Lee Clan (Ultimate Ninja Supplement)
Lee Clan[edit]
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Rock Lee from Naruto |
The youthful Lee Clan member trains from dusk to dawn, his greatest friend and rival watches him push himself to the extreme. "10,001… 10,002…"! He said to himself as he's doing Handstand Push-ups. "Metal… you're pushing yourself too hard. Your body is going to give out on you. Doing all of this is unnecessary and pointless, Metal." His rival spoke to Metal with concerns for his friend's safety. "Ever since I was a child, I have had this instinctive urge for expansion and growth. To me, the function and duty of a quality human being is the sincere and honest development of one’s potential." Metal speaks as he gets himself off the ground. "I may not be able to do Ninjutsu or Genjutsu effectively like the others. But that doesn't mean I can't push myself to overcome those weaknesses. Pushing my very limits to reach greater heights!" —Might Sky
At World's End, Ch. 17 excerpt.
Leaf's Hot-Blooded Youth[edit]
Lee Clan Traits[edit]
Ability Score Increase: +2 Strength or +2 Dexterity and +1 Constitution
Speed: Your base movement speed is 35ft.
Skill Proficiencies: Martial Arts and your choice between Athletes, Acrobatics or Chakra Control.
Weapon Proficiencies: You are proficient with all melee weapons.
Lee Clan Features[edit]
Leaf Techniques: The Lee Clan has access to a separate list of Jutsu unique to their Clan. You can add these Jutsu to your jutsu list instead of selecting jutsu from the Normal jutsu list(s).
Splendid Ninja: Learning Ninjutsu and Genjutsu is difficult for your body, making it harder to master. But your ability for Taijutsu and Bukijutsu is unmatched. While wielding a weapon or under any unarmed combat feature you increase the tier die by 1 and you can replace your Dexterity with your Constitution modifier for AC. You need an ability score minimum for Ninjutsu and Genjutsu Jutsu of D-Rank or higher;
- D-Rank: 12 or higher.
- C-Rank: 14 or higher.
- B-Rank: 18 or higher.
- A-Rank: 20 or higher.
- S-Rank: 24 or higher.
Focused Body: You increase either your Strength, Dexterity or Constitution maximum score stat by 4, making it a total of 24. If there is a feature that already increases your maximum score you can either select a different stat or further increase the current stat. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
Hardy Body: Beginning at 1st level, the Lee Clan are known for their downright monstrous determination and stamina. Increase your Hit Point total by 2. Every level thereafter each time you gain a level, increase your Hit Point total by 2.
Battle Presence: Starting at 1st level, you are a force of nature on the battlefield, and gain access to a special resource, known as Ki. This Ki has a maximum total equal to your Proficiency Bonus + Your Constitution Modifier and begins at 0. At the end of each short or long rest, you reset your Ki to 0, you also lose all Ki when you end combat. To gain Ki, one must fight.
- You gain 1 Ki Point whenever you make a successful hit with either an unarmed attack, Taijutsu or Bukijutsu attack, you gain 2 Ki Points whenever you land a successful Critical hit with either a Taijutsu or Bukijutsu attack.
- You gain 1 Ki Point whenever you take damage from an enemy attack or fail a DC save, you gain 2 Ki Points whenever you take damage from a Critical success from an enemy attack or a Critical failure from a DC save.
- You lose 1 Ki Points whenever you end a turn without taking or dealing damage, whenever you roll a 1 on an attack roll, or whenever you deal no damage with a Jutsu you cast.
Battle Master: Starting at 3rd level, you gain a technique that you can use to improve your battle techniques. You gain an additional technique at 7th level, 11th level, and finally at 15th level;
- • Battle Weave: As a Bonus Action casting a Jutsu with the M property, you may expend a number of Ki Points equal to the Rank, if you do, creatures cannot take reactions until the end of their next turn after the duration of the Jutsu. (D-Rank: 1, C-Rank:2, B-Rank: 3, A-Rank: 4, S-Rank: 5)
- • Endure: When you would take damage, spend up to 12 Ki Points and gain Temporary Hit Points equal to 5 times the result. These stack with other instances of Temporary Hit Points and last until the end of your next turn.
- • Ferocity: When you fail a saving throw and are subjected to a Physical or Mental condition, you may spend 4 Ki Points to reroll the saving throw. If this would cause you to instead succeed, the creature who targeted you must make a Charisma Saving Throw vs DC (10 + Intimidation Bonus) on a failure suffering 1 Rank of Fear for 1 minute for each rank of a condition they would have inflicted on you. At the end of each of their turns they may remake this saving throw. If you have Expertise in Intimidation, instead reduce their saving throw by half of your Proficiency Bonus.
- • Follow-Through: After hitting a creature with a Taijutsu that does not have the Combo Keyword, you may spend 5 Ki Points grant it the Combo Keyword, allowing you to target an affected creature with a Taijutsu Finisher regardless of range, once per turn, using either an Action, Bonus Action, or Reaction, ignoring its listed casting time, and adding the result of the Ki Points to the damage dealt.
- • Resolve of the Body: As an Action, you may expend any number of Ki Points equal to your proficiency bonus, you heal a number of Hit Points equal to the amount spent times 10. You can use this feature twice per long rest.
- • Resolve of the Mind: As an Action, you may expend any number of Ki Points equal to your proficiency bonus, you restore a number of Chakra Points equal to the amount spent times 5. You can use this feature twice per long rest.
- • Retaliate: When a creature makes a melee attack against you, you may spend 1-5 Ki Points to make an unarmed attack against them, this attack cannot critically hit or benefit from additional damage dice granted by features or jutsu. If you hit, reduce their attack roll by half the result of the die.
- • Tunnel Vision: When casting a Taijutsu that requires a saving throw, you may spend 3 Ki Points to reduce one target creature’s saving throw by half by half of your Proficiency Bonus. Until the start of your next turn, when damaged by other creatures, you take extra damage equal to the result.
- • Youth!: You let out a powerful battle cry. As a Bonus Action or Reaction, you may expend 5 Ki Points for each hostile creature within 30ft of you having to make a Wisdom Saving throw against your Taijutsu save DC, gaining 1 rank of condition on a failed save. In addition, you can spend an additional 1 Ki Point to a maximum of 5 to reduce their roll per Ki Points.
First Impressions: Starting at 7th level, you do your best to act fast within the battle to set the precedent for victory. You have advantage on Initiative checks and can use 3 Chakra Points to increase your initiative result by +1 per point spent. You also gain a 2d6 bonus to damage rolls against creatures who have yet to act in combat. At 11th level, once per short rest, you can give yourself an extra bonus action and reaction during the first round of combat.
At 15th level, you carry strong alertness. While you are above half of your max hit points, you cannot be Surprised.
Ravaging Combos: Starting at 11th level, you gain a +1 to critical threat range with Lee Clan Hijutsu, Taijutsu, and Taijutsu attack rolls made with Combination jutsu. At 15th level, allies that assist you in casting Combination jutsu also gain this bonus to critical threat range. At 18th level, this bonus becomes a +2.
Lee Clan Jutsu[edit]
Crushing Leaf Fist Classification: Hijutsu Rank: D-Rank Casting Time: Special Range: 5 Feet Duration: Instant Components: M Cost: 5 Chakra or 3 Ki Keywords: Hijutsu, Taijutsu Description: A straight punch launched from the waist, while it may be simplistic in nature, it is powerful when used properly. • As an Action: Make a Taijutsu attack, on a hit you deal your unarmed damage + 3d10, the target must then make a constitution save or gain 1 rank of the Bruised condition. • As a Reaction: When a creature moves within 5ft of you, you may use this technique as a reaction to make a Taijutsu attack against the target, on a hit they take 2d10 bludgeoning damage + X(X being the distance the target moved to a max of 30) and must make a strength save, on a failure they are pushed back 30ft and gain 1 rank of Bruised. At Higher Levels: For each rank you cast this jutsu above D-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3 or 1 Ki and the damage by 1d10 and the max of the reaction by 10 as well as the distance by 5ft.
Fury Leaf Kick Combo Classification: Hijutsu Rank: D-Rank Casting Time: 1 Action Range: 30 Feet Duration: Instant Components: M Cost: 4 Chakra or 3 Ki Keyword: Hijutsu, Taijutsu Description: You leap at a target within 30 feet and perform a spin kick dealing your unarmed damage + 1d12. After this, you may make an unarmed strike with advantage as a bonus action, but you do not apply your modifier to the damage. At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above D-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3 or 1 Ki and the number of unarmed strikes as a bonus action by 1.
Steel-Leaf Classification: Hijutsu Rank: D-Rank Casting Time: 1 Week Range: 5 Feet Duration: Special Components: M Cost: 5 Chakra or 3 Ki Keywords: Hijutsu, Taijutsu Description: You brutally train your body to be as hard as Steel. You gain a number of Steel-Leaf Points equal to your Ki Point's current maximum, if you cast this jutsu again you replace any points you had and do not stack them with each other. You can use Steel-Leaf Points in the following ways. • You can spend 3 to halve an instance of damage you take. • You can spend any amount to gain Damage Reduction equal to twice the amount spent for the rest of the round. • At the beginning of your turn you can spend up to 10 points, for each point spent, increase all damage you deal with unarmed strikes or Taijutsu by that amount. At Higher Levels: For each rank you cast this jutsu above D-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3 or 1 Ki and increase the amount of Steel-Leaf points by 15.
Surging Leaf Fist Classification: Hijutsu Rank: D-Rank Casting Time: 1 Action Range: 30 feet Duration: Instant Components: CM, M Cost: 5 Chakra or 3 Ki Keywords: Hijutsu, Taijutsu, Clash Description: You channel a ball of chakra of pure youth in your fist. Make a Ranged Taijutsu attack against a creature within range. On hit you deal 2d12 + Taijutsu Modifier Force Damage, the target must then make a constitution save or gain 1 rank of the Bruised condition. At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above D-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3 or 1 Ki and you may make an additional attack against the same or different creature in range.
Leaf Rising Dragon Fist Classification: Hijutsu Rank: C-Rank Casting Time: 1 Action Range: 5 feet Duration: Instant Components: CM, M Cost: 8 Chakra or 5 Ki Keywords: Hijutsu, Taijutsu, Combo Description: You attempt to strike a devastating blow, launching your target into the air. Make a Taijutsu attack against a target within range, on a hit you deal 4d4 as Force damage and send them into the air a number of feet equal to your Taijutsu ability modifier times 5. After you hit, the target can’t react for the rest of your turn. Until the end of your turn, you can target this creature with a Taijutsu finisher, regardless of range, once per turn using either a bonus action or action, ignoring its listed casting time. If you use a Lee Clan Hijutsu finisher, increase the damage die size by 1 to a max of 1d12. At Higher Levels: For each rank you cast this jutsu above C-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3 or 1 Ki and the damage by 1d4. Also, at B-Rank increase the die size of a Lee Clan Hijutsu finisher again by 1 size, at S-Rank increase it again by another size, if it was already a d12 increase the number of die damage by 1 for each die instead.
Leaf Sunkei Classification: Hijutsu Rank: C-Rank Casting Time: 1 Action Range: 5 Feet Duration: Instant Components: CM, M Cost: 7 Chakra or 5 Ki Keywords: Hijutsu, Taijutsu Description: You line up a one-inch punch and deliver a strong blow using your internal power. Make a Taijutsu attack at advantage, on a hit you deal your unarmed damage + 4d8 as Force damage and the target is sent (X)-feet back (X being your Taijutsu modifier x5). If an object would stop their movement, both the target and the object take bludgeoning damage as if they had fallen the remaining distance. At Higher levels: For each rank you cast this jutsu above C-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3 or 1 Ki and the damage by 1d8.
Leaf Spinning Lotus Classification: Hijutsu Rank: B-Rank Casting Time: 1 Action Range: 5 feet Duration: Instant Components: M Cost: 15 Chakra or 7 Ki Keywords: Hijutsu, Taijutsu, Finisher Description: This technique must be used as a finisher and as part of the activation of this jutsu, the target creature must be airborne or falling. This jutsu can only be done while your target is airborne. you leap and surge your chakra through your battle wire or protruding cloth, causing it to wrap around your enemy. They can spend a reaction to make a grapple check vs you. On a success, you grab the target, and begin to rapidly spin, blurring both of your bodies and creating dust trails as you piledrive the target into the ground, dealing your unarmed damage + 6d10 as Force damage. All creatures within 5ft of the target must make a strength saving throw, being pushed back 15ft on a failed save. The original target must also make a constitution saving throw save or gain 3 ranks of the Bruised condition., if you roll 4 10’s on a d10 with this attack, the opponent’s neck is snapped, and they die immediately. After this technique is cast, you end the grapple condition on the opponent. At Higher Levels: For each rank you cast this jutsu above B-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3 or 1 Ki and the damage die by 1d10.
Leaf Earth Crust Classification: Taijutsu Rank: B-Rank Casting Time: 1 Action Range: Self (25-Foot Cone) Duration: Instant Components: CM, M Cost: 15 Chakra or 7 Ki Keywords: Hijutsu, Taijutsu, Combo Description: You slam your feet into the ground with the Passion of Youth TM, fragmenting and shattering the earth. All creatures in a 25-foot cone originating from you must succeed a dexterity saving throw to dodge and avoid the spears of stone, metal or whatever materials the ground is made of. On a failed save, creatures take 6d8 + your Taijutsu ability modifier of Force damage and are knocked 25 feet into the air, becoming airborne until the end of the current turn. The affected area becomes difficult terrain until cleared or restored. Until the end of your turn, you can target any affected creatures effected by this jutsu with a Taijutsu Finisher regardless of range, once per turn, using either an Action or Bonus action, ignoring its listed casting time.
Leaf Glimmer Parry Classification: Hijutsu Rank: B-Rank Casting Time: 1 Reaction, which you take when a creature scores a critical hit against you. Range: Self Duration: Instant Components: M Cost: 15 Chakra or 7 Ki Keywords: Hijutsu, Taijutsu Description: This technique is a more advanced version of the Glimmer Dragon technique. Until the end of your next turn, whenever a creature would score a critical hit against you, including the critical hit that triggered this Jutsu, that attack’s damage is reduced by (X)d10 + constitution modifier (X equal to half your character level). Each time an attack is reduced to 0 this way, you may expend 5 Ki Points to make an attack against them or cast a Lee Hijutsu or Taijutsu of C-Rank or Lower that only targets them. At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above B-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3 or 1 Ki. At A-Rank you may cast a Jutsu of B-Rank or lower, and at S-Rank you may cast a Jutsu of A-Rank or lower when you deflect an attack.
True Raging Youth Classification: Hijutsu Rank: A-Rank Casting Time: 1 Action Range: 60 Feet Duration: Instant Components: M, CM Cost: Special (80 Chakra) Keywords: Hijutsu, Taijutsu, Combination, Finisher Description: You awaken the true youthful spirit that rages on eternally inside you, you leap towards your target, until the conclusion of this Jutsu, you cannot be targeted by effects, and you are immune to damage. You leap into an attack pose, and quickly flash between your enemies, striking their very spirit. Make a number of Melee Taijutsu attacks against any number of target creatures within range equal to your Taijutsu ability modifier, on hit, each attack deals damage equal to 10d4 + your Taijutsu ability modifier. These attacks cannot crit. If you cast this Jutsu as a Finisher, instead make a number of Melee Taijutsu attacks against any number of creatures in range equal to your Proficiency Modifier, on hit each attack deals 15d4 + your Taijutsu modifier. These attacks can crit. Combination: When this Jutsu is cast as a combination, it has additional effects based on who has the highest charisma between both casters; • +0-1: No Change • +2-3: Increase the Damage die by 1 step (1d4 -> 1d6) • +4-5: Increase the Damage die by 2 steps (1d4 -> 1d8)
Leaf Musenkei Classification: Taijutsu Rank: A-Rank Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action Range: 5 Feet Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute. Components: M Cost: 18 Chakra or 9 Ki Keywords: Hijutsu, Taijutsu Description: Through mastering the principles of Sunkei, you have learned how to deliver a blow with your full strength, no matter how close. You gain the following Benefits: • You deal an additional 2d8 unarmed damage whenever you land an unarmed strike. • Whenever you hit with an unarmed strike, the opponent is pushed 10ft back, you can move up to them as a part of the attack action without spending movement. • If you land 3 unarmed strikes in one turn, you can free action cast Sunkei. • As a reaction to a melee attack you can perform a 0mm attack, make an unarmed strike VS the to hit, if you roll higher the target, they take 4d8 as Force damage and are pushed back (X)ft (X being your Taijutsu ability modifier x 5) At Higher Levels: For each rank you cast this jutsu above A-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3 or 1 Ki increase the damage by 1d8 and the distance they are pushed back is doubled.
Clan Feat List:[edit]
- Ki Mastery
Category: Clan
Prerequisite: Lee Clan
Your fighting style is unique, and nobody can predict your striking stance.
- Increase your Constitution score by 1, to a Maximum of 20.
- Your maximum total Ki Points increase by twice your proficiency bonus + constitution + wisdom modifiers.
- Your Lee Clan Hijutsu with the Taijutsu Keywords have their DC saves increase by half your wisdom modifiers (rounded up).
- You can now have your wisdom modifier to your unarmed strike damage.
- Flaming-Leaf Stance
Category: Clan
Prerequisites: Lee Clan, Level 4+
You hold within you a deep resolve, that while there will be a day you die, it won't be on this day. You gain the following benefits;
- Increase your Strength or Dexterity score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
- You may designate one Taijutsu Stance you know to become your Flaming-Leaf Stance, gaining additional effects while you are in it.
- While in this stance you gain a +2 to your AC.
- If your stance has a special ability that requires an action or bonus action to use, twice per rest you may activate it more quickly, Bonus Actions becoming free actions and Actions becoming Bonus Actions.
- You ignore the first 3 ranks of Exhaustion, and when you would gain exhaustion during a fight you can choose not to a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus.
- Marital Mastery
Category: Clan
Prerequisites: Lee Clan, Level 8+
Your ability to learn and master martial arts are unmatched. You gain the following benefits;
- Increase your Strength or Dexterity score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
- You learn a number of Taijutsu or Bukijutsu equal to your Proficiency Bonus, these Jutsu doesn't count towards your Jutsu Known list. Those Jutsu are treated as Lee Hijutsu for you.
- As part of rolling initiative, you may cast one C-Rank or lower Taijutsu of with a range of Self. At 16th level you may now cast any jutsu of B-Rank or lower.
- Your Lee Clan Hijutsu with the Taijutsu Keywords has their cost reduced based by their rank (D-Rank: 1, C-Rank: 2, B-Rank: 3, A-Rank: 4, S-Rank: 5).
- Taijutsu you cast are harder to react to, increasing the Chakra Point cost of Reactions against them by half your proficiency bonus. If a Reaction would not cost Chakra, it now costs Chakra Points equal to your proficiency bonus.
- Taijutsu-Network
Category: Clan
Prerequisites: Lee Clan, Level 12+, Ki Mastery & Marital Mastery Feat.
Your Taijutsu is so ingrained within your Chakra Network that it has no room for anything else. You gain the following benefits;
- Increase your Strength, Dexterity or constitution score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
- You reduce the requirements on level for Taijutsu Specialist based Class Mods/Prestige classes by 3.
- As a Reaction, you can permanently copy a Taijutsu or Bukijutsu in use that you can see whose Jutsu Rank is equal to or less than your Strength or Dexterity Modifier (Min 1) or lower (D-Rank: 1, C-Rank: 2, B-Rank: 3, A-Rank: 4, S-Rank: 5.) This Jutsu cannot have the Hijutsu Keyword and you cannot copy a Jutsu with a keyword you don’t have access to. You must succeed on a DC (8 + Jutsu Rank, D-Rank: 1, C-Rank: 2, B-Rank: 3, A-Rank: 4, S-Rank: 5) ability check using the Jutsu’s corresponding Ability score (Taijutsu or Bukijutsu ability score). You cannot gain the benefit of bonuses to this ability check by any means. On a success you add the Taijutsu or Bukijutsu to your known list. On a failure, you do not learn it, and cannot attempt to again until after a long rest. You can learn a number of jutsu this way equal to your proficiency bonus. If you attempt to learn a jutsu while you already have the maximum possible learned from this feature, you unlearn one of the jutsu learned this way, replacing it.
- You permanently cannot use Jutsu with the Ninjutsu or Genjutsu Keywords. No feat or features can bypass or ignore this effect.
Latent Lee[edit]
Bloodline Ability Names | Bloodline Point Cost | Ability Description | |
Latent Splendid Ninja I | 0 | While wielding a weapon or under any unarmed combat feature you increase the tier die by 1. You need an ability score minimum for Ninjutsu and Genjutsu Jutsu of D-Rank or higher;
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Latent Splendid Ninja II | 1 | (You must have Latent Splendid Ninja I) You replace your Dexterity with your Constitution modifier for AC. | |
Latent Focused Body | 2 | You increase either your Strength, Dexterity or Constitution maximum score stat by 4, making it a total of 24. If there is a feature that already increases your maximum score you can either select a different stat or further increase the current stat. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift. | |
Latent Hardy Body | 1 | Your stamina is unmatched. Increase your Hit Point total by an amount equal to your level. Thereafter, each time you gain a level, Increase your Hit Point total by +2. | |
Latent Battle Presence | 3 | Beginning at 3rd level, you are a force of nature on the battlefield, and gain access to a special resource, known as Ki. This Ki has a maximum total equal to your Proficiency Bonus + Your Constitution Modifier and begins at 0. At the end of each short or long rest, you reset your Ki to 0, you also lose all Ki when you end combat. To gain Ki, one must fight.
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Latent Battle Presence | 3 | Beginning at 11th level, you gain a technique that you can use to improve your battle techniques. You gain an additional technique at 15th level, finally at 18th level; | |
Latent First Impressions I | 2 | Starting at 7th level, you do your best to act fast within the battle to set the precedent for victory. You have advantage on Initiative checks and can use 3 Chakra Points to increase your initiative result by +1 per point spent. | |
Latent First Impressions II | 2 | (You must have Latent First Impressions I) Beginning at 15th level, you cannot be surprised while above half of your maximum hit points. | |
Latent First Impressions III | 3 | (You must have Latent First Impressions II) Beginning at 18th level, you gain a +2d4 to damage rolls against creatures who have not acted yet in combat, and once per long rest, you can give yourself an additional bonus action or reaction (pick one) during the first round of combat. | |
Latent Ravaging Combos | 3 | (You must have Latent Danger Points) Beginning at 11th level, you gain a +1 to critical threat range with Lee Clan Hijutsu, Taijutsu, and Taijutsu attack rolls made with Combination jutsu. | |
D-Rank Hijutsu | 1 | You gain the ability to learn D-Rank Lee Clan Hijutsu. | |
C-Rank Hijutsu | 1 | (You must have D-Rank Hijutsu) You gain the ability to learn C-Rank Lee Clan Hijutsu. | |
B-Rank Hijutsu | 2 | (You must have C-Rank Hijutsu) You gain the ability to learn B-Rank Lee Clan Hijutsu. | |
A-Rank Hijutsu | 2 | (You must have B-Rank Hijutsu) You gain the ability to learn A-Rank Lee Clan Hijutsu. | |
Clan Feats | 4 | You gain the ability to learn Clan Feats, with Lee Clan as a Prerequisite. |
Shinobi Clans Link[edit]
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