Nequam (5e Race)

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Physical Description[edit]

The nequami are humanoid in shape but have distinct differences from their uncorrupted brethren. Their skin is a pale, ashy gray, with eyes glowing a dull orange. Nequami aren't allowed to wear anything befitting the status of a normal devil, so they just wear tattered rags or nothing at all. Most slouch or slink as a permanent affectation to their gait, having been conditioned to keep their heads down to avoid having to do things for other devils.


There is no greater joy for Fierna, Lady of Phlegethos, than to corrupt a follower of good. She can manipulate almost any mortal she wants, and even many who aren't mortal, but to lure a priest, paladin, or monk to the Hells is the sweetest victory. She would love to personally meet every god from whom she stole just so she could count out every one of their now-ruined disciples, name by name.

Fierna used to play with these conquests until she got bored, then send them off to get tortured by someone else or just discard them altogether. Recently, though, she has realized she can take her goal one step further by not only taking the followers of these holy gods but further transforming them into devils through a dark, torturous ritual that would permanently cut them off from their gods. This ritual is similar to the one she used to transform satyrs into forlarren, but it has been improved since. It causes its victims to be reborn, in a sense, losing all of their previous physical characteristics in exchange for delivish ones. The thing is, it doesn't work. While the ritual does indeed turn its victims into devils, it fails to cut them off from their gods. Fierna doesn't know that the gods are still watching their twisted followers, awaiting their return to the light and aiding them in any way they can.

These new devils, dubbed nequami (meaning "worthless" in Infernal) by other denizens of Phlegethos, are the lowly servants of even other minor devils. Having had all their power taken away, they are but empty shells of themselves with only their faith to cling to. The transformative ritual undergone by the nequami even removes their ability to reproduce. Fierna has a couple of her favorite nequami near her, but otherwise, they're left to wander her ruined gardens. Occasionally, she'll make deals with other devils to give them nequami as additional servants in exchange for other resources. Nequami can never be promoted, and when they die, they die as a mortal dies, perhaps being reunited with their gods, even.


Nequami only find solace with each other within the harsh reality they've found themselves in. They are beneath all other devils but lemures, and are hardly considered devils at all by most. Many nequami have simply given up on life, crawling into holes across the Hells to live out their eternally miserable lives, or even attempting to kill themselves to pass into a more tolerable afterlife. There are pockets of nequami scattered through Phlegethos, where they remain vigilant and hopeful for escape, though their numbers are always few. Nequami hoping to escape will try to bind themselves to another devil so they might be sent outside Baator at some point. They hope to find their old church so they can break free of their curse.

Nequam Names[edit]

A nequam will simply keep the name they used in their previous life.

Nequam Traits[edit]

Cursed acolytes who have been transformed into devils by Lady Fierna
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2.
Age. As a devil, you will live forever if no one strikes you down. You show no signs of aging, and you are immune to magical aging effects.
Alignment. Nequami start out with a good or lawful alignment, but may begin to become more neutral or evil the more time they spend in the Hells.
Size. Nequami are roughly human-sized, standing from 5 and a half to 6 feet tall. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Superior Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 120 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Devil's Sight. Magical darkness doesn't impede your darkvision.
Hellish Fortitude. You have resistance to cold, fire, and poison damage, and you have advantage on saving throws against being poisoned. Additionally, you don't need to eat, drink, sleep, or breathe, and you are immune to disease.
Lost, But Not Forgotten. Gain proficiency in Religion.
Tool Proficiency. Gain proficiency with one tool of your choice that you knew before you became a nequam.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Infernal, Common, and one other language of your choice that you knew before you became a nequam.
Subrace. You do not have to choose a subrace when you first create your character. You can instead take the fallen subrace when you finish a long rest inside the Nine Hells, or the redeemed subrace when you have ceremony cast on you by another member of your temple as part of an atoning ritual. You may also choose the fallen subrace when you make your character, but you may only take the redeemed subrace if your character escaped Baator and reached one of your god's churches at some point.


Fallen nequami have abandoned their gods and welcomed the life of a devil. They have lost any connections they had with their gods in favor of attempting to climb the ranks within Baator. Fallen nequami do not converse with other nequami, viewing them as inferior. With the right infernal connections and behaviors, a nequam could be accepted as a devil, and this is what a fallen nequam strives for.

Legacy of Phlegethos. Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast the burning hands spell once as a 2nd-level spell. You must finish a long rest to cast this spell again with this trait. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell.


Redeemed nequami have been welcomed back into their temples, perhaps tentatively given their new appearances, but they are nonetheless home once more. You have managed to escape the Hells and find someone willing to cleanse you, but all it breaks is your bond of servitude towards the devils. This evil visage that you bear will be a constant reminder to you of your horrid descent into Phlegethos, but also of your god's ability to pull you back up.

Uncorruptible. Partially as a reward and partially as a future safeguard, your deity has bestowed upon you a minor blessing. You are immune to the charmed condition.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

4′ 8'' +2d10 140 lb. × (2) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

(2 votes)

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