Leonid (5e Race)

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Why does everyone think that just because I'm a smart guy, I'm the greatest military leader this side of Helyiland, why does everyone think I have this innate ability to make up good quotes? Train your army well. Don't lose your supply chain. If someone has bows, equip your army with shields. If your leg hurts, you should probably go check it out because leg injuries can seem really benign, but they're actually really malignant & can cripple you for life if left unchecked. Now apply that to the rest of your life.
—Count Callocna of Hamangia

Physical Description[edit]

A Leonid Priest standing in the desert of Southern Hamangia.

It's a humanoid lion. What do you want from me?


Although Southern Cursa has historically been a hotbed of nations, the Leonids have consistently been a major player throughout recorded history. They first emerge as two separate nations, Hamangia and Ccandor, but after a few wars the weaker Ccandor was defeated by Count Callocna, who combined the two nations in the massive County of Hamangia. From there, they turned their eyes to the next rival, Adamott. Adamott proved to be a worthy rival to Hamangia, even as it was pushed southward into the Lovar desert. Eventually, the two nations unified into the Empire of Hamangia-Adamott. From there, nothing could stand in their way.

Hamangia-Adamott gobbled up every nearby nation, subjugating them entirely. The power in the empire had seesawed between the wealthy upper class and the military leaders, but as the empire grew, the military cemented its position at the top, and began squeezing the poor. At the height of its empire, it had more tax collectors than soldiers in its standing army. But all good things have to come to an end. As Hamangia-Adamott swallowed more territory, it was inevitable it would run into an imoveable object. That was Faakh'el, over on Aletaë. The two empires first clashed at the Battle of Khar-Hai in Ludus. They say the air was alive as metal met metal, and lion fought with blood. The two empires fought to a standstill, and Hamangia-Adamott was content with southern Cursa. But Faakh'el wasn't content with Aletaë. They waited for their chance to strike.

The height of the empire came when Hamangia-Adamott delved deep into Askria and conquered the Vermillion coalation. But the intercourse between the two halves of the empire led to a silk road in the Lovar desert. The region soon became populous and wealthy, and when the tax collectors came to collect, they revolted. A few careless military decisions left the northern half poorly defended. And this time, when the Sanguine landed on the shores of Sinclair and Ludus, there was no clash of metal on metal. There was only destruction. When they finally sued for peace, all of Adamott had been swallowed by Faakh'el, and Hamangia was a shadow of its former self. It was over.

Nowadays, Faakh'el has collapsed too. At least, it's lost its grip on Cursa. Hamangia never fully recovered, but it managed to stop its descent and recover with much dignity. Mahaila remains a puppet of the County, and it is still the most powerful nation in the region. After its destruction, it turned to its ally Yssalru to support it, and slowly became intertwined in alliance with it. But after its constant history of fighting, Southern Cursa has finally lost all desire for war, and relaxes in peace.


During their empire, the Leonids were feared for their armies. They fought with twice the strength of a normal warrior, martialled in unparalleled ranks. On buildings from Semailia to the Pelelyns, mosaics display fierce Leonid generals. But even when they were conquering, the Leonids were not primarily warriors, but tax collectors. When they conquered, they did it for the economy. Now that the realization was occurred that any war is bad for the economy, the Leonids were overjoyed to choose peace.

70 years after the war of the Lovar ended, consul Pfelldör Spsaklhöt of the Kingdom of Leimfatt or the Faraud Empire declared "100 years of Peace." Any astrologer worth their salt would tell you that after the Aaurad Syzygy, any warfare during the blue moon would only lead to death, but that wasn't really why he had done it. Leimfatt had rapidly become the 3rd regional power, beside Hamangia and Adamott, and he was telling the nations that peace was how to get on his good side. Hamangia was happy to oblige. As soon as it gained a degree of financial independence, it strained its alliance with Yssalru until it could be seen through. Hamangia now boasts the smallest standing army, in comparison with population, of any major nation.

And it benefited massively. Hamangia's economy skyrocketed, and once again, all of Southern Cursa began to revolve around it. It is said that if you see a Leonid at a business meeting, you had better hope he's only there as an enforcer. If he's running the deal, you're already screwed. Hamangia in general is very independent in terms of culture, with children moving out and living in their own houses. The people are very boisterously welcoming in public settings, but often conceal a certain unscrupulocity—it takes a lot to be the sort of person who thrives in Hamangia. The nation is incredibly diverse, a testament to their former and current glory. Though this often leads to tensions, most Leonids are familiar with foreign races.

Leonid Names[edit]

Hamangia's influence is felt in the alphabet it uses being dominant in the region. It uses a complicated mixture of the placement of symbols to write out syllables, and may be unintelligible to foreigners, because of how many different sounds the language has. Leonids have names similar to humans, with a first name and last name passed down across families.

Male: Alttimm, Ariesh, Calmmionh, Gommexh, Grriznobbal, Hismukpo, Johhthmee, Omppixtarr, Rrenebble, Tubisskap, Ucismmi

Female: Akoumsa, Barrxinof, Emnnotge, Humissksa, Llenel, Nnomicca, Piskabamm, Raphhissto, Sharea, Xhomeng, Yung

Family: Achhinens, Colimnor, Cassionna, Deerrivhar, Nomahejha, Masmma, Trebbizon, Vhholwink, Wanborrin, Zzolteffie

Leonid Traits[edit]

Yeah, yeah, another anthro lion. These guys are really into capitalism though.
Ability Score Increase. Either your Strength or Dexterity score increases by 2 and your Charisma score increases by 2.
Age. Leonids mature at the same rate as humans, but age slightly slower, often capping out at 120.
Alignment. Like any society, Leonids function based on laws, and most people are generally good. Most are lawful good, but they're not above slipping to neutral or even evil to make a quick buck.
Size. Leonids stand broad and muscular, and a few inches taller than a human. Rarely do they go below 6 feet tall, and the tallest are often around 7.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Claws. Your claws are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you can deal slashing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier.
Mane. In the desert, dry grass, and even in cities, Leonids are silent hunters. You have proficiency in Stealth. Of course, Males grow an enormous shaggy mane, which counteracts this, instead granting you proficiency in Intimidation, though you can shave it to return to stealth.
Lionheart. Your ancestors were the Kings of the Savannah, and their blood courses through your veins. You have advantage on saving throws to avoid being frightened.
Warrior Culture. Although the standing army is quite small, all Leonids are theoretically trained to fight. You have proficiency with halberds, glaives, pikes, and greatswords.
Lethality. You know exactly how to go for the throat. When you reduce a creature to 5 or fewer hit points, you can deal additional damage to it equal to its remaining health. Once you use this trait, you can't use it until you finish a short or long rest.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Hamangian and one other language of your choice.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

5′ 11'' +2d6 160 lb. × (2d8) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

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