Zethari (5e Race)

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Physical Description[edit]

The Zethari are a small, nimble race, typically standing around 3 to 4 feet tall. They are covered in short, sleek black fur that they can change the colour of at will, much like a chameleon. This aids in camouflage and hiding, but also shows emotions. They often form green or blue spiralling, hypnotic patterns on their wrists, ankles, and occasionally around the base of their horns. Their fur gives them a slight shimmer in the sunlight, making them appear almost ethereal when they move quickly. Their bodies are built for speed and agility, with long, muscular limbs designed for climbing and jumping. The Zethari possess long, prehensile tails with sharp, jagged tips that aid in balance and maneuverability, especially when navigating the dense jungles they call home. Their feet and hands are clawed, allowing for a superior grip on trees, rocks, and other surfaces. Two small, stubby horns protrude from the top of their heads. These horns are not particularly formidable in combat, but they are a distinctive feature of their species and symbolize maturity and social standing.


The Zethari previously lived alongside other races, famed for their innate cunning and their unique ability to distort reality, as well as their inherent mischievous nature. However, one Zethari, fascinated by his own powers, beginning to experiment with it. On accident, he lost control of his chaotic abilities, killing several residents of the village he lived nearby to. The news spread, and soon the curiosity towards the Zethari’s ability turned to mistrust, as other races feared that they too might lose control of their trickster nature and turn sinister, a fear which did, in some, come true. The Zethari fled to the jungle where they now live, some out of fear of those who branded them demons, some from resentment and some for a simple wanting to start a new life. Now, the Zethari are still feared, but they have constructed a civilisation in the jungle, in which they have learned how to survive in, taming the animals and advancing their own potential.


Zethari are an incredibly hyperactive and curious race. Their minds are always racing, constantly seeking new things to explore, observe, or experiment with. Their natural curiosity often leads them into mischief, and they have developed a love for pranks, tricks, and practical jokes. They tend to find humor in the confusion they cause, and their mischievous giggles often accompany the chaos they create. Despite their playful nature, the Zethari are highly intelligent and resourceful. They have a keen understanding of the creatures in their jungle environment, having lived closely with them for generations. They are also skilled in crafting tools, navigating dense foliage, creating intricate traps to protect themselves or catch prey, and harvesting poisons from natural sources with ease, which they often use to tip their weapons when in combat or hunting. Their society values cunning, wit, and cleverness over brute strength. They are natural tricksters and liars, using deception as a way to navigate the world around them. Because of their tendency to mislead others, they are often regarded with suspicion and often outright fear or anger by other races. However, this is counterbalanced by their deep respect for those who demonstrate wisdom, honor, or resourcefulness. Once a Zethari gives their respect to someone, they will cease their pranks and tricks in their presence, treating them with sincerity. The Zethari are also fiercely loyal to their own kind. Although they are known for their trickery, they would never prank a member of their own species. Their society would likely have collapsed long ago if they weren’t able to rely on each other for mutual respect and cooperation.

Zethari Names[edit]

Zethari names are not fixed to any particular convention and are usually chosen by the individual themselves once they come of age. However, the names are often short, sharp and fluid, occasionally being limited to a single letter. They are sometimes inspired by sounds found in the jungle.

Zethari Traits[edit]

Small, Mischievous, Agile and resourceful creatures with the ability to distort reality.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom or Charisma score increases by 2 and your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Age. Most Zethari live significantly longer than humans, up to about 200 years. They reach maturity at 16 and stop visibly ageing past that point.
Alignment. Zethari have a naturally chaotic and mischievous disposition, and so they are nearly always chaotic. They range from good to evil depending on how they choose to live, but most are neutral.
Size. Zethari typically stand at around 3 to 4 feet tall. Your size is small.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Keen Senses. You have 60ft of darkvision, 15 ft of blindsight and advantage on perception checks
Chaos Control. As a Zethari, you possess the innate ability to distort reality, changing how reality works. As an action, you can project a blast of distorted energy, causing a beam of crackling energy to streak toward a creature within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 force damage. This attack creates more than one beam when you reach higher levels: 2 at 5th level, 3 at 11th level, and 4 at 17th level. You can direct the beams at the same target or at different ones. Make a separate attack roll for each beam. In addition, by distorting how others perceive reality, you learn the spells Minor Illusion and can cast it at will. At 5th level, you learn Fear and can cast it up to your proficiency bonus times per short/long rest.
Natural Agility. You possess both claws and a barbed tail, which aid in climbing. As a result, you gain a flying speed equal to 1.5 times your movement speed (45 ft without additions, as Zethari speed is 30), but you may only be a number of feet from any object or willing/grappled creature capable of carrying your weight equal to double your reach, due to your tail being able to support you. In addition, your unarmed strikes do slashing damage due to claws and you may use your tail as if it were a whip.. You automatically have proficiency in these attacks. The tail also functions as a thrid hand, and can hold and use objects.
Camouflage. Due to your fur being able to shift colour, you are able to hide easier. You can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena. When you reach 3rd level, you may impose the effects of the invisibility spell on yourself up to your proficiency bonus times per short/long rest.
Craftiness. You are naturally gifted at the creation of traps and poisons. As a result, you can spend 1d4 hours crafting a basic trap or poison. You can deliberate with your DM the nature of these, and he may adjust the time it takes to make them based on theoretical difficulty. You gain proficiency with thieves' tools and a poisoners kit.
Magic Adaption. Due to your innate chaotic magic, other magic is less effective on you. You have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

3′ 6'' +2d4 115 lb. × (2d6) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

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