energies in a willing creature you touch, heightening its speed and senses.
  • Swift Strike You infuse a weapon with the ability to be swing slightly quicker.
  • Sword Split You split a sword into two smaller swords or fuse two smaller swords into one larger one.
  • Sword Trap Defensive spell that allows you to stop enemies from using weapons, like a different version of the shield spell.
  • Tablehopper Craft a line of decent cover in the midst of combat.
  • Time Stride You briefly pause the passage of time.
  • Transcription Magically copy or translate a page of text and/or images onto another page.
  • Transmute Coins You transform coins into other coins!
  • Vengeful Trinket Enchant a trinket that absorbs damage and releases it as magical force.
  • Water Tendril The water you touch grows a prehensile limb-like tentacle from the point you touch, which obeys your spoken commands for the duration.
  • Xenae's Aquaforme Turns a target ground area into water.
Needs Work

2nd-Level Spells

  • Aetheric Ballista Summons a spectral ballista on your wrist.
  • Arcane Grenade A thrown magical explosion
  • Arcane Sphere Movable sphere of pure arcane energy.
  • Bone Rush
  • Boreale's Deep Strike Vanish for a short period of time, and reappear next to enemies.
  • Bound Item An Item you have previously bound returns to you from a long distance.
  • Bound Weapon A weapon you have previously bound to you returns to you from almost any distance.
  • Corrosive Bile You lose your lunch, as it turns corrosive on the way up. Ew.
  • Create Building This spell creates a simple building that fits entirely within a 10-foot cube within range.
  • Crystal Release Conjures a rift above the caster’s head that rains down glintstone shards.
  • Dancing Rune Weapon You conjure a ghostly replica of your weapon, which hovers alongside you.
  • Dissolving Grasp You grab an opponent and magically dissolve them.
  • Eternal Darkness Summons a gravitational void above the caster’s head that draws in projectiles and ranged spell attacks.
  • Fermentation Explosion Turn that old kombucha into a weapon.
  • Forced Teleportation You force a creature to switch places with you with a teleport.
  • Foster's Instant Anvil You temporarily summon a large heavy object to drop on a foe.
  • Grasp Fantasy force choke!
  • Gravity Bomb Pulling enemies in before creating a warp explostion
  • Gravity Bomb, Variant Use gravity to pull creatures into an orb you create, before exploding it.
  • Greatblade Phalanx Creates a phalanx of magical blue translucent blades that rush forth.
  • Heat Shot
  • Hydra You conjure three poison breathing hydra heads.
  • Ice Javelin You conjure a javelin made of ice which appears in your hand.
  • LSD Arrow An attack packed full with psychedelic poison.
  • Magechain The target must succeed on a Reflex saving throw or be restrained for the duration.
  • Misty Step, Variant Misty Step but as a defensive reaction
  • Ode of the Emperor Penguin
  • Para’s Portalable Place . You create a doorway to a place, using a doorway.
  • Poison Mist You create a poisonous purple mist that damages its victims' innards over time.
  • Psionic Anchor You attempt to magnetically pull a creature, using yourself as an anchor point.
  • Psydarts
  • Pursuers You summon three orbs of warm darkness that seek enemies.
  • Radiant Swords A glowing-radiant short sword that can be use to have resistance against necrotic damage and can be used as a last resort option when you lose your weapons!
  • Ray of Frog 3 brightly colored frogs are launched at a single creature within range.
  • Rune Teleport You can teleport yourself and any creatures you choose onto runes you have already placed.
  • Runic Blink Teleport to the location of one of your Arcane runes
  • Shuriken of Darkness A shuriken infused with shadow magic that clouds the target with magical shadows.
  • Spaghetti Spaghetti. Mix some flour with some water and shout "Spaghetti!" at it, roll a d6 to determine the outcome!
  • Steal You attempt to rob a creature you can see within range of one of its possessions.
  • Summon Astral Beast As you close your eyes and reach one hand out in front of you, you speak the astral words for beast, and astral. Blue astral energy sparks from your hands and the surrounding area as a small dog-like form materializes in an empty space within range.
  • Summon Fungal Warrior Conjure a servant made of mushrooms to aid you in battle.
  • Summon Mount Summon a mount that grows more resilient as you grow your magical abilities.
  • Summoning the Water Dragon
  • Switcheroo You magically twist space around another creature and yourself that you can see within range.
  • The Juice is Loose 1973 NFL MVP Orenthal James Simpson shows up to help.
  • Tydellbub's Instant Latrine A useful spell for non-combat emergencies.
  • Vegetable Projectile Shoot a vegetable at someone.
  • Visk's Walk-In Closet You summon a large antique wardrobe (6f wide / 2ft deep / 8ft tall) in an empty space within 30ft. When the doors are opened by anyone other than the caster, the interior appears as a regular wardrobe. When opened by the caster, it reveals a small demi-plane which takes the appearance of a large walk-in closet, with shelving, drawers, and clothes railings, as well as a full length mirror. Any clothing or wearable items left within the demi-plane are kept there safely stored, however any other objects or creatures left inside will be left safely on the ground after the spell ends or is dismissed.
  • Void Blink Teleporting with force.
  • Water Cube You summon a cubical mass of water in any unoccupied space within range, where it remains and retains its shape for the duration.
  • Ancient Tether Closing your eyes you feel the astral ley lines flowing all around you. Opening your eyes your reach forward and touch an object or a creature and attach a ley line to the object.
  • Assay You touch a point on a solid surface and determine the mineral content of a 5-foot cube originating from that point.
  • Bloodshot Eyes You can see the blood inside a creature's body.
  • Bone Lore Touch a piece of bone. The spell brings to your mind a brief summary of the significant events in the life of the creature it came from.
  • Commune With Death You ask death to intercede and either take or spare the life of a creature within range.
  • Detect Amount This spell tells you how much of a kind of object or creature is within the bounds of a specified area.
  • Detect Elements Locate the presence of elements in the enviroment around you.
  • Determine Lineage This spell determines the lineage of a creature back several generations.
  • Ethereal Hunter Detect and strike down creatures of the ethereal plane with ease.
  • Eyes of Fate After requesting assistance from the God of Fate, you momentarily gain insight into a beings future
  • Farsee Scrying into the future, you change the fate of a single event.
  • Heatsense You bring a heart to life, allowing you to track down the biggest, baddest monster in a wide area.
  • Locate Portal Locate a existing portal in a crystal shell.
  • Lord Knows You point at a target within range and attempt to view their past and present to learn what they're capable of.
  • Mirror of Fate Predict the actions of your opponent, giving you an edge in combat.
  • Portent Your touch gives a creature instinctive forewarning about its demise, granting it proficiency on death saving throws.
  • Projectile Sense The creature you touch gains a modicum of protection from ranged attacks for the duration of this spell.
  • Scrollsee You bind your vision to a scroll, allowing it to be replayed later.
  • Six Eared Hearing Your hearing vastly intensifies.
  • Telepathic Message You send a telepathic message to any single creature in sight.
  • Bakudo10 Bakudō #10. Geki (撃, Strike) is a Kidō spell.
  • Bestow Inconvenience You curse a creature with a minor annoyance that will last for all eternity.
  • Binding Pact You bind a willing creature's soul into a bead, giving you power over it.
  • Concussion There ain't nothing like a magically induced concussion to remove an opponent from the field!
  • Daze Monster You patch together a complex string of disconnected or contradictory thoughts before causing them to fill a creature's mind, briefly dazing them.
  • Field of Fear Plant a field of raw horror that taps into creatures' minds.
  • Healing Chains A spell that paralyzed a target but heals them while they are paralyzed.
  • Heartbreaker Happy Valentine's Day! You attempt to charm a humanoid you can see within range with a literal chest-piercing blow.
  • Lesser Mind Blast Using one's mind to blast an enemy's mind into submission
  • Light Inversion You can invert a creature's perception of light.
  • Mesmerize You focus on up to three creatures in the spell's area through a small glass prism and attempt to enthrall them.
  • Omen A way to give a creature cryptic messages via dreams.
  • Paranoid Pact A ritual that forces individuals to adhere to a contract.
  • Peek-a-boo Scare the daylights out of someone.
  • Retributive Shock
  • Shatter Confidence You shoot a doubtful look at a creature within range and attempt to shatter its confidence.
  • Stone Sleep You force one creature made of stone to enter a dormant state.
  • Air Bubble, Variant An object or creature in range is surrounded with a 2-foot-diameter sphere of clean, pure air for the duration, which suppresses water or unclean air.
  • Air Cannon Thrusting your open palm forward, you shoot a concentrated force of wind towards a creature you can see within range.
  • Ashkin's Spazzledazzle Create a dazzling sphere of fire that stuns those outside its borders and traps those within.
  • Bakudo9 Bakudō #9. Hōrin (崩輪, Disintegrating Circle) is a Kidō spell.
  • Ball Lightning You conjure a ball of electricity that shocks multiple targets per turn.
  • Burning Coals Conjure burning coals to burn any who linger on top of them.
  • Carian Greatsword Create a large magic translucent blue greatsword and slash in front of you.
  • Carian Piercer Create a large magic translucent blue longsword and pierce in front of you.
  • Chaos Blade You evoke a blade of chaos in your hand.
  • Clockwork Sphere You create and direct a sphere of clockwork to impose order on your enemies.
  • Cold Flame Throw flames of extreme cold.
  • Concuss A concussive wave rips through a 15-foot cone. Creatures in the area take psychic damage and might be knocked prone and deafened.
  • Crash and Burn Recklessly launch yourself forwards leaving devastation in your wake.
  • Crystal Torrent Unleashes a continuous barrage of glintstone shards from the caster.
  • Cutter Boomerang Throw a spinning blade, which flies straight back to you.
  • Dark Force You channel the dark force to damage your enemies.
  • Darude Sand sprays from your outstretched palm with enough force to strip flesh from bone and scour surfaces
  • Dead Man's Volley You manifest and hurl a ball of electric energy at a creature or object you can see within range.
  • Destinguish As an action, you can extinguish any open flame within 120 feet of you. You choose how much fire to extinguish in that radius.
  • Destruction Bolt You shoot a dark purple energy ball that disintegrate targets on contact.
  • Detonate Set down a few of these orbs, and then detonate them when the time is right!
  • Direct Lightning You fill a 20-foot sphere around yourself with sparks of lightning, damaging creatures of your choice.
  • Dorsatum's Deterrent A cacophony of sharp bolts jolt from your body, being most effective at close range. Handily, it doesn't require arms.
  • Elemental Blade You create a weapon of ice, fire, or lightning in your hand.
  • Elemental Bolt You fire a bolt of raw elemental energy at a creature within range.
  • Elemental Weapon, Variant You create a weapon made of pure elemental power.
  • Enchantment of the Wind Until the start of your next turn, wind swirls around you, acting as an extension of your own body.
  • Eruption Create an explosion of blue fire erupting from your greatsword.
  • Fiend Fire You hold out your hand and create a 60 foot line of jet-black flame.
  • Fire Orb
  • Fire Spray This burning fan of fire will burn your enemies to a crisp!
  • Flame Charge
  • Flareball 2 balls of fire.
  • Flight of Fire You thrust out your arms and flames burst from the undersides of your arms, propelling you into the air.
  • Forcewave Knock down your foes with a blast of pure force.
  • Franklin's Funny Missiles This spell is derived from an old bard named Franklin experimenting with existing spells; he created a much more potent, if delayed, version of the Magic Missile spell.
  • Frostfire Bolt You summon a glowing bolt of burning, smoking, purple ice that impales, freezes, and scorches your foes.
  • Geyser Create a mostly harmless pillar of water rushing up out of the create.
  • Hado 58 Summon a huge gust of wind from your sword to stop incoming attacks.
  • Hado11 Hadō #11. Tsuzuri Raiden (綴雷電, Bound Lightning; "Lightning") is a Kidō spell.
  • Hailstone A large hailstone shoots from your hands towards a creature within range.
  • Hyper Voice The caster lets out an ear-piercing shout against hostile creatures.
  • Ice Coffin You encase an area in a tall coffin of ice, which has the potential to temporarily immobilize frozen creatures.
  • Light Binding You halt a foe's movement with the power of luminosity.
  • Lightning Field, Variant An Area of effect spell
  • Lightning Surge
  • Luminous Globe Create a luminous globe of crackling electricity that acts as an aerial mine.
  • Moon Pulse
  • Omega Finishing Blow Focused arcane energy into the fist, released into a a strong blow.
  • Overload A field of electrical energy explodes from your body.
  • Phaerrexis You summon darkness with such weight that it can knock someone's sight out for a moment.
  • Phoenix Strike Harness the power of the phoenix to create a huge blast of flame energy
  • Pressure Sphere Use the surrounding water to crush your opponents in a brutal way
  • Psyshock
  • Raddik's Weakest Link Launch a small bolt of homing lightning, which goes after the easiest target first.
  • Ragnaul's Systematic Surge Lapse a target's concentration.
  • Reflexive Shot (5e spell)You react to anothers movements, preparing a deadly shot.
  • Repartition Spell Divide a higher level spell slot into three lower level spell slots
  • Rumplestiltskin´s Rainbow Blast <!-.-->Scorching ray is terrible, so use this instead!
  • Sapphire Hail
  • Serac A freezing wave of ice explodes in a 15-foot cube centred on yourself.
  • Sky-Pierce Lance Conjure a bolt of power which can reach for miles.
  • Sonic Implosion You cause a piercing noise to fold in on an area, harming enemies.
  • Sorrel's Forceful Missile Sorrel Glintwing's more powerful Magic missile that bursts on impact striking foes behind the initial target.
  • Sorrel's Impact Missile Sorrel Glintwing's Modified Magic Missile used to deal damage and shove enemies around
  • Sorrel's Unforgiving Missile Sorrel Glintwing's Protective and reactive missile spell.
  • Spectral Hammer You conjure a greatclub that floats around the target creature.
  • Spectral Hand You conjure a hand near a creature, which the creature can use as its own limb.
  • Stellar Burst A shockwave of fire slows your enemies.
  • Stoneburst You undo stone in thunderous fashion.
  • Sun Strike Your weapon flares up with the light of the sun.
  • Temporal Link Create a magical tunnel thought time and space in which a second spell can be channelled to an older version of yourself
  • Three Freeze Five meter range reached! You know the rest.
  • Thunder Down Under
  • Thunderwhip You evoke a vibrating whip in your free hand, whose whipcrack is most disturbing to animals.
  • Tile of Fire One 5-foot square you can see within range is lit on fire by magical means.
  • Tractor Cannon You push a creature away from you.
  • Twin Sand Attack
  • Virgil's Lightning Spear You form a spear of lightning that you can use as a weapon.
  • Void Rupture Tear into the void and exert physics upon your foes.
  • Warp Lightning You conjure a storm of green lightning from above the point you choose within range, bolts that slam into anyone beneath the green lightning storm, crackling bolts of energy that rip through armor and flesh alike.
  • Ancient Path You wave your hand across the footprints behind you as you encourage the time around them to speed up leading to complete cover of the footprints.
  • Call Society
  • Circle of Privacy Make your campsite hidden from the ears and noses of predators.
  • Dazzling Glare Blind surrounding foes with intense light, possibly interrupting their concentration.
  • Dekkard's Captured Image
  • Dovar's Disturbing Diversion The user concentrates to create a disturbing illusion of a monster of their choice.
  • Drawmij's Scent Mask One creature you touch is rendered scentless and cannot be tracked by smell.
  • Leomund's Trap You place a false trap which is covered with an illusion to make it look like any sort of trap you like.
  • Phantom Laughter Ghostly laughter surrounds the target, overwhelming their senses.
  • Quiet Armor Remove the stealth disadvantage of your noisy armor by canceling the noise.
  • Shadow Blink Gain the ability to walk through shadow and reappear instantly at a new location within shadow.
  • Skin Mimic You throw a piece of fabric that becomes an illusory copy of you as you sneak away invisibly.
  • Smoke Screen You create a smokescreen that blocks vision and harms those within it.
  • Tormenting Image You create an image so awful, it's painful to look at.
  • Vancora's Tentacles of Madness You invoke nightmarish madness in the form of tentacles
  • Black Storm Barrage an area with dark energies.
  • Blood Boil You cause the blood of nearby enemies to boil.
  • Blood Boiling Boil the blood in the veins of a creature you can see in range.
  • Blood Bolts You hurl bolts of enchanted blood darts from your fingertips at your targets.
  • Blood Lance Draw upon your lifeforce to create a powerful bolt of energy
  • Bone Shield Create four bones to intercept attacks made against you.
  • Corpse Explosion As you snap your finger, a dead creature within range explodes with necrotic energy.
  • Crimson Skin You draw blood from a fresh corpse to form armor and weapons for yourself born from necromancy.
  • Crippling Pain You inflict intense, disabling pain on your opponent.
  • Critterkill When you need to clear the tavern floor...
  • Dalamar's Chasm Chains Chains erupt from the ground and lash at a creature you can see within range.
  • Draw Blood Command the blood of an injured creature to gush from its wounds.
  • Faithful Dead For a short time, you can return a companion.
  • Fallen Marionette You can control a nearby lifeless body filled with blood as a puppet, fighting under your command
  • Feast of Ashes Curse a creature with an insatiable hunger.
  • Fire Covenant You draw out your soul, sacrificing your life force to burn your enemies.
  • Frigid Darkness Succumb to the numbing darkness
  • Ghost Puppet Creation You create a ghost puppet.
  • Greg's Gruesome Gibber Explodes corpses.
  • Lingering Poison You inflict a creature in range with a toxic affliction that slowly deals damage for up to 1 minute.
  • Peel Back Scars Unheal a target.
  • Raise Ghoul
  • Raise Mount Use the fallen to create a new steed.
  • Remove Breath Force the air right out of someone's lungs.
  • Sapping Slash You touch a willing creature, drawing from its life force to create a massive slash of energy.
  • Soulfire Strike Convert part of your soul into a bolt of energy to directly attack an enemies soul - causing them to become exhausted.
  • Thirsting Blade On a hit, the target suffers the attack's normal effects as well as 2d6 necrotic damage. You regain a number of hit points equal to the necrotic damage inflicted by this spell.
  • Undead Minion Using the basics of Necromancy, you create a Minion to serve you after its life has ended.
  • Viktor's Soul Link 2nd Level Necromancy Spell
  • Viktor's Withering Ray You channel the green fires of your necromantic being into three pulsing beams of energy that lash out at targets you choose within range, poisoning them.
  • Vital Blast Blast away enemies with their own blood and make a chain explosive reaction.
  • Withering Ray You create three rays of necromantic energy and hurl them at targets within range.
  • Alter Size
  • Asphyxiate You force your enemy's body to seize up, closing off its own airway.
  • Bronip's Orbiting Hammer You cause a warhammer to fly around you.
  • Change Sex You attempt to change one target to another sex.
  • Ciao's Corrosive Coating Coat yourself in a corrosive acid to destroy enemy weapons.
  • Coin Sending Spend a coin and it travels from creature to creature through the money system until it reaches the creature you intend to receive it.
  • Crystallized Spell You imbue a spell within a crystal.
  • Delay, Variant Cast a spell, later.
  • Delayed Impact Amplify the force of a strike by sending it briefly forward in time.
  • Disarm You disarm an enemy creature of a weapon or other object it's holding.
  • Elemental Hex A potent hex that weakens a creature's resistance to the elements.
  • Flash Step Teleport to each location of an Arcane Rune and attack, then return to your original position.
  • Flatten Self Render yourself two-dimensional.
  • Floortilting You alter gravity's effect on a creature within range so it pulls in a direction horizontal to you.
  • Frigid Javelin You magically freeze your blood, shaping it in the form of a javelin
  • Glass Storm You fill a small area with a storm of tiny glass shards, damaging and hindering creatures that pass through.
  • Grum's Flavorable Flesh As a wise Orc once said.. "What about their legs? They don't need those.."
  • Hand of Winter Layers of frost grow up your arm and your fingers turn into razor-sharp icicles.
  • Heatvision You touch a willing creature and grant it the ability to see heat.
  • Heighten Mobility Magically enhance your athletic abilities.
  • Illusory Torrent The user delves into water allowing for high-speed movement in a torrent form.
  • Imbued in Flames You burn in flames, do additional damage, and other magical -secrets-.
  • Incorporeal Object You cause an object to phase out of physical existence.
  • Lethal Weapons Any weapon attack you make inflicts an extra 2d6 bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage as appropriate to the weapon.
  • Liquid Arrow "Turn a potion into ranged ammunition."
  • Lungs to Gills Converts a person's lungs into gills.
  • Magnokinesis You gain control over one metal object.
  • Major Stasis You point at a creature or object within range that weighs 2,000 pounds or less and cause it to become stopped in time.
  • Metabolic Control Gives a target control over their metabolic state.
  • Minor Fabricate You convert raw materials into products of the same material. For example, you can fabricate a wooden bridge from a clump of trees, a rope from a patch of hemp, and clothes from flax or wool.
  • Minor Polymorph
  • Mold Metal You manipulate and bend a piece of metal.
  • Ommon's Heat Exchange Drain heat from an area and creatures in it, and direct it into a metal object or into another spell.
  • Pictograph You transmute a sheet of parchment you hold to flawlessly portray a flat depiction of what you see when you cast the spell.
  • Planar Arrow strengthen a batch of arrows to hit even through the planes
  • Quicksand You point at a 10-foot square patch of rock, dirt or sand centered on a point within range. The area becomes quicksand for the duration.
  • Reflexive Shot
  • Reinforce Self You boost your abilities with arcane energy, adding your spellcasting modifier to the next 4 ability checks you make.
  • Reinforcement A spell that reinforces the body and muscles of its targets
  • Reinforcement, Variant A spell that reinforces the body and muscles of its targets
  • Respirance Draw upon the power of elemental air to save yourself from suffocation.
  • Reversal You reverse the effects of one spell affecting a willing creature or an object.
  • Riddle's Rumble You enable a creature you touch to perform powerful jumps, that release a shockwave upon landing.
  • Rock Spears You create three spears of rock to shoot up from the ground at targets within range.
  • Sanguine Scythes Blood leaks from under your fingernails and harden, creating crimson claws.
  • Scholar's Passion an essential for any scholar, sage, or librarian
  • Sea of Fire Transform part of floor into flames that deal damage while passing through.
  • Self Projectile Turn into a magic missile and launch yourself at your foes
  • Share Trait Allows two creatures to share a physical trait.
  • Spit Venom Convert saliva to venom and spit it at an opponent
  • Split You momentarily transform your body into a mass of floating, sentient, gooey particles.
  • Sticky Spellbook You create a unique trap for anyone attempting to read your spellbook.
  • Stone Shelter Make a small stone shelter for the night.
  • Sugar Rocket Some say this is just a discount Fireball with niche additional utility. They're probably right.
  • Sun-Touched Weapon Imbue the energy of the sun into a weapon temporarily.
  • Swift Blade You make a blade you touch swift and easy to wield.
  • The blade of the water stream
  • Toshaka's Gift Imbue a stone with your own magical potential.
  • Transmogrification Alter the appearance and certain basic properties of a piece of equipment.
  • Transmuted Inventory The ability to simply and efficiently carry far greater loads then you are generally able
  • Water Surface
  • Xenae's Aquabind You call forth a watery appendage from a body of water to bind a nearby creature.
Needs Work

3rd-Level Spells

  • Abyssal Strength, Variant Wield strength from an abyssal being.
  • Alternate Reality You tamper with an event from within the last couple of seconds, potentially changing the outcome.
  • Anti-Fireball Perfect answer for Fireball.
  • Arcane Guard You conjure a magical ward around yourself, protecting you and nearby allies from harm.
  • Arcane Juggernaut Take anything that comes your way and return it.
  • Armor of Avernus You conjure a layer of armor around a creature formed from the magic of Avernus.
  • Carian Retaliation Abosrbs a spell directed at the caster and turns it into magical blades
  • Cerg's Fortification Fortification A magical, shimmering barrier falls over items, causing them to be much more durable.
  • Column of Time You raise your hand and open it up towards the sky as Astral Runes start to form around your feet.
  • Combat Avatar Encase yourself in a powerful combat avatar.
  • Cover In a flash of light, you and the targeted creature switch places.
  • Dark Dome You invoke the power of Urei, conjuring a dome of dark magic that surrounds you in a protective dark barrier, in response to an attack.
  • Defense Lattice You surround yourself with a network of magic energy that solidifies into discrete barriers in response to incoming attacks.
  • Doozel's Dome of Kinectic Redirection
  • Frozen Fragment Field The user conjures a floating field of small ice chunks to deflect physical projectiles.
  • Hindering Light A beam of light shines from the heavens, allowing you to stop a creature from altering your mind or body with a spell.
  • Leonardo's Projected Force You create balls of force that circle your person, and for the duration can hurl one per turn to deal damage.
  • Leticia's Ward Inscribe a mark above a doorway or other aperture to protect it.
  • Mage Plate You touch a willing creature who isn’t wearing armor, and an immensely protective magical force surrounds it until the spell ends.
  • Maxwell's Marvelous Mantle A spell specifically tailored for travel in harsh environments.
  • Null Bolt Fires a bolt of energy that dispels magic upon impact.
  • Pincushion You weave a magical barrier around yourself, stopping most, if not all, projectiles.
  • Protection from Negative Energy You protect a creature against negative energy.
  • Redirecting Shield A Shield spell that returns fire.
  • Shadow Armor A necrotic shroud appears over your robes, temporarily defending you from harm.
  • Shield Barrier Created by war mages as an enhancement of the shield spell to support and protect others, not just your self.
  • Stasis You attempt to put an attacking creature or projectile near you into stasis.
  • Steal Spell This spell allows you to use another creature's spell.
  • Succor Empower multiple nearby allies with a quick burst of healing, and a temporary magical shield
  • Sword of Protection Similar to spiritual weapon, but with a wizard's twist and better/more versatile.
  • Syncopate Reduce a spell to a significantly weaker state.
  • Tidecaller's Blessing You imbue an ally's weapon with strong frost energy.
  • Abyssal Strength Wield strength from an abyssal being.
  • Aura of Blades You conjure up a barrier, around yourself, made up of small spinning blades to harm and protect.
  • Backstep You constantly warp back to the location you casted.
  • Bakudo21 Bakudō #21: Sekienton (赤煙遁, Red Smoke Escape) is a Kidō spell.
  • Bakudo37 Bakudō # 37: Tsuriboshi (吊星, Suspending Star) is a Kidō spell.
  • Barrak's Black Fangs Black fangs erupt from the ground and assault your enemies.
  • Black Blizzard Conjure a storm of shadows to obscure an area
  • Blocking Blade You summon a blade of mystical energy to protect creatures around you.
  • Blood Parasite Conjure a horrible bloodsucker, which eats away at a creature from the inside.
  • Blood Swarm You summon a large quantity of blood-seeking ooze.
  • Carian Phalanx Creates a phalanx of magical blue translucent blades that rush forth.
  • Conjure Bladestorm You animate several swords, which then fight for you.
  • Conjure Mannequin You create a glyph which summons simple humanoid constructs if triggered.
  • Conjure Minigun You conjure an energy minigun, which is ready to blast your enemies.
  • Conjure Minor Devils You summon lawful fiend creatures that appear in the unoccupied spaces that you can see within range.
  • Elusive You can dart suddenly to and fro, becoming uncannily nimble and hard to pin down.
  • Ethereal Wisps Summon parts of your soul for use as projectiles.
  • Explosive Frog A frog constructed from magic appears at the casting location. It can be remotely detonated to poison foes from afar.
  • Find Greater Familiar A spell that summons a more powerful familiar.
  • Find Lesser Dragon Familiar
  • Find Pack of Familiars A spell to summon a group of familiars to fight for you.
  • Flame Charge, Variant Cloak yourself in flame and rush forward in a line, dealing damage to any creature you pass through and potentially knocks them prone.
  • Flame Jump Bursts of flame fly from under your feet launching you quite far.
  • Flame Step Teleport to a point within range and leave a devastating explosion on impact
  • Fog Bank You create a 20-foot-radius, 20-foot-high cylinder of fog centered on a point within range.
  • Ghostly Clone You create partly visible clones of yourself to fight for you.
  • Glyph of Teleportation Teleportation has always been one of the more useful bits of magic and mages are always looking to improve on it. This method while simple is fairly versatile.
  • Heavenly Prison You create a cube-shaped heavenly prison around a creature you choose within range.
  • Hellish Spawn you fish up a demon from the fiery abyss.
  • Hemorrhage You briefly conjure tiny sharp things in the bodies of creatures nearby, causing them to bleed internally.
  • Improved Familiar Summons a more powerful familiar.
  • Judge's Familiar Summon the judge's familiar, the preferred familiar of Azorius lawmages.
  • Leonardo's Everflowing Chalice of Missiles You summon a pool of radiance that unleashes magic missiles.
  • Magic Pocket As the spell is about to hit you, you crack open a small hole into a pocket dimension.
  • Materialize Trap Summon traps that are yours to command for once!
  • Mitotic spindle You conjure a Small, translucent orb, dry to the touch but filled with viscous fluid and thin blue spindles, in an unoccupied space you can see within range, which floats in midair and lasts the duration.
  • Pestilence Crawling insects swarm a wide area.
  • Pit of Flame You conjure a 10-foot square pit, 10 feet deep and filled with flames, on ground that you can see within range.
  • Raksha's Wash Cycle By forming a summoning circle, an item is transported to a different dimension for cleaning and purification, potentially with a chance of drastic failure, and the cost of it being a free service.
  • Red-Hot Chains Create flaming chain links to restrict your enemies!
  • Rocks Fall Rocks rain down from above
  • Scatter Banish You attempt to send one creature to a location within 60 feet. The target must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or be teleported.
  • Searing Choker You reach out and conjure a circle of super-heated metal around your victim's neck.
  • Servant Permanence Remove the time limit of a servant, binding it to eternal service.
  • Shadow Step Steps into the shadows and teleport to another shadow nearby
  • Sheer Heart Attack A spell that deploys a small heat-seeking drone that explodes when it reaches its target.
  • Something Gives you something.
  • Step Like Thunder Step, but without the thunder.
  • Summon Anthill Call forth ants from far and wide to spew from a new anthill.
  • Summon Exotic Humanoid Call forth an exotic champion to your aid.
  • Summon Lesser Spirit You summon a spirit or group of spirits of your choice to fight for you appearing in spaces you can see within range.
  • Summon Monstrous Humanoid Call forth a ferocious warrior to your aid.
  • Summon Smith Will Smith will give your opponent a smack.
  • Teleport Slash Summon an ethereal blade capable of slicing through space to hit its target.
  • Teleportation Glyph Teleportation has always been one of the more useful bits of magic and mages are always looking to improve on it. This method while simple is fairly versatile.
  • Teleposition You and your victim exchange places.
  • Tide of Steel Conjure the spirits of war to aid you in combat and mow down your enemies.
  • Unstable Sphere You summon an entropic, fractal orb of light to blind and burn your enemies.
  • Uplifting Fireworks You put on a fireworks display that brightens the moods of all those nearby.
  • Verdant Reanimation Strengthen your undead allies using plantlife.
  • A Little Help You reach into the collective consciousness of the world and ask for a little help.
  • Analyze Creature Figure out how tough something is!
  • Arcane Sight This spell makes your eyes glow blue and allows you to see magical auras within 120 feet of you.
  • Ascertain Inventory A simple but useful spell to quickly ascertain the general contents of nearby containers.
  • Astromancy
  • Detect Enchantment
  • Fly Eye This spell allows the caster to see 360 degrees around itself.
  • Local Inventory A simple but useful spell to quickly itemize a container can help you divide loot, level the field on a negotiation or avoid searching a room for hours for something that isn't there. You'll still have to search for it though, this spell just makes you aware of the contents, not its exact location.
  • Lunar Luck Miniature moons orbit you and let you bestow luck on allies.
  • Post’s Glaring Optic You create an invasive arcane sensor to study the anatomy of a creature within range.
  • Record Memory Can be used to uncover everything a person remembers
  • Retrocognition Predicting the future is so cliche. Allows the user to predict the past.
  • Scout A spell that allows to create a visage of yourself that can move through objects.
  • Seeking Blade This one's got your name on it.
  • Sensory Field This spell allows the castor to have complete knowledge of nearby surrounding, making illusions and invisibility futile.
  • Shift Balance You call into the power of Mechanus to alter the balance of chance, favoring some people over others.
  • Soul Reading You read the souls of any creature and object within the radius.
  • Strands of Success Insightful look at the threads of fate helps you archieve success
  • The Murderer's Ear This dark ritual creates a locus of divination out of the ear of a murderer.
  • Yuya's Tracking Spirit Summon a spirit to lead you to someone
  • Blow Mind Blow everybody's mind
  • Crushing Despair You extend your hands and emit an invisible wave of crushing despair that dampens the spirits of those caught in it.
  • Dome of Discombobulation
  • Heavy Words Speak words that burden a group of creatures.
  • Knight of Honor "The Knight Does Not Die With Empty Hands" were the words of Bladesinger Lancelot, this is a spell that is the embodiment of the incident in which he was forced to fight his squad unarmed and proved his fighting prowess by claiming victory with a stick of elm.
  • Lesser Zone of Euphemisms Twisting the framework of communication itself, you create a space where proper etiquette is compulsory.
  • Lock of Guilt A lock that attaches itself to the hearts and souls of the guilty.
  • Mass Mental Binding The targets believe that they are bound
  • Meritorious' Mind Wipe
  • Message to the Masses Stringing together a message, you reach every sentient mind in range.
  • Mind Pain A bolt hits a creature in range, and great pain takes over the target's mind.
  • Mind Wipe With a wave of your hand, you attempt to wipe the memories of a creature you can see within range.
  • Power Word Fall You lace your speech with magic to make surrounding creatures fall to their knees.
  • Selective Invisibility The caster has gained the ability to erase their image from another creature’s mind.
  • Snooze You cast a cloud of sleeping powder.
  • Soul Gem, Create Enchant a gem with the power to house a soul
  • Temporary Expertise You touch a vehicle or set of tools and gain highly technical insight into its function.
  • Unholy Frenzy
  • Youngblood Give someone a refreshing de-aging brain massage. Also, you can decrease their mental age if you want to.
  • Abyssal Eruption Release a blast of necrotic energy in an area that withers both the outside and inside of creatures.
  • Afterburner You move super-humanly fast, leaving a trail of fire behind you.
  • Arcane Spear Turn a staff into a deadly magically-enhanced projectile.
  • Astral Guardian Calling for assistance from the Astral Plane, an ethereal apparition of a Guardian Form Chronomancer materializes in front of you in a 10-foot area.
  • Bore Hole You create a hole in the ground with a diameter of 10 ft in a location that you can see. The hole can be up to 15 ft deep.
  • Catastrophic Devastation "You brought judgement upon yourself, once you accept your life is at end, you are at peace"
  • Charged Magic Missile You create a glowing dart of magical force that gets stronger the longer you wait to fire it.
  • Choke You raise your hand and forcefully choke up to five creatures within range, elevating them several inches off the ground.
  • Chromatic Spray You hold up your open hand and a spray of energy shoots forth from your palm.
  • Coned Blast You ring a small bell and cause it to emit a concussive blast.
  • Conflagulated Breath You breathe forth a cone of red acidic droplets.
  • Crunch Wrap This spell is used only by the wielded of the artifact known as the Taco Bell. It restrains your foes.
  • Crushing Wave A wave of water rushes out from you, sweeping creatures off their feet.
  • Dark Flare A stream of dark fire bursts forth from your hand.
  • Delayed Beam Dissolution You build energy in your hands before releasing it in a beam that grows stronger the longer you charge it.
  • Deprotect You attempt to expose your target's weakest points.
  • Desert Wall
  • Dhoulramses' Glutinous Flame A crackling popping line of flame which refuses to go out
  • Dongle's Frozen Fireball A version of Fireball, invented by Dongle, that freezes foes on impact.
  • Dragon Rises from the Sea You swing your weapon, as waves of energy leap from the swing.
  • Drill Beam A beam of pure energy forming a line that is 60 feet long and 5 feet wide blasts out from you in a direction you choose.
  • Emerald Splash A cone of magical emeralds that cut their targets. No one can deflect it.
  • Enhanced Darkness A 60-foot-radius of magical darkness spreads out from a point you choose within range.
  • Fiery Beam A sweeping beam of fire
  • Finnegan's Forceful Fusillade You conjure a barrage of arcane lances, and send them forth to strike your enemies.
  • Firebeads A series of fiery beads spring from your hand, darting across the battlefield to six different points within range.
  • Flame Swathe After a short delay, great flames envelop and immolate faraway foes.
  • Force Beam A brilliant beam of pure energy shoots from your hand towards a target within range.
  • Force Nova A bubble of force erupts around you, sending creatures and objects flying.
  • Force Surge Blast of pushing or pulling Force power
  • Freezing Gale Channel the essence of a blizzard in a line of effect.
  • Freidyne With a somatic gesture, you evoke a spherical blast of white light at a point within range.
  • Frigid Rebuke You utter a string of magical words and a momentary blizzard surrounds the creature that attacked you.
  • Frost Lance You hurl a lance made of ice at a creature or object within range.
  • Frostball A small ball of blue and white energy leaves the tip of your finger and flies to a point you can see within range, exploding upon impact with a sharp crack and covering surfaces in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on that point with snow and frost.
  • Furious Unleashment A spell to use as a last resort when enemies gets too close to your liking or in desperate situations.
  • Fury Fugue Aid the attacks of a creature with various fire missiles
  • Glacial Pass You create a wave of ice shards that rise out of the ground along a line 5 feet wide and 30 feet long.
  • Hado 31 You launch a ball made of spiritual pressure, exploding in a large wave of fire.
  • Hissing Darkness You launch a hissing ribbon of pure darkness from your hand.
  • Ice Eruption A bright blue streak flashes from your pointing finger, spreading jagged ice across the ground in a 30-foot square centered on a point within range.
  • Ice Reave You augment your fist with explosive ice magic, slamming it into the ground below and sending waves of ice out in 30-foot-radius circle centered on that point.
  • Ice Spear A frozen spear of ice pierces through a line 30 feet long by 5 feet wide starting at a point in range that you can see.
  • Igneous Suffocation Coal becomes the fuel for a raging fire.
  • Isaac's Missile Swarm An upgraded version of Magic Missile, with slightly higher damage and restrictions.
  • Isband's Freezing Chains You summon a mass of icy chains to bind your enemies, which burst into existence around a creature you can see within range.
  • Klee's Fireball A fireball variant made by a child prodigy. Please be careful when using it.
  • Lightning Cloak Coat yourself in a shield of lightning, making yourself massively faster at the cost of limiting your magic.
  • Lightning Spear You create a bolt of lightning in your hand, similar in shape to a spear and hurl it at a creature or object within range.
  • Lingering Flame You create a ball of fire, set to explode when anyone comes near.
  • Lockhart's Fireball A haphazardly bouncy fireball. You're gonna have to work on your aim.
  • Lunar Blast Harness the power of the moon to weaken your foes and reveal their true natures
  • Magic Warhead Fires off a larger version of Magic Missile that not only automatically hits its target, but also damages those around it.
  • Master Spark Bringing your hands together, palms forward, you fire a white, rainbow-tinged beam of light and heat energy from your hands that is 90 feet long and 5 feet wide.
  • Meteoric Barrage Hurl a swarm of meteoric embers toward your foes.
  • Niflbolt A ray of glowing blue ice shoots from your palm at a creature you can see within range.
  • Noxious Blast Blast enemies with deadly fumes.
  • Nyan's Ball Lightning Based on an actual natural phenomenon! Basically fireball with lightning.
  • Phy's Wondrous Acid A bubble of sticky acid appears in your hand, which you throw at a creature that you can see within range.
  • Positive Energy Blast Cause an explosion of raw positive energy.
  • Psionic Drain You attempt to sap the psyche of a creature you can see within range.
  • Psybeam You fire a beam of psionic energy 60 feet long and 5 feet wide from your eyes.
  • Psyblast
  • Psyche Drain, Variant You siphon the intelligence as well as some life force from a sentient creature to slightly heal your wounds and fortify your intellect.
  • Quietus Beam You create several beams of magical force.
  • Reckless Lightning Bolt
  • Reverb A spell that bombards your target with sounds.
  • Riddle's Rapid Retreat Palming the stone used as the material component, you briefly create a powerful repulsive force between yourself and a target you can see within 10 feet.
  • Royal Flare A brilliant streak of sunlight flashes from your pointing finger to a point you choose within range then blossoms with a high-pitched "flash" sound into a radiant ball of sunlight energy.
  • Sandblast, variant Create a blast of sand that erodes enemies and objects.
  • Searing Blow Channel your magical energy into your weapon to deal additional damage based on your alignment.
  • Sigil Sword Strike A destructive spell developed by a legendary enchantress. Call down a spectral blade to damage enemies and slow them down with special effects.
  • Sky-Fury Bolt You create a long-range bolt of crackling force which is especially effective against flying creatures.
  • Sleepy Trouble Bubble Kick a bubble at enemies and put them to sleep!
  • Slimebolt A black sticky sphere shoots from your pointing finger.
  • Snap Into a Slim Jim Please, Slames James is my father. Call me Slim.
  • Solid Freeze You cast a line of frost witch will instantly freeze any liquid even blood leaving a trail of frost on the ground.
  • Sorrel's Greater Magic Missile Sorrel Glintwing's more powerful magic missile
  • Sorrel's Rending Missile Sorrel Glintwing's special magic missile variant that affects objects as well as normal targets.
  • Soul Spear Fire a great bolt of magical energy..
  • Sticky Fingers A spell that summons a zipper that can aid you.
  • Storm Front You fire a thin bolt of lightning at a creature or object within range.
  • Sunlight You touch one object that is no larger than 15 feet in any dimension and cause it to shed sunlight. An upgraded form of the light cantrip.
  • Sunspark You create a brilliant, blinding glowing orb to illuminate the way before you.
  • Swordcraft You brandish the weapon used in the spell's casting and gain the ability to unleash a flurry of blurry, brightly glowing slashes of magical force in every direction.
  • Tidal Surge You surge forward in a burst of astral water, damaging and knocking creatures prone in your path.
  • Time Bomb A bright streak flashes from your pointing finger to a point you choose within range in which you set an invisible time bomb which then blossoms with a low roar into an explosion of arcane when activated.
  • Unholy Weapon An unholy weapon appears in the within the location.
  • Venomous Spite You fire several poisonous darts.
  • Virgil's Blade Flash You weave between your enemies in a flash of lightning, striking every foe you pass.
  • Void Bombard Let loose a bolt of force, which explodes upon impact.
  • Wings of the Phoenix As your vision begins to fade, your magical power surges as you are granted wings of fire.
  • Zone of Frost Call forth a zone of cold, freezing the ground and anyone caught in the effect.
  • Conceal Item You render a single item undetectable while it is hidden on your person.
  • Fade Immediately after taking damage, you fade from view and become harder to hit and locate.
  • Fool's Speech You touch up to eight willing creatures. Creatures affected by this spell gain the ability to speak in a secret language that is incomprehensible gibberish to all other creatures.
  • Greater Disguise Self
  • Hashnad's Shadowy Tendrils Conjure a swarm of shadowy tendrils to blind and confuse your foes
  • Illusory Light Blind opponents in an area
  • Illusory Phantom The user creates a water phantom to distract their foes.
  • Inception You break into someone's mind a plant a seed that grows into an idea.
  • Nightscar You place a magical mark on a creature which can only be seen by you, that creature, and up to seven other creatures of your choice you when you cast the spell.
  • Other A spell that makes you appear as another creature to divination magic.
  • Shadow Evocation You tap energy from the Plane of Shadow to cast a quasi-real, illusory version of a sorcerer or wizard evocation spell of 2nd level or lower.
  • Animate Army you pull undead souls from the ground you stand and command them to do your bidding while they so struggle to be free of your grasp.
  • Animate Skeleton Create a skeletal undead servant.
  • Ashallian's Tower Crafted by the necromancer Ashallians to extend their dominion, Ashallian's Tower harnesses life force to sprout an obsidian tower. Initially a two-story structure, its 15x15x10 feet floors can be arranged in diverse configurations.
  • Asura-Kannon Take a sword shot that hits the enemy.
  • Black Flame Make a melee attack against a target, dealing 5d10 necrotic damage on a hit.
  • Bleeding Strike Attack your enemy with the very blood they have spilled.
  • Blood Casting You spill your own blood instead of your spell slots... how gruesome.
  • Blood Minion You create a meat monster from a corpse to assist you in battle.
  • Bloody Sacrifice You point your finger at a corpse or undead within range and cause it to explode in a burst of vile energy which harms your enemies but heals your allies.
  • Bonesword A bone, held in your free hand, becomes a shortsword, longsword or greatsword.
  • Conjure Wraith Summon one wraith.
  • Crippling Darkness Creates a magical darkness that drains the energy of creatures enveloped by it.
  • Curse Weapon Imbue weapons with the power to curse both the wielder and those they harm
  • Cursed Tablet
  • Dark Transport You briefly turn into a flurry of ravens, reappearing somewhere else and damaging creatures.
  • Death Cloud You fill the lungs of your foes with the stench of death.
  • Deathtouch Your being is filled with necrotic energy, extending to your physical touch and your attacks for the duration.
  • Death’s Caress Create a deathly aura that gives your allies increased attack power.
  • Decaying Ground You launch a blast of necrotic energy at a point within range you can see, causing the ground there to become decayed and infused with necrotic energy.
  • Desolation Aura Deteriorating energy radiates from you in an aura.
  • Echoes of Agony Corrupt your enemy's flesh with a dark curse.
  • False Death One living, willing creature you can see within range that has current hit points equal to or less than your spellcasting modifier has their hit points lowered to 0.
  • Font of Anguish You tear a portal through to a land of forsaken souls, to inflict their suffering upon your enemies.
  • Grum's Stinky Steed Your trusty steed has died, no problem, it will now serve you in death! We have the Necrotic Energy!
  • Guise over Necrosis Cast a guise over necrotic energies, hiding the presence of friendly undead and necrotic energies from bystanders.
  • Inflict Greater Wounds You fill your hand with negative energy and transfer that energy to a target.
  • Mana Siphon
  • Mass Blood Transfusion You cause your blood to flow to wounded creatures in the area, mending their wounds.
  • Mind Trauma Hurts your opponent mentally and physically for 1 minute
  • Organic Graft Graft your foes limbs on to yourself and others.
  • Parasitic Link A strained whip of flesh extends from your body, the target forced to take your pain.
  • Psyche Drain You attempt to siphon life force from a sentient creature to slightly heal your wounds.
  • Raise Undead Army Summon lesser undead in quantity.
  • Recovery Blade You gain life while others fall to your blade.
  • Rewind Death You make creatures survive death.
  • Rigor Mortis You incapacitate an undead creature.
  • Sacrificial Summon Sacrifice your soul while summoning a small army
  • Sapping Smite
  • Scarecrow A scarecrow imbued with fear magic that seeps into the surrounding area appears in an unoccupied space of your choice that you can see within range and lasts for the duration.
  • Shadow Lord This spell is divided into different benefits and provides the user with the probability of generating their own personal army of Shadows.
  • Soul Blade
  • Soul Puppet, Variant you pull undead souls from the ground you stand and command them to do your bidding while they so struggle to be free of your grasp.
  • Speak With Skull Grant an eerie vitality to a skull of your choice within range, allowing it to answer the questions you pose.
  • Strangulate
  • The Emptiness of the Beginning Become the very embodiment of the abyss.
  • Vampiric Blade With a successful melee weapon attack, this spell drains the life from an opponent
  • Vankodek's Bloody Stitches Hastily attach a replacement for a lost bodypart.
  • Viktor's Dark Transport Your body morphs into a massive swarm of bats, leeching life as it flies.
  • Viktor's Soul Splinter You splinter your soul into four green lashes that surround you that you can use to attack.
  • Wither Time ends all things.
Needs Work

4th-Level Spells

  • Alice's Chaos Recall Suddenly damage a creature attempting to teleport, and possibly stop it all together.
  • Dimensional Anchor A green ray springs from your outstretched hand at a creature or object you can see within range, causing it to become anchored to its current plane.
  • Elemental Blessing Rune Places a rune on an ally or willing creature that grants elemental immunity and elemental damage of caster's choice.
  • Halaster's Blackcloak Increases your base AC and become immune to a choice spell.
  • Heavy Mage Armor You touch a willing creature, and they are protected by overlapping plates of rigid magical force.
  • Mind Freeze Touch another creature with the power of cold and freeze its mind
  • No U Sends any spell cast at you back at the caster lmao
  • Quintessa's Dweomershield You touch a willing creature. Until the spell ends, the target ignores the effects of one common magic item, either on hand or specified by name, history, description, or indentified by some other manner.
  • Rumplestiltskin's Catch Missiles Tired of Weeb Space communists blasting you at range? This spell will catch any projectile that comes your way!
  • Veil of Compressed Time Closing your eyes and outstretching your arms and muttering a few Astral words a blue glow envelops your entire body, this extra layer constantly shifts to where any impact is found.
  • Web of Alarms This spell allows the caster to place 6 advanced alarms within 300 feet.
  • Windflower Wind Barrier A protective wind barrier protects the caster from damage.
  • Become Fear You replace a creature's perception of you with its greatest fear.
  • Dark Nebula You create an inky void that blocks light.
  • Fool's Gold You touch a pile of up to 150 copper coins or an object made out of copper, brass, or bronze, you turn them into gold.
  • Instant Audience
  • Poof When a hostile creature approaches you, you momentarily become invisible.
  • Poof, Variant When a hostile creature approaches you, you momentarily become invisible.
  • Shadow Blur You shift between the shadows, becoming untouchable.
  • Shadow Well You spit out the words of the spell, and the shadow of your foe darkens, becoming a solid black pit. Your opponent pinwheels its arms as it topples backward into the darkness.
  • Shadow Well, Variant The shadow of your target stretches and darkens, becoming a gateway into the Shadowfell.
  • Split Causality Using the Astral Energy that flows around all creatures you can temporarily split the conscious mind from the instinctual mind.
  • Starry Revelations You surround yourself in a stargazing shield of twilight, which extends out from you in a 40-foot radius and moves with you, remaining centered on you.
  • The Floor Is Lava Create an area that deals 5d10 fire damage to any creature within 1 meter of the ground and causes persistent damage if touched afterwards. (Max radius 118 feet or 36 meters).
  • Total Craft Variant You tightly weave together strands and twists of Shadowfell energy to manifest in this world as a perfect imitation of a physical object.
  • Twilight's Reflection Creates an illusion of a creature that turns their abilities against them.
  • Zone of Silence You manipulate sounds waves in a 5-foot-radius sphere centered on yourself to protect against eavesdroppers while allowing those within to converse normally.
  • Abyssal Invocation Wield borrowed power from an abyssal being.
  • Abyssal Invocation, Variant Wield borrowed power from an abyssal being.
  • Arachnid Transformation Transform yourself into an arachnid visage.
  • Arcane Storage You store a spell for later use, also allowing other creatures to cast it.
  • Bane Shot You touch three pieces of ammunition, infusing it with the power of time.
  • Blade Bane Choose one creature you can see within range, and choose one of the following damage types: bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing.
  • Chronoshift
  • Control Air Manipulate air to your advantage
  • Enroot You invoke the power of the forest in order to root creatures in place.
  • Enspell Empower allies' weapons with the power of the elements.
  • Flurry of Magic Allows a spell caster to rapidly cast many minor spells.
  • Gender Bend Forcefully change the gender of the target
  • Glass Cannon
  • Golden Wind A spell that imbues life into whatever you touch.
  • Gravity Hammer Crush your foes to death with highly localized gravity fields.
  • Lava Line You create a small arrangement of tiles into a lava pit.
  • Leafify Transform a Large or smaller unattended object into a Tiny, pocket-able leaf.
  • Lesser Control Weather The takes control over the weather to cause minor alterations.
  • Magic Ship Using enough magic, you turn an ordinary ship into a flying one.
  • Marty’s Miraculous Self Improvement Improve upon a few of your weaknesses.
  • Might of Giants A creature you touch gains the strength of a giant for a limited time.
  • Mithral Form
  • Rasenga Uzuhiko You channel the rotational energy of the planet to strike a target, dealing bludgeoning damage and causing disorientation with ongoing psychic damage.
  • Reshape Terrain You reshape the terrain to your will.
  • Softwood Choose one humanoid you can see within the spell's range. The target is encased in a layer of wood.
  • Spatial Distortion You twist space in a large volume, adding more of it or taking some away.
  • Time Dilation Speed up time around yourself while the rest of the world remains at normal time.
  • Transfer Ability You touch a creature, and attempt to drain one of its abilities to enhance one of yours.
  • Un-Blight Transmutation energy covers a creature of your choice that you can see within range, moisturizing and giving vitality to it or causing entropic creatures to be damaged.
  • Xenae's Waterspout Creates a large waterspout.
Needs Work

5th-Level Spells

  • Astral Entity You close your eyes and focus on the Astral Energy around you as your form slowly starts to dissipate in blue flashes until you completely leave the material plane.
  • Cerg's Icy Gambit Creates an incredibly tough icy barrier around you, which is dangerous to everyone, including you.
  • Energy Immunity Give a willing creature immunity to one type of elemental damage
  • Enigma's Paper Seal A spell designed to use the fears of a target to aid in sealing them away in paper.
  • Frozen Defenses You become a statue of ice for a few seconds, nullifying oncoming attacks and chilling nearby creatures to the core.
  • Glyph of Oath-binding You inscribe a glyph on one or more willing person to enforce an oath or contract.
  • Hallowed Ground You create an aura of negative energy, which stifles most spells.
  • Helotry Channel magical energies through an ally, allowing them to cast spells using it
  • Kinetic Redistribution Create a magical barrier which absorbs the impacts of damage, and can transform into a weapon.
  • Mass Dodgeball You give a whole bunch of creatures the power to dodge balls.
  • Perfect Cube Conjure an invincible cube.
  • Protection from Harm You grant a creature a blanket-generic protection from all harm.
  • Quintessa's Dweomerdrain With but a touch you drain a pool of energy from a magic item and retain it for the purpose of casting spells that have a consumable material component cost.
  • Reflect You attempt to reflect a spell toward its caster in the process of casting said spell.
  • Sorrel's Warding Missile Sorrel Glintwing's Modified missile spell that grants greater protection against attacks.
  • Stun Monster A creature in range must succeed on a Strength saving throw to break through, or be paralyzed for the duration.
  • Super Duplex Barrier Create a barrier to damage and repel enemies.
  • 8 Sauce Supreme By Speaking “8 Sauce Supreme!” And ringing the bell once, a single sauce will appear in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of you. It may not immediately obvious where it is.
  • Acid Rain Create a magical cloud of acid rain to cause damage over large amounts of area
  • Air Punch You punch the air creating a giant fist to hit a target.
  • Bhahoozun's Maddening Gale Use the power of wind to make your opponents go insane
  • Camel's Drink You fill an open container within range with up to 5 gallons of magically cool and refreshing drinking water.
  • Conjure Ordinance Create an artillery piece, which rains hell upon your enemies.
  • Conjure Skeletons You call forth a group of skeletons.
  • Conjurer Joke
  • Create Portal Creates a portal in a crystal shell for a ship to pass through.
  • Far Jaunt Teleport a very large distance.
  • Glitterdust Choose a point within range. A cloud of golden particles covers everyone and everything within a 10-foot radius of that point, blinding creatures.
  • Glomi's Quick Friends You create partly visible clones of yourself to fight for you.
  • Hado 90 You summon a large black box made of spiritual pressure, and hurt anything that was caught inside of it
  • Lanky's Long Arm You conjure a spectral being which envelops your body, granting you otherwordly punch range.
  • Lightning Rain When using his powers an insane lightning storm begins to fall from the sky and hit several targets causing lightning and thunder damage
  • Mark of Syrix You place the mark of the dragon Syrix on your foes, searing their flesh.
  • Marvin's Gutterball Conjure a massive ball of explosives, which smashes through cover with ease.
  • Petty Wish Cast a petty wish to fill some small desire of yours
  • Plumbophoresis You magick a 5 foot cube of lead into existence.
  • Power Word: Soup Imbed the truth of the Demi-God Storm, and impart the wisdom that tea is, in fact, the best soup.
  • Random Walk Haphazardly teleport a creature away.
  • Riddle You call upon an extraplanar entity, an alien intellect or devious fiend, becoming a conduit for its power as you speak out a complex riddle.
  • Road Roller summon the almighty road roller to flatten your enemies
  • Sphere of Simulated Antimagic Within this sphere you create, the effects of anti-magic are simulated through magic.
  • Spike Storm You fire hundreds of needles, daggers and other small blades from your hand, ripping at everything in their way.
  • Summon Hutijin Summon the mighty archdevil Hutijin. He does not take nicely to being interrupted by mortals.
  • Telefrag Physics really doesn't like it when two objects try to be in the same place at the same time.
  • Traumatic Teleport You teleport a creature within range into a solid object.
  • Vankodek's Black Widow Sprout several spider-esc limbs, which greatly enhance your combat capabilities.
  • Astromancy By studying the patterns of the stars, you are granted cosmic insight and gain knowledge of the locale and its people.
  • Atakast's Existential Cure-All Target gains complete understanding of themselves for a limited time.
  • Bakudo58 Bakudō # 58: Kakushitsuijaku (摑趾追雀, Summoning of the Tracking Sparrows) is a Kidō spell.
  • Bone Telling Throw bones and see what you get!
  • Deep Identification identify the characteristics of a creature.
  • Kathandrion's Last Inquiry By casting this spell, you reach beyond time itself, summoning an apparition of your future, deceased self at the moment of death. This spirit is a reflection of who you will become, shaped by your accumulated knowledge and experiences.
  • Prying Eyes
  • Unmoored Ego
  • Compel Suicide You compel a creature to kill itself.
  • Control Person You control the mind of a humanoid, which can only resist with the force of its personality.
  • Forced Movement You meld your hand to the forces of space, forcefully moving your opponent
  • Infernal Law You invoke the Pact Primeval, the oldest rules governing the cosmos, and the bonds of infernal law descend upon whomever your gaze lands upon.
  • Mike's Hard Lemonade, Variant Harnessing the power of Lapuard, you unleash a torrent of Booze upon your enemies to quench their thirst and render their bows and blades useless.
  • Mind Fog You fill a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point within range with a thin, otherworldly fog bank that weakens the mental resistance of those caught in it.
  • Permanency
  • Workaholic By casting the spell the target you have chosen is forced to do menial tasks and chores wherever they are currently located (including the tidying up of a forest or dungeon).
  • Aetheric Aura Infuse the air around you with quintessential energy, boosting the strength of your allies.
  • Assquake
  • Astral Release Harness the planar disruption caused by the severing of a soul for a last-ditch effort to destroy your enemies.
  • Bakudo62 Bakudō # 62: Hyapporankan (百歩欄干, Hundred Steps Fence) is a Kidō spell.
  • Blasting Beam A thin, blindingly bright sliver of light instantly streaks from your fingertips to any creature or surface, exploding at the point of contact.
  • Cannon of Haima Shoots an arcing magic explosive that explodes on impact.
  • Chaos Storm You pound an area with blasts of chaotic energy.
  • Chromatic Explosion You gesture to a point you can see within range, and an explosion of energy that erupts from that point.
  • Crown of Stars, Variant The caster surrounds themselves with a crown or mantle of stars primed to decimate their foes.
  • Draconic Strike You conjure a ghost-like draconic spirit that flies at a creature or object within range.
  • Dragon Meteor You leap into the air and then fire a modified version of the master spark downward, sacrificing range for width and firepower.
  • Elemental Maelstrom Unleash an elemental blast, dealing moderate damage in four different types.
  • Eternal-Force Blizzard You unleash magic emulating eternal cold, solidifying the very air itself momentarily, threatening to deep-freeze even the souls of creatures caught within.
  • Fallen Meteor A bright streak of light appears in the sky: a meteorite heated to incandescence in the atmosphere, which you direct to a point within range.
  • Fiery Dance Cloak yourself in flames and shoot three puddles of flames that damage creatures and leave damaging difficult terrain behind.
  • Final Move Fall unconscious to protect allies, or to destroy enemies.
  • Fire Flow A stroke of flowing fire forming a line 100 feet long and 15 feet wide blasts out from you in a direction you choose.
  • Fire Volley For the duration of the spell, you can repeatedly shoot bolts of fire.
  • Fires of Entanglement An entangle spell that burns.
  • Gaseous Death Childish, but very effective.
  • Glass Canon boom boom lore cannon
  • Goldweaver's Ray You charge for a few seconds, and release a massive swarm of force bolts.
  • Great Chaos Fireball Hurl a clump of searing, flaming lava at a foe.
  • Greater Darkness Magical darkness spreads to fill a vast area.
  • Hellfire Wisps of gel-like flame encompass your arm and coalesce in your hand, quickly arching along a curved path towards a creature you can see within range.
  • Hellfire Sphere
  • Ice Beam You cast a chilling blue-white light in a line 60 feet long and 5 feet wide.
  • Improved Magic Missile An improved version of the Magic Missile spell.
  • Kerrhylon’s Magic Missile An improved version of the Magic Missile spell, created by Kerrhylon Sora-Ghesh, an Archmage of Evocation.
  • Lightning Rush Like a bolt of lightning, you rush in and impose yourself between an attack and its target.
  • Lucent Singularity Summon a spinning anomaly of twisted light that detonates.
  • Magic Missile Barrage A more potent form of Magic Missile aimed at targeting multiple targets at once.
  • Magic Missile Storm You summon a devastating swarm of magic missiles in a designated area
  • Massive Magic Missile More magic missiles.
  • Nexus Weapon You imbue a weapon you touch with psychic power.
  • O'Bannon's Siege Missiles You fire a barrage of oversized magic missiles capable of battering down castle walls.
  • Permanency, Variant A spell cast with another spell causing to become permanent.
  • Positive/Negative Energy Zone A spell that interferes with the natural course of positive and negative energy. It could have been created by a Lich or a powerful demon, or even a cleric. Regardless of who created it, its usefulness for both healing and wounding.
  • Prismatic Bow A magical Longbow appears in your hands.
  • Rain of Fiery Blades Massacre your enemies with a storm of swords that are on fire!
  • Random Spell Cast a random spell from your class spell list
  • Realistic Explosion A surprisingly realistic explosion.
  • Remorseless Winter Release an icy storm around you.
  • Righteous Storm Three pillars of fire erupt on a place of your choosing.
  • Sand Tornado A great tornado of sand causes chaos and devastation at your whim.
  • Shock Coil Emit a powerful field of electricity surrounding you.
  • Slogo's Shotgun You conjure a large shotgun made of pure force energy to blast your opponents.
  • Sorrel's Magic Lance Sorrel Glintwing thought why stop at darts? Lances are bigger RIP Winkin Redberries.
  • Sorrel's Superior Magic Missile Sorrel Glintwing's Even Stronger Magic Missile
  • Stellar Conflagration You create 5 spheres of fire on your back, which can be used in multiple ways
  • Stone Drill This spell allows you to bore through natural rock.
  • Swift Blade Bane A slashing force that powers your blade, infusing it with magical power.
  • Swirling Storm
  • Teuful's Fireball An all-or-nothing fireball.
  • Thaumic Irridiation Blast a line of magical radiation that disintegrates its unfortunate victims.
  • Time Trap
  • Water Volley For the duration of the spell, you can repeatedly shoot bolts of water.
  • Wild Fire Surge You take a ruby in your hand, and hold it between your hand as if you were praying. Your hand starts emitting red light and sparks appears around you. Your eyes turn into a pool of red.
  • Wizzro's Blast You push both hands forward to blast a searing beam of life-draining energy.
Needs Work

6th-Level Spells

  • Antimagic Blast A more localized form of antimagic field, which can be cast at a lower level.
  • Antimagic Blast, Variant You fire a blast of disruptive magic, disabling the Weave for a moment.
  • Aura of Time Protect yourself and others with time energy.
  • Bulletproof For the duration of the spell, the creature you touch has immunity to damage from firearm attacks.
  • Damage Deflection Absorb the energy coming from a spell and return that damage with a blast of force
  • Flux Wall Create a time-bending force field
  • Interference Field Project a field of disruptive magic that hinders spellcasting in a large area.
  • Reflection Warding yourself with powerful defensive magic, you gain the ability to reflect spells back at attackers.
  • Resist Annihilation You prevent a creature or corpse from becoming disintegrated.
  • Rockform Encase yourself in solid earth, giving you a rock-hard shell.
  • Sphere of Warded Repulsion You create a magical sphere of energy around you that protects you against large amounts of damage.
  • Steelskin You touch a willing creature and give its skin the ability to deflect glancing blows.
  • Wall of Adaption A wizard says the magic words with a piece of wood, steel, brick or adamantine in hand. The piece disintegrates as a wall of force as strong as the piece appears.
  • Zone of Law Channel the absolute order of the clockwork plane of Mechanus in a zone around you.
  • Eldritch Portent You draw upon the timeless knowledge of an elder ancient in order to see the future.
  • Eyes of Time After requesting assistance from the Lord of Time you temporarily have access to the knowledge of the entire history of this world.
  • General Inventory A simple but useful spell to quickly itemize a container can help you divide loot, level the field on a negotiation or avoid searching a room for hours for something that isn't there. You'll still have to search for it though, this spell just makes you aware of the contents not it's exact location.
  • Locate Remains You sense the direction to the remains of a creature, as long as some portion of the remains is within 1 mile of you.
  • Major Inventory A simple but useful spell to quickly itemize a container can help you divide loot, level the field on a negotiation or avoid searching a room for hours for something that isn't there. You'll still have to search for it though, this spell just makes you aware of the contents not it's exact location.
  • Sphere of Awareness Project your awareness into the space around you.
  • Forget Cause someone to forget about something.
  • Greater Zone of Euphemisms At your word, reality is purged of all rudeness and negativity
  • Lucky Charm Choose up to six creatures that you can see within range to bestow incredible luck upon.
  • Mass Mind Wipe With a wave of your hand, you attempt to wipe the memories of up to two creatures you can see within range that are within 30 feet of each other.
  • Mind Swap You swap the minds of two creatures you are touching between bodies.
  • Mind Switch You attempt to take control of a nearby living creature, forcing your mind and soul into its body, and its into yours.
  • Acid Storm Unleash a brief downpour on your enemies
  • Antimodes Greater Fireball You create a blazing purple ball, infused with both freezing cold and sweltering heat.
  • Astral Cannon You conjure a beam of energy, blasting enemies in a line.
  • Disassemble Molecules Rend creatures at the atomic level.
  • Earth Shatter Summon a massive lightning bolt to empower your weapon and shatter the ground in your way.
  • Elemental Wrath You unleash devastating elemental destruction upon everything in your viscinity
  • Force Lightning UNLIMITED POWER!!
  • Internal Incineration The bones of a creature start to burn like hot iron, and the target is incinerated from the Inside out.
  • Magma Storm Create a cylinder of storming magma and flames that traps creatures inside and deals continous damage.
  • Oblivion Wave
  • Raddik’s Focusing Blast Conjure a weak blast of plasma, which shrinks in size and grows in power.
  • Raigo A massive sphere of destructive lightning that moves at your command, unleashing pulses of energy before culminating in a devastating explosion.
  • Sorrel's Battering Javelins Sorrel Glintwing just really wanted to get rid of that pesky castle wall.
  • Sorrel's Burst Missile Sorrel Glintwing's Enhanced magic missile spell that explodes in a 10 ft radius on impact.
  • Soul Bind You target the soul of one or two enemies and bind them to each other. If there is only one enemy target-able, the first enemy to come within 60 feet of the targeted creature is then bound to the first targeted creature.
  • Soul Stream Fire the high megalazor!
  • Wheel of Fire's Blaze
  • Zone of Power You create a zone of slightly bluish energy that suffuses an area you can see.
  • Zuzar's Flaming Laser Sword You invoke the ancient power of dragon breath and a single blue laser fires from your fingertip.
  • Aura of Invisibility Magic wraps around you and your surrounding allies, hiding them from the view of others.
  • Irascible Spear You pull shadows together and create a polearm wreathed in the darkness.
  • Landscape of Fear The terrain around the targets appear to be made of its worst nightmares.
  • Amplify Damage Curse enemies to take additional damage from a specific source.
  • Apocryphic Zone You and your target's souls enter a necrotic plane where magic is enhanced, leaving vulnerable physical bodies.
  • Armor of Flesh You touch an undead creature at least one size category larger than you and merge into its body for the duration.
  • Bloodtap You tap into the latent energy inside every being.
  • Chain of Corruption Whip your enemies with a corrupting chain.
  • Chain Pain A dark lightning bolt leaps from your finger towards the target, inducing pain and leaping towards another nearby creature.
  • Dark World You invoke the powers of darkness to corrupt an area as small as a 30-foot cube or as large as a 100-foot cube.
  • Death's Touch Drain Life
  • Demonic Visage Your visage suddenly warps and changes to that of a terrifying demon.
  • Essence Siphon You tear a creature's vitality from their body, and use it to bolster your own.
  • Life Transfer Takes health from a willing creature and transfers it to another creature.
  • Phantasmal Ship You enchant a ship, turning it into a powerful undead vehicle.
  • Reaping Gaze A deadly spell that rots flesh and chills souls.
  • Risen Life Service Bring a dead creature back to life as a potential life long servant.
  • Soul Bind You target the soul of one or two enemies and bind them to each other. If there is only one enemy target-able, the first enemy to come within 60 feet of the targeted creature is then bound to the first targeted creature.
  • Undeath to Death Destroy the undead hoards by unmaking the magic animating them
  • Unholy Flame, Variant Flame-like malevolence engulfs a 15 foot area around you.
  • Vampiric Aura Life-draining energy radiates from you in an aura.
  • Viktor's Brand Of Undeath Become undead and....
  • Water Sucker Drain water from a creature or object you can touch.
Needs Work

7th-Level Spells

  • Bind Lesser Being Assume absolute control over a weaker entity.
  • Greater Geas You place a magical command on up to 6 creatures within range that are currently facing you.
  • Mind Control This spell allows the user to take complete mind control over a entity at your own risk.
  • Power Word Buzzkill Stop joking around. Now.
  • Power Word Pacify You utter a word of power that can compel one creature that you can see within range to immediately cease hostile actions.
  • Power Word Sit Your commanding voice forces a creature to take a seat.
  • Shadow Duel For when you want to fight one-on-one or in a group with no outside interference.
  • Accelerating Sphere
  • Animate Breath Give your breath weapon life
  • Conceive Humanoid procreation spell, warning: 18+ content
  • Create Major Helm You touch a Chair or similar object, creating a temporary Major Helm.
  • Deathly Polymorph Transform yourself into an undead creature.
  • Dendromorph You attempt to transform a creature into a tree for an indefinite amount of time.
  • Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
  • Eco Dolor You select one living creature and create a small copy of the target in your hand, at the beginning of your next turn you "pop" the small copy making the target receive again all the damage caused to it since you cast the spell
  • Flatten Target Turn other creatures and objects into paintings
  • Foul Form You take on the appearance and some of the qualities of an undead.
  • Golem Cause the earth itself to sprout legs and obey your command.
  • Grove Enroot Casting this spell, will turn a group of enemies into a grove of trees.
  • Immortality The flaws of mortality are no longer your concern.
  • Indestructible Form You become an indestructible statue.
  • Instant Dash You instantaneously go for a little walk.
  • Instant Strike You instantaneously deal damage.
  • Lucid Control You force yourself to fall into a dreamlike trance for the duration, allowing the barrier between the sleeping and waking worlds to become blurred.
  • Mergewall A creature you target is turned into a painted version of itself.
  • Moat of Lava This spell creates a moat of lava around yourself.
  • Shattering Threads Rip at the strings of time.
  • Slow Time Slow down the flow of time for a little bit.
  • Temporal Enhancement Enhance the capabilities of yourself or an ally.
  • Vankodek's Chimeric Transformation You bind a second creature into yourself, allowing you full reign over their power and yours.
  • Vitrify This spell transforms normal sand of any depth into crude glass. 10d6 fire damage, plus trapping creatures.
  • Wave of Time Slow down your enemies in a wave of time, effecting creatures closer to the center of your attack the most.
Needs Work

8th-Level Spells

  • Control Monster You control the mind of a creature, which can only resist with the force of its personality.
  • Dalamars Unerring Strikes You creates an invisible force field around themselves that guides projectiles to their targets.
  • Greed You corrupt the heart of your enemy, giving them a crippling weakness for wealth of all kinds.
  • Mute With a single gesture and a commanding shush, you attempt to magically silence a creature you can see within range.
  • Power Word Forget You utter a word of power that can compel one creature you can see within range to forget an event.
  • Power Word Sleep You speak a word of power that can compel a creature to sleep.
  • Power Word Testicular Torsion You utter a word of power that can force a creature you can see within range to have its testicles twisted.
  • Punishment of a Fraud A malevolent spell that afflicts its target with a relentless psychological torment. Once this curse is placed upon an individual, they become vulnerable to the effects of failure in their actions.
  • Blasting Bolt Make a ranged attack roll against a creature or object within range that you can see. On a hit, the target takes 15d10 damage of a type you choose from acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, radiant, or thunder.
  • Comet Azur Fires forth a devastating comet inside a star’s torrent.
  • Destructive Slash a sword of dark energy
  • Energy Rupture You choose a creature to absorb energy until it ruptures out from them in an explosion of force.
  • Eradication Flame A beam of white flame sears into your foes.
  • Explosion, Variant KA-BOOM! A massive explosion erupts from a point you choose within range.
  • Frozen Tomb You wave your hand and entomb a creature you can see within range in ice.
  • Greater Contingency
  • Hræsvelgr's Glory
  • Kraken's Tentacle You conjure a kraken's tentacle that sprouts from a body of liquid and attacks your enemies.
  • Massacre
  • Polar Ray A blue-white ray of freezing air and ice springs from your hand and towards a creature within range.
  • Quasar You sweep an area with overwhelming quantities of deadly light.
  • Royal Diamond Ring By holding the likeness of the moon towards the sky, you create a brilliant and awe-inspiring abstract representation of the sun and moon in harmonization.
  • Sorrel's Chaining Lances Sorrel Glintwing enjoyed her chaining missile so much she thought she'd turn it up a notch or two
  • Star Fire Invoke a supernova that crushes nearby opponents with unrelenting Force
  • Vacuum With a sweeping arm gesture, you expel all air from a 40-foot high cylinder with a radius of 20 feet.
  • Eclipse You can create the massive image of a solar eclipse occurring directly overhead.
  • Awaken Ooze You grant sentience to an ooze.
  • Earth Glide You give the subject the ability to glide through earth and stone as easily as an earth elemental does.
  • Forge of the Elements With the power of the elements, you empower a forge to craft magic items at incredible speed.
  • Fusion
  • Glacial Armor You grow in size and at the same time, your flesh turns into animate ice, making you into a living glacier.
  • Gravity Surge
  • Magic Warship You enchant a ship, granting it several potent abilities.
  • Mass Blade Bane A number of creatures you choose become vulnerable to bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage.
  • Megascale Flight You touch a willing creature, granting it the ability to fly at supersonic speeds.
  • Otherworldly Polymorph
  • Progression: H.A.V.O.C.
  • Quincy's Investiture You call upon the power of investing to invest in investitures.
  • Rewind, Variant Rewind either a target or a spell/class ability back in time by 6 seconds.
  • Skyweave Transmute and compress a great volume of air into other materials.
  • Spellwise Aura You radiate raw arcane power, enhancing the spells of other spellcasters like some sort of arcane dynamo.
  • Touch of the Void Go back in time to the creation of the universe to boost your powers temporarily.
  • Warclaw You grow devastatingly powerful claws which can tear a tank apart or rip off the heads of enemies with ease.
Needs Work

9th-Level Spells

  • 617 Pages Call upon a creature from somewhere unknown.
  • Abyssal Army Summon a handful of demons
  • Call of Valors Your past achievements and heroism have impressed the God-Emperor himself, deliver his soldiers from the Astronomican.
  • Death from the Heavens You summon a holy storm that can shatter even the strongest defenses.
  • Deity's Jaw Instant kill, coming soon to a deity near you!
  • Destructive Teleport You teleport yourself and up to eight willing creatures or an object. Whatever you teleport explodes on arrival for massive damage.
  • Dragon Knight You summon a dragon of challenge rating 10 or lower.
  • Eidolon Create a clone!
  • Genesis The spellcaster creates a finite plane with limited access: a demiplane. Demiplanes created by this power are very small, very minor planes.
  • Infernal Rain You throw the pieces of brimstone into the air and they catch fire and grow in size as creatures of living fire take their place.
  • Kamikaze Summons a godly wind to annihilate armies of opponents and sink ships
  • Mass Traumatic Teleport You teleport up to eight creatures within range into one or more solid object.
  • Myrsta’s Soulfire Smite your foes with an extremly powerful blue fire
  • Perfect Wish Wish Beyond, Plus Ultra!
  • Pillars of Time
  • Power Word Bees Compel a creature to explode into a swarm of bees.
  • Power Word Crash You disconnect a creature from the matrix of reality.
  • Ragnarok Giant flaming swords falling from the sky to destroy your enemies. What could be better?
  • Spelled You spell a creature into existence with its name
  • Summon Falling Rocks Rocks fall, everyone dies
  • Summon Greater Daemon You summon a greater demon to wreak havoc upon the battlefield.
  • Summon Living City You summon a city that is alive.
  • Sword Storm Launch a flurry of spectral swords at your foes.
  • Tempest This is basically a buffed version of the storm of vengeance Spell
  • The Sun, Revealed Create the sun in miniature.
  • True Seraphim Become more than man.
  • Vortex Creating a portal to the depths of space, you attempt to suck your foes through.
  • Whiteout A blizzard forms, centered on a point you can see and spreading to a radius of 80 feet.
  • Zodiac Stars Twelve multicolored and bright stars appear and settle on your head like a crown. You can use one bonus action to make a ranged spell attack and send one star to a target.
  • Absolute Zero You evoke absolute cold to freeze solid all creatures in an area within range.
  • Annihilation You tear a hole in the very fabric of space and time. This spell is a conversion of the one in "Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil".
  • Antimatter Beam A beam of dark energy that obliterates all it touches! Ok, not really, but pretty close.
  • Apocalypse from the Sky One of the evilest and most destructive spells a creature could cast.
  • Arthur's Infinite Inferno A powerful explosion, at the cost of the caster's life. Will your gamble truly be worth it?
  • Atomic Bolt You conjure a devastating bolt of nuclear power at a target within range.
  • Baja Blast A burst of fruit flavored energy is released from the caster, cumulating in a massive beacon of green energy that can be seen for miles. It burns the area with an otherworldly hatred, damaging friend and foe alike.
  • Barrier of the Four Kings of the World
  • Bites the Dust Bomb Type 3: Bites the Dust! A spell that turns your target into a time reversing bomb. As a bonus, it also can kill the target after time has reset.
  • Black Hole Beam You create a tiny black sphere in an unoccupied space that you can see within the spell’s range that begins rapidly sucking in everything around it. After some time, a giant laser beam originating from you fires through the sphere, obliterating anything that was sucked in.
  • Blast Everything in That Direction Beam of light that deals 1d4+100 force damage and repels 30 feet.
  • Bolt of the Storm An orb of crackling energy appears in your hand, which you can use to hurl lightning bolts.
  • Calamitous Strike On a successful weapon attack, you deal a massive amount of damage.
  • Contained Apocalypse
  • Crash To Desktop Instakill something, including you.
  • Dark Meteor You hurl a meteor of dark matter from the heavens.
  • Dovar's Brutal Beam The user conjures a vicious beam of blinding white light from above, which crashes into a single target violently.
  • Eclipse Life You draw out a creature's life force and turn it into an explosion of magical force.
  • Enhanced Permanency The spell you know and love is back with a vengeance!
  • Entropy Field Weaken enemies, warp reality and manipulate results
  • Essence of the Elements You conjure the pure essence of the elements to destroy your enemies.
  • Eye of the Storm You stand in the center of a blizzard of your own making, wreaking havoc among your foes.
  • Flames of Hephaestus a spell to either make magic items of destroy magic people
  • Frostfall Freeze the region and call down comets of ice.
  • Glacier You put your hand to the ground and then spikes of ice blast out of the ground.
  • Greatwyrm's Wrath Conjure the flames of a dragon of legend, and wreak devastation upon your foes.
  • Hell's Lightning Call forth the most powerful lightning from the deepest and darkest parts of hell to destroy everything that stands in your way.
  • High Octane Explosion Bring the spectacle of a high-budget action movie to your life.
  • Invocation of Ate, Lord of the East A line of strong wind 60 feet long and 10 feet wide blasts from you in a direction you choose for the spell's duration.
  • Last Act As your final act of heroism you channel all of your arcane power into your body and then expel it as a destructive force that proves harmful to your enemies.
  • Mad Mage's Rage You fill yourself with great arcane power at the cost of being consumed by madness.
  • Malcador’s Fallen Star Named after its discoverer, this accursed star brought death to all who saw it, including the great astrologist himself.
  • Mass Disintegrate A blast of green light erupts from your outstretched hand, dealing heavy force damage in a cone.
  • Mass Immolation You set a whole bunch of creatures on fire.
  • Noval Strike Invoke the mighty power of the number nine!
  • Obliterate Level a blow that can reduce people to nothing.
  • Pattern Screamer Scream and ban a enemy for another plane
  • Phoenix Climax You expend more power than you have to raze everything around you.
  • Phoenix Fire Like the phoenix of legend, you explode in an enormous blast of flame as you overcome your death with raw power alone.
  • Power Bolt For the duration of the spell, you can repeatedly shoot highly damaging bolts of concentrated magical energy.
  • Power Word Bind
  • Power Word Explode You speak a word of power that can compel a creature to explode.
  • Pulverize Lift an enemy into the air and grind them to dust.
  • Purple Haze A savage and deadly virus created by magic that devours the flesh and quickly kills those infected with it.
  • Pyroclasmic Unmake You summon the malicious fury of red dragons to incinerate your enemies.
  • Quadon's intense pain
  • Quantum Shift You force open the strongest rip in time creating an aging vortex for any enemy inside its area.
  • Replication Replicate the effects of another spell or magical effect.
  • Star Blazing Summons a giant rainbow star that splits into smaller stars to attack enemies.
  • Starfall Summon a falling star.
  • Stormblast Summon the wrath of the entire sky, and blast all your enemies into ash
  • Tidal Front Calamity
  • Ultimatum A final trump card, for when you know there is no way out.
  • Victus's Sonic Boom
  • Violet Inferno The deadliest spell of all time. Probably.
  • Wall of Time Create a singularity point in which you twist time to your whim.
  • Weave Warrior When the light dims, hope is not yet lost. It's always darkest before the dawn, and the dawn has come.
  • Dreamworld Create a vivid, surreal dreamscape that slowly wears down the minds of all afflicted.
  • Ice Assassin You create a living, breathing creature that is a near-perfect duplicate of an existing creature, formed entirely out of ice.
  • Microcosm You warp the consciousness and senses of one or more creatures, sending the victim(s) into a catatonic state.
  • Mordenkainen's Spirit Burst In response to an attack that damages you, you create a burst of arcane energy that channels the very essence of Mystra.
  • Perfect Reflection Create a perfect reflection of a creature.
  • Abhorrent Colossus You string together pieces from corpses and create a rotting monstrosity of decay.
  • Acererak's Enfeeblement Expel almost all of the life force out of a victim in a single stroke.
  • Animate Dead Legion You animate lots of undead.
  • Blood Feast of the Vampire Lord You magically siphon the life force out all creatures in a large area.
  • Blood Punch
  • Bond with Reality Bind your soul to a structure, and as long as you remain within it, you never die.
  • Brand of Undeath Causes all affected targets to be transformed into the undead should they die while under the spell's effect.
  • Contained Horrors
  • Create Demise Armor You create a bone sentient armor capable of protecting you and fighting at your side. There may be some balance problems, use it under your own responsibility.
  • Create Greater Undead After sacrificing one humanoid you must then choose a corpse within range that corpse becomes undead with the challenge rating of 20 or lower under your control. The corpse cannot be the humanoid sacrifice.
  • Create Greater Undead, Variant After sacrificing one humanoid you must then choose a corpse within range that corpse becomes undead with the challenge rating of 25 or lower under your control. The corpse cannot be the humanoid sacrifice.
  • Create Soul Gem You seal a being's soul into a gem, granting them a profane form of immortality.
  • Dark Chant You damn nearby creatures to a void of eternal punishment by performing a chant invoking the power of death.
  • Death's Scythe Summon the power of Death himself: A weapon of ultimate destruction, capable of killing any being.
  • Draconic Skeleton Transforms a willing dragon into a dracolich.
  • Energy Drain Drains hit points equal to hit dice.
  • Eversion
  • Forest of Bone and Sinew Crucify a field of creatures upon their own bones.
  • Miasma of Death You point at a location within range and create a cloud of horrid decay which rises from the location and spreads to an area up to 50 feet.
  • Miasma of Death, Variant To devastate the weakings that dare to stand before you in defiance.
  • Necromantic Summons When Create Undead isn't powerful enough and Animate Dead doesn't give enough variety, turn to Necromantic Summons. It gives up some choice for stronger undead.
  • Necropolis you infuse an area with necrotic energy, turning control of the land to the dead.
  • Noro's Puppet Master
  • Obliterate Soul A powerful damaging spell that can destroy souls.
  • Power Word Break A spell capable of destroying souls by breaking them out of the body and destroying it.
  • Resurrection From Beyond Bring anything back, by force.
  • Soul Slice You extend your mystical powers and grasp at the soul of your enemy, cutting it in two obliterating half.
  • Soul Strike You assault the soul of a creature within range, attempting to rend it from the body and disperse it into the ether.
  • Spirit Maelstrom You bring forth a maelstrom of spirits that destroy those within
  • Starvation You call upon the darkest necrotic energies to rob a creature or object of its vitality.
  • Swansong You cry out in a magically infused song, a lament for all that is wrong in the world.
  • Tribute to the Dark Ones Your blade becomes a portal straight to your dark patron, and in your prey's place rises undead.
  • True Annihilation You attempt to truly annihilate a creature, wiping them from existence.
  • Undead Dragon Create an undead servant from the corpse of a dragon.
  • Unleashed Shadows You unleash a powerfull wave of shadows that damages your enemies and heals you and your undead minions.
  • Wail of the Banshee You emit a heart-rending wail that beckons the living to the grave.
Needs Work