Djinni (5e Race)

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If you would like your wish granted, find the strongest of Djinni, as their wish is purely to grant mankinds greatest and most just of wishes.
Louis Godfrey Kang-Gold Plated Adventurer.

Small Stature[edit]

Djinni appear as small, roughly child-sized humanoid creatures that can vary wildly in appearance. Some may look human, some may look like little fairies, some like imps, their appearance always varies depending on what kind of place they were born in and for what purpose they were born into. They largest of Djinni usually stand at roughly the size of a goblin, but due to their shape changing abilities, you can never be sure when a Djinni is actually showing their true selves.


The Species of Djinni has been here since the gods first created the world, and will remain until it is destroyed. This is not to say that a single Djinni is eternal, but their history might as well be.

Homes of the Djinni[edit]

Djinni are magical creatures created by magical objects and therefor all vary vastly in where they live. One Djinni might live in the storage of a old magic item shop, while another may spend its days communicating with the dragon of which its item has been collected to its hoard. Or perhaps they brought their item with them, traveling the world in different ways without any set destination?

Djinni Names[edit]

Djinni names are gender-neutral, and a Djinni who is of the female gender might have a masculine sounding name, or vice-versa. They are often named after their greatest desire, or the place where they were born. A Djinni born in a shed might take on the name of something random, while a Djinni born in a dragons hoard take on a twisted version of the dragons name.

Names: Bluee, Reed, Ylblum, Yharon, Noimyt, Etc.

Djinni Traits[edit]

All Djinni, no matter the difference, have some kind of familiar traits.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2 and your Dexterity score increases by 1. Alternatively, you gain a +2 to any ability score of your choice, and a +1 to another. As usual, you cannot go over 20 using this method.
Age. A Djinni becomes adults shortly after birth, and can live up to 1000 years.
Alignment. The Djinni's alignment vary from various conditions, and therefor, they have no real natural alignment.
Size. Djinni are rather short, energetic creatures standing at roughly 3 to 3'5 feet. Your size is small.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
Djinni's Sight. Djinni's eyes are magical and can not only see unseen things, but appreciate values. You can see 60 ft into the ethereal plane while on the material plane, and vice-versa. Additionally, when looking at a magical object, you can determine its rarity and roughly its price. You also gain advantage on Wisdom (investigation) checks when looking for valuable items.
Floating Flyer. While not wearing heavy armour, Djinni are able to hover up to 5 feet off of the ground. They also have a flying speed equal to their walking speed.
Djinni Origin. The Origins of all Djinni are different, and therefor they cannot be put into collective subclasses. When making a Djinni, discuss with your DM about what the perks and faults of your Djinni origin would be, if you want to have any at all.
Languages. You can speak, read and write Common and one language of your choice.

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