5e Races by Size
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All 5e Races without an improving, reviewing, or removing template present arranged by Size.
Name | Summary |
Albertine | Eastern Dragons, with a love of the cold. |
Amazonian | A race of beautiful warrior women. |
Antaeud | Humanoids of heavily mixed giant blood |
Arachne | Creatures with the upper torso of a humanoid and lower torso of a spider. |
Aramatian | Very tall, winged humanoids with horns |
Awakened Plant | Ordinary plants given sentience and mobility by the Awaken spell or similar magic. |
Barghest, Variant | These canine creatures have the ability to transform into Goblins. |
Blackheart | Humans made powerful fiends, seeking revenge and conquest |
Centaur, Variant | The nomadic horsefolk of the wilds. |
Centifolk, Variant | |
Chimera (5e Class) | A monstrous hybrid of lion, human and dragon. |
Chozo | An ancient and powerful race of avian humanoids, now few and far between. |
Claustronoctiling | Beings from another world that judge the good and punish the guilty. |
Colossus | "Living castles" created to defend and destroy, who unexpectedly have sentience and a soul. |
Cybertronian | Talking robots that transform into any manner of vehicles. |
Cyclops | Simple, deliberate, stubborn and hulking giants with one eye. |
Deathclaw | War made monsters that are bred for being the strongest beings in the wasteland. |
Dragon | Large, winged, reptilian creatures with a lust for treasure. |
Earth Giant | A race of giants, smaller than the rest of their kind their power comes from deep within the earth and posses the ability to manipulate the earth. |
Elfil | Elfils, when they have reached adulthood, can be described as "immortal inter-dimensional psychokinetic invaders, bearing the distorted silhouette of angels." |
Evolland | Mysterious frog people. |
Fallen Solar | Weakened, unworthy, and fallen, but still stronger than other angels. |
Fate of Emotion | A misty like large creature that cause fear in a lot of other creatures due to it's many glowing eyes on it's body. |
Felkin | Powerful, omnivorous monsters that must use their mouth in place of a hand, existing between society and wilderness. |
Flora Colossus | Flower-based plantoid creatures |
Forest Golem | A race of stone and earth constructs, in which many plants take root. |
Forest Golem, Variant | A race of stone and earth constructs, in which many plants take root. |
Galilean | I have my own orbit? That is pretty cool! |
Gallataur | A mixture of minotaur and centaur, but only in appearance |
Gems | An intergalactic race of sentient gemstones. |
Giant Intelligent Mantis | |
Golric | A Golric is a Half-Goliath, Half-Orc half-breed— massively powerful and scorned by their own cultures, Golrics are borne from brutal pasts into uncertain futures. |
Half-Giant | Simple, deliberate, stubborn, and hulking. Not very nimble. |
Half-Marilith | |
Hylek | The Hylek are a species of alchemically-inclined tribal frog-men. |
Ice-Wings | Remnants of a white dragon ritual |
Imugi | Imugis are large, aquatic draconic serpents that have the ability to control weather conditions and transform. They rule over lakes or small rivers, and the fish inside them. |
Kri | Kri are large and incredibly strong creatures but lack any mental strength. |
Lamia | Half-human, half-leonine servants of Graz'zt who are as deadly as they are beautiful. |
Lindwurm | Draconic precursors who took a much different path. |
Lobra | Fantastical creatures with three snakelike heads, two tails, a low flat body, and excellent diplomatic credentials. Lobras are run by three players. Sometimes hilarity ensues. |
Luparathi | Luparathi are more than just men. They're wolves, too. |
Lycanthrope | |
Lynel | |
Mammothodon | An ancient lineage of huge, woolly nomadic mammothlike beasts. The ancestors of all modern Loxodon. |
Marilith | Formed from the darkness of the Abyss, your marilith character has several traits that attest to its demonic origins. |
Mechanoid Brawler | Multiarmed aliens armed with metal skin |
Nekomata | "Monstrous" cats of yokai origin |
Nomad | Color-changing creatures that dwell in savannahs. |
Ogre Rat | Results of rats who wished to be like giants. |
Orch | Tall, dark-skinned, horned giants that live in the Feywilds. |
Osaran | Osarans are Wise and Powerful often the born leaders of the Aleph Order. |
Owlbear | A monstrous cross between giant owl and bear, an owlbear's reputation for ferocity and aggression makes it one of the most feared predators of the wild. |
Pale One | Amphibious, one eyed giants born to a long life of lonesome comfort in their lightless caverns. |
Pit Fiend | Powerful devils, the imagery of evil |
Quartarrasque | A Quarter-Tarrasque, or Quartarrasque for short. |
Rag Doll | Construct dolls are constructs with immense variation. |
Regi | |
Salamander | Serpentine folk from the Elemental Plane of Fire. |
Scopoling | Beings from another world that mingle unseen among civilization. |
Seafallen | Ship's Crews taken by the ocean but who refused to stay down. |
Sentient Wendigo | A frightening creature that can shapeshift and mimic voices to confuse and lure enemies to itself. |
Serapeir | The Serapeirs are a majestic and harmonious race of winged gorillas with serpentine tails, deeply connected to the mystical forces of their rainforest home. |
Sharkin | Dangerous, oceanic hunters and warriors. |
Sister, Warrior Cats Edition | Large cats that can see spirits |
Skeleton, 2nd Variant | The rattling of their bones makes you shiver. |
Sobruaro | Cactus people who are very jolly and fun-loving. |
Sylvatorre | Bovine creatures that wander the woods and forests |
The Cabal | The Cabal are a warmongering race of giant bipedal humanoids with a heavy-set, rhinoceros-like appearance. |
Tiont | An ancient and forgotten son's body was chopped up to create the tionts |
Troll (5e Class) | A monstrous troll which grows more powerful as it increases in size. |
Troll, Giant | Giant-blooded trolls with a shamanistic touch |
Tyranid | Hive minded creatures leaving destruction in their wake |
Vaxasaurian | Prehistoric strength, stamina and size |
Whalefolk | A race of Anthropomorphic whales with many subraces. |
Whittle | Hulking forest guardians |
Wood Giant | Standing tall and graceful, they are guardians of the select giant forests |
Yith | The great researchers of times, places and realities, whose minds are far, far older than their bodies. |
Name | Summary | |
A.D.A.M. Unit | Weapons of war refined in towers until they can claim a soul of their own. | |
A.I. | Sometimes, machines can be just as human as the rest of us. | |
Aarongar | Shark people born of mad experimentation | |
Abdelian | Wolven, scaly guardians of the lost desert oases | |
Aberrant Hybrid | Tortured, alien beings born of twisted experimentation. | |
Abomasnow | A race of powerful pine tree-like humanoids. | |
Abrian | Ostrich-like predators that roam across the Lower Planes, stripping any flora or fauna bare. | |
Abstraction | A strange creature of mirroring existence | |
Abyssal Dragon Human | The result of an Abyssal Dragon God losing their powers becoming human | |
Abyssal Minotaur | Huge humanoid monsters with tails, hooves, and cow heads. | |
Abyzou | Tall faceless beings made out of black sludge like essence. | |
Acanthian | Seemingly normal people until they open wide... | |
Addison | Creatures 0nl y made for one purpose: [ [ KROMER ] ] | |
Aeldari | The aeldari are lithe, graceful, and extraordinarily talented futuristic fey-like warriors from space that wield weapons yet to be concieved by man with consumnate skill. | |
Aeris | Former elven creatures made avian. | |
Aethelf | A distant relative to the ancestor of elves | |
Aetherborn | Race of aether plane beings born from aether and other elements | |
Aetherian | Aetherians are celestial-winged beings from the Shimmering Isles, blessed with wisdom and cosmic magic but cursed with isolation by the Veil of Mists that separates them from the mortal world. | |
Aggrand | A race with the ability to grow to giant size. | |
Aggron | Aggron, the Iron Armor Pokémon, was very accurately named. | |
Ahsri | People with diverse animal traits, created by the Fey | |
Airrans | Umbrella term for flying denizens of the flying cities called "aeries". | |
Akatalian | The Akatalians have a talented stature. | |
Albino Gnoll | Outcast from the pack, smaller and weaker at birth, Albino Gnolls had to adapt to using their brains and their speed to be better than those that would harm them. | |
Aldani | Lobsterfolk descended from a tribe of cursed fisherfolk in Chult. | |
Ali'di | ||
Aligotarian | Massive humanoids alligator | |
Aligrine | Humans with wings from the plane of air. Sound familar? | |
Alleozsa | Astral beings that use the refraction of light to shape themselves as visible and recognizable humanoids. | |
Alloprax | Oddities among mortalkin, the alloprax stand as a race infused with the touch of the far-realm. | |
Aloii | Highly logical, liquid metal beings with a thirst for knowledge. | |
Aloii, 2nd Variant | Highly logical, liquid metal beings with a thirst for knowledge. | |
Alraune | A race of plant-like flower-people. | |
Alterran | Alterrans are Agile and cunning they are meant to be diplomats. | |
Alu-Demon | Vile, half-demon hybrids spawned from an Abyssal parent. | |
Alu-Fiend | Half Succubus/Incubus, Half-Human... What's not to love? | |
Alverae | An elegant demon-like race with some exotic features. | |
Amaltel | Living metal from the depths below, usually in the form of something roughly humanoid | |
Amanel | Mobile and ruthless hunters of evil. | |
Amazon | A race of warrior women. | |
Amazon, Variant | A race of beautiful warrior women. | |
Amazonia | A race of warrior women descended from gods of war | |
Ambis | Mute humanoid slimefolk who communicate through touch | |
Ambun | The powerful defenders of the castles and fortresses of the Feywild. | |
Amphibimen | Every amphibimen is different, and their traits are based on their subraces. | |
Amused | Divine creations of dread and panic | |
Anamesa | Humanoids whose consciousness is divided between this realm and the next. | |
Anani | Spider people that tend towards lonesome lives. | |
Anathema | Descendants of a cursed human who bear certain monstrous qualities. | |
Anathema, Rebalanced | Descendants of a cursed human who bear certain monstrous qualities. | |
Ancient Cat, Warrior Cat Edition | house cat from long ago
abilities= One of your abilities is increased by 1. This can not cause your total ability score to be increased by 3. | |
Android | You were created and programmed for a specific purpose in mind. | |
Android (Dragon Ball: Further Beyond Supplement) | ||
Android, 2nd Variant | Frightening fusions of man and machine. | |
Android, Variant | Living constructs with a soul. | |
Angel of Death | Undead humanoids with the general appearance of humans, supposedly risen through a divine parasitic curse | |
Angel of Endless Nothing | Existence less human-like entities with the general appearance of humans, coming from a place void of existence | |
Angel, Variant | Angels are a powerful race of creatures created by good-aligned Gods. | |
Angelic Succubus | The familiar demons, with reformed features | |
Angiospate | Creatures coming from a cosmic cycle of birth and death coinciding | |
Animated Armor | A suit of armor that is given life through magic and is assigned a task. Often they are left behind by their creators, left to lie dormant for hundreds of years only to wake up and seek out a new purpose. | |
Anime Dragonborn | ||
Annablax | Anneblaxes have a number of traits that come from their strange lineage. | |
Anomaly | Soul returned to bodies | |
Anouki | Waddling like penguins, but with antlers like moose and faces resembling hylians, anouki are quite a sight. Their blubber-filled bodies are most at home in cold climates. | |
Anthousai | Nymphs of flowers that, unlike the dryad, bound themselves to the Material Plane. | |
Anthro Humans | Humans forced into animal experimentation | |
Anthrolupe | Wild Anthrolupes are the solitary hunters of the anthropomorphic wolf race the anthrolupes. They live in the wilderness, generally far from cities. | |
Anti-Human/The Anti | Mors aliquando veniet. | |
Antilonoid | Being prey does not mean being weak. | |
Anubian | Jackal-like guardians and guides of life and death | |
Anutanin | A cat-dragon hybrid, capable of quadruped travel, can stand, and eventually even fly | |
Apeling | A race of nimble and strong monkey-like people. | |
Aphrodian | A race with diversity between the genders where it is surprising to see if they are even related. | |
Apidites | A Humanoid Race of Bees, each designed to fill a purpose in their militaristic hives | |
Apoidea | A race of humanoid bees native to the Feywild | |
Apothicon | Living in the Underdark, these mysterious creatures sport odd shimmering eyes | |
Appoplexian | Let me tell you something... | |
Aquaebant | A race of aquatic humanoids with features like the original dwellers of the deep. | |
Aquarion | Aquatic Elvenkind with a greek-styled society, and fondness of the great hunt. | |
Aquarius | Walrus folk | |
Aracae | A race of humans, cursed to become part arachnid. | |
Aracoi | Pure chaos taken a humanoid form, aracoi are beings with scorpion-like tails and horns of various animals. | |
Aran-oids | A robotic humanoid race built to help in a career or adventures. | |
Arangran | Simian humanoids of the east | |
Arboren | The Arborens are a race of humanoid tree creatures that excel at stealth. | |
Arborial | Humanoid fey that resembles a damaged tree | |
Arcabe Vanpyr | ||
Arcaedia | They took a risk to protect their kingdom, but was what they got worth it in the end? | |
Arcane Forger | The Arcane Forgers they are extremely intelligent and resistant beings. | |
Arcane Vampire | ||
Arcania | Fragmented beings out back together | |
Archdemon | Among the most powerful of demonkind, the archdemons rule a part of the infinite chaos of the Abyss, and demons along with it. | |
Archdevil | ||
Ardan Uruks | Powerful and Savage, they are a brutal but tough race. | |
Ardragmon | Deformed dragons in armor | |
Argile | Clay men with the souls of a human, though they don't show them that much. | |
Argonian | The Argonians are a race of reptilian humanoids from Black Marsh. | |
Arkanos | Humanoid anglerfish creatures | |
Armadillo-Kin | Armadillo-kins share the abilities and traits of their armadillo cousins, of which some are improved on due to their size and mind. | |
Armaldo | Land walking fossils brought back to life | |
Armordillo | Armordillos, above all, are sturdy, but typically will fall into being either wise or strong. Their shells give them an innate source of protection, which they can utilize to full effect in combat. | |
Aromatisse | Small, fluffy and wingless bird-like creatures that masterfully manipulate scents. | |
Arrancar | The truest form a Hollow can take. | |
Arsenasite | Hulking insectoids slaves that have been mistaken for Umber Hulks for many years | |
Artemian | Artemian are a roman analog aquatic race resembling sea monkeys. | |
Artificial Life | Sentient servers confined to immovable hardware, boasting immense intellect. | |
Asari | Lithe, winged offspring of the god Apisirahts. | |
Asera | Asera are creatures of wanderlust, looking for their reason of being. | |
Ashlang | Undead creatures who indulge in the idea of domination over any other being. | |
Asoarix | Asoarix, feathered and beautiful are a race far above their associated kin, the harpies. | |
Asteri | A race of living organic crystal folk | |
Astomi (Gangines) | Mouthless humans dwelling in the darkest corners. | |
Astomoi | Faceless and dark creatures with a mysterious origin | |
Astral Angels | Astral Sea guardians | |
Astral Being | The krill of the Astral plane | |
Astral Dog | ||
Astéri | The Astéri are a race of primordial starfish people often seen along coasts and shorelines. | |
Asura | Multi-armed demi-gods prone to wild emotions | |
Athreki | A humanoid with a crossbow for a head. | |
Atlantean | Atlanteans are strong, versatile warriors of the seas, acclimated to the oceans and survival underwater. | |
Atrodr'rath | Fishy humanoids who hail from a crater | |
Au'Ra | Horned and tailed beings thought erroneously to come from dragons | |
Augmented Soldier | Creatures turned into cyborgs by a military force. | |
Auren | ||
Aurochs | Moon Cows, tougher then most races | |
Autiscribus | Sphinxian race with a paper aesthetic. | |
Automaton | Conscious and aware machines, made not by magic or divine power, but by science. | |
Avali, Variant | You're cute... You're fluffy... But that doesn't mean you can't kick butt. | |
Avariel | Winged Elves or the Winged Folk. | |
Aven | Aven live as a unique tandem of bird and man. Thanks to their strong wings, beaks, and talons, each has an expected set of attributes. | |
Avian | Strong and religious bird race from Starbound related to humans in many ways. | |
Avian, Variant | An advanced race of bird-like humanoids that are deeply connected with their god Kluex. | |
Aviara | ||
Aviara, Variant | ||
Avion | Avion are very agile half harpy half human creatures usually occurring from a mutation within the egg. | |
Awakened | All awakened share some similar base traits due to the fact that they are sentient undead. | |
Awakened Aqua | Awakened Sentient Beings of Pure Water. | |
Awakened Bear | Pretty much just a bear | |
Awakened Doll | Resistant and Magically Enhanced | |
Awakened Fennec Fox | A Stronger and more intelligent form of the fennec foxes. | |
Awakened Owl Bear | Owlbears in an Awakened state | |
Awakened Plant | Ordinary plants given sentience and mobility by the Awaken spell or similar magic. | |
Awakened Weird | Elemental weirds given a humanoid form through extreme magics. | |
Awakened Zombie | Awakened zombies are undead creatures formed from dark magic but have managed to retain their intellect from when they were alive. | |
Axari | Reptilian-origin aliens | |
Axie | Sentient mutant axolotls created by a substance called F.L.U.I.D. | |
Axolyte | Black amphibious beings of cowardice | |
Azara | Azara are powerful tribal creatures somewhere between a wolf and a cat. | |
Azer | Tough, dwarf-like elemental beings made of metal and fire. | |
Azer-Forged | Stout constructs traveling throughout the Plane of Fire after they abandoned their makers | |
Azmari Lion | A proud race of hunters and seers that live in the coldest regions of the world, where many others don't even dare to tread. | |
Azul | Although otherwise human, you have cold and dark elemental abilities derived from your unusual ancestry. | |
Azure | The blue stomach people | |
Badgerfolk | All Badgerfolk, whether strong or weak, are sturdy. Their claws make them excellent at digging and the underground portion of their lives have gifted them with sight in the dark. | |
Baeron | Red humanoids risen from clay | |
Baketako | A race of intelligent bipedal molluscs that value honor over even life. (In simpler terms, octopus samurai) | |
Bantam Fomorian | A smaller variety of a giant species | |
Baphomeri | The baphomeri are highly intelligent and resilient ovine demons | |
Baphomet (Vivziepop) | Goat Demons that are responsible for Hell's healthcare and drug industries. | |
Barakoa | ||
Barbaracle | Rocky, grabby Pokémon of the coasts | |
Barbed Devil | Horrid guardians spawned in vaults of Erberus. | |
Barghest | Fiendish lupine goblins | |
Barken | ||
Basitin | Anthropomorphic cat-rabbit beings | |
Batgonoid | ||
Battle Born | Rivers of blood. Piles of gore. Endless slaughter of enemies. All in a day's work for the Battleborn: the engendration of chaos of the battlefield. | |
Bearkin | ||
Bearon | Sir Bearington's own proud and mighty race of humanoid Ursus (Ursine Bears). | |
Beast-Borne | Beast-borne are excellent hunters and better friends. Endlessly loyal to those they consider family. | |
Beastkin | Chimerical humanoids made of a failed ritual | |
Beastkin, Variant | You are a humanoid capable of shapeshifting into a mythical animal. | |
Beastmen | Beastmen are beings made of chaos and corruption,embodying unstoppable and cruel calamity | |
Beeholder | Bee-like humanoid capable of flight. | |
Behalfer | Your Beholder heritage lets your character adopt certain traits shared with all other Behalfers. | |
Beheaded | An immortal thing. Quick, deadly, and with a weird sense of humor. | |
Beholderborn | A race of humanoids descended from the cursed Beholders. | |
Beholdertouched | Humans spliced with the genetics of a beholder to grant them superintelligence. | |
Belial | A visage of violence, misunderstood | |
Bestial Mutant | ||
Betrayed | Deformed shadows of elven ancestry, these towering, emaciated, porcelain-skinned creatures' appearances hide their abilities they have adapted over hundreds of years of brutalization. | |
Bio-Android (Dragon Ball: Further Beyond Supplement) | ||
Birali | Birali are nimble cat-humanoid creatures who care not for others' opinions of them. | |
Bisharp | Savage humanoid pokemon whose bodies are naturally covered in armor and blades. | |
Blaad' Os | Humanoid squids with three red eyes. (Kind of like a miniature Cthulhu.) | |
Black Blood Angel | Angels blackened by betrayal. | |
Black Eyes | A demonic humanoid with stark black eyes and unusual supernatural capabilities. | |
Black Pudding | These creatures have a humanoid form, but are fluid and appear to be made of solid slime and bones. | |
User:Blackcatz20/Space Bean | Small, colorful creatures originating from the social deduction game Among Us. | |
Bladebeast | A Bladebeast is created to fight, and cursed with intelligence so they understand that freedom is possible, but they may never receive it. | |
Bladebound | Bladebound serve as the enforcers of the Undying Light and are equipped to serve as well as possible in this role. | |
Bladeling | Warlike outsiders from the Infinite Battlefield of Acheron. | |
Bladesh | foul blade armed demons | |
Blastborn | Explosive machines made for destruction | |
Blastoise | Tough shelled tortoises with cannons and a tendency to fight. | |
Blaziken | Tall, flightless, bird-like humanoids that combine fire and martial arts. | |
Bleeko | Small, intelligent, and fascinated with light, bleekos are masters of illusion and stealth. | |
Blessed Automaton | Created by man, ordained by the gods. | |
Blood Angel | The child of a Tiefling and a Fallen Angel. | |
Blood Angel, Variant | The child of a Tiefling and a Fallen Angel. | |
Blood Elf, 3rd Variant | ||
Bloodborne | Beings of Blood and hope | |
Bloodclan Cat, Warrior Cat Edition | Very aggressive cat | |
Bloodied Fallen Angel | Bloodied Fallen angels are excellent fighters and rangers and are battle experts. | |
Bloodraven | The Bloodravens are a race of winged humanoids with claws that come out of their wings. | |
Blossom Shifter | A humanoid with the coloration of any arrangement of flowers. They have a very androgynous look about them and you can barely tell between the genders. | |
Blue Bloods | Fallen angels turned sexy vampires | |
Blueveined | Cursed to live their lives with little time, the blueveined gain other abilities relating to the magic veins coursing through them. | |
Blugruim | Hulking creatures whose hardy resilience is only countered by their kindness. | |
Bob-omb | Marioverse: a race of sentient explosives. Let’s hope they don’t go nuclear. | |
Boden | Dwarves changed by fey energy | |
Bonded | Creatures born from the Elemental Chaos and ever in flux, these creatures are born alongside their Chaos Die. | |
Bone Splinter | Barbaric land-dwelling mollusks with origins in the Far Realm. | |
Bonthain | The rats see and hear far more than they let on. | |
Boros | ||
Borosi | Feline shaped people with nightmare eyes. | |
Boss Monster | Magical Monster-Goats. | |
Bossemer | Mountaintop humanoids with unique talents. | |
Bothan | Intelligence gathering mammalians | |
Bouffalor | Buff buffalo men | |
Branded | Branded are a hated union of beorc and laguz | |
Brazilian | ||
Breloom | Mushrooms that punch | |
Breton | ||
Briar Skulk | Primal and lean canines with a thick coat of piercing quills. | |
Brightmaid | Brightmaids are the result of a unicorn blessing a baby while still in it's mother's womb. | |
Brilrine | Demonic appearing, necromancers projects. | |
Browl | A race of bestial humanoids that fiercely defend their mystic trees. A secluded people recently returned to the material plane slowly integrating with the other races. | |
Brute | Nasty and brutish, but not so short. | |
Bugfolk | ||
Bularre | Bularre are powerful humanoids derived from the Bulette. | |
Bulbon | Mutated humans with alien-like features. | |
Bullet-Kin | Bullet shaped people, hailing from The Gungeon. | |
Bullywug | The self acclaimed rulers of the swamps. | |
Bunnyfolk | Animals that have had their intelligence awakened and increased to human levels because of exposure to magic. | |
Cactalfolk | Cactus people who split into two feuding tribes | |
Cactian | Cactus people with a rigid outlook on life. | |
Calkan | Humanoid coccolithophores with a defensive and thriving form. | |
Callisto | A faceless glowing race of liquefied stardust adventurers. | |
Cambion | The children of a fiend and a humanoid, cambions show their parentage through their physical appearance, ability to live comfortably in heated regions that for most would be intolerable and their wicked natures. | |
Cambíon | The children of a fiend and a humanoid, cambions show their parentage through their physical appearance, ability to live comfortably in heated regions that for most would be intolerable and their wicked natures. | |
Camelfolk | A reclusive race of bipedal camels. | |
Caminite | An ever shifting amalgamation of traits | |
Cancroid | A humanoid with crabs claws and a crabs head. | |
Candlefolk | You are a candle. You burn but never melt, even when you're goopy. | |
Candlehead | Candleheads are a race of waxy-skinned humanoids bearing an ethereal flame atop their heads. | |
Canegii | Horned, canine-humanoids | |
Canibri | Canibri are a race of humans cursed by an ancient forest god with some of the features of wolves and foxes. | |
Canicor | The Canicor are a race of lupine humanoids, driven from their homes by Man and Elf. | |
Canilorian | A colorful race of anthropomorphic canines | |
Canine Genus | Dog people bred for brutality | |
Caninus | Cute little crafty dogs. | |
Canus | Human-like creatures with dog/wolf features | |
Caoraa | Freedom loving and stubborn humanoids with some of the traits of ungulates. | |
Capri | Humanoid goatmen who dwell in mountains with a mysterious past | |
Capricorn | Man beasts with large horns, similar to Minotaur although more agile. | |
Caprin | Both subraces of Caprin share similar physical traits due to their short, stocky builds, and horns. | |
Carcharial | Dino shark men | |
Castoran | Master craftsmen of wood and profound house guests, these beaver-like humanoids share similar traits to their critter cousins. | |
Cat Sith | Also known as cats, seeming humanoids who can turn into cats | |
Catfolk | A race of Cat people, with as many variations as there are colors. | |
Cathartes | Born of a terrible curse, these vulture-like humanoids are doomed to kill and eat their peers out of feral instincts. | |
Cattlean | Humanoids with cow horns and a tail | |
Cauzerauti | Humanoid warthogs created for evil, that have finally escaped their wicked origins. | |
Cecaelia | Intelligent but flighty octopus-like humanoids with a penchant for sticking their noses where they don't belong. | |
Celestial, Lesser | ||
Celestus | Celesti are a race created by a forgotten lawful deity. | |
Cellmanaur | A centaur like race with so much human and elf mixed in that they're more commonly and wrongly referred to as "humantaurs". | |
Celt | You are a very wise and powerful humanoid more invested in nature. | |
Celtic Born | Your celtic born has several traits as a result of their ancestry and ancient bond with nature. | |
Cerbren | Large multi headed canines that can teleport | |
Cerealian (Dragon Ball: Further Beyond Supplement) | ||
Cerean | Binary-brained humanoids | |
Cervitaur | Creatures with hybrid bodies and transient minds. | |
Chaik | A race of oddly-skinned humanoids that live amongst the races of the Feywild. | |
Chains of Heaven | A Race based off of Enkidu from the fate franchise | |
Changeling, 2nd Variant | Half-Human, Half-Doppelganger - the changeling is the master of disguise and intrigue. | |
Changeling, 3rd Variant | Half human, half doppelganger, the changeling is the master of disguise and intrigue. | |
Changeling, 6th Variant | Shapeshifting humanoids with a distant connection to the doppelganger. | |
Changeling, 7th Variant | Shapeshifting humanoids with a distant connection to the doppelganger. | |
Changeling, Variant | Shapeshifting humanoids with a distant connection to the doppleganger. Who will you decide to be? | |
Chaos-Born | Creatures born from the chaos of the Weave of magic, they are powerful creatures with many magical abilities. | |
Chaosborn | A race just formed out of the chaos | |
Charr | The charr race was forged in the merciless crucible of war. It is all they know. War defines them, and their quest for dominion drives them ever onward. | |
Charr, Variant | The charr are powerful feline soldiers that have mastered the art of war over thousands of years of conflict. | |
Cheliceri | Humanoid spider-like people. | |
Cheox | The corrupted fauns of necrotic origin. A true abomination to the world, and one that is aggressive to all. | |
Cheshire Cat, Humanoid | ||
Chesnaught | Bulky, armored pokemon with a kind heart and a desire to protect what they hold dear. | |
Chibido | Beautiful childlike humanoids in both body and voice. | |
Chimera | A cursed race of travelers who constantly must move their homes or face the wrath of an ancient deity. | |
Chimeran | Chimerans are tough and strong, with their natural weapons and fierceness they will overcome any obstacle | |
Chimeroth | Lithe, strong, and intelligent beings that utilize their talents in ways that enable them to quickly adapt in order to survive. | |
Chiropterans | Anthropomorphic bat-folk. | |
Chiroptikin | Slight but highly intelligent humanoids with bat-like ears and limbs. | |
Chiss | Chiss, blue-faced humanoids from deep space | |
Chitine | Monstrous, multi-limbed arachnid creatures | |
Chitinoid | A four-armed race of moth-like humanoids. | |
Chosen Undead, Variant | Accursed Undead are an enduring sort. Adversity is their driving force. They are the chisel that levels a mountain. | |
Chthonic Vampyre | Twisted and cast from the infernal wastes to wander the surface lands. | |
Chwinga | ||
Cijelese | Dryads that appears elven except for their plant like hair. | |
Cinderace | Speedy lagomorphs who turn pebbles to fireballs just by kicking them. | |
Cindsler | a anthropomorphic rabbits who use there powerful muscles to use | |
Clabber | Half-Mimics, created with a touch of necromancy. | |
Clamantes Hostia | A word from the wise: betrayed children rarely stay dead. | |
Clan Cat, Warrior Cat Edition | Clan cats from Warriors | |
Clawfolk | A hardy race of ranger type humanoids. | |
Clayën | A humanoid mantis shrimp, who, as you might expect, has a propensity for ambushes. | |
Cleansed Blight | What began as an evil awakening of plants has turned into thriving settlements of these goodhearted beings. | |
Clefable | Odd fey who are elusive until the moon shows | |
Clockwork | Constructs built to mimic certain races. | |
Clockwork Construct | Constructs built to mimic certain races. | |
Clockwork Man | Constructs created through mechanics rather than magic. | |
Clone Series | Created for one purpose only, to pilot an Evangelion. | |
Clone Trooper | soldiers fighting for the republic | |
Cloudshifter | People made of sky and thunder. | |
Clown, Variant | A joyful and strange race of humanoids often thought to be little more than jokes. | |
Clugs | Four armed, two headed humanoids of great strength. | |
Cnámhrûh | Skeletons imbued with the runes of necromancy | |
Cofagrigus | Dark spirited creatures that are tied to sarcophagi. | |
Coldskin | Coldskin are humans that came in contact with the Elemental Planes of Water and Air in a bizarre event that changed them, and their world, forever. | |
Coldskin, Variant | Those who tried to absorb cold lost their humanity. | |
Coldvein | Undead elves shrouded in mystery. | |
Coleoptera | A race of multiple tribal beatles with a social structure. | |
Colossus | "Living castles" created to defend and destroy, who unexpectedly have sentience and a soul. | |
Concubus | A little fiend and a little fey make for an interesting combination. | |
Conrectus | Living stones came together like cells of a body to create a collective existence | |
Console Patron Unit | You are a down to earth being powered by faith; you mingle with the people to garner their respect and reverence. | |
Convel | Humanoids with the ears tails and canines of a wolf, with strong loyalty to their friends | |
Corado | Beings of desire and lust who are trying their best to fit in. | |
Core Conscience | You are a failed enchantment, with dreams bigger than your own. | |
Corebot | These bots have several forms, and as such have different abilities for every form. But, a few things are common. | |
CoreKin | "Constructs created by magic, surrounding a gem core that controls them." | |
Corivilus | The Corivilus are a flying ape-like creature originally from the Elemental Plane of Air. | |
Cornerian | A peaceful, furry race of humanoid aliens. | |
Corodont | Masked beings of the sword | |
Corollin | Formerly constructs created by magic, powered by a gem core that controls them. | |
Corrupted | An enduring folk, the Corrupted make up for their comparatively weak combat skills with strong resistance and arcane knowledge. | |
Corrupted Weapon | Corrupted Weapons contain ancient, evil souls within weapons, and tend to have a few tricks up their sleeves. | |
Cosmalog | Cloudy humanoids from the skies above, brought by a holy comet. | |
Cosmic Elf | Elfs affected by the astral plane on a molecular level and now possessing unique powers. | |
Cosmic Nychdrake | A bat-like humanoid with dragon-like features | |
Couatl | Also called neouatls, these are humanoids blessed by couatls to carry their heritage. | |
Cowfolk | Your Cowfolk character is has an array of traits developed over time either by the environment they live in or instilled by their protective disposition. | |
Coyouin | Shark-like people who are friendly beyond belief. | |
Coyouin Fourfooter | Strong and loyal shark-dog hybrids that patrol the ocean waters. | |
Crabfolk | Crab-like humanoids with large claws and great strength. Look like crab, talk like people. | |
Cragfar | Stonewalking peoples who build settlements on the sides of sheer cliffs. | |
Creoboros | Superior Hellhounds who gained human-like intellect by devouring the flesh of their own kin. | |
Crimson Demon | A clan of modified humans known for their red eyes, magical talent, and odd behavior. | |
Crocodilian | Humanoid crocodiles that lurk in swamplands | |
Crossbreed | Born of Dragon and Celestial, prepared to lay down their lives for their cause | |
Crustacheae | Crab-like beings that are healers | |
Cryslesian | A race of sentient crystal creatures who originated from a chaotic plane filled with storms. | |
Crystal Elf, Variant | ||
Crystal Gems | An intergalactic race of sentient gemstones. | |
Cursed of the Abyss | Cursed by the Abyss are extremely closed and quiet beings | |
Cursed Oni | ||
Cy'kn | Cy'kn are lizardlike humanoids that originate from the Lower Planes. Ironically, they are champions of justice. | |
Cybertronian, Variant | Cybertronians are a race of living machines which can disguise themselves as flesh-and-blood beasts. | |
Cyborg | A race whose physical abilities are extended beyond normal limitations by mechanical elements built into the body. | |
Cyclizar | Speedy and friendly lizards who love carrying people across the land. | |
Cyclops, Variant | As a Legendary Cyclops you count as both a Giant and a Humanoid | |
D'ziriak | Cheerfully coloured, glowing insectile humanoids dwelling in the Shadowfell. | |
Daemonii | Let these carry your power to swell within your muscles and your rage course through your veins! | |
Dai-Oni | All Oni Share in these traits. | |
Daisnavien | Glimmering humanoids born of plants | |
Daiyokai | Greater rulers of yokai | |
Damejin | People who have lost their limbs and taken on broken forms | |
Dant | A race mistreated for their demonic lineage | |
Dantise | Also known as Dire Elves. A crossbreed of orc and elves, the dantise blends the traits of both races. | |
Darja | Elemental folk with a penchant for storytelling | |
Dark Aberration | Tall beings like darkness materialized | |
Dark One, Variant | Homo Novus, the Dark Ones, are Mystic masters born in a radioactive world that was left to rot. They decided to thrive. Where the radiation was most abundant they were born. However they are a rare species | |
Dark Ones | Homo Novus, the Dark Ones, are Mystic masters born in a radioactive world that was left to rot. They decided to thrive. | |
Darkborn | Nil-touched humans | |
Darkling | Seelie fey whose curse causes them to rapidly age in sunlight, but make great assassins. | |
Darkner | Whimsical beings of darkness given life by mystical Fountains of energy. | |
Daverst | Facetious beings born of fear | |
Dea | Angelic creatures who detest fiends. | |
Death Himself | ||
Death Qaz | Death has befallen you but the Shadowfell has raised you above both life and death | |
Deathborne | Remorse is just an easy excuse, for weakness | |
Deathfung | Fungi people grown of corpses | |
Decidueye | Collected, focused avian pokemon who employ ranged combat and stealthy tactics to win their battles. | |
Dedede Spawn | The origins of this race can be traced back to the Great King Dedede, who somehow managed to reproduce alone and spawned this proud, stupid, and powerful race of creatures. | |
Deep One | Sometimes religious, sometimes not. These wicked fish were created by Cthulhu himself. | |
Deepspawn | As a child of the horrific and non-Euclidean denizens of the far realm, you have a number of aberrant features. | |
Deiara | Beings infused with divine power, Deiara are the offspring or chosen of the gods, blessed with supernatural gifts. | |
Deigen | Once gods, the Deigen now walk among mortals, carrying a fraction of their former power. | |
Delphox | Bipedal vulpine diviners with a mastery of fire magic and psionics. | |
Dem'Fe | Strength doesn't come from the arms that carry your weapons, but actions you do in the name of your tribe. A race of 4-armed desert dwelling elvish-folk that favor might to magic. | |
Demi-Beast | The Animal features of a Demi-Beast allows them to have the advantages on an animal | |
Demi-Beast, Variant | The Animal features of a Demi-Beast allows them to have the advantages on an animal | |
Demi-Kaiser | Humans changed to beasts by emulating behemoths | |
Demidoppel | Humanoids changed by their swap at birth | |
Demigod | The offspring of a god and a mortal, a hero of days, a Demigod. | |
Demigod, 2nd Variant | The offspring of a god and a mortal, a hero of days, a Demigod. | |
Demigod, 3rd Variant | The offspring of a god and a mortal, a hero of days, a Demigod. | |
Demigod, Modulation | ||
Demigod, Variant | ||
Demon (Demon Slayer) (5e Class) | ||
Demon - Variant, Kimetsu no Yaiba | ||
Demon Realm Race (Dragon Ball: Further Beyond Supplement) | Residents of The Hellish Demon Realm, who are gifted with magical and bodily prowess. | |
Demon Weapon | ||
Demyling | "Yes, I am Half Halfling, but don't call me a Quarterling!" | |
Denieran | A race of humanoids with large magical eyes and strangely colored skin. | |
Derro | Underdark humanoids that resemble dwarves | |
Devil (Black Clover Supplement) | ||
Devil BC | Creatures a devil lives in. | |
Devil Gear | Mechanical servants born and bred in the Underworld | |
Devil's Child | The offspring of a devil and a human ritual. | |
Devilkin | Devil/Mortal love baby | |
Dhampir | The offspring of a vampire and a human necrophiliac. | |
Dhampir / Dhampirica | Vampire half breeds that took on the strengths, but few weaknesses, of the vampires | |
Dhampir, 2nd Variant | ||
Dhampir, Variant | The offspring of a vampire and a human necrophiliac. | |
Dhampire | Vampire-human spawn with magic and spirit capabilities | |
Dhampyr | Not quite living, not undead, Dhampyr tread the twilight path between the living and the undead. | |
Dhamyre | Zombie vampires | |
Digimon | Digimon are digital creatures that digivolve to improve their level of power and abilities over their previous form. | |
Dinorain | ||
Diopsid | Tall beetle-like creatures from the Underdark. | |
Dire Human | Humans after a bad episode of naked and afraid. | |
Directive-Bound Constructs | Mechanical constructs bound to directives, designed for specialized tasks. | |
Disassembly Drone | ||
Displacer Beast | The Displacer Beast are a race of formerly monstrous feline-folk that live within the dark places of the world. | |
Displacer Kin | The Displacer Kin are a race of formerly monstrous feline-folk that live within the dark places of the world. | |
Dissertation | ||
Djinni | All Djinni, no matter the difference, have some kind of familiar traits. | |
Dnilb | Dnilbs are eyeless bipedal fish. | |
Dogfolk | There are many Dogfolk breeds. No matter the breed, these are your ability score increases. | |
Doppelganger | A deceitful race of shapeshifting hedonists, with quick reflexes and strange outlooks. | |
Dorejji | ||
Dorthin | Blind, monastic humanoids | |
Draak'ar | Descendants of cursed dragons who used magic to regain some of their power, at a cost. | |
Dracen | The deformed spawn of the copulation between dragon and man. | |
Draconic Angel | A crossbreed between an angel and a dragon, draconic angels inherit the best of both worlds. | |
Dracotaur | Dragon centaurs! | |
Dracotaur, Variant | ||
Dracqus | Draconic equine humanoids | |
Dragiffborn | A large beast dragonfolk embodying the fortitude of a bulky bulwark. | |
Dragon | Large, winged, reptilian creatures with a lust for treasure. | |
Dragon Ogre | A monstrous quadrupedal hyrbid of dragon and ogre. | |
Dragon-Human Deity Hybrid | The result between the mate of Deity and a Dragon. | |
Dragonbeast | Chimerical abominations of dragon and beast | |
Dragonblood Amazon | Half Dragonblood Outcast, Half Amazon | |
Dragonblood Outcasts | A cautious race of humans mixed with a little dragon blood. | |
Dragone | ||
Dragonfolk | Medium-sized agile dragons who excel in spellcasting. | |
Dragonkin | More civilized than those dragonborn. | |
Dragonkin, Variant | ||
Dragonsnakes | Frightful reptilian naga creatures | |
Dragonturtleborn | ||
Dragovian | Draconic Player Race, Winged casters similar to the Dragonborn. | |
Drake | Stunted dragons | |
Drakiin | Eladrin/dragon hybrids. | |
Drakken | Dragon fist warriors | |
Drakyn | Half-Humanoid, Half-Full-Dragon. | |
Drameleon | A Dragonborn like race that has adapted to the jungle and forest. | |
Drarctis | Draconic beings from the frigid plains of Kara-Tur | |
Dredge | Communist naked mole rats. | |
Dreki | Half-Human, Half-Dragon. | |
Drekolac | A reborn necromancer sacrifice | |
Drelanni | ||
Drell | You're a reptilian killing machine. | |
Drewkeen | Flighty beings with dumbo-esque ears | |
Drider | Half-spider, half-drow. These creatures are a testament to the will of the dark goddess Lolth. | |
Drider, Variant | Monstrous humanoid spider-like creatures. | |
Droll | Drow and troll spawn | |
Dromaeus | Anthropomorphic deinonychus. | |
Drone | Robots designed to either perform labor or kill people. | |
Drowconian | Drows with shadow dragon blood in their veins | |
Drowned Banshee | Souls bound by revenge and in search of purpose. | |
Drurkk | Orcs changed by demon blood | |
Dryad | Humanoids made of Wood. Guardians of the Forest. Watchers of Nature. | |
Dryquus | Horse elf people that resembles satyrs | |
Dryt | Plant based creatures that possess psionic abilities and a rich culture. | |
Duerdog | Underground dogs with surprising intelligence and magical affinity | |
Dullahan | The headless harbingers of death. | |
Dullahan, Variant | You are a black-robed headless horseman of Irish mythology. | |
Dunderling | The dunderlings are a sturdy race made with hard rocks and quick minds | |
Dwarf (Black Clover Supplement) | ||
Dwarf-Hog | Dwarf-hogs are a proud and physically powerful race descended from dwarves and hog folk. | |
Dwarf-Orc | ||
Dwelf | Half elf, half dwarf? What an abomination! | |
Dynastin | A race of bipedal beetle people | |
Dysteria | Diseased filled scavengers. | |
Dōbutsu | Anime animal people. | |
Eagle-folk | Eagle-folk are strong and agile | |
Earthling (Dragon Ball: Further Beyond Supplement) | ||
Earthmen | A race of poorly made golems turned free-thinking fighters. | |
Eastern Dragon Lamia | Serpentine half dragon body people | |
Eastern Dragonborn | The eastern dragonborn share similarities to the regular dragon in certain respects, though take after Chinese and Japanese dragons rather than western depictions. | |
Echani | ||
Eco-Touched | Nature gods have transformed these once-ordinary humanoids to save them from their near-death experiences in the wilderness. They have adapted to the wilds in which they almost died. | |
Eevlet | Small natural elementals who grow and morph into 8 different eevaforms, of the water, thunder, fire, eon, dark, life, ice, and light elements. | |
Eflint | Enigmatic evolutionaries ... or shapeshifting fibbers? | |
Egyphim | A unique, fallen angelic shifter that turns into a winged snake. | |
Eidolon | Cursed with eternal hunger for humanoid flesh, they live in cold shadows and blood. | |
Elan | Elans are humans that have been remade into stronger beings able to survive on nothing but their mental energy. | |
Eldar | A race of elf-like beings who travel the stars in mighty worldships. | |
Elderwood | Plants that take on the appearance and characteristics of other creatures. | |
Eldrazi | The Eldrazi are an abomination to all planes of existence. | |
Electivire | Bipedal, burly humanoids covered in yellow fur that electrocutes the competition. | |
Elemental Demon | As an Elemental Demon, you wield your chosen element with innate skill. The question is, which element? | |
Elementborn | Elementborn are the product of when a human has a kid with an elemental... however that happens. | |
Elf (Black Clover Supplement) | ||
Elf Orc | Elf orcs, savagely graceful or gracefully savage. You choose. | |
Elfil | Elfils, when they have reached adulthood, can be described as "immortal inter-dimensional psychokinetic invaders, bearing the distorted silhouette of angels." | |
Elftaur | An elf centaur. | |
Eliksni | "Come, come... I must have your scent..." | |
Eliotrope | Portal makers hunted for their abilities. | |
Elm | ||
Elnade | Elnade are strong-willed, wise, and attuned to the waters around them. | |
Elrakti | Elrakti are human-like spellcasters. They protect their homes with illusions and creatures. Some are very special...... | |
Elsen | The scattered inhabitants of three dead worlds trying to find their place. | |
Emboar | Emboar are powerful, bulky, and fast creatures... and pigs on fire. | |
Embodied Mouther | Gibbering Mouthers taken humanoid form, a race that battles with monstrous and aberrant origins. | |
Emheel | An undeveloped creature with the shell of an angelic human. | |
Emosoba | A personification of emotions | |
Endathar | Feline creatures that are actually pure demons | |
Enderman | These mysterious beings hail from a plane devoid of life. | |
Enkindled | The results of being shaped and molded by a shard of divinity. | |
Enthraller | Jet-black cobra-like beings | |
Entling | Entlings are a tree-like humanoid creature with incredible strength and barkskin that gives it a strong natural armor. | |
Entschmarner | The deathless ones, or delusional ones | |
Equestrians (Aleithia Supplement) | A race of sentient ponies granted their sentience by one of the Eldritch Gods. | |
Equinar | A being between good and evil, with traits of both | |
Erradiagos | The cowards of the dark | |
Estola: Crokodan | They live in harmony with the natural environment, and spend their time strengthening body and soul. | |
Esvalan | Esvalans are a strong and hardy race since they live in a desert. | |
Ettercap | Ettercaps are humanoid spiders that tend, feed, and watch over spiders the way a shepherd oversees a flock of sheep. They lair deep in remote forests. Fine strands of silk stream from glands in an ettercap's abdomen, letting it shoot sticky strands of webbing to bind, entrap, or strangle its victims. It can also use its webbing to fashion elaborate snares and nets, which often festoon its lair. | |
Etterkin, Variant | Etterkin are spider-like humanoids who are descended from Ettercaps. | |
Etterman | Ettermen are the ettercap-fused human creations of a mad wizard, using their webs and wall-climbing to uphold justice and good, or to savagely demolish their enemies. | |
Ettin | A race of two-headed giants | |
Everlasting Child | It looks like a child. It behaves like a child. It likes sweets. But it hasn't been a child for a good while. | |
Evnir | A clockwork race of unknown origins, even to themselves. | |
Extraplanar Demigod | Extraplanar demigods are a race of beings that are half-mortal and half-divine. | |
Extraplanar Demigod, Variant | The offspring of a god and a mortal, a hero of days, a Extraplanar Demigod. | |
Fae Born | Descendents of the Feywild, stolen from their origin | |
Fae Folk | ||
Faeborn, Variant | Descendents of the Feywild, stolen from their origin | |
Faenur | You are a race cursed for your vanity | |
Faerie Elf, 2nd Variant | Winged elven folk who are a half-breed between elves and the fey. | |
Faerie Elf, Variant | The Beautiful and Mischeivious Good and Evil Faeries | |
Fallen Angel | Once created for the sake of their deity, now serve themselves. | |
Fallen God | Once a deity, you now walk among mortals. Only a shred of your divine power remains. | |
Fallen Human, Variant | Human, Undertale Edition. | |
False Elf | Specialized elf hunters | |
Fanalis | People from a no-man's land that used to be beasts | |
Farspawn | As a child of the horrific and non-Euclidean denizens of the far realm, you can put your aberrant features to good use. | |
Faun | A lighthearted and nimble race, Fauns make excellent craftsmen and deadly hunters. | |
Faun, Variant | A capricious, conflicted, fun-loving and hedonistic sylvan race (fey), precisely the opposite of those stuffy elves. | |
Faunus | The forest dweller with an aptitude for magic from a natural crystal inside their bodies | |
Faunus, Variant | A people with a deep connection to nature that manifests in an Animal Aspect. And cute cat ears. | |
Featherkin | Descendants of those who dared eat griffons | |
Feles | Humanoids with cat-like ears, tails and claws. | |
Felin | A subset of tabaxi with innate magical abilities. | |
Fell Orc | A foul breed of wily orcs | |
Felys | A race of nomad feline humanoids with ambiguous morality. | |
Fen | Deathly mushroom people | |
Fennak | Big-eared fox people | |
Fennec | Long whiskered users of dark magic | |
Fenrirborn | The descendants of ancient and noble beasts, The Fenrir. Fenrirborns appear to be human in appearance, but their physical capabilities far exceed that of a normal human. | |
Fey Prairie Dog | A humanoid prairie dog | |
Fey'ri | Fiendish elves. | |
Feyrinus | Chimerical beast people born of survival of the fittest | |
Fiend (Chainsaw Man Supplement) | ||
Fiend (Public Safety Supplement) | ||
Filgaian | Rough and tumble humans from a Wild world. | |
Firbolg (Walls of Elisia) | ||
Firdrin | ||
Fireborn | Humanoids created in the ashes of a war between the Material and Fire planes. | |
Fireborn, Variant | Humanoids created in the ashes of a war between the Material and Fire planes. | |
Firefolk | Charred humanoids of a zealous following | |
Firenewt | Fire-worshipping amphibious militants. | |
Firenewt, Variant | Fire-worshipping amphibious militants. | |
Fish Men | A race of aquatic humanoids split into sub-races, each with their own benefits. | |
Fishfolk | Fishfolk are a humanoid race of fishlike people with a talent for speech. | |
Flamekin | Fire elementals born from freak magical accidents. | |
Flamekin, Variant | Fire elementals born from freak magical accidents. | |
Fleshform | Made of meat, muscle, and tissue, this being is a walking pile of flesh. | |
Flexface | ||
Flood | The unstoppable rival of all life in the galaxy. | |
Floran | Florans are strong and swift. Though they appear to lack intelligence, they only lack education. | |
Flumph | The mysterious flumphs drift through the Underdark propelled through the air by the jets whose sound gives them their name. | |
Flügel | ||
Fogborn | People cursed by fog and sickness. | |
Foghar | The Foghar are very different to one another, humans, and elves, despite looking like both. | |
Folf | Jellyfish-like beings | |
Folf, Variant | ||
Folicoatl | Raptor-like plant creatures, known for their flexibility and affinity to the forest. | |
Foreclaimers | Foreclaimers are an ancient ancestor to modern elves with no concept of empathy. These elves use sun-charged crystals to power themselves. Any racial traits are lost when unpowered. | |
Forest Golem | A race of stone and earth constructs, in which many plants take root. | |
Forest Golem, Variant | A race of stone and earth constructs, in which many plants take root. | |
Forgeborn | Forgeborns are magical, mechanical beings created by masters to serve, now seeking their own purpose and identity after gaining freedom. | |
Forgesoul | ||
Forloom | Creatures of omen born of regret | |
Formicid | An ant-like people with stark social differences between their sexes | |
Formless Folk | A highly skilled shapeshifter race with an unending craving for knowledge. | |
Forsaken | Forsaken are the Acolytes of knowledge. | |
Fox'smanuh | Foxes in the shape of eastern dragons | |
Foxfolk | A reclusive race of fox-like humanoids who hail from the Feywild. | |
Foxkin | ||
Fraal | Strange grey-skinned planewalkers. | |
Frankenstein | Frankensteins are large humans, created from the parts of other, deceased humans. Although this may seem like a grotesque combination, Frankensteins make great allies, but also great enemies. | |
Freak Chinaman | ||
Freljordian | Strong is useful to describe them, but not quite enough. | |
Fresno Nightcrawler | Fresno Nightcrawlers are odd creatures that wander the planes. | |
Frogfolk | Frogfolk are normal frogs enchanted by elven magic. | |
Frosk | Frozen dwarves from the far northern realms. | |
Froslass | Female snow spirits known for freezing men and using their corpses to decorate their dens. | |
Frost Demon | A powerful race of megalomaniacs. | |
Frost Folk | Arctic raiders born from a devilish deal. | |
Frostborn | A group of icy humanoids formed by a freak disaster storm of nature | |
Fu'Ara | Fey beings born with the spirit and body of the seasons. | |
Furchtman | Enigmatic dark entities | |
Furry | ||
Furry True | Honorable beings full of conviction | |
Fusilier | A race of winged humanoids with unique abilities. | |
Futakuchi | Two-mouthed people created of a curse | |
Fylgja | Fey-touched humanoids that can manipulate dreams. | |
Fée | Big-eyed draconic folk | |
Fēnglì De Xīyì Rén | The intelligent, ancient, reptilian island dwellers that most consider to be the apex of the races. | |
Gadragger | Gadragger are very intelligent and slightly monstrous item collectors. | |
Galapian | A race of turtle-like humanoids that move slowly, but are very hardy and wise. | |
Galeb Duhr | A boulderlike creature native to the Elemental Plane of Earth. | |
Galinae | Proud epicurian hybrid of humanoids and chickens born from a magical catastrophe centuries ago. | |
Gallade | Courteous creatures with an undying loyalty to those whom they share a close bond with. | |
Gamorrean | Strange bird-butterfly people | |
Gardevoir | Graceful creatures with an undying loyalty to those who they share a close bond with. | |
Gargoyle, Krothari | ||
Gargoyle, Variant | Living stone constructs made for tasks or protection. | |
Gastrosapien | Gastrosapiens are large bipedal snail creatures native to swamps and wetlands. | |
Gecko Stalker | Stealthy lizard people | |
Geist | Geists are a unique form of a ghost or other spirit in that they have elected to turn away from the Blessed Sleep, a form of the afterlife where the souls find eternal rest, rather than being prohibited from it due to a geist's anguish or regret overcoming the pull toward the Æther. | |
Geitlan | Geitlan, known to many as Goatfolk, are a race of half-human half-goat humanoids similar to Satyrs or Minotaur. | |
Geken | Nomadic lizard people that come in a variety of colors. | |
Gelida | A race of frigid humanoids | |
Gelruss | A desert creature born of everlasting hatred | |
Geminus | The sons and daughters of aasimar and tieflings | |
Gemnites | Gems of the Far Realm and Living Gate | |
Gems | An intergalactic race of sentient gemstones. | |
Gemstoned Angel | Gemstoned angels are angels with gem like wings, Outcasts from where angels reside and stay near the churches with stained glass. | |
Gemstonians | Terrifyingly efficient flesh crafting magical sentient constructs from another universe! What's not to love? | |
Genasi (Shadow) | Spectral part-elementals infused with the dark energies of the Shadowfell. | |
Gengar | Large rotund phantoms with a fondness for curses and an appetite for souls. | |
Genie | Phenomenal cosmic powers! Itty bitty living space… | |
Genie in a Bottle | Phenomenal cosmic powers! Itty bitty living space… | |
Gens d'Eau | Voyagers blessed by the god of the sea | |
Geotun | Cave dwelling genderless rock people. | |
Gerudo | Tall, beautiful, powerful, and brutal, the race of almost nothing but women is both coveted and feared. | |
Ghidalri | Weird looking humanoids with vague bird faces | |
Gholdengo | Golden golems made up of 1000 ancient coins and a friendly soul. | |
Ghost | Death is less permanent than you think. | |
Ghost, Variant | Death is less permanent than you think. | |
Ghost-Touched | Half ghost, half mortal being. | |
Ghoul | Feasters upon corpses | |
Ghoul, Fallout Variant | Ghouls are mutated humans or animals affected by the phenomenon of ghoulification. | |
Giant Ants | A race of giant ants | |
Giant Gorilla | ||
Giant Squirrel | Large squirrels with high intelligence, around the same as humans. | |
Giantkin | As varied as the great colossi that spawned them, giantkin share one thing in common: Strength. | |
Giff, Variant | Thick-skinned, hippopotami-headed spacefaring mercenaries with a love of firearms. | |
Gilldren | An intelligent, yet charismatic race with water as their greatest ally. | |
Gilles de Rais | Beings from another world that dwell within libraries. | |
Gillman | Wise and sturdy, the Gillmen are an aquatic humanoid race that are able to swim and breathe underwater. | |
Gimmaren | A gem-covered race of humanoids, forced into hiding millennia ago. | |
Githet | The Githet are a race of silent, stealthy feline-folk that live within tropical areas of the world. | |
Glich | People who paid to become technologically augmented into a sort of immortality | |
Gloura | Secretive and discrete creatures, Gloura are usually only seen on the night of a full or new moon. | |
Glowkin | Humanoids born to the underground brush. | |
Gnog | Stone skinned orc people | |
Gnokkin | A rock-headed race of people | |
Gnoll | Gnolls are brutal hunters with a demonic ancestry who are fiercely loyal to their pack. | |
Goat Folk | A demonic race of Goatnos. | |
Goblin Lord | Goblin Lords are discernable from normal goblins by their larger builds, they otherwise look like normal Goblins which is how they are discernable from goblinoids such as Hobgoblins and Bugbears. | |
Goetia (Vivziepop) | Goetia are Hellborn demons of royal blood. Unless they are banished, they are rarely adventurers because most of them (but not all) look down on other demons, particularly Imps and Hellhounds. | |
Golem | ||
Golisopod | Big armored sea creatures that sharpen their skills through meditation | |
Goober | Aliens who have surfed through the Astral Sea to take over planetoids. | |
Goodra | Joyful, draconic-ooze hybrids who love giving their friends slime-covered hugs. | |
Gorgon, Variant | As deadly as they are ravishing, a serpent-haired medusa suffers an immortal curse brought on by its own vanity. | |
Goron | Built like mountains, eating rocks, and wading through lava — gorons are nothing if not hardy and impregnable | |
Granbull | Dog-fairies with an intimidating appearance but a timid heart. | |
Grauel Kemono | Grauel Kemono are not attuned with their emotions or the emotions of others and are easily deceived, but make up for that with being quick and strong. | |
Graug | Monstrous creatures dwelling in mountains that can eat trolls | |
Graveur | Grave robbers with tough skin | |
Greater Hellhound | Greater Hellhounds are built to take what they want, when they want, to procreate. | |
Greedborne | A greedy and impressionable race. | |
Gren'wir | Dolphin-like humanoids who have largely avoided contact with other peoples beside their own. | |
Grendle | Humanoid creatures with troll ancestry | |
Greninja | Bipedal frog pokemon that destroy enemies with ninja-like movements and large shurikens made of compressed water. | |
Grey Elf | Half-Elf Half-Drow | |
Greydwarf | Earth, stones, and tree roots twisted together to form a body housing a tormented soul. Most are mindless savages; however, you are a more intelligent specimen. | |
User:GreyWolf102 | The child of a Tiefling and a Angel. | |
Grimlock, Variant | The hulking result of humans trapped in the Underdark for millennia. | |
Grimmsnarl | Powerful, fiendish looking goblinoids who use their hair to overpower their foes. | |
Grippli | Swampdwelling frogfolk, not to be confused with the grung or bullywug. | |
Grovetender | Grovetenders are golems made to tend to forests | |
Grummite | Small, Green, Amphibious and Extra Mean | |
Gryffindor | Gryffindors are, as said, the definition of the saying, tough cookie. | |
Guardian Cat, Warrior Cat Edition | Priest-like Cats | |
Guardian Construct | Guardian Constructs are metal guards for hire; programmed for combat and dutiful protectors. | |
Guardian of Light | Light and gun-wielding transhumans from a fallen system intent on seizing their destiny. | |
Guardinal | Beastly celestials who failed their duties | |
Guhuza | Simian people like gorillas and new world monkeys | |
Gungan | Ever wanted to play a character akin to Jar Jar Binks? | |
Hadozee, Variant | Space monkeys. | |
Haibane | These humanoids were once many things. Lovers, heroes, even villains once. Granted a second chance at life, with no memory of before, they now atone for the sins of their past lives. | |
Haileen | Demons with bone masks | |
Hailosi | Slender cactus-people from tropical islands. | |
Half Angel | Children born of an angel and a mortal. | |
Half Dragon, Fire Emblem Variant | Human/Dragon hybrids. | |
Half Fey | An enchanted race born of fey influence on humans | |
Half Giant, Variant | Large, burly half-breeds spawned from man and giant. | |
Half Goron | Half-Gorons often grow up on Hylian or Sheikah Villages but they continue on the legacy of their Goron tribe. | |
Half-Basilisk | The half-basilisks are a strong race with dripping poison from its claws and teeth. | |
Half-Beastkin | An animal like human race that possess ear and tails of animals. However, they have very human, or identical, face and body appearance with skins instead of fur or scales. | |
Half-Cerberus | Three headed humanoids. | |
Half-Crystallid | Humanoids crystalline augmentations, half-crystallids tend to be very skilled in combat. | |
Half-Devil | A being born of human and a greater devil. | |
Half-Douen | Trapped Forever in their twisted childish bodies saved from an early death. A curse? Or a chance for rebirth? | |
Half-Dragon | The spawn of Dragon and of Man. | |
Half-Dryad | The children of the forest fey. | |
Half-Dryad, Variant | Half-Dryads are fairy creatures with a special connection to nature | |
Half-Dwarf | Half-Dwarves share the versatility of their human heritage while retaining some of the resilience of their Dwarven ancestors. | |
Half-Dwarf, Variant | The rare product of a Human-Dwarven Coupling, though the results are contrary to the name. | |
Half-Genie | When someone wishes for a child from a powerful genie sometimes their energies get mixed in | |
Half-Gnoll | Abominations of human and gnoll ancestry | |
Half-Gnome, Variant | Half Gnomes exhibit traits from their Gnomish and Human parentage and some that are unique to just Half Gnomes. | |
Half-Goblinoid | Human-goblionoid spawn | |
Half-Golem | Tragic results from necromancy and golem magic | |
Half-Hag | Tall and lanky, born from hags who bed mortal men. At least they still retain minor qualities of their hag mothers. | |
Half-Human Half-Phantom | You are neither dead nor alive, yet both at once. | |
Half-Kitsune | A humanoid race with fox ears, fox tail, both or more anthropomorphic features of a fox. | |
Half-Magala | Your Gore Magala heritage gives you strong physical abilities and the distinct mantle of your ancestor. | |
Half-Medusa | Humanoid sea anemones | |
Half-Mimic | The unholy combination of a mimic and a humanoid. | |
Half-Minotaur | The further hybridization between bull and humans. | |
Half-Ogre | Unlike the already violent and destructive ogrillon, half-ogres may still retain sanity. Even though Ogres are savage, dumb creatures, their half-ogre children may not be like their ogre father. Half-ogres, pretty much like half-orcs, are normally seen as no different from their ogre ancestors, but it's all in the individual's power to not follow that path even though the bloodlust is still in their veins. | |
Half-Oni | Half-oni tend to either be troubled or calm and collected souls. The ones that are in between usually don't last long. | |
Half-Ooze | These creatures have a humanoid form, but are fluid and appear to be made of solid gel. | |
Half-Owlbear | The half owlbear is a strong yet cuddly race | |
Half-Saint | Reborn saints | |
Half-Satori | The child of a human and a mind reader, you have inherited the appearance of the former, but the power of the latter. | |
Half-Satori Half-Phantom | You're half-undead, and a mind reader. Though your mere existence generates a great deal of mistrust towards your kind, your mixed heritage is still a powerful thing. | |
Half-Solar | Celestials who were created in the like of solars to rid evil on the Material Plane. | |
Half-Tengu | Half human and half demon/spirit/diety | |
Half-Troll | Tough, fierce, and hungry, half-trolls combine the best traits of both their parents' biology. | |
Hallownest Inhabitant | The bug-like inhabitants of Hallownest. | |
Hanyo | These humanoids are the offspring of daiyoukai and humans. | |
Haraka | The Haraka are a fast snakelike people that have fast metabolisms. | |
Harpisk | Half seal people | |
Harpos | Secret keeping goat people | |
Harpy | Harpies are skilled on the ground and in the air, able to use their talons if unbroken and sing a song to captivate her foe. | |
Harpy, 2nd Variant | Half-Bird people that appear to be more bird than person. | |
Harpy, 3rd Variant | Yet another harpy PC race stat block. I tried to implement Harpy's Song in a balanced way... | |
Harpy, Variant | A race of monstrous humanoids that have avian features | |
Hasani | Humanoids formed of charcoal and coal whose fire lights up the Underdark. | |
Hatterene | Witch-like, noise-hating creatures who tear apart those who offend them with their tentacle-claw. | |
Haunted | ||
Hawsfrine | A sea dwelling fish-like humanoid native to the oceans of the Feywild | |
Headless Angels | Reapers born of the headless and the heavenly | |
Heart Born | Born of Mana you are hardy and adept at surviving harsh environments | |
Heartless (Kingdom Hearts Setting) | ||
Heatmor | Fiery anteaters | |
Hell Angel | Beings of an ominous origin | |
Hell Child | Humanoids born in the inhospitable depths | |
Hell Hound | Hellhounds are a race of canines, formerly bestial demons, that roam the planes in search of someone to serve. | |
Hellhound (Vivziepop) | Native to the Gluttony Ring, Hellhounds are in the lowest-ranking tier of Hell's hierarchy system. | |
Hellish Plantern | Thin creepy bodies made from dry roots, branches and vines, and a head of a big crop, from far can be mistaken by a weird or sick people | |
Hermit | ||
Hermitfolk | Bulky, crablike ocean dwellers with a penchant for mercantilism and all things shiny. | |
Hero of Time | A type of physically-enhanced humanoid, born to slay anything evil. | |
Hetzi Dracon | Relatives of dragonspawn, but more human | |
Hidoran | The hidoran are one of the mishaps formed of eldritch creation | |
High Entia | High Entia are angelic humanoid people with a curse buried deep in their genetics | |
Hippokin | Hippo-like people | |
Hircus | Hircus are humanoid goats with inherent fire magic and weapon training. | |
Hitmonshido | A rare long-existing evolution of the simple Tyrogue | |
Hive Being | Hive beings are humanoids composed entirely of insects or arachnids | |
Hiver | The Hivers of Kenshi have been made into a playable race in D&D! | |
Hog Folk | Pig-like beast-men, the descendants of an entire race cursed by their Gods. | |
Hog Folk, Variant | A race of humanoid hogs scarred by their repeating history of being enslaved. | |
Hollow | Corrupted souls turned monsters that seek the souls of others to devour | |
Homeblessed | ||
Hominapium | They're human sized bee people, and are either big bulky bumbles, or slender short killers | |
Homoluciola | Firefly-like humanoids that live in secluded forest villages. Known for their kindness and romantic aspirations. | |
Homsela | Selachi-humanoids who stand as middle ground between sahuagin and triton | |
Homunculus (5e Class) | The personification of emotion and an abomination of science. | |
Homunculus | Homunculi were created by a large merchant empire called Xerxes. | |
Homunculus 3rd Variant | To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's first law of Equivalent Exchange. | |
Homunculus, 2nd Variant | To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's first law of Equivalent Exchange. | |
Homunculus, Variant 3 | Souless, ageless, sterile creatures created through lost magic. | |
Hork-Bajir | A dinosaur-like, bark eating, pacifistic race | |
Horned Angel | Angels with horns. And scars. | |
Horned Lavernicus | The Horned Lavernicus' inherent traits and gained abilities combine to make them powerful (yet reluctant) foes in their desert home. | |
Horned-Folk | A race of genetically modified humans with horns. | |
Horologermus | Mechanical beings born of nature | |
Horsefolk | Horsefolk are a race who are very similar to humans, but have the appearance of colorful, bipedal equines. | |
Hothead | Humanoids with literal burning tempers | |
Hound Archon | Canine-headed celestial defenders of the innocent and the helpless against evil. | |
Human (Black Clover Supplement) | ||
Human (Soul Society Supplement) | ||
Human, Variant | Adaptable creatures capable of surviving in nearly every corner of every place. | |
Human, Versatile | ||
Human, Werewolf | Werewolves are naturally stronger individuals. Warriors will find that their being a werewolf suits them on the battlefield whereas less resourceful rogues will see it as a hindrance to their work. Mages may find it beneficial or infuriating depending on their repertoire. | |
Human-Thri | Human mantis hybrids | |
Humanoid Mimic | A more intelligent specimen of a well-known species of shapeshifting predators that has taken humanoid form. | |
Huncubi | Essentially a cambion | |
Huragok | Manufactured biological supercomputers with a healing aura. | |
Hurwaeti | The hurwaeti are an ancient humanoid race distantly related to both sahuagin and lizard men. | |
Hushabi | The Hushabi excels in aggressive hunter-like behavior, usually fighting up close and personal, with a great appreciation of a challenge, never underestimate a Hushabi's claws, since it might come back to bite you later. | |
Hydean | A strange and cursed lycanthrope relative | |
Hydris | People with many facets like heads of a hydra | |
Hydronian | The hydronians are a race of small humanoid hydras that are more afraid of humans than they are of the hydronians. | |
Hydronian, Variant | Hydras endowed with the gift of sentience, but damned to live exiled lives. | |
Hygeist | A being corrupted by a shadow cult and twisted into a demon. | |
Hylek | The Hylek are a species of alchemically-inclined tribal frog-men. | |
Hylian | The most widespread and influential people of Hyrule proper, the familiar hylian race is comprised of social creatures relatively advanced in the ways of magic and technology. | |
Hylian, Variant | A race of humans from the countries of Skyloft, Hyrule and the latter's flooded counterpart, the Great Sea | |
Hylotl | Fish-like creatures that lives mostly under water. Most of them have colorful tiny scales. | |
Hylvoran | Hylvorans are warriors and protectors of many galaxies and planets. | |
Hypasomnies | Literally eternal sleepwalkers. | |
Hyperion | Brilliant and haughty psychic constructs from the Astral Plane. | |
Hypno | A pokemon whose most horrifying characteristic is its ability to hypnotize and kidnap you while you sleep. | |
Hyrelliüm | Strange people with a biology entirely seperated from their parents. | |
Hüllerenner | Raptor-like fey creatures | |
Iceborn | Swift entities born from frozen waters, Iceborn dance about the battlefield and freeze foes in place. | |
Iceborn, Variant | Swift entities born from frozen waters, iceborn dance about the battlefield and freeze foes in place. | |
Iceheart | Although otherwise human, you have cold elemental abilities derived from your unusual ancestry. | |
Iceris | -they are very strong and bulky they can be fast but many are slow they can very intelligent and wise but then they are usually quite weak most Iceris are very charismatic. | |
Igazi | A race of satyr-like albinos with powerful running legs. | |
Igbourne | Reborn guardians of the life tree | |
Ignis Aetherian Drakora | Race create by magicians, mixing high elves, dragonborn and fire genasi | |
Igor | A race of humanoids who typically serve as professional servants. | |
Ik'tar | Small humanoids that roam the wilds. | |
Ikaroc | Shadowy beings bound to bones | |
Iksar | A race of reptilian warmongers | |
Ikuisuus | Stout dwarf-like creatures of great age and wisdom. | |
Illager | Illagers are warlike folk with powerful abilities. | |
Illithid | Alien, frightening beings of great mental prowess and forceful personalities. | |
Illyrian | Powerful winged, mercenary faries | |
Im'ten | Oddities formed of alien influence on fey | |
Immortuos | A humanoid whose loved ones were unable to bring them back from death fully, resulting in a twisted creature. | |
Imp (Vivziepop) | Native to the Wrath Ring, Imps are the lowest in Hell's hierarchy. | |
Imp, Variant | Lesser demons which escaped from the underworld, and adapted in a variety of ways. | |
Imperial Mammothus | ||
Imposed Corpse | Regular looking humanoid with a parasite for brains. | |
Imraz | A race of reptilians modeled after lions and sphinxes | |
Incineroar | Violent, selfish feline pokemon who employ fire and dirty tactics to win their battles. | |
Infernal Elf | Elves living in Abyss, that adapted to it. | |
Ink Cursed | A race cursed with short lives due to draining ink | |
Inkbond | Shadowy beings formed from the ink of long-forgotten, tarnished books and scrolls by neglect | |
Inkling, Variant | Aquatic creatures capable of firing ink over large distances. | |
Inkling, Variant 2 | ||
Innocent | ||
Insectaur | Giant praying mantis-like creature that originates from the Abyss. | |
Insectoid | Bugs the size of you. | |
Insidia | Chained turncoats risen from below | |
Inukasa | Inukasas are a race of anthropomorphic dogs who have demonic origins | |
Inuzuki | Dog people who have the biggest hearts | |
Invicta | Race created by infusing the very flesh of a creature with strength of their soul and mind, made to battle forces of planar evil. | |
Ionians | Warriors with psionic powers from a meteor | |
Ioun-born | People blessed by the goddess of knowledge | |
Iron Valiant | Vicious yet elegant futuristic robots found within the caves of an ancient crater. | |
Irotori | Bird-like creatures that cannot fly but have incredibly colorful feathers, save for the white and black. | |
Isekai Loli, Variant | By being reincarnated, you gained several blessings that made you very strong. | |
Isopos | ||
Istari | ||
Itario | Avid dancing people. | |
Ithnagau | Hyena-headed inhabitants of the spine of the world, their lives devoted to survival and the service of their monstrous god. | |
Iwin | Mountain folk with a strange language as well as scales and skin. | |
Jack-O’-Lantern | A race of humanoid pumpkin headed creatures. | |
Jackalfolk | Jackalfolk are a quick and wise race. | |
Jadian | Green-eyed humanoids of mystery | |
Jaffa | The jaffa are a race of human offshoots bred to serve as living incubators for alien parasites. | |
Janni | Desert dwelling genies that can easily pass as handsome humanoids. | |
January | Beings from another world whose every breath spurts forth a cloud of fine dust. | |
Jarkad | Warped humans descended from human cannibals who have made a pact with a demon, able to change themselves by feasting upon monsters. | |
Jawkir | ||
Jiangshi | Jiangshi are a special type of undead, made to be servants, but very much able to possess free will. | |
Jinchuriki | Jinchuriki are creatures of uncanny strength and constitution who function as a living prison or vessel for a powerful entity. | |
Jinei | Human stingrays | |
Jiralhanae | Jiralhanae, also known as Brutes, are massive mountains of muscle. | |
Joestar | Joestars have achieved the pinnacle of Strength and Charisma at birth and always have finely toned muscles no matter their figure. They also always have a pink birthmark in the shape of a star on their left shoulder. | |
Jotnar | Jotnar are the fierce descendants of goliaths and tieflings or other fiends. | |
Jotun | Jotun are frost giants of frigid, high-altitude biomes. By far, they are one of the oldest races originating from the god, Ymir. | |
Jronian | Jronians do not like technology as much as they like magic and their slaves. They are polite to each other and to those visiting, but they can be anything from kind and gentle to vicious if not downright cruel to those that bear the collar of a slave.
| |
Jupotes | Pugnacious wizard lizards | |
Jynx | Humanoid pokemon whose hypnotic sashaying is as mysterious as it's unique, special language. | |
Jörmungandr-barn | Frightful reptilian naga creatures | |
Kabaneri | Undead humanoids with a burning heart and need for blood | |
Kabutops | Fossils bought back to life with scythe hands | |
Kadabra | Powerful psychics, Kadabra emits alpha waves strong enough to induce headaches, and can even cause clocks to run backwards, machines to malfunction, and delicate devices to cease functioning altogether. All of Kadabra's brain cells work in unison while it uses its powers. Kadabra lives in urban areas. | |
Kaijukin | Titan-forged elemental humanoids | |
Kaimen | Powerful reptilians with a uniquely powerful bite. | |
Kaimen, Variant | Powerful reptilians with a uniquely powerful bite. | |
Kaiton | A Mechanical Power Armor Suit piloted by an awakened pet animal. | |
Kajask | Kajask are intelligent feline humanoids with the ability to transform into feline creatures. | |
Kakapo | Flightless birds with isolation tendencies | |
Kalegard | Noble warrior peoples who hail from a rough land. | |
Kalilith | ||
Kamel | Kamels are camels that have evolved strangely and ended up being humanoid. | |
Kangaskhan | Tall kangaroo-like mothers who are completely devoted to their children. | |
Kapiwaba | Kapiwaba are big, furry friends, who are at home among the animals of the forest. | |
Kapre | A large forest dwelling race of humanoids with an almost barky skin. | |
Karakuri | A mechanical race, each bound to a small box containing a spirit. | |
Karkinos | Karkinos have incredible strength and resilience. They have giant claws which they can use as impromptu weapons. Their exoskeletons act as natural armor. | |
Karsite | The descendants of Karsus with innate antimagic. | |
Karvaskjar | Hulking practitioners of dark nature magic | |
Kawari | Shadowy elementals of balance | |
Kemonomimi | A human-like race with animal ears and/or tails | |
Kerbal | Small, green, spacefaring humanoids from distant planet Kerbin. | |
Kestral | Stuck between the living and the dead the path of a Kestral is unknown but almost certainly full of strife. but those who find the strength to conquer themselves have the potential to become terrifying Forces of nature. savage Champions of chaos. or even Heroes to the deserving. | |
Kha'Zath | Frightful insectoid fungus creatures from the Far Plane | |
Khajiit | The Khajiit are a race of feline humanoids from Elsweyr. | |
Khora | A blue skinned people from the Gate of Moon | |
Kig-Yar | An avian race native to Eyan, they serve the Covenant as shock troops, snipers, scouts and defensive back line infantry. | |
Kiggaroo | The claimed descendants of qilin | |
Kijen | Elementals born as a result of chaotic collisions | |
Kikura'aht | Chimerical bird-leopard creatures that live high in trees | |
Kin Cat, Warrior Cat Edition | Cat good at lying | |
Kin Moon Presence | Monsters from another plane have given spawn to hybrid aberrations through virgin mothers. | |
Kipir | Kipir are an evolved form of a winged owlbear known as a kipine, having shed their monstrous origins for a smaller form and a more civilized lifestyle. | |
Kirishune | Blood-headed fox creatures... | |
Kiristali | Kiristali are crystalline humanoid elementals with a large blade on their forearm. | |
Kita Oni | Oni that have been tamed or cut down to size, but remain powerful nonetheless | |
Kitjar | These fierce feline hunters make great enemies, but even greater allies. | |
Kitsatronian | Fox people from a dying planet | |
Kitsune (3rd Variant) | Kitsune are anthropomorphic tricksters foxes originating from the Feywild and wield minor magical abilities. | |
Kitsune | A race of anthropomorphic fox people who have magic in their blood and light shape-changing capabilities. | |
Kitsune Spawn | ||
Kitsune Spawn, 2nd Variant | ||
Kitsune, 2nd Variant | A Trickster Fox Spirit that is feared for its mischievous behavior and abilities. | |
Kitsune, 7th Variant | A race of humanoid, anthropomorphic fox people who are coveted for their power, and infamously known for their shapeshifting abilities from a fox. | |
Kitsune, 9th Variant | A race of humanoid, anthropomorphic fox people who are coveted for their power, and infamously known for their shapeshifting abilities from a fox. | |
Kitsune, Variant | Kitsune are anthropomorphic tricksters foxes originating from the Feywild and wield minor magical abilities. | |
Kittypet Cat, Warrior Cat Edition | cat that lives with twolegs | |
Klingon | Militaristic alien beings with redundant biology | |
Klyntar | An oozelike parasite which grants their host extraordinary capabilities. | |
Kneeforged | Bird headed humanoids with great knees | |
Knocker | Small, Intelligent and Nimble, the cave-dwelling Knockers are known for their trickery and understanding of underground environments | |
Koborc | The weird result of kobolds and orcs mating | |
Kodan | A wise, seafaring race of bipedal polar bears. | |
Koloss | Hulking humanoids that never stop growing | |
Komodo | Tall, powerful lizard men | |
Kor | Kor are athletic climbers, known for their use of rope to swing and climb through the dizzying vertical terrain of Zendikar. Your Kor character has these traits. | |
Kor, Variant | A rock climbing race of elves known for their quick minds and feet. | |
Korok | Small, peaceful, immortal, and child-like plant creatures. They aren't much for combat or stealth, but it's hard not to smile around them. | |
Kra 'i' Maghull | Quaint monastic aliens | |
Krakin | Infused with the power of the mighty kraken, these betentacled humanoids can unlock the might of the ocean within their titan blood. | |
Krogan | As per Mass Effect games. | |
Kronan | Ancient stone people from space | |
Krookodile | Bullies of the desert sands that tear prey in half with their powerful jaws. | |
Kroot | Vicious monsters that evolve quickly from what they eat. | |
Krynn | The race of horned, dark-skinned giants is known for their great strength, durability, and prowess in enchantment magic | |
Kryptonian | Kryptonians have a series of traits in common with one another regardless of the light they find themselves under. Kryptonian powers developed under a yellow sun are detailed within the Kryptonian class. | |
Kthaar | ||
Kul | One legged humanoids | |
Kumakin | Savage humanoids with bear-like strength and ferocity. | |
Kuo-Toa | A repugnant race of slimy fish-like humanoids. | |
Kurent | A race of furry, horned beasts with tusks and a long tongue that live in the mountains. | |
Kurshisei | Demons from the treetops | |
Kurta | Tribes of people with special, coveted eyes | |
Kyoukotsu | "Crazy Bones" for people who like mismatched skeletons. | |
Kyuuso | Cornered rat people | |
Kyuzo | Aliens of unequaled strength and agility for their size | |
Lagomorph | Desert-dwelling humanoids with the appearance and abilities of a jackrabbit. | |
Laguz | Proud warriors who use the power of the beast inside to fight. | |
Lahtoa | A race of large, powerful, four-armed warriors. | |
Lalafell | ||
Lamia | Half-human, half-leonine servants of Graz'zt who are as deadly as they are beautiful. | |
Lamia, 2nd Variant | Serpentine grace, big tail and a nighttime blanket hog. | |
Lamnidroid | Sharks with blade faces | |
Lapicentaur | Sleek, fast, and alert, lapicentaur traits reflect their leporine ancestry. | |
Lapine | Sleek, fast, and alert, lapine traits reflect their leporine ancestry. | |
Lati | Legendary draconic pokemon that fly through the air at incredible speeds. | |
Lecteur'Fou | Stout and monocular creatures that compulsively search for knowledge. | |
Leogrel | Leonine mongrel creatures | |
Leonid | Yeah, yeah, another anthro lion. These guys are really into capitalism though. | |
Leonin (5e Race Variant) | A variant of the 5e leonin, with three different subraces. | |
Leonin Variant | Prideful and Ferocious beasts who are excellent trackers, nothing escapes your clutches. | |
Leonine Fey | ||
Leora | Powerful, fearsome feline humanoids as strong as they are fast and frightening. | |
Lepidfolk | A race of moth-like fey folk. | |
Lepidotera | Butterfly people of dreams | |
Leporidae | Rabbit people. | |
Leprechaun | Leprechauns are odd fey, with one as tall as a human and the other short as a dwarf | |
Lepus | Freaky lapine humanoids | |
LeShay | An immortal, albino, elf-like fey creature of extraordinary magical power | |
Leshen | Creatures that resemble a mishmash of beasts, humanoids, and some machine | |
Leshy | Hulking human-like plants of the forests, sometimes embarking on the journey around the world. | |
Lesser Devil | The lowest ranks of the legions of Hell; Devils of low status but unmatched cunning. | |
Lesser Dragons | Dragons that are more magically inclined rather than big and strong. | |
Lethifold | ||
Leuco | Humanoids born of a parasitic plague | |
Leucolith | Mollusk-headed pale humanoids | |
Leviathan | A Leviathan taking humanoid form takes the power of the sea and their skill of hunt to battle. These fierce warriors turns the tides of battles with swift strikes and precise lunges. | |
Leviathorin | Leviathorin are a towering aquatic race with enough bite to match their bark and natural electrical abilities. | |
Lich | Lich's were once powerful mages, so they are often suited as wizards or sorcerers. | |
Lich, Variant | Liches are undead humanoids that used powerful magic to achieve immortality | |
Lichkin | Lichkin are byproducts of liches | |
Lieh Neko | You are a member of the catfolk, a urban race of small anthropomorphic cats. | |
Life-fiber Hybrid | Humans that are half life-fiber hybrids. | |
Light | You're an Elf-Angel hybrid in this holy combination. | |
Lightborn | Beings of positive energy | |
Lightning-Blood | Storm-born Celestial Humanoids | |
Lihzahrd | A reclusive race of reptilian folk found exclusively in a mysterious jungle temple. They look primitive, but are quite advanced. | |
Lilin | Pale, beautiful beings who seduce and feed on the life force of others. | |
Limus | Ooze creatures formed from magic | |
Lion Kin | As mighty as the beast they resemble, no trial is too great for the Lion Kin. | |
Liontaur | Lion centaur race. | |
Lisen | Lizard, fox, cat fusion creatures | |
Lithune, Variant | Lithune are charming but dangerous, luring adventurers into their traps with their otherworldly allure. | |
Little Sisters | Young human females corrupted by mental conditioning and the addiction towards the drug Adam. | |
Living Astral | ||
Living Grave | Undead eating holy constructs. | |
Living Weapon | Poor souls fused with magic to be the perfect weapon of destruction. | |
Livingsteel | A construct race created by intrepid artificers, completely alive. | |
Lizardkin | ||
Lizardmen, Warhammer | Lizard-like people spawned from magic pools. | |
Ljósálfar (3.5e Race) | ||
Lombax | A feline race, good with technology, and very intelligent. | |
Lorelei | You are a songstress of the water, children of the legendary Ladies of the Ocean, the Syrian, You are a Lorelei. A women who uses her voice to get what she desires. | |
Lost Child | Physical manifestations of immortal spiritual beings, which look and act like human children. | |
Lostfolk | The race called the lostfolk eat the flesh of their kills, whoever that may be. | |
Loxodon, Variant | Loxodons are rare elephant humanoids seeking a place in this world. | |
Lucario, Variant | As a riolu, you gain the following traits, and then some when you evolve. | |
Lucht-Flectere | A race of sentient constructs with mirrors for heads | |
Lucifiend | Demons of fallen radiance | |
Ludicolo | A strange, dance-loving creature that looks like a sombrero-wearing pineapple that some may call "ludicrous". | |
Lumate | A race of unusual but friendly creatures that are sometimes human, and sometimes not. | |
Lumen | A gleaming lycanthrope from the lunar plane | |
Luminari | A race of celestial healers blessed with radiant energy. | |
Lunarii | Humanoids with roots to the moon | |
Luopin | A race of humanoid jackalopes | |
Lupine | A lupine is a wolf-like humanoid. | |
Lupus | Lupus are humanoids with the features of a beast, making them both ferocious and fast. | |
Lutrinae'l | You are majestic, bold, proud; a race of Otter-like humanoids with much power, and a thrive to hunt. | |
Lycan | Humans turned aberrations by nature's curse | |
Lycan, Variant | Lycans are built tough and strong, not unlike the goliaths. | |
Lycanfolk | These wolfish fellows have the ability to change form and do not like sunlight. | |
Lycanian | Lycanian are humanoids with the features of a beast, making them both ferocious and fast. | |
Lycanthrope | ||
Lycanwing | These winged wolves are surprisingly defensive, rather than offensive, creatures | |
Lynian | Your lynian character still retains many traits from its primal feline ancestors, with the added enrichment of higher intelligence thrown in the mix. | |
Mace Armadillo | Mechanical beings modeled after armadillos | |
Machina Infernus | Machines of war power with demon flesh and blood | |
Machine Doll | The elegant robot. Built to last, moving tanks and breaking hearts. Don't go asking one for the meaning of life. | |
Mage Remnant | ||
Magen | Magical automata made with the create magen spell. | |
Magicia | Magic is a part of your being, down to your core. | |
Magma Blood | ||
Magnagrada | A bear-sized, extremely durable, pink tank | |
Magnataur | This creature has the upper torso, head, and arms of a giant with massive tusks and the body of a great woolly mammoth, similar to a centaur that is a half horse. | |
Magnisti | Magical, psionic humanoids seeking understanding | |
Magnitudian | A tribal race of humanoids with shape change powers | |
Maidmer | A reverse mermaid. | |
Maidra | Children of the maidens of odyssey | |
Maimtar | Muscular humanoids from the stars, | |
Majin | Majin race from the Dragonball series. | |
Majin (Dragon Ball: Further Beyond Supplement) | ||
Majin, Variant | Majin race from the Dragonball series. | |
Majmun | A race of highly tribal and spiritual ape-men that descended from were-apes | |
Malformed Goliath Half-Dragon | A powerful beast poorly merged with their humanoid forms. | |
Mammuthari | An ancient lineage of huge, woolly beastmen. The ancestors of of all modern Loxodon. | |
Mana Creature | A being made entirely out of magical energy. | |
Manakete | A race of draconic humanoids with awesome magical power. | |
Mancore | Tall, wise-looking men and woman that have a horn sticking from their foreheads. | |
Mandalorian | Human-like people descended from warlords | |
Manephaunt | The pony sized, sophant proboscideans of the hidden archipelago north of the Known World of Kaimere. | |
Mani Degradus | Beings from one of many hands | |
Mantasi | The Mantasi are humanoid versions of a vicious insect predator, as such, they have traits to match. | |
Mantis | Humanoids predators based off the lethal mantis. | |
Mantra Asura | A race of demi-gods that use Mantra. | |
Marilith | Formed from the darkness of the Abyss, your marilith character has several traits that attest to its demonic origins. | |
Marrowkin | The Marrowkin, a nomadic people gifted with bone manipulation abilities, traverse realms with bones as hard as steel, projecting ribcage-like spikes for protection and striking foes. Their enigmatic history intertwines with their linguistic versatility, reflecting the diverse encounters during their migratory existence. | |
Martalus | ||
Marunae | Mysterious mouthless fey who lurk in the deepest parts of the forest. | |
Mato | Aquatic humanoids of land and sea | |
Mayan | Ancient Human-like race with an understanding of the cosmos as strong as their brutality in battle. | |
Mazohk | A hardy race of aberrated humans, strong in magic and tribal in culture. | |
Mecharian | A series of constructs made deep underground | |
Mechon | You are a homs that has been captured and turned into a cyborg, that controlls a faced mechon armor. | |
Medicham | Belly dancer pokemon who use yoga to strengthen their minds. | |
Medrosakal | Medusa/Drow halfbreed. | |
Medusa (Young) | As deadly as they are ugly, a serpent-haired medusa suffers an immortal curse brought on by its own vanity. | |
Medusa-kin | The child of a medusa brought about by a wish, or a sick curse... | |
Meick | Beings attuned to astral energy | |
Meif'wa | Meif'wa are lithe and deathly, expertly navigating the wild to kill you before you even notice they're there. | |
Mekhane | Creation of Aeris Mekhaus, god of technology, searching for meaning in their almost neverending life. | |
Melasorm | A race of snake people with staining blood | |
Mentar | Psychic race of ever-floating humanoids. | |
Mentia | Humanoids with the ability to Split themselves into up to four separate individuals. | |
Merdragon | Mermaid-like water dragons | |
Merdwarf | Dwarven merpeople | |
Merenoloth | The intelligent ferrymen of the river | |
Merfolk Erectus | Amphibious coastal merfolk of the shallows and the shores. | |
Mermaid Cetacean | Fairly large individuals resembling mermaids, with more whale-like and Draconic traits and ancestry. | |
Mernotaur | Centaurs of the sea | |
Metalborn | An exceedingly elegant humanoid race made completely of magnificient living metal. | |
Meteorin | People born from magical meteors that crashed onto the world | |
Metuomagnus | A being made to infiltrate demons. | |
Mewmans | "It's gonna get a little weird, gonna get a little wild, I ain't from around here, I'm from another DIMENSION!" | |
Miak-Koyok | Kind of like if beehives were human shaped and moved. | |
Midas Warrior | Midas warriors uphold their code from a time long past | |
Mikoto | Carefree humanoids from the moon. Peaceful, artistic and sportive. | |
Milesan (Aleithia Supplement) | The "Children of the Stars", people believe they may come from the Far Plane. | |
Miltank | Friendly bovines whose milk is as potent as its attacks. | |
Mimic | A more intelligent specimen of a well-known species of shapeshifting predators. | |
Mimic, Variant | A variant, more intelligent specimen of a well-known race of shapeshifting predators. Always a chest, this version grows humanoid limbs in order to engage its foes. | |
Mimiga | Rabbit and dog-like hybrid creatures | |
Minea | Mineas excel in charisma and illusions, but due to existing only as mind projections they tend to be have a weak presence in the world. | |
Minecrafter | ||
Minecrafter | Angular folk with extreme work etiquette. Usually busy punching trees and building dirt shacks. | |
Mineralean | Golems animated by the wills of gods and dead miners | |
Minifig | Lego figure folk | |
Minomaid | Offspring of minotaurs and merfolk | |
Minor Angel | The lowest tiers of angels either on the material plane by choice or exile. | |
Miqo'te | A race that inherited feline features through their ancestry and traveled all the way from Eorzea to the D&D realm. | |
Mirage | Beings infused with illusion magic | |
Mitocabra | Dwarven goat centaurs that live on high cliffs | |
Mizton | Horned cats, cousins of the kirre. | |
Mobian, Variant | An anthropomorphic race with many different animal subraces based on the Sonic The Hedgehog franchise. | |
Mobile Water Weird | A Mobile Water Weird is a Water Weird put into a special suit, allowing it to move around on land. | |
Mogma | These mole men, with their powerful upper bodies, burrow through dirt and sand at incredible speed. | |
Mogogol | Mogogols share many traits with the frogs from with they are descended. | |
Moldaren | A long-lived and durable fungoid race. | |
Mongrel, Variant | Revised Mongrel race for the purposes of balancing. A race of dog people, mans best friend. | |
Mongrelfolk | Less a race than a convenient category, the highly-variable mongrelfolk consist of every being who counts multiple types of humanoids among their ancestors. | |
Moon Elf | Both Lunar and Eclipse Factions share some similar characteristics: | |
Moon Folk | Otherworldly, but mute stargazers | |
Moonblood | Pretty much a human with snow white skin. | |
Moonborn | Beings descended from lunar celestials | |
Moove | Aberrations from illithid experiments | |
Mothflok | Gentle souls guided by the light of their lover: The Moon | |
Motti | Moth bat people | |
Mountain Orc | Baphomet's orc babies, even more than tanarukks | |
Muk | Toxic slime Pokémon that smell worse than feces, rotting flesh, eggs, and heavily fermented sauerkraut... Yuck | |
Mukha-vale | Four-armed islanders born of a masked god. | |
Mul | Human dwarf offspring | |
Munchkins | Actually regular sized people who just have a height cap | |
Mushi | Cursed bug-man hybrids | |
Mustilian | ||
Mutant | Part humanoid, part web slinging spider | |
Mutazoid | A humanoid injected with a serum to become a mutated super-humanoid. | |
Mycelious | Fungal creatures that have evolved to resemble pale elves with mushroom caps | |
Myconid | A group of fungi humanoids who inhabit the underdark | |
Mystage | People who became infused with mist | |
Mystic | Mystics who use the power of the mind and the potential of their body to make them stronger. | |
Mystic Human | Mystics who use the power of the mind and the potential of their body to make them stronger. | |
Mytuos | Masked humanoids practically born to be harlequins. It's actually in their blood, and out of it. | |
Myxapia | A race of intelligent ooze-like people | |
Na'kii | A race of humanoid forest guardians | |
Naga | A proud race, their species varied by the environments they had taken residence to in the centuries following the birth of their kind. | |
Naga/Lâmia | A proud race, their species varied by the environments they had taken residence to in the centuries following the birth of their kind. | |
Nahobino | A people born from a forgotten goddess of war, they are capable of regaining a fraction of their god-like power and using themselves as a weapon. | |
Namekian | These green-skinned humanoids hail from a far-away planet, and are renowned for their regenerative capabilities and manipulation of ki. | |
Namekian (Dragon Ball: Further Beyond Supplement) | ||
Nautolan | Amphibious, tentacle-headed aliens | |
Navarada | The navarada are ancient supernatural beings that live in shadows. | |
Navigator | An offshoot of the human race, navigators possess a third eye that can see the supernatural. | |
Necrolyte | A creature born from pure necrotic energy. | |
Necron | An ancient race of undying skeleton robots. | |
Neko, 3rd Variant | Anime cat people. | |
Neko, Variant | Anime cat people. | |
Neoshadow | Lanky pureblood Heartless. | |
Nephalem | Half angel, half devil. | |
Nephil | The children of earth | |
Nephilim | Those who were cast out. The spawn of a celestial and a humanoid. A Nephilim. | |
Nephilim of Raziel | The children of humans and the angel Raziel. | |
Nequam | Cursed acolytes who have been transformed into devils by Lady Fierna | |
Nerubian | Arachnoids who are fiercely intelligent | |
Nescerei | Daughters of the air | |
Neshii | Reptilian humanoids who watched worlds die and passed mental strength on | |
Newtian | Anthropomorphic newts | |
Niev | Human beings giving blood powers who left their original purpose | |
Niffin | Made out of magic itself, niffins are cruel creatures that don't feel empathy. | |
Nightbleeder | Those who survive radiation with pitch black blood | |
Nightslicker | A dark, oily mass of tentacle hairs surrounds this strange creature like a natural robe | |
Nionova | ||
Niphin | A race of humanoid beings made of solidified magical energy. | |
Nix | Water fey creatures known for mischief | |
Njutco | From the remote edges of civilization, these monkey-like creatures climb and trick their way to notoriety. | |
Nobody | A race of hollowed humanoids. | |
Nobody (Kingdom Hearts Setting) | ||
Nobody, Variant | Nobodies are humanoids who have lost their Heart through abnormal means. | |
Nocturne | Humanoids of the Shadowfell, infused with shadowstuff. | |
Nohr | You are the remains of a mighty race, and you have not aged well. | |
Norowareta Banshee | Souls bound by tragedy, and cursed with undeath. | |
Nosferatu | The scrawny, sewer dwelling lesser cousin of the proud Vampire with its own ways to hunt. | |
Notzokideu | The "crow-folk" pterosaurs of the Pakardiant highlands of Kaimere. | |
Novakid | Primordial humanoids of pure solar energy that function as small suns. | |
Noxian | Monsters of the Night that scare and cause fright. Ooga Booga! | |
Nu Mou | Short, intelligent dog-like humanoids in touch with arcana | |
Nuzulk | Pranksters of the night | |
Nymph | Your nymph character has a variety of supernatural abilities, due to their fey blood. | |
Nymph, 2nd Variant | This variant of the keeps a lot from the other Nymph class on this site, however, this variant was to more greatly embrace the Nymphs grace and ability to charm other races. | |
Nymph, 3rd Variant | ||
Nymph, 4th Variant | This variant of the keeps a lot from the other Nymph class on this site, however, this variant was to more greatly embrace the Nymphs grace and ability to charm other races. | |
Nymph, Variant | Your nymph character has a variety of supernatural abilities, due to their fey blood. | |
Nyx | ||
Nökken | Shape shifters made of shadow and born from death. | |
Númenórean | The Númenóreans were extremely skilled in arts and craft, with the forging of weapons and armor; although they were a peaceful people, their weapons, armor, and horse-riding skills could not be contested anywhere else in Arda, save for the Valar. But the númenóreans were not warmongers, hence the chief art on the island became that of ship-building and sea-craft. The Númenóreans became great mariners, exploring the world in all directions save for the westward, where the Ban of the Valar was in force. They often traveled to the shores of Middle-earth, teaching the men there the art and craft, and introduced farming as to improve their everyday lives. | |
O'korn | An o'korn is strong in both body and mind, their watermark making them more durable than most. | |
Oakera | Tall tree people with a habit of being the nicest person you will ever know! | |
Object Head | an Object head. | |
Obstagoon | Confrontational obstructers of battle | |
Ocarin | Naga like sea creatures that are often xenophobic. | |
Occip | Humanoids covered in burns and eyes | |
Ocelotl | The Ocelotl are quick, strong and savage defenders of the wild, resembling humanoid jungle felines. | |
Ochipir | Unique creatures forced to adapt to different terrains. | |
Octofolk | ||
Ogre | ||
Ogre, Variant | ||
Ogrillon | Ogrillons (or Half-Ogres as they're most commonly known) are the result of a coupling between an ogre and a member of a different species, most commonly orcs. They're known for their strength and fierce temper, as well as their stupidity. | |
Okka | Okkans are naturally charming and use their charm to influence the outcome of conversations or avoid battle. | |
Omegaunt | Elementals of necrotic stuffs | |
Omegian | ||
Omikyr | Fey creatures that vaguely resemble humanoids with the heads of deer. | |
Omoseer | Former humans mutated by an elder brain's fluids | |
Onbongo | Beings fallen from the stars of dark and light | |
Oni | Once proud protectors of the spirit world, now rowdy creatures of the night. | |
Oni of Valghorn | Once proud rulers of the plane of shadow, now turbulent creatures of the night. | |
Onyx Skeleton | Skeletons made of onyx | |
Oovi-Kat | The Oovi-Kat are a race known for there individuality... and there disguises. | |
Ooze-Kin | All ooze-kin share some common composition, giving them some similar traits. | |
Oozeling | A race of stout and intelligent humanoids originally hailing from the Far Realm. | |
Ophidian Lycanthrope | A shapechanger infused with serpentine abilities, capable of shifting between humanoid, hybrid, and full serpent forms. | |
Oragim | A race of enchanted paper people. | |
Orc, Variant | The Orcs are an honor fulled race from the World of Warcraft series. | |
Ornn-yte | An ancient race of Ornns. | |
Orristaten | A typical member of the orristaten people | |
Ortroxxal | Elasmobronchial humanoids | |
Osnian | Mycelial or Mucoric, The Osna are a divided people united by a common history. | |
Outsider | Eldritch beings underfoot and among us | |
Ovisii | The ovisii, a simple people reminiscent of domestic sheep. | |
Owl Demon | Owl Demon Hybrids which originate from the 9 Hells. | |
Owlborn | Owlborn are wise creatures that usually avoid violence when possible. Owlborns are very respectful of their traditions, and love to learn the traditions of other cultures. | |
Owlfolk | Wise humanoids with plumage, claws, wings, and other features reminiscent of owls | |
Owlman | Creepy owl people | |
Owltons | A race of shapeshifter owls curious about others | |
Ozwok | A vulture-like race that are more minotaur than birdfolk. | |
Pachou | Humanoid moth-butterfly people | |
Paleblood | Palebloods are humans born of the Moon, with their true nature latent, with connections to the cosmos and the horrifying Eldritch Truth. | |
Panda Dragon | Humanoid pandas with dragons features | |
Pandafolk | Peaceful, slow people that commune with a spirit beast envoy from a dragon. | |
Pandaren | Hailing from the Pandaren Empire they are humanoid pandas on the World of Warcraft series. | |
Pandaren, 2nd Variant | Hailing from the Pandaren Empire they are humanoid pandas on the World of Warcraft series. | |
Pandaren, Variant | Hailing from the Pandaren Empire they are humanoid pandas on the World of Warcraft series. | |
Pandroums | Panda people of a continent beyond | |
Panduri | Chimerical fey who are hippies | |
Pangaloid | Chitin plated humanoids. | |
Pangolian | Naturally armored, xenophobic, and cautious, this large and sentient evolution of the small animal was a mysterious leap of nature. Though, they still just eat small bugs. | |
Pangolinomad | Large pangolin creatures with a fit ability for knowledge. | |
Pangoro | Pangoro are rough but gentle creatures... towards those who are kind and courteous. | |
Panthera | Race of humanoid felines living out near the arid lands of northern Faerun | |
Pantheran | Ferocious big cats of wars | |
Papallona | The beautiful butterfly nymphs of the East. | |
Papari | Paper effigies that seek identities to become | |
Paphagos | Magic eater puff people | |
Papolian | Flying pandas with butterfly wings | |
Parasite | Due to the limiting nature of your biological structure, you are incapable of choosing any class other than Parasite, which is likewise exclusive to this race. You can access Parasite (5e Class) here: https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Parasite_(5e_Class) | |
Parrot | Parrots are a birdlike humanoid race of colorful bird people that are accustomed to traversing the open seas, and tropics, alike. | |
Parrotfolk | Colourful and exuberant parrot people. | |
Patch-Flesh | A race of flesh-based forged beings | |
Patchwork Shapeshifter | ||
Pegasari | Divine horse humanoids with natural weapons and celestial abilities. | |
Perfect Homunculus | Created by the sacrifice of thousands upon thousands of people, these creatures now wander the world in search of the meaning of life. | |
Petra Vita | Curious and sweet golems born from catastrophe. | |
Petrified | ||
Petrosapien | Crystalline life forms with great durability | |
Phantom | Life goes on even after death, but to what extent is a mystery.- Yulon the Wise, on the subject of the Afterlife | |
Phantomborn | Undead children who died of tragedy | |
Phase Elves | Made for war they are lithe and well built beyond even the normal of Drow or Wood Elf | |
Pheobian | Rare beings fallen from the edge of space... | |
Philka | A race of humanoid faeries who are incredibly attuned to nature around them. | |
Phobian | Beings of fear, a prelude to war | |
Phoelarch | Humanoids believed to be descended from the legendary phoenix. | |
Phoenix | The children of communion with a phoenix | |
Phoenixhearted | Tall, wise, and colorful, the phoenixhearted embody the vibrancy of their mythical predecessor. | |
Phygmentborn | Other races magically imbued with the power of spirits. | |
Phykke | Phykkes are goblinoids, stronger than goblins and more dexterous than hobgoblins. | |
Pigeonfolk | Diverse Humanoids resembling their namesake bird. | |
Piglin | A race of pig-like humanoids from Hell with big muscles and bigger aspirations. | |
Pillar of Adolla (Better Fire Force Supplement) | Pillars of Adolla draw flames directly from Adolla. | |
Pisinguislor | One being, capable of changing its form to four different species. | |
Plaguespreader | Undead bringers of disease and pestilence | |
Plantling, Variant | "I am a plant too. If you prick me, do I not sap?" | |
Plumes | Bird armed people with gliding ability | |
Pnévma | Creatures of Light, magic oriented radiant spellcasters. | |
Pog | Pogs have a number of fiery, cheesy, cartoon-style traits. | |
Polar Dragonbeast | Polar bear dragon creatures | |
Polar Owl | Polar owls are large owls that are quick to move and aren't physically strong, but mentally strong. | |
Popori | Woodland creatures that have been awakened by a call of nature | |
Porcumen | A race of porcupine-like tribal people | |
Pot Fiend | Half-fiends that live inside pottery. The turtles of the lower planes. | |
Precudial | Old humanoid beings attuned to cold nature | |
Pridestalker | People who took on the powers of majestic beasts | |
Primal Zerg | Creatures of widely different shapes and sizes who take on the features of any life form that can be eaten. | |
Primarina | Beautiful mermaid-like creatures whose most powerful weapon is their singing voice. | |
Primelmen | A race of intelligent and stylish pig people | |
Proderes | Strange giant-related people with elven and orcish properties | |
Protector | Protectors are built to follow orders and guard the weak. That is their purpose, and the sole reason why they exist. | |
Prothean | The long-dead rulers of the galaxy. | |
Proto-Dragon | ||
Protogen | Protogens are 60% organic and 40% machine. | |
Pseudoimmortal | A race of humanoids with dark purple cracks adorning their body and a strange arcane power lying within them. | |
Pseudolich | A Pseudolich is an alchemically created undead, dedicated to purpose. | |
Psion | Psionically enhanced beings whose marksmanship | |
Psionic | Powerful Psychic beings | |
Psukhopomp | A race of ritualistically created beings | |
Psyche Swallower | A horrific being hiding in human skin that consumes sanity | |
Pterafolk | The hidden folk of the forests and skies | |
Pump-Kin | A tall, lanky race of terrifying, pumpkin-headed humanoids born from an unjust end. | |
Purpleborn | ||
Pyro Fiend | Tall flaming fiends who are bloodthirsty nomads | |
Pyro-Pantherian 1.0 | A short humanoid cat made of fire the doesnt emit smoke. | |
Pyronite | Don't try to turn me off, it'll make your life hell. | |
Qroxizian | Tribal nomads known for growing to great sizes and having druidic roots. | |
Qu'Raavi | ||
Quaggoth | Savage and territorial, quaggoths climb the chasms of the Underdark. They maul their foes in a frenzy, becoming even more murderous in the face of death. They will make great Monks and Druids with their sheer power and wisdom bonus, alongside Battle Clerics, Rangers or even Fighters. | |
Quagsire | Carefree and dopey creatures who would much rather relax in muddy water than fight. | |
Quantumborn | ||
Quarlish | ||
Quartarrasque | A Quarter-Tarrasque, or Quartarrasque for short. | |
Quebaerie | Very buff guardians of the forests | |
Quillback | A race of porcupine-like humanoids. | |
Quincy Human (Soul Society Supplement) | ||
Qunari | A race of horned humanoids in a rigid society | |
R'arinx | ||
Raakuo | Peaceful Green Demons from space. | |
Raesokeran Canis | Anthropomorphic wolves, jackals, and coyotes from the continent of Raesokera | |
Raesokeran Felis | Anthropomorphic wild felines from the continent of Raesokera | |
Raesokeran Ursus | Anthropomorphic bears, Raccoons, Badgers, and wolverines from the continent of Raesokera. | |
Raesokeran Vulpis | Anthropomorphic Fox races from the continent of Raesokera | |
Rag Doll | Construct dolls are constructs with immense variation. | |
Rahkshi | Reptilian constructs made for destruction | |
Raiju | Lightning-blooded beastkin | |
Raitohorudā | The bringers of light and peace. | |
Rak'ath | Lizard-like race, based around their color, great for rouges! | |
Rakshasa | A rakshasa is a human-feline fiend hybrid, fearsome and hale in stature | |
Rakshasa, Variant | The cat-shaped demons known as rakshasa are manipulative, tiger-like fiends. | |
Ralis | Artificially created immortals seeking their place in the world. | |
Ramacoro | Amphibious river guardians | |
Ramanaur | Race of nomadic, violent rams | |
Raptoran | Avian humanoids that love the free sky | |
Raptorborn | Forest-dwelling anthropoid raptors as skilled in trade as they are in combat. | |
Raptorkin | Raptorkin are the most intelligent species of dinosaur alive. | |
Rassakar | Saurian tribal peoples with raptor speeds | |
Ratfolk | Quick and silent, ratfolk exist as outsiders no matter where they are, but they let nothing get in their way. | |
Ratitaur | Half human half flightless bird hybrids scarred by their past and highly defiant towards arcana. | |
Raven Children | Raven children are often feared for their ties with death and many use this to their advantage to intimidate others. | |
Reangel | Biblically accurate angels in human shape | |
Reanimated | Reanimated are made from parts of deceased humanoids which are connected together and brought back to life through the use of chemical or electrical activation. | |
Red Minotaur | Large Minotaurs that decided to be free and live out their lives on the Material Plane. | |
Red Orc (5e Race Variant) | Very aggressive Orcs of fiendish ritual experimentation. Easily recognized by their red skins and ape-like faces. | |
Regi | ||
Reigar | Celestial cephalid people who consider violence the greatest art. | |
Reindeerfolk | Humanoid reindeer that embody all that is the holiday spirit. | |
Reptilian | Born of mixed bloodlines, reptilians are lizardlike crossbreeds of dragonborn, lizardfolk, kobolds, and the like. | |
Reuniclus | Small levitating psionic capable creatures, encased in a strange liquid. | |
Revenant | The soul of a mortal who met a cruel and undeserving fate. | |
Rhichitt | A versatile race of insectoids forced to make their own ways after the loss of their ancient Queen. | |
Rhino-Folk | You are a tough humanoid with one big horn and a smaller horn behind | |
Rhinokin | Humanoid rhino people. | |
Ricta | Extremely muscular and aggressive lizard-like humanoids. | |
Rilmani | The epitomic beings of true neutral | |
Risen Animal | Animals transformed into humanoids by magic-users. | |
Risen Animal, Variant | Animals transformed into humanoids by magic-users. | |
Rito | This avian race comes in diverse varieties, and most are capable of winged flight. | |
Rito, Variant | Avian humanoids that combine their prowess in the air with their shortbow skills. | |
River-Devil | Monstrous silver-tongued con-men and swindlers. | |
Roachkin | A disgusting race of cockroach people who have been around since the beginning of life itself. | |
Roba | Elemental scribes that attempt to understand the universe | |
Robot | Infinitely varied mechanical constructs comprised of decades of advanced technology. The physical description of the robot you make, however, is entirely up to you and your DM. | |
Rock Human | Beings of stone, Rock Humans live their lives detached from the world. | |
Rodentia | Rodentia are sensible and level-headed, and they are generally a kind and diplomatic folk, but are quite prepared to swing a cudgel when necessary. | |
Rogren | Rogren are highly intelligent creatures that are also incredibly strong and durable. | |
Rokk | Living earth people who came from indents | |
Roo | Nomadic Humanoid Kangaroos. | |
Rose King Tiefling | Tieflings borne from the demon lord of Roses | |
Rouge Bacar | ||
Rubber Human | Humanoids of strange biology that ended up with elastic bodies in need of blood | |
Ruler | Reborn and undead, rulers of eras now past walk the Material Plane again, ready to rebuild their kingdoms. | |
Runeterra: Demacian | Demacians often have great skill working in leading and following as one unit. | |
Runeterra: Frelijordian | Strong is useful to describe them, but not quite enough. | |
Runeterra: Ionian | Grace, wisdom, and skill, these are the pillars that support an Ionian. | |
Runeterra: Noxian | Noxians have great skill in lying and brutalizing! | |
Runeterra: Rakkor | Weapon masters and mighty warriors make up the tribe of the Rakkor. | |
Runic Elf | ||
Rynogg | A solitary and unique race, with extremely brightly colored skin. | |
Ryujin | A race of Oriental Draconic humanoids. | |
S'Tek | S'Tek are a race of chameleon-like humanoids who inhabit jungles and other wooded regions. | |
Saberon | Vaguely feline beasts who have adapted to nearly all of Draenor’s diverse environments. | |
Saharduin | Shark people. | |
Sahuagin | A fish-like monstrous humanoid species that lives in oceans, seas, underground lakes, and underwater caves | |
Sahuagin, Variant | A fish-like monstrous humanoid species that lives in oceans, seas, underground lakes, and underwater caves | |
Saiyan | Legends speak of their unparalleled skills in combat, their unshakeable pride, and their ferocious appetite. | |
Saiyan (Dragon Ball: Further Beyond Supplement) | ||
Salamanderfolk | Simple amphibian humanoids | |
Salamandra | A shorter, stouter, bipedal cousin of the fiery salamander. | |
Salori | Salori are black, faceless, sentient apes with leathery skin and long, pronged tentacles. | |
Sangheili | The sangheili are well suited for combat, as they are proud, strong, agile, and very fierce. | |
Sangrochi | A human made out of glass. | |
Sanguine | Nomadic blood elementals forged out the energy of life itself. | |
Sanguis | Beings tainted by curative demon blood | |
San’Shyuum | The prophetic masters of the Covenant. | |
Saquli | A magically competent yet pompous race of bird-folk. | |
Saru No Otoko | A race of anthropomorphic monkeys, descended from gods. | |
Sasori | Scorpion peoples who have existed a long time as spies | |
Sasquatch | Reclusive monsters of the wilderness finally growing to prominence. | |
Satori | Thoughts, memories; the mind cannot escape your third eye. | |
Satyr, Variant | The goatfolk of the woods. | |
Saurian | ||
Savage Amazons | A race of warmaidens and hunters. | |
Savage Human | ||
Savarath | Stone creatures who study other races, and have near indestructible limbs. | |
Savath | The shells of failed shades | |
Sazelim | Slimed up dwellers of the swamps | |
Scalekin | Descendants of an ancient race of dragons. | |
Scarecrow | Scarecrows are lost souls, bound to simple material bodies by magic | |
Sceptile | Snobby lizards of the trees | |
Schwarzfee | Shadowy forest beings of former drow | |
Scion of the Old Ones | Creatures of twisted, alien magic with horrifying forms and reality-bending abilities. | |
Scorab | Bulky bug people with spikes | |
Scorc | Scorpion-tailed orcs | |
Scorians (Aleithia Supplement) | A race of rock creatures with magma for blood. | |
Scorpikis | Barbaric, half-scorpion raiders and scavengers that prowl the less-traveled parts of the desert, aggressively defending their colonies from unwelcome intruders. | |
Scorpion-kin | A race of humanoid scorpions | |
Scorpionem | A race of humanoid-scorpion hybrids. | |
Scorpius | Fanged scorpion people | |
Scorpkin | Scorpkin are a desert- and cave-dwelling race, well-evolved for hunting through the sands. | |
Scourgeborne | Changed humans and elves born with a tail, granted by a serpentine god. | |
Scro | Orcs in space! | |
Scyther | Fast and furious blade hands | |
Se'Krai | A vaguely reptilian race, surrounded by a dark past... | |
Seaborn | Those who drowned at sea that came back, with some of the sea's influence | |
Seafallen | Ship's Crews taken by the ocean but who refused to stay down. | |
Seafolk | Beings of sea shoggoths and early humans | |
Seedrian | Rounded plant-like creatures capable of transforming into giant monsters. | |
Seiddrow | Drow and siren offspring | |
Seisl | Half-fiends that are conceived from direct mating and born with 2 "souls". | |
Selachian | ||
Selachin | Waterborne humanoids that have a striking resemblance to sharks. | |
Selachinoid | Deadly, aquatic hunters and pirates. | |
Selkie | Aquatic creatures that shapeshift between human and seal. | |
Semme | Creepy bird people with multi-eye patterns | |
Senka | The Senka are a race of shadows which are almost always given by a god/goddess of the shadows | |
Sentient Wendigo | A frightening creature that can shapeshift and mimic voices to confuse and lure enemies to itself. | |
Separatist Droids | Roger roger. | |
Sepulchral | Skeletal beings that are half humanoid and reptilian | |
Seraphim | Benevolent Angels, that have been born into a flesh and blood, earthly body. | |
Serene | Your beauty as a female is unparalleled by Human and Elven standards. This beauty coupled with your magnanimous aura give you a massive Charisma boost. Your voice can be the most enticing and dangerous aspect of who you are. | |
Sergal, Variant | Fluffy shark humanoids known for their wedge-shaped heads and 'merp' cry | |
Serperior | Beautiful, regal-looking serpents that possess a glare that can terrify most any creature. | |
Shade | Shades are creatures of random sizes and abilities from a past life and as such, the possibilities are through the roof. | |
Shade Diamond | Crystalline beings with a shade within | |
Shade, 4e Port | Paranoia-driven people who sold their souls to darkness | |
Shade, Variant | People possessed by spirits turned mad | |
Shadeborn | Being made from the Abyss itself | |
Shadebreak | Enigmatic tricksters unafraid to kill | |
Shadow | You're an Elf-Fiend hybrid in this unholy combination. | |
Shadow Beast (Transformation) | ||
Shadow Dweller, Variant | Shadow Dwellers are creatures born of shadow, awoken from the deepest, darkest parts of the earth | |
Shadow Fiend | Fiends born from shadows and Dark magic | |
Shadow Walker | Beings of the void | |
Shadow-Serf | Unnatural doppelgangers created by powerful wizards to be unfailingly faithful servants. | |
Shadowborn | Shadowborn are creatures born of shadow, awoken from the deepest, darkest parts of the earth | |
Shadowborn, 2nd Variant | ||
Shadowborn, Variant | Shadowborn are a race born of the Shadowfell. These elf-like beings feel more comfortable and even enjoy being in the shadows. | |
Shadows (Umbra sidus) | ||
Shaede Folk | Humanoid husks born of failed reincarnation | |
Shakuran | Cyclopean beings with restorative powers | |
Shalarin | The other, other Forgotten Realms fish people. | |
Shard-Crystallid Hybrid | Humanoids with crystalline augmentations, crystallid-shards tend to be very skilled in combat. | |
Shardmind | Shardminds are sentient fragments of the Living Gate, which once stood at the pinnacle of the intricate lattice of the Astral Sea. | |
Sharkin | Dangerous, oceanic hunters and warriors. | |
Shellforge | Beings with slimy bodies that make shells | |
Shen Xin | Humanoids born of aboleth genetics | |
Shifter Fey | Were-touched fey | |
Shorc | As a shorc, you have abilities related to your orcish ancestry and your aquatic nature. | |
Shub | Spawn of the Outer God, Shub Niggurath. | |
Shulk | Tough box people. | |
Sidhe | Beings from legend a fairy tales, and often godmothers and godfathers. | |
Sidonan | A cave-dwelling, vaguely amphibian race said to be born of the stars. | |
Silkenel | Silk, Cloths, and other fabrics wraped around itself loosely, forming a humanoid visage. | |
Silmarin | Slimy humanoids that live in swamps. | |
Silverblight | Silverblight are a race of winter lycanthropes that have lost their ability to transform after being cursed by a powerful black dragon. | |
Silvet | The Silvets are a creative, energetic race of humanoids who share a special bond with peace. | |
Simic Hybrid, Variant | Variant to Simic hybrid with more options. | |
Simiosaurus | Run. Leap. Climb. Take the world by storm, from the land of lost beast. | |
Sinkro | Selfless charitable humanoid beings. | |
Siphonophore | Superintelligent deep-see dwellers made of many tiny creatures that act as one. | |
Siren | A merfolk subspecies composed of females, each are masters of charm and beguilement. | |
Siren, Air | Flying creatures composed of females, each are masters of charm and beguilement. | |
Siren, Borderlands Variant | A wonderful specimen of what the mind can do to a person. | |
Sizer | Sizers. The one race whose size is variable. | |
Skaven | Human-sized anthropomorphic rats riddled with scars, filthy plague-ridden fur, and unbridled envy wanting nothing more than to put themselves at the top of their hierarchy. | |
Skaven, Variant | While breeding practices vary greatly every skaven usually shares a common share of strengths and weakness. | |
Skeksis | Skeksis are a race of ever decomposing avian-based humanoid monstrosity mix. | |
Skeleton | The reanimated completely decomposed corpse of a humanoid. | |
Skeleton Undertale | Skeletons are unique undead entities inspired by Undertale. Despite their skeletal forms, they possess both a soul and a body, having been born this way. They blend the characteristics of monsters with the complexities of living beings. | |
Skeleton, 2nd Variant | The rattling of their bones makes you shiver. | |
Skeleton, 4th Variant | Pure white skelly bone bois for your games. | |
Skeleton, 5th Variant | The reanimated completely decomposed corpse of a humanoid, usually | |
Skeleton, Variant | The reanimated completely decomposed corpse of a humanoid, usually | |
Skoros | Yuan-ti purebloods but with insects and actually balanced. | |
Skree | Fluttering and skittering in the dark, the Skree use their excellent abilities of detection to track down foes. Though more monstrous looking than most species of the multiverse, the Skree are actually gentle in nature and kind at heart. | |
Skrevit | Abominable looking rat lobster creatures | |
Skrull | An alien race of shapechangers, bent on interstellar conquest. | |
Skullhound | Anthropomorphic canines with skulls for faces | |
Skyborn | A being of a reincarnated and redeemed elemental | |
Skyrynthee | Strange people who fell from the sky and believe strongly in gravity | |
Slaad | Amphibious creatures of chaos | |
Slann | Unmatched masters of magic and leaders of the lizardmen races. | |
Slate | Humanoid creatures that have incredible strength of personality but lack a true heart. They are the ultimate performers and masters of theatrics. | |
Sleep Demon | Sleep Demons feast on fear, but that doesn't make them dark creatures, they just need to find their place. | |
Slimefolk | Sentient slimes that take the form of humanoids. | |
Slimelings | Bipedal Oozes who enjoy absorbing their victims | |
Slimes | Bipedal slimes from The Far, Far, Realm. | |
Slink | A merge of Inklings and Slime creating Inky humanoid Slime | |
Slowking | Gentle geniuses who reside near wetlands | |
Sludge Kin | ||
Slugfolk | Blobby, slimy beings | |
Slurp | ||
Slyvarian | Slyvarians are known as the deep dwellers or the forgotten ones, creatures who live in between the darkest ocean depths and the Underdark. | |
Smilodar | Humanoid sabretooth tiger like beings with massive magic arms meant for battle. They are also known as "Sunder Claws". | |
Sneasler | Slightly taller Sneasel who prefer solitude and poisons to pack tactics. | |
Snorlax | Rotund, bear-like pokemon sleep, eat, and then sleep some more. | |
Snow Moth | ||
Snowfolk | People-shaped snow | |
Sobruaro | Cactus people who are very jolly and fun-loving. | |
Solari | Human-like creatures born from the sun, who are strengthened during the day and weakened at night. | |
Sombra Escura | Shadow-wreathed beings from the darkest corners of space | |
Songbird | Songbirds are fey humanoids with avian traits. | |
Songchild | Results of an ancient experiment who treat the world with the hate they are given. | |
Soratami | An enigmatic, secretive race, who live in the clouds. | |
Sorath | Creatures from the upper planes that have radiant blessings. | |
Soul Forged | Twins but you're a race. | |
Soul Merchants | Hunched, heavily cloaked travelers who love a good bargain. | |
Soul Phantom | Soul phantoms are remnant pieces of earthly attachment | |
Soul Reaver | You are a soul reaver, blessed with a second life and powerful weapon; cursed with an unlife and a thirst for souls. You have a variety of abilities as a result of resurrection. | |
Soul Stitched | Corpses, sewn together by stitches, powered by electricity and given intelligence by a snatched soul. | |
Soulbound | Soulbound can vary drastically due to differing armor types and initial completeness, but all share these common traits. | |
Soulect | A demonic spirit possessing a mortal body. | |
Soulless | An undead that came back to achieve a goal. | |
Soulrippers | As a soulripper you can drain the life out of a creature with your deathstare. | |
Spectral | Spirits who have, through vaguely defined means, created physical bodies for themselves. | |
Spellborn | People born with extraordinary affinity with the natural and magical elements. | |
Spelltouched | Being with powers related to a particular school of magic. | |
Sphinx | Guardians of secrets and treasures of the gods. | |
Spider-Man | A Spider-Man is quick but also has the 'Spider Senses' to help be aware of its surroundings. | |
Spiderborn | ||
Spiderfolk | Drider-like insectoids with a hatred for all other races. | |
Spiger | Mutated pig and spider people | |
Spilarin | A race of humans with arachnid qualities | |
Spiral Being | ||
Spirit Fox | Foxes that practice magic | |
Spirit Walker | Those who walk as spirits and body as one | |
Spriggan | Tree people who sustain themselves with natural magic. | |
Springbound | Robots with springs and stuff. | |
Sprite Warband | A swarm of militaristic sprites united under a single banner. | |
Spynkazaka | Descendants of pseudo-dragons with a knack for empathy. | |
Squidfolk | Beings born of squid sentience | |
Squirrelson | Anthropomorphous squirrels raised for war | |
Sraxiiv | Sraxiiv have tough scaly hides and venomous spines that give them sweet defensive options. Their gruff appearance, however, makes their first impressions pretty week. | |
Ssurran (5e Race Variant) | Ssurrans are Lizardfolk that have adapted to the harsh desert and arid environments. | |
Stained Elf | Branded with arcane power | |
Star Warriors | Born from the alleged deaths of Kirby and Meta Knight hundreds of years ago, this race of gluttonous and fun loving characters are ready for adventure! | |
Starblessed | Stars given human form, and human desires | |
Starborn | Starborns have many traits in common with one another regardless of what they do so they still all have the same kind of traits. | |
Starforged | Rotund elemental creatures formed of stardust and fragments of broken meteors and comets | |
Starforger | Starforgers are celestial dragons that have lived for eons. Starforgers attack with small stars and a few spells, instead of swords and shields. | |
Stargazer | Children of the cosmos | |
Steambot | Steambots where built for lots of purposes, there for this race is very customizable. Regulations: The bot must use a main frame. The bot must have 1 head, multiple heads will result in more than personality or thinking power. Ports or shafts are not specific but they do suggest what to put there, this is not for slots. You must have at least 2 legs or 1 wheel with a stabilizer memory drive. All ports must be filled, that also includes memory slots, processing slots and core slots. Your legs or wheels must be able to carry all of your robotic part weight. Please ask your DM if your design is ok before using it. You can't put a port in a slot of a shaft or a slot in a port or a shaft or a shaft in a slot or port. Your subrace code should look something like the (A-(12a)-(sy-(y))-(263)-(AS3)) | |
Stellepids (Lepids and Mothkin Alt) | ||
Steve | A tall and friendly race of humanoids whose origins are highly unknown to all but them. | |
Stoatlet | Bipedal, magical stoat weasel otter people | |
Stonepeople | Stonepeople are statue-esque beings | |
Stormblood | Wolves with the power of the storm | |
Stormborn | Touched by the power of a raging storm, stormborn have powers beyond that of mere humans. | |
Stormcutter | Mysterious beings born of storms and anxiety | |
Strigoi | A race of highly adaptable and highly amorphous insectoids. Capable of adapting to any situation. | |
Stringless | A unsettling and disorderly race of wooden marionette-like constructs who revel in chaos. | |
Stylvix | Owl-like relatives of the aarakocra and masters of the arrow. | |
Succubus | Beautiful fiends who thrive on the corruption of mortal souls. | |
Sukkan-Alsama | The Sukkan-Alsama are a race of winged humanoids with claws on wings. | |
Sumarian | Alien bug eye people with elvish ears | |
Sumu | Odd eyed creatures with bodies dextrous like grass blades | |
Sunborn | Sun headed people of the stars | |
Super Mutant | Indomninable warriors of the wastes. | |
Super Vampire | The one of the most powerfull of night creatures. | |
Superd | ||
Supple | ||
Suva | Beautiful celestials that comfort their allies and crush their foes. | |
Swampert | Big and durable creatures capable of moving or crushing a boulder. | |
Swordwing | Humanoid insects of the Underdark | |
Syker | Sykers are Apex Inventors of the many galaxies. | |
Sylorin | Plated, three-eyed beasts | |
Sylph (Aleithia Supplement) | A race of elves that that have no past or future, forever living in a single moment of time. | |
Sylvain | Humanoid flowers of many flora | |
Sylvari | Botanical humanoids with a sense of wonder and curiosity about the world. | |
Sylvari, Variant | A race of curious and sometimes naive plant people, all born from the same magical tree. | |
Sylvari, Variant 2 | Humanoids formed in the style of various plants, endlessly curious and all sprouted from the towering Pale Tree. | |
Symboics | Eldritch combinations culminated | |
Synthetic | Constructs composed of decades of advanced technology. The physical description of the synthetic you create, however, is entirely up to you and your DM. | |
Sā | Sā are humans warped by generations of exposure to negative and chaotic energy. They are physically intimidating and brimming with rage. | |
T'au | Communist space aliens. | |
Tactical Doll | Combat androids that are built not just to be effective fighters, but also with interactivity in mind. | |
Taelan | From the space between Planes, they observe intently. | |
Tahalathuk | A race born of her closest ravens... | |
Tahlbrynd Giant | Indomitable Warriors of the North, who will defend their fiery homeland at all costs. | |
Talto | Taltos are aberrations in human form who attach themselves to those with magic powers | |
Tamaranean | Tamaranean minds and behavior may seem pretty weird to members of other races. But despite their good looking appearance, these golden-skinned humanoid people who descended from a feline-like race can be loyal, courageous, and strong companions. | |
Tanarukk | Your tanarukk character has a variety of traits, derived from your mixed orc and demon ancestry. | |
Taninim | Leather-skin people | |
Tar-Morden | Through centuries of breeding these creatures inherited many traits of their ancestry | |
Tarrasqin | Born from the blood of the mighty tarrasque, tarrasqin are powerful tribal humanoids that inhabit temperate jungles. | |
Tasmer | The Tasmer smart, sly, and quick on their feet. | |
Tau'ri | "We dont hunt because we have to, we hunt because we want to, its what we were born to do..." | |
Tenarimar | Offspring of tieflings and aasimar | |
Tengu | Winged humanoids created by gods as protectors of the natural world. | |
Tengu, Kawa Variant | Tengu who live by the waters | |
Tentacle Mass | Aberrant creatures of unknown origin. | |
Terminator | Hunter-Killers, designed solely to eliminate. Well, usually. | |
Ternothirl | A slender reptilian race which claims otherworldly origins | |
Terra Yoki | Beings made of dense stone and molten metal, combining physical resilience with a deep connection to the earth and knowledge. | |
Terrarian | A resilient and adaptable humanoid race drawn from diverse realms to the pixelated landscapes of Terraria | |
Terroki | A race of proud warriors originating from the broken world of Terrok in the Astral Plane, the physically-strong terrokii seek to restore the glory of the Sanguis Imperium. | |
Tesso | Drow turned ratlings | |
Tetrachromat Dragonborn (5e Race Variant) | Tetrachromat Dragonborn descend from the first Tetrachromat, hatched after 70 years of breeding. All subsequent Tetrachromat were laid through asexual reproduction. | |
Tetraman | A desert-dwelling race of four arms | |
Thalassian | Those who have returned from the sea. | |
Thanagarian | Thanagarians are an alien species of winged-humanoids from the planet Thanagar, & they're a warrior culture. But don't be confused with angels. | |
The Blessed Ones | Adaptable creatures capable of surviving in nearly every corner of every place. | |
The Collective | ||
The Consumed | The Consumed use their curse to their advantage
| |
The Forgiven | Children who never grow, left to protect their home till their last breath. | |
The Gentry | Archfey-like Butterfly folk with bewitching powers. | |
The Leem | The Leem is a blind, formless blob of human flesh, armed with cleaning abilities. | |
Thirdling | ||
Thri-Kreen, 2nd Variant | Swift and cunning hunters, the mantis-like thri-kreen wander the deserts and savannas of the world. | |
Thri-Kreen, Variant | Bug like creature that resembles ant or mantis. Thri-Kreen consider all other living creatures as potential nourishment, and they love the taste of elf flesh in particular. | |
Thundercat | Your Thunderian heritage manifests itself in a variety of traits you share with other Thundercats. | |
Tibbit | ||
Tiegon | The result of fiend and dragon blood rituals | |
Tiger Anthrolupe | Mostly classified as hunters and gathers, they tend to live in the wilderness where their kind can live in peace. | |
Tigerbear | A humanoid feline-ursine hybrid race of hunters and gatherers with a deep connection to nature. | |
Tigrine | A race of tall, ferocious tiger-folk that are natural hunters and are divided into three different subraces. | |
Tikbalang | Equine guardians of the woods | |
Time Lord | The most advanced of any race in the universe. | |
TimeLord | The most advanced of any race in the universe. | |
Titanborne | Giants in human form | |
Titanian | Fey creatures that came from dead goddess Titania's corpse. | |
Tlincalli | Strong sand dwelling insectoid people with the lower halves of scorpions. | |
Toa | Biomechanical warriors attuned to elemental powers. | |
Tokay | Primitive and esoteric, these reptilians are known to inhabit tropical islands. Generally, their knowledge of the outside world is quite limited. | |
Tortithid | Amalgamation between alien aberration and turtle, gives these creatures varying traits from both races | |
Toukka | ||
Toxtricity | A race of rock star Pokémon with a punkish attitude. | |
Tremorian | Scorpion-tailed tunnel dwellers | |
Trevenant | Haunted trees that protect the forests it calls home from those who would harm it. | |
Trichadons | As a peaceful race, trichans rarely tend towards fighting roles, but they can take more intelligent fighting classes such as sorcerers. | |
Trickster Succubus/Incubus | Demons playing on the aspects of Trick or Treat | |
Trilith | ||
Tritomati | Enigmatic three eyed humanoids | |
Troglodyte | Humanoid salamander like creatures with tough, leathery scales. | |
Troll (5e Class) | A monstrous troll which grows more powerful as it increases in size. | |
Troll | Trolls are a diverse sapient race based on the World of Warcraft series. | |
Troll, Northern | Trolls adapted to ice and snow | |
Troll, Variant | ||
Trollkin | The decedents of trolls and humans, with human ingenuity and a troll's bottomless belly. | |
Trox | Large, powerful, insectoid humanoids that were slaves ages ago. | |
Trwant | ||
Tsuchigumo | Twice the arms, twice the legs! Imagine! | |
Tsukiusagi | ||
Tsukumogami | A spirit formed by an inanimate object after 100 years of neglect. | |
Tul-Kal | Monstrous creatures of the darkest places, they are surprisingly good hunters. | |
Turfers | A variety of demons caught in a never ending gang war | |
Turian | Heavily Militarized and strong-willed, turians are a force to be reckoned with. | |
Turtlar | Turtlar are anthropomorphic turtles known for their resilience, creativity, and strong sense of community, often serving as guardians and artists in their coastal and riverbank habitats. | |
Turtlar, Variant | Turtlar are anthropomorphic turtles known for their resilience, creativity, and strong sense of community, often serving as guardians and artists in their coastal and riverbank habitats. | |
Turtle Duck | Mix of turtle and duck from the Avatar: The Last Airbender universe | |
Turtlefolk | Slimmer, water-based reptile humanoids with shells | |
Turtonator | Very durable dragon turtles | |
Tusken Raider | ||
Tusquarian | Tribal people gifted with various animal features that inhabit one country. | |
Twili | A race of humanoids with strange powers that live in the Twilight Realm. | |
Twili, Variant | A race of humanoids with strange powers that live in the Twilight Realm. | |
Twilight Maiden | Fallen divine attendants now living off souls | |
Twirgan | An elemental race with a humanoid form based on the light and darkness elements. | |
Two-Headed Dragonbeast | Double trouble with dragon breath | |
Tych | Leopard-like beings with spikes | |
Tyl | Cerebral, xenophobic alien beings with a rewritten soul. | |
Tymorian | Tymora-touched beings addicted to gambling | |
Typhlosion | Bulky badgers with a fiery fury that burns like an erupting volcano. | |
Typhon Anthrophantasmus | Alien creatures created to serve the Apex, but wait... | |
Tyranid | Hive minded creatures leaving destruction in their wake | |
Tyrgard | Tyrgards are Masters of swords and magic. | |
Tzaangors | Medium bird/goat humanoids | |
U'karik | Lesser changelings that use genetics | |
Ulfhednar | Powerful lupine strengthened humanoids | |
Umber Hulk | Insectoid monstrosities who are mistreated. | |
Umber Hulk, Variant | Insectoid monstrosities who are mistreated. | |
Umbrans | Umbrans are enigmatic beings who draw their power from the shadows, adept in arcane arts and shrouded in mystery. | |
Umbrin | A shadowy race with unique photophilia. | |
Umfokazi | Accursed humans, tainted by the far realm. | |
Unarma | Humanoid armadillos defined by superstition and stigma. | |
Underfolk | Offshoots of humanity adapted to live in the Underdark. | |
Unggoy | Strong, tenacious, information sponge that are greatly underestimated. | |
Uniborn | Humanoid descendants from unicorns who's existence is seen as a myth. | |
Unimar | ||
Unitar | Half human, half unicorn | |
Unknowns | Some Unknowns decide to leave their domain to see what the outside world has to offer. Hope to grow more and learn new things about the world they inhabit but never truly see. | |
Unmade | A drop of a god's blood, flooded with darkness. | |
Unnuc | The ape men of the Orphan Isle, eager to explore the world they have been isolated from for so long. | |
Urak Tuu | Vestiges of a fallen civilization raised by their dark mistakes | |
Urchkin | Generally peaceful spine covered people. | |
Uroa | Uroa are incredibly resilient fey creatures. | |
Urodelian | Water dwelling tricksters | |
UrRu | Slow-moving, peaceful, ponderous creatures with six limbs | |
Ursan | A humanoid race that once suffered from ursine lycanthropy, but after accepting the blessing of a fey lord they were transformed into a permanent bestial humanoid form and infused with the essence of their former affliction. | |
Ursaring | Big bear Pokémon | |
Urshifu | Mysterious and disciplined bear-like creatures who are experts at martial arts. | |
Ursian | Ursians are beings in tune with nature but also advanced technologically. They resemble bears in many ways. | |
Ursine | Ursines are beings in tune with nature but also advanced technologically. They resemble bears in many ways. | |
Uruk | Advanced breed of orc | |
Urutan-Yensa | Sand people who are territorial crustaceans | |
Uyyin Tanar'ri | Fiendish archers | |
Valados | Vicious creatures born of flame that will turn on their own if needed. | |
Valkarr | Valkarr are wild, greedy humanoids who resemble great seabirds. They travel the oceans of the world in great raiding parties, seeking plunder, glory, and food. | |
Valkyrie | Winged female spirits that take the spirits of the dead to Valhalla. | |
Valkyrie, Variant | Winged female spirits that take the spirits of the dead to Valhalla. | |
Vampire | Inhuman, merciless, and uncaring about their earlier life. Vampires are undeath and evil manifest of inversed good and paradox. | |
Vampire (Pure/Half-Blood) | ||
Vampire, Hellsing | A subrace to be taken in addition to another race when becoming a Hellsing Vampire | |
Vanguard | Vanguards are the Rebellion might. | |
Vanguard Operative | Superhuman soldiers designed through arcane or scientific experimentation, excelling in combat. | |
Varana | Half-man and half-monkey, the varana are very agile and playful creatures. | |
Variabilli | Shrimpy beings from the oceans | |
Varikrin | Colorful skinned people, with a paralyzing poison tail. | |
Varl | Muscular Gentle Giants of the North | |
Vasharian | A race of humanoids originally from the Astral Plane with otherworldly magic. | |
Vaskalar | Devil creatures exiled for their dangerous curiosity | |
Vastayan | Half Human and half ancient beast | |
Vatranite | Beings who succeeded a trial... and got punished by losing their bodies. | |
Vector | Sea creatures evolved from magic plankton | |
Vegepygmy | Short, thin, and green with tendrils of fungus which wrap and dangle around its arms, midsection, and legs. | |
Veilwalker | Shady undead creatures who guard anomalous gates to the dead world | |
Velox | Really fast humans imbued with fey quickness | |
Venomer | With the blessing of the Great Serpent, these humanoids can wield the power of serpents. | |
Verdalith | A race of plant-like humanoids. | |
Verdichco | Horrific aberrations made of former humans | |
Vermling | A race of sentient, humanoid rodents awakened by magic. | |
Vesparian | ||
Vesperlin | ||
Vidreans | Life forms that generate themselves inside of large crystals. They're known for their innate magical abilities and many go on to be very powerful with magic. | |
Viera | Viera are bolder than the animal they resemble and will not think twice about anyone that dare lay a harmful hand on the forests they live in or what they've sworn to protect. | |
Vihar | Vihar are humanoid storm elementals that have a physical form. They can bleed, eat, and sleep like any other humanoid. | |
Vikkalli | Strange bipedal shaggy horned people, known for a lack of bravery | |
Vileblood | Beings of dirty, poisonous fluid | |
Viltrumite | “Think, D&D Wiki, Think!” | |
Vinsmoke | The Vinsmoke family is a lineage of noble assassins who rule the Kingdom of Germa and command an army known as Germa 66. | |
Virite | Virites are modernized, living mechanical shells animated by sentient code born and raised on the internet. | |
Vitae | Aberrations that were illithid beasts of burden | |
Vitreon | Monstrous humanoids of anger | |
Vixmen | Fox people known for their incredible speed and cunning. | |
Void Dweller | Goopy lil guys with rubberhose eyes | |
Void Elf | World of Warcraft, Void Elves. | |
Voidling | A secretive race literally born of the void. | |
Voidling, Variant | Born from the void through mortal mothers, their traits mostly mimic those of their mothers. | |
Voidwalker | Basically you're the invisible man. | |
Volki | They are extremely quick creatures with an affinity to magic and stealth, they are also extremely smart. | |
Volodni | Pine people that ensure their lands remain evergreen. | |
Vologovoi | Alien worms sent in human form | |
Von Gacy | Beings from another world whose hair can be used like whips. | |
Vortigaunt | A hiveminded race of telepathics that have been recently freed from slavery, bearing innate electrical powers. | |
Vryloka | A race of humans who gained near-vampiric powers | |
Vulcan | The vulcans are pointy-eared knowledge seekers who value intellect, but also have strength that surpasses humans and rival orcs. | |
Vulkri | Vulkri are an ancient ancestral race of fey that used odic nanites to augment their bodies and lifespans. | |
Vulpelupe | Fox wolf people | |
Vulpes Flos | An anthropomorphic fox that represents life and plants. | |
Vulpimaster | Fox and raccoon hybrid humanoids | |
Vulpin | A human-like race with fox-like ears, tails, and eyes. | |
Vvirniean | Horned, fiendish elves of Paragion | |
Wagon | A peculiar anthro hybrid between wolves and dragons. | |
Walkers | We have overtaken many kingdoms as pathetic as yours. You think you can stop us?! We are always watching. We are always walking. Join us... | |
Wallguurum | Humanoid Marsupial Race that has jumping abilities to use its abilities. | |
Wandering Eye | People with a growing eyeball in their torso | |
War Born | Rivers of blood. Piles of gore. Endless slaughter of enemies. All in a day's work for the War Born. | |
Warforged, 2nd Variant | Built for a war that has ended, searching for purpose. | |
Warforged, 3rd Variant | Sentient constructs created for the purpose of battle and decimation, or for whatever their creator wishes. | |
Warforged, 4th Variant | Built for the job. | |
Wasserkind | A race of humanoids claiming to be born of the Sea | |
Water Dryad | Humanoids made of Water. Guardians of the Forest. Watchers of Nature. | |
Waterfolk | You are made of water, this allows you to do many things others cannot. | |
Wayang, Variant | In the depths of the jungle, the Wayang thrive. A solitary people who are told to be crafted from the shadows themselves. | |
Weapon Spirit | Weapon spirits are created to serve a purpose, whether it be guiding a hero through their prophecy, protecting their weapon, or aiding their creator. | |
Weaver | Drow cursed with spider-like features as a curse from Lolth | |
Weaver Arachne | Smaller arachnid based. | |
Wemic | Centaur-like monstrosities with the upper half of a human and the lower half and face of a lion. | |
Wendigo | An abhorrent looking creature created from a cursed humanoid, with an affinity for human flesh. | |
Wendigo Curse | You were cursed by eternal hunger, but you found a way to use your problem to your advantage, in the best possible way of course. | |
Wendigo, Variant | Beasts no longer human, after having consumed of forbidden flesh. | |
Wereboar | Wereboar is a cursed humanoid. | |
Werecockerel | These rooster-like humanoids are infamous for their uncanny capability to briefly keep fighting even after apparent death. | |
Werewolf | Infamous shapeshifters that have the ability to transform into a mix of man and beast. These creatures are almost always feared and hated by the general population. Whether or not they deserve this hostility is hard to say. | |
Westrato | Born gunslingers and gold diggers | |
Whalefolk | A race of Anthropomorphic whales with many subraces. | |
Whirlwind | Whirlwinds are the children of the Ether Winds. | |
White | These fiends of bone seek carnage | |
Wight | Wights are undead returned solely by hate | |
Wild Dog-Folk | A race of swift and skilled canine hunters, divided into two different subraces. | |
Wild Man | Humanoids attuned to their natural side a bit too much. | |
Wilden | Beings embodying nature's ability to right its own course | |
Wildren | Badger-dwarves from the Beastlands that are as quick to fight as dig with their sharp claws. | |
Windborn | Fallen wind beings | |
Wingly | Winglies are known by their platinum hair and abilities of flight and teleportation. | |
Winter Werewolf | ||
Wither Skeleton | Skeletal warriors who live deep within secluded forts. | |
Wobbuffet | Bizarre but docile creatures that are strangely protective of their black tails. | |
Wokin | The descendants of ancient werewolf clans, Wokin appear human in appearance. | |
Wolf Walker | ||
Wolf-Demon | Resilient, and clever people that have wolfish features. | |
Wolfborn | Descendants of lycanthropes who are feared and misunderstood. Their kind are very, very few in number, but those that are alive are still hunted like the monsters they are not. | |
Wolffolk | Wolf-like humanoids strengthened by the bonds of family. | |
Wolfir | Former werewolves blessed by angelic powers | |
Wolfkind | Long-lived anthropomorphic wolves, wolfkind are powerful hunters and fleet of foot. | |
Wolftaur | Basically a centaur but with a lupine half. | |
Wolfwalker | Wolf-shifting humanoids | |
Wood Woad | Eternal wooden guardians of nature created by druids or Fey in bloody rituals. | |
Woodcrafter | Tripodal creatures that cultivate trees for their own uses. | |
Wookiee | Uuuuuuaaaaaaarrrghhhh! | |
Wookiee, Variant | Hairy, robust, tough, shooty, almost always mad, and looks like an overgrown bear. | |
Woolly Rhino-Folk | A race of bulky, cold-dwelling people that resemble anthropomorphic woolly rhinoceros'. | |
Worgen | Primal shapeshifters, like in warcraft | |
Wormhearted Ones | The result of an eldritch union between aberrant worms and humanoid flesh. | |
Woundup | Woundup are wind up constructs with lost souls bound to the Key. | |
Woven | ||
Woyan | Tall, dark, skinny, with a touch of inclination for nature and some attitude toward death. | |
Wukong | A persecuted race of simian humanoids | |
Wulpir | Descendants of shifters touched by a vampiric ritual | |
Wyvernborn | ||
Wyvernling | The cross between immense power and human morals. | |
Xaelia | Knowledge hungry Fae that feed off the dark energy of the void. | |
Xenomorph | The aliens from the "Alien" franchise, adapted to fit within the realms of D&D | |
Xenomorph, Variant | The aliens from the "Alien" franchise. | |
Xernvis | Humans evolved from war with powerful eye prowess | |
Xolpeca | Variable sea creatures put into a human form | |
Xortan | Musty desert people who love parties as much as fighting. | |
Yakataure | Bovine humanoids, reverse minotaurs | |
Yakfolk | Shrewd, nomadic yak people, who love nothing more than a good trade. | |
Yalu | Constructed golems of light | |
Yama | You are one of the supreme judges of the afterlife; your very presence demands respect, as you have come to lay judgement. | |
Yama no Oni | ||
Yanma | Small, semi-aggressive dragonfly creatures | |
Yardrat | They have quite a few unique and useful abilities. | |
Yata | Yata are people with three legs who turn into ravens | |
Yautja | The Predator. The Yautja known colloquially as the Predators or Hunters, are an extraterrestrial species characterized by their hunting of other dangerous species for sport and honor, including humans. The Yautja are a sentient, humanoid race that breathe an atmosphere similar to that of Earth's, but possess a level of technological advancement far in excess of anything available to humans. Super Predator. At character creation, if your dm permits it, roll a 1d100, if you get a 85 or higher you are allowed to become a Super Predator (Or Berserker Predator) a subspecies of the Yautja race. They are typically larger, stronger, and more aggressive than their smaller cousins, this effects certain aspects of the race. | |
Yautja, Variant | ||
Yegul | Deep sea-dwelling, amphibious eel people. | |
Yellow Orc (5e Race Variant) | Orcish nomadic herders, of a more peaceful and enlightened nature. Easily discernable by their rat-like faces and thick hairy yellow skin. | |
Yeti | Abominable snowmen. Apelike hunters who live in mountain peaks. | |
Yetifolk | Yeti like humanoids that live in the cold reaches of the mountains. | |
Yewheart | ||
Ylvran | Ylvran share somewhat similar traits to lesser demons of the underworld. They also have Confiran ancestry. | |
Ymbryne | Ymbrynes are a magical and cunning species of female shapechanger birds. | |
Yokai | Creatures of a wild variety of spirits | |
YoRHa Android | Mechanical constructs that are designed to destroy machines. | |
Yotarmi | A race of blind, prideful, and violent humanoids with ashen skin. | |
Yuan-Demon | Vile, half-demon hybrids spawned from an Abyssal parent. | |
Yuan-Naga | Yuan-naga are half snake, half human hybrids that are given a heinous reputation that they don't quite deserve. | |
Yuan-ti halfbreed | ||
Yuki Onna | Feminine humanoids with an affinity for snow and ice | |
Zaa' Hraa | Offspring of the Ultra-Mind with psychic power that is unmatched. | |
Zabrak | Tattooed warrior race | |
Zaello | Anthropomorphic eel creatures that dwell in the wastelands. | |
Zahkyan | Zahkyan are Masters of swords and magic. | |
Zangoose | Fluffy mongoose pokemon with long, sharp claws and a hatred for snakes. | |
Zanthani | Wooden skeletons with fungal innards | |
Zardak | A warrior race with an ugly face | |
Zarude | Simian creatures bonded to their packs and forest home | |
Zekyl | The offspring of drow and draconic unity | |
Zen'Trath | A race of monstrous, slime-like creatures born from magical experimentation. | |
Zeraora | Bipedal felines of legend who embody the power of thunder and lightning. | |
Zeti (Mobius Setting) | A demonic race that can manipulate electromagnetic fields. | |
Zhorath | Humanoids created by a surge of energy emanating from a divine domain. | |
Zingaro | A race of tall nomadic traders with a penchant for dark magic. | |
Ziurkis | A tall, rodent-humanoid race that can vary in builds and size. | |
Zmora | Better, stronger humans. Therefore, human predators. | |
Zodiac Child | A humanoid that inherits all the traits of a zodiac sign, with a mark showing their ancestry. | |
Zomage | Necromancer undead who came of necromancy | |
Zombie | You were alive. Then you weren't... Everything's a little foggy and nothing seems to function right. What happened? You remember a field, and people fighting... What's the captain's name again?! Why are you still in the field? Then you look down all to quickly you remember the spear. Its still there poking out of your ribcage with rotting bits of your heart attached. A skinny lad in black robes stands nearby. "Welcome back to the land of the living!" he announces grandly. "Maybe unliving in your case" he mutters to himself. | |
Zora | Although sea zora and river zora are quite distinct, together they claim the title of the only truly amphibious race in Hyrule — and are the second most populous, exceeded only by hylians. | |
Zoroark | Sly, black fox pokemon who are experts at disorienting foes with their mastery over illusion. | |
Ætherborn | Beings who formerly inhabited the sky islands | |
Ōkami |
Name | Summary | |
Aberrant Hybrid | Tortured, alien beings born of twisted experimentation. | |
Ailuran | ||
Alien Grey | Alien Greys are from a distant, advanced civilization. You have crash-landed here. | |
Alolan Marowak | Pack creatures able to do a spirit dance. | |
Altine | A race of humans with the physical abilities of spiders and shapeshifting capability. | |
Anansi | Race of evolved spiders. | |
Anthesi | Humanoid plants growing over a long dead corpse. | |
Anthro Humans | Humans forced into animal experimentation | |
Anthropomorphic Fish | A race of humanoid fish with arms, legs, fishy little faces and a whole array of deep-sea abilities. | |
Anuran | Their small stature and amphibian nature grants these small frog people many advantages. | |
Arachnian | Kind spiderfolk that have escaped Lolth and befriended elves. | |
Arctic Dwarf | Extra-small dwarves adapted to living atop glaciers. | |
Astéri | The Astéri are a race of primordial starfish people often seen along coasts and shorelines. | |
Asura, Guild Wars | A small race of advanced magical inventors. | |
Audino | Cute and pudgy, these rabbit-like creatures want nothing more than to heal your wounds. | |
Autokob | Mechanically constructed kobold living constructs | |
Automaton | Conscious and aware machines, made not by magic or divine power, but by science. | |
Avali | Feathered humanoid descended from powerful ambush predators | |
Awakened Plant | Ordinary plants given sentience and mobility by the Awaken spell or similar magic. | |
Axostome | Axolotl people from the realm of fire | |
Badger Lord | Titanic versions of badgers - based on the Badgers of Redwall. | |
Banette | Cursed dolls who seek revenge against the ones who threw them away. | |
Blemmigan | Your Wisdom score increase by 2 and your Charisma score increases by 1. | |
Blessed Narehate | Narehates are beings that have survived exposure to the curse of the Abyss, which are also very agile and perceptive of their surroundings. | |
Blobgoblin | Your blobgoblin has natural abilities based on your goblinoid heritage and gross fleshy body. | |
Bog Imp | Small, Scaly Swamp Serial Slayers | |
Brightmaid | Brightmaids are the result of a unicorn blessing a baby while still in it's mother's womb. | |
Buizel | loving and social weasel otters. | |
Cancer | Scavenging crab people. | |
Candlefolk | You are a candle. You burn but never melt, even when you're goopy. | |
Canibri | Canibri are a race of humans cursed by an ancient forest god with some of the features of wolves and foxes. | |
Cartura | Small but wise lion-like fey that were cast out of the feywilds by the elves. | |
Catkin | Inquisitive small felines, full of energy and pride. | |
Chamasin | Plants of fire and light | |
Chao | Tiny, adorable fey who love racing, karate and being petted. | |
Cheshire Cat | The illusory observers born of chaotic magic and treading the edge of reality, who may partake in anything that they find amusing. | |
Chwinga, Variant | Small, shy nature spirits that enjoy playing around with both mortals and their environment. | |
Cleansed Blight | What began as an evil awakening of plants has turned into thriving settlements of these goodhearted beings. | |
Clockwork | Constructs built to mimic certain races. | |
Critterfolk | Small, furry fey | |
Croagunk | Strangely musical creatures but underhanded fighters. | |
Cursedion | Short, little, cursed people with magic attunements | |
Cutebold | Cutebolds are sneaky and mischievous but cute and childish creatures that are related to kobolds. | |
Dalrian | The average coat for a Dalrian is red and white but their are some cases of where their coats will change depending on the environment the Dalrian live in. In a more warm environments, they could obtain a coat of warm colors such as red, orange, yellow, etc. but this is the opposite if they were to live in a more cold habitat where they could get a coat change to more cool colors like blue, purple, green, etc. | |
Damejin | People who have lost their limbs and taken on broken forms | |
Dark Matter | Dark Matters are shadowy orbs of malice who seek to coat worlds in darkness. | |
Darkling | Seelie fey whose curse causes them to rapidly age in sunlight, but make great assassins. | |
Darshroom | A race of small humanoid mushrooms with mushroom caps that grant them various powers. | |
Deino | Small voracious, and vicious dragons which can grow multiple heads, and eventually fly. | |
Deku Scrub | Small, wooden, and sharing many characteristics with plants—most other races find deku scrubs a bit odd. | |
User:DilemmaofAugust/Sandbox | The mystical, magical, miraculous combination of a cat and a turtle. | |
Doptera | Small moth or butterfly-like creatures from the Feywild | |
Draak'ar, Variant | Descendants of cursed dragons who used magic to regain some of their power, at a cost. | |
Dracogoblin | Dracogoblins are typically small, quick to run, and greedy. They act as if they are above other goblins and raiders but often fall into the same lifestyle as them. | |
Drock-Yar | Sly, bitter but unopposably cunning goblinoids. | |
Drop Bear | Murderous, sloth-like prey zealots dedicated to the extinction of all omnivores and carnivores. | |
Duarling | Short but scrappy, these natural adventurers are born for battle. | |
Echidnites | A race of powerful echidnas. | |
Elfil | Elfils, when they have reached adulthood, can be described as "immortal inter-dimensional psychokinetic invaders, bearing the distorted silhouette of angels." | |
Enfield, Variant | Mythological beasts with the body and head of a fox, and the talons and wings of birds. | |
Everlasting Child | It looks like a child. It behaves like a child. It likes sweets. But it hasn't been a child for a good while. | |
Ewok | Ewoks, small furry teddy bears of DEATH!! | |
Exceed | Small creatures almost indistinguishable from house cats, but capable of walking on two legs and even growing wings. | |
Exceptional Monkey | Enlightened monkeys who use their tree-climbing nature and prehensile tails to excel as adventurers. | |
Faerie Elf | Good and Bad Fairies, the playable race. | |
Fairy, 2nd Variant | Puny manifestations of nature, these eternally young-hearted fey spend their days playing games and pulling pranks. | |
Fang | Short humanoids that carry out the wills of a death god | |
Felin | A subset of tabaxi with innate magical abilities. | |
Fey Prairie Dog | A humanoid prairie dog | |
Feyling | The cute friendliness of a halfling with the mischievous blood of the fey. What's not to love? | |
Flandalkinder | Gnomish constructs with emotions | |
Florges | Gorgeous fey pokemon that can bring out the hidden power of flowers. | |
Flowey | Sadistic flowers | |
Folivora | Sloth people with some nifty tricks of getting around | |
Forest Children | As a forest child, you gain the following traits: | |
Foxen | Fox that have been granted intelligence by the Goddess of Guidance. | |
Furret | Ferret-like townsfolk Pokemon with long striped bodies. | |
Garden Gnome, Variant | Garden gnomes are little living statues who make their homes in the gardens of unsuspecting humanoids. | |
Gazer | The gazer is an unusual type of beholder-kin. Rather than the typical spherical shape that most beholders are known for, the gazer resembles a humanoid with gray skin and a large singular eye. The gazer's long, dark hair ends in large, tentacle-like eye-stalks from which it fires its various eye rays. The gazer's multitude of eyes and excellent vision in the dark allow it to remain constantly aware of its surroundings, making sneaking up on one a futile prospect for all but the stealthiest of creatures. | |
Gems | An intergalactic race of sentient gemstones. | |
Gesttil | A goblin-like race with gems for eyes. | |
Gligar | Small, organized scorpion-bats that hunt in packs. | |
Gnomalkin | Cat-like gnome people | |
Goblin, Grey (5e Race Variant) | Goblins easily discernable by their grey skin, reddish eyes, short brown hair, and larger muscles. | |
Goblin, Mechabutzian | ||
Golett | Clay pokemon made to protect | |
Gourgeist | Ghastly gourds known for their curse-bringing songs and love of terrorizing their prey. | |
Gravedigger | Quadrupedal bird-like creatures that build traps for their own uses. | |
Graveler | A rocky pokemon known to have a rotund shape and multiple limbs | |
Gruwaar | Dangerous and manipulative goblin apes | |
Gully Dwarf | Moronic yet durable dwarf/ gnome hybrids | |
Hakamo-o | Reptilian warriors with natural plate armor | |
Half-Crystallid | Humanoids crystalline augmentations, half-crystallids tend to be very skilled in combat. | |
Half-Fairy | The offspring of a fairy and a mortal. | |
Half-Gnome | Imagine a dwarf, now imagine a smart, civilized, happy, and precise dwarf with a well trimmed small beard. This is a half-gnome. | |
Half-Kobold | The strength of a kobold and a human combined. | |
Hallownest Inhabitant | The bug-like inhabitants of Hallownest. | |
Hanyo | These humanoids are the offspring of daiyoukai and humans. | |
Harmster | Intelligent rodents with a predisposition towards violence. | |
Hawlucha | Small, bird-like humanoids who love a good fight be it on the ground or in the air. | |
Heartless (Kingdom Hearts Setting) | ||
Helioptile | As very easy-going creatures, they are nomadic and get along with most, if not, all races. | |
Hollyphant | Hollyphants are gentle, stalwart creatures native to the Upper Planes. | |
House Dragon | Small, quadrupedal dragons who aren't afraid to go out adventuring with their bipedal peers. | |
House-Elf | Mistreated fey of servitude | |
Immortuos | A humanoid whose loved ones were unable to bring them back from death fully, resulting in a twisted creature. | |
Imp | A small shapechanging fiend with a barbed, stinging tail. | |
Impling | Small little people that float | |
Imposed Corpse | Regular looking humanoid with a parasite for brains. | |
Irken | Irkens tend to be fast and smart in a scientific sense. | |
Isekai Loli, Variant | By being reincarnated, you gained several blessings that made you very strong. | |
Ishilb | A race of proud snail and slug people | |
Jakello | A race of four-armed, cat-like folk. | |
Kecleon | Chameleon pokemon that like to play merchant | |
Kender | Small and fearless kleptomaniacs | |
Kingfisher | ||
Kobin | Small frilled reptilians, mutated by illithid intelligence. | |
Kokiri | From a glance, kokiri are indistinguishable from hylian children. Protected by the Great Deku Tree, these innocent kids never truly age. | |
Korok | Small, peaceful, immortal, and child-like plant creatures. They aren't much for combat or stealth, but it's hard not to smile around them. | |
Korrigan | Fairies who have lost their wings but not their pride | |
Ktropo | Islanders with a touch for poison | |
Kyuko | Old foxes that have lived and become divine servants | |
Kyvera | Kyvera get their traits from their biology and environment. | |
Lemurfolk | They are a chaotic, eccentric, furry, monkey-like race that care more about their tails than... anything else. | |
Leopard-chaun | Leopard-chauns are small, smart, and speedy. | |
Leporidian | A small race of humanoid rabbits. | |
Leprechaun | Leprechauns are odd fey, with one as tall as a human and the other short as a dwarf | |
Leprechaun, Variant | Compulsive tricksters, leprechauns have a knack for getting themselves out of the hot water they all too often find themselves in. | |
Lilligant | Dainty ladies of the forest | |
Loner Cat, Warrior Cat Edition | ||
Lopunny | Short, graceful, and rather adorable, these timid lagomorphs pack a powerful kick. | |
Lucario | Bipedal, aura-manipulating canines with a strong sense of loyalty and justice. | |
Lucario, 2nd Variant | Lucario are humanoid with canine-like features that specialize in manipulating the force known as Aura. | |
Lucario, Variant | As a riolu, you gain the following traits, and then some when you evolve. | |
Lycanroc | Canine creatures whose growth and development is affected by the time of day. | |
Lycanthrope | ||
Lyn | ||
Magmin | Minature pyromaniacs of the elemental plane of fire. | |
Makkin | Makkin are small bipedal fey-kin with animal features, and expressive faces. | |
Manaflux | ||
Manas | A race created through the convergence of wandering thoughts, memories, souls, and excessive magical energies. | |
Maractus | Flowering humanoid cacti with thorns as sharp as their dance moves. | |
Mawile | Small, deceptive pokemon with huge mouths growing on the back of their heads. | |
Medabot (5e Class) | Small mechanical robots powered by Medals. | |
Mekhane | Creation of Aeris Mekhaus, god of technology, searching for meaning in their almost neverending life. | |
Meloetta | Small mythical creatures with a beautiful voice. Depending on which breed you see, you'll either see powerful psychic attacks or graceful physical attacks. | |
Meowth | Adorable yet fickle feline Pokemon who bring luck and trouble in equal measure. | |
Mephit | Small, unpleasant creatures from the ever-churning Elemental Chaos, who wield para-elemental powers. | |
Merblin | Aquatic goblinoids of the murky depths. | |
Mobian | Mobians are melee fighters and mages by nature. They tend to lean towards melee attacks and magical buffs. | |
Mobian (Mobius Setting) | An anthropomorphic race with many different animal subraces based on the Sonic The Hedgehog franchise. | |
Modron | Beings of clockwork routine and perfect order | |
Mogogol | Mogogols share many traits with the frogs from with they are descended. | |
Moki | Moki are fast and agile. They also aren't fond of bright light. | |
Molekin | Minute furry creatures with a talent for digging. | |
Mongrelfolk | Less a race than a convenient category, the highly-variable mongrelfolk consist of every being who counts multiple types of humanoids among their ancestors. | |
Monkey-Bird | Spider monkey/parrot hybrid. | |
Moogle | Adorable ... plush creatures | |
Moreauvian | Pitiable creatures born from godly naivete | |
Mossfolk | A race of peaceful and quiet forest dwellers. | |
Mothflok | Gentle souls guided by the light of their lover: The Moon | |
Mousefolk | Furry, nimble, small, retiring and agreeable race. | |
Mr. Saturn | Odd, beach ball sized creatures that tend to end their sentences with onomatopoeia, such as ding, boing, and zoom | |
Mudborn | A cute, little salamander with the most precious face in the world, a loyal friend to those they trust. | |
Mudcrawler | Creatures born of mud, that can occasionally animate other mud puddles. | |
Murloc | Murlocs often hunt in groups, but, if hunting a stealthy prey, will split up and can easily be picked off. | |
Mymyks | A small species of shapeshifting cephalopods which more often than not look like French Mimes and talk just as much. | |
Myxapia | A race of intelligent ooze-like people | |
Neko | Anime cat people. | |
Nekomata | "Monstrous" cats of yokai origin | |
Nimbat | Small, intelligent, winged, cat-like bat creatures. | |
Nobody (Kingdom Hearts Setting) | ||
Noggin | Rock-constructs that follow the beat of the earth's drum. | |
Noshera | Ravenous little Jerboa "mouse" like critters with some strange dietary habits. | |
Octofolk | ||
Orclings | ||
Otterfolk | Otterfolk were first created when a wizard gave human intelligence and dexterity to a normal otter. | |
Parrot | Parrots are a birdlike humanoid race of colorful bird people that are accustomed to traversing the open seas, and tropics, alike. | |
Penguin | A small, cute race of flightless birds who are native to the arctic. | |
Pikmin | Pikmin are flora-fauna hybrids spawned by an Onion as part of its hive. | |
Planinimal | Animals with MTG abilities. | |
Pompup | A race of Pomeranian power in bipedal form. Creatures of the fey? Maybe one day, someone might find out. | |
Procyon | Procyons are bipedal raccoons with a deep connection to the night, and some magic. | |
Pugkin | Noble Canid race based in many years of honor and tradition. | |
Quaggan | Small, peaceful cetacean-people that turn into monsters when enraged. | |
Qualf | The four-armed qualf are known to be very astute tinkers and smiths because of their great attention to detail | |
Rabbitfolk | Pleasant and laid back, there are few people that hate rabbitfolk. | |
Rabgon | Lapine dragons | |
Raccoon Folk | A humanoid Raccoon, Tanuki, and Opossum. | |
Raccoon Folk, Variant | A humanoid Raccoon, Tanuki, and Opossum. | |
Raesokeran Chiropterus | Anthropomorphic bats from the Raesokeran continent. | |
Rag Doll | Construct dolls are constructs with immense variation. | |
Rakaka | Humanoid naked mole rats | |
Rakshia | Insect humanoids that take a liking to extreme environments | |
Raniide | Crafty crustaceans with a passion for creation. | |
Raposa | Short, foxlike creatures that are usually very faithful to their religion and use the word "Rapo" in front of objects that originated from a raposa-run village | |
Ratfolk, Variant | Short, scrawny humanoids with ratlike physical features. | |
Ratmen | As sneaky and agile as a rat but you are a humanoid. | |
Ravenclaw | Ravenclaws are the wisest of the wise, and a great asset to any team. | |
Redcap | Little Fey Murderhobo, demon sauce optional. | |
Roc Roc | "Ca Ca! Ca Ca Ca Ca! *Ahem* Caw. Caw. CAW." | |
Roserade | A bipedal bouquet of roses that is just as deadly as it is beautiful. | |
Runeterra: Yordle | Jovial, fierce critters who can surprise the most unsurprised. | |
Sagon | Strange, bipedal creatures that dwell in dense thickets. | |
Salazzle | Venomous reptilian pokemon whose pheromones can influence the thoughts and actions of beasts and even people. | |
Sand Shifter | A race of desert dwelling beetle-like creatures who live in tribes. | |
Sanujae | Sanujae are small squirrel people with an honorable martial society. | |
Schroom | Flesh eating mushroom people | |
Scrafty | With a rude attitude and saggy skin-pants, these punkish lizard pokemon defend their territory by spitting acid and delivering powerful kicks. | |
Scuirian | Humanoids imbued with speedy squirrel qualities | |
Selachin | Waterborne humanoids that have a striking resemblance to sharks. | |
Serfrar | The child of a dwarven and elvish heritage. | |
Shard-Crystallid Hybrid | Humanoids with crystalline augmentations, crystallid-shards tend to be very skilled in combat. | |
Sharkin | Dangerous, oceanic hunters and warriors. | |
Shrumling | "Living mushrooms with Halfling appearance." | |
Sidhe | Beings from legend a fairy tales, and often godmothers and godfathers. | |
Silt Runner | Fast desert lizardfolk that can scuttle over liquid dirt. | |
Sketch Kind | Sketch kinds are living doodles/drawings created by somebody that has too much creative freedom | |
Skorupi | Oversized, small scorpions with savage venom | |
Skull Kid | These cursed, magical children wander through forests for centuries, playing songs and tricks alike. | |
Slakoth | Slow moving sloth pokemon | |
Slime | Eternally curious balls of fun loving alchemy. | |
Slugcat | Half-cat, half-slug, all cute little survivors of the time of the Ancients. | |
Slurp | ||
Smeargle | Bipedal canine pokemon who create art with paint-oozing tails. | |
Solari | Human-like creatures born from the sun, who are strengthened during the day and weakened at night. | |
Speed Dragonbeast | Speed, stealth, and venom, rolled into one terrible package. | |
Speiran | A race of beings made airy to redeem themselves | |
Spiderling | ||
Spirit Guardian | Children of the Spirit Trees. Guardians of their forests. Do not underestimate the power of these small, nimble creatures. | |
Spirit Guardian, Variant | Spirit Guardians channel their light in numerous ways to light a small area, improvise weapons, give a slight boost to allies, move at ludicrous speeds, and make long falls a nuisance. | |
Squirrelfolk | A race of small fur covered humanoids with a striking resemblance to squirrels. | |
Star Warriors | Born from the alleged deaths of Kirby and Meta Knight hundreds of years ago, this race of gluttonous and fun loving characters are ready for adventure! | |
Stufful | Very small and strong bears that resemble stuffed animals. | |
Subrosian | Small, mysterious, subterranean people who already wear robes and habitually bathe in lava—to them, sunlight and open skies are quite alien phenomena. | |
Sylveon | Eevee's arguably most fashionable evolution | |
Synth | Lightweight sound-oriented robots | |
Talto | Taltos are aberrations in human form who attach themselves to those with magic powers | |
Tanuki | ||
Thalassian | Those who have returned from the sea. | |
Thorn | Fey guardians with very pointy swords and very drowsy arrows. | |
Tibbit | ||
Tiki-Taka | Small natives of the island of Karatosha, finding mischief and adventure around every corner. | |
Tonberry | Vengeful demihumans lurking in the dark | |
Trapinch | Small but aggressive antlions who trap prey in inescapable sand pits and crush them with powerful jaws. | |
Tripodician | Tripodal creatures without bones that dwell in the tundras of the world. | |
Troll (5e Class) | A monstrous troll which grows more powerful as it increases in size. | |
Tsareena | Short and vicious, yet protective, plant-like humanoids who kick foes into submission. | |
Tsukumogami | A spirit formed by an inanimate object after 100 years of neglect. | |
Tuchgeist | Living bedsheet ghosts created to be servants of darkness, they crave candy and friendship. | |
Twili | A race of humanoids with strange powers that live in the Twilight Realm. | |
Tyranid | Hive minded creatures leaving destruction in their wake | |
Tyrogue | Small, humanoid pokemon that are always looking for a fight, especially against foes stronger than it. | |
Uldra | Short descendants of fey that live exclusively in arctic lands. | |
Urban Kobold | Urban Kobolds are very sociable (and apparently cuddly) creatures, and a lot more durable than normal kobolds. | |
Urutan-Yensa | Sand people who are territorial crustaceans | |
Varmint | Small-ish rat/mice people who are known for their proficiency with insults and their ability to work with technology | |
Veskorii | Nimble, fluffy little bundles of curiosity and chaos with ties to the Feywild. Good at climbing and even better at getting into trouble! | |
Vexling | Small, poisonous and mischievous shapeshifters with a penchant for disruption. | |
Villhundmann | ||
Void Dweller | Goopy lil guys with rubberhose eyes | |
Voidling | A secretive race literally born of the void. | |
Vril | Drow-enhanced goblinoid slave soldiers turned freedom fighters. | |
Waddle Dee | Waddle Dee and its cousins will try to gang up on creatures when attacking. Their downfall is their intelligence. They're not too smart. | |
Warrior Cat | Warrior Cat from Warriors | |
Wayang | Wily and sly, wayangs are small humanoids of the wayang subtype who spend much of their time avoiding others, especially the predators that live in the wilderness near their hidden settlements. | |
Weavile | Cunning, cat-like arctic weasels who tear the flesh of prey with razor-sharp claws. | |
Whimsicott | Small, free-spirited puffballs known for their mischief-making. | |
Wigglytuff | Unexpected leaders touched by moonlight | |
Wumpus | Small magical pig-like creatures. | |
Wyrwood | Small wooden constructs created for servitude | |
Xelph | "They rarely wish to harm" | |
Xenomorph | The aliens from the "Alien" franchise, adapted to fit within the realms of D&D | |
Xenomorph, Variant | The aliens from the "Alien" franchise. | |
Xvart | Short, greedy cowards spawned by the equally cowardly Raxivort, living and speaking with vermin. | |
Yanme’e | Disposable soldiers capable of flight. | |
Yarny | A small, brightly coloured humanoid, made out of yarn | |
Yinglet | A race of diminutive rodent-like creatures. | |
Yodae | ||
Ysoki | Ysoki, also known among others as ratfolk, are small people who resemble humanoid rats. They are found as both itinerant merchants and scavengers in the cities of other races. | |
Zethari | Small, Mischievous, Agile and resourceful creatures with the ability to distort reality. | |
Zethlera |
Name | Summary |
Alcremie | Tiny and adorable fey oozes that secrete a sweet, delicious cream. |
Anuran | Their small stature and amphibian nature grants these small frog people many advantages. |
Avilus | Optimistic songbirds that are just as likable as they are fast. |
Avilus, Variant | Optimistic songbirds that are just as likable as they are fast. |
Buttery Sprite | Fairies that love butter |
Chattur | A spacefaring race that resembles a small monkey or rodent. They are known as "space bandits". |
User:Dead0utsider | |
Drilbur | A small, swift mole Pokémon that burrows underground. |
Educated Rodents | The Educated Rodents are a group of rare rats who have developed an exceptional intelligence. Small and unassuming, they still prove worthy allies and harsh enemies because of their pure cunning. |
Faerie Dragon | Magical dragons that have eschewed living wild to be closer to more potential targets for their pranks. |
Faerie Folk | Tiny winged folk who hail from the Feywild. |
Faery | The diminutive folk of the fey wild, blessed with tasks to keep them busy from otherwise mischievous habits. |
Faery, Variant | Magical creatures filled with wonder and whimsy. |
Fairy, Variant | They are shy and reclusive flying fey creature that adores playing tricks and pranks on others. |
Fey Mice | Fey Mice, properly known as Spirit Guardians, don't actually resemble mice at all. They are fey creatures that quite literally grow on trees, appearing as leaves. When they are "born" they polymorph into Tiny humanoid beings. |
Fey Prairie Dog | A humanoid prairie dog |
Galvan | The galvan are a species of small bipedal, frog-like amphibians. |
Goblini | The Goblini are visually similar to Goblins, though, of a much smaller size, they are agile and cunning, and tiny. |
Hazmur | Hazmur are mutated, stout violent fey creatures with hulking musculature, dumb and inept at magic, yet stong, agile and tough. They quickly grow at Spirit Darkthorn, appearing as leaves, then polymorph into Tiny humanoids. |
Hengeyokai | Animals of longevity and shapeshifting. |
Homunculus, Variant | An organic construct, created to aid a magic user. |
Inchling | Inchlings are a race very similar to humans, although they are of a much smaller size. |
Inchling, Variant | Inchlings are similar to Humans but just smaller |
Kuriboh | Seemingly weak, these hairy balls' potential is unleashed when their friends are in danger. |
Litwick | Sentient candle pokemon |
Makkin, Tiny Variant | Makkin are small bipedal fey-kin with animal features, and expressive faces. |
Mankey | Short little angry monkey balls |
Mekhane | Creation of Aeris Mekhaus, god of technology, searching for meaning in their almost neverending life. |
Mimikyu | A small, mysterious creature both loved for its short stature and childishly crafted disguise and feared because no one knows what's actually underneath said disguise. |
Monrel | Tribal vulpine beings with flaps |
Mysterious Man | Just an ordinary person who is dull . |
Nekomata | "Monstrous" cats of yokai origin |
Newro | The genius black mice |
Pawmo | Electrical mice pokemon that can punch you out |
Pictsie | Known to themselves as The Wee Free Men, are a clan of hard-drinking, sheep-stealing, sword-wielding, fey who are as fierce and proud as they are afraid of lawyers |
Pixie | Tiny, mischievous, flying fey. |
Pseudodragon | A more intelligent variant of the smallest of dragons. |
Quickling | Tiny fey that are as fast as they are mischievous. |
Raccoon | A raccoon that normally stands on two legs. |
Redhnyan | Tiny fiddlehead fern fairies. |
Ribombee | Small, fey-like pokemon who gather honey and use pollen to both attack their foes and heal their allies. |
Sableye | Tiny, goblin-like, gem-eating Pokemon who reside in deep, dark caves. |
Sharkin | Dangerous, oceanic hunters and warriors. |
Smurf | Tiny blue fey that do smurfy things in their smurf villages, often to the chagrin of non-smurfs. |
Sprigatito | Cute little plant cats |
Sprite | In secret groves and shaded glens, tiny sprites with dragonfly wings flutter. For all their fey splendor, however, sprites lack warmth and compassion. They are aggressive and hardy warriors, taking severe measures to ward strangers away from their homes. Interlopers that come too close have their moral character judged, they are put to sleep or frightened off. |
Sprite (slight) Variant | |
Squirrelfolk, Variant | Squirrelfolk are a short, cute, but noble woodland race. Enlightened by Rillifane Rallathil at the dawn of time. |
Tiny Demon | Tiny demon guys |
Tiny Dragonbeast | Tiny, sociable, dracofied creatures |
Tontatta Dwarve (Grand Line Supplement) | |
Treecko | Gecko pokemon who may be small but slow to gain trust |
Tressym | Familiars that have gained freedom |
Tsukumogami | A spirit formed by an inanimate object after 100 years of neglect. |
Turtle Cat | The mystical, magical, miraculous combination of a cat and a turtle. |
Victini | A Pokemon that stands for victory and good fortune. |
Warehound | Beings of dough and determination! |
Name | Summary |
Aethen | As descendants of the Celestial Phoenix, Aethens possess a profound connection to their ancestral bloodline, enabling them to harness its power and infuse themselves with its essence. |
Angel | Angels are spiritual beings created by a lawful good deity to act as servants, messengers and warriors. |
Beloved Child | Seemingly normal humans. |
Colowred | A race of colored auras |
Deitan (5e race) | Deitans are very strong and smart creatures with a couple of extra abilities. |
Dominus Claritas | Dominus Claritas have the abilities of either light or dark |
Ekans | |
Fae | Fae are charismatic beings, capable of inflicting a lot of damage. They rely heavily on their senses. |
Fae, Variant | With their long life and seniority of their kind, the Fae possess several unique abilities. |
Fractured | People who don't fit in to the world around them. |
Ghoul King Incarnate | Seemingly normal humans with a dark truth and 6 eyes. |
Ghoul, Variant | Seemingly normal humans with a dark truth. |
Inkling | Transdimensional, androgynous, identical, and odd beings of Shadowfell |
Juggernaut (Variant) | Hulking creatures who lack in the brain-power department. |
Ken Clan | |
Lamia, Variant | A race of reptilian females with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a snake. |
Lee Clan (Ultimate Ninja Supplement) | |
Litch | A humanoid race of undead living upon the coldest summits of the world. |
Living Doll | |
Mind Flayer, Prestige (5e Class) | |
Moosotaur | |
Otterkind | Otter like social beings. |
Pantin | Pantin are puppets made to live outside by themselves |
Safir Variant | |
Surrakar | Bulky amphibious humanoids of Zendikar |
Tokyo Ghoul, Variant | Seemingly normal humans with a dark truth. |
Vileblood (Bloodborne Supplement) | Blood-drinking nobles of Cainhurst, cursed with immortality and an insatiable hunger. |
Viperfish | Scaly aquatic humanoids that use this lumination to their benefit. |
Water Mole | Strong or Smart creatures depending on the tribe. |
Xorn | Gem-eaters born of the earth elemental plane |
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