Irotori (5e Race)
“ | Think you've lost things, mammal? Once, my kind ruled the skies, but now we crawl on the ground like hatchlings! When you experience loss like that, then you can complain! | ” |
—Taka, aka-irotori warrior. |
Physical Description[edit]
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A shiro-irotori by Wesley Fax |
Irotori are avian humanoids whose name means "colored bird." Their bodies are covered with plumage of many different colors of a certain scheme which centers around one primary color and its hues. There are also those that are tints rather than colors, like white, black and grey. All irotori have large tail feathers, but tiny wings that are too small for flying. These vestigial wings usually denote their primary color.
The irotori were naturally flying creatures once upon a time, enjoying the freedom of the skies and the blessings of the Elemental Plane of Air. During the Spellplague, their connection with their deities came to be disrupted. They fell like flies from the sky. Many lost their faith as their wings shrunk with their confidence. Upon seeing how flimsy their belief was, the gods did not return their flight ability after the Spellplague ended. Thus, the irotori were cursed to be flightless for their lack of fastidiousness. Distraught, many came to curse the divine whilst others begged in futility. those who were sycophants built gaudy monuments to call back their deities and the nonbelievers tore them down. This period of infighting is called the Years of Flightless Faith in irotori history.
Eventually, the anti-deist sect grew, from the despair that hit the irotori early on as other fliers like aarakocra and raptorans, and outnumbered those who stayed faithful. They were tired of feeling sorry for themselves and wanted to show the gods they could survive without them. Irotori fostered relations with the kenku, another flightless bunch. The kenku greatly helped the irotori transition into flightless life. Soon, the colorful birds settled within small towns of their own within forests and plains, living normally without their wings. However, there existed those fringe groups who continued to vie for the days of flight and secretly worshipped the old gods.
Irotori towns are organized like scattered dots, concentrated in a single area. They live in simple structures that once may have resembled nests but no longer. Travelers are generally welcomed by irotori, though many have noted that they are a proud and haughty bunch. Though they were aided by the kenku, irotori are innately vain so as to gossip about their drab color behind their backs. Despite having lost their wings, their feathers and the luxurious colors remain a point of pride for these people. More often than not, however, they may be attacked by poachers or raiders after those very same feathers.
The irotori have lost much of their religiosity since their fall from the skies. Their schedules used to be full of insincere ceremonies of feasting and worship. Post flight, they no longer believe in their old gods, instead believing themselves abandoned for dead on the earth. They therefore see themselves a bit like survivors who no longer need the divine to survive. Extremists exist however, who continue to worship in secret. These individuals believe the irotori have lost their way back to their rightful place in the skies, and long for a return for themselves.
Irotori Names[edit]
Irotori tend to have nicknames related to flight that they use around outsiders. But among their own, they use a single name, and rarely use last names.
Male: Taka, Mori, Arima, Fujita
Female: Saionji, Okuda, Nishi, Jikouji
Irotori Traits[edit]
Bird-like creatures that cannot fly but have incredibly colorful feathers, save for the white and black.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.
Age. Irotori are adults by the age of 16, and tend to live around 90 years, but some have lived for over 150 years.
Alignment. Irotori tend to have lawful or neutral alignments, and they are rarely evil.
Size. Irotori tend to stand at over 5 feet. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Talons. Your sharp talons are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with it, you deal slashing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.
Languages. You can speak, read and write Common, Auran and Irotorigo. Irotorigo is a language similar to the Aarakocra language, being a language of birdcalls and chirps.
Subrace. Choose one from the Aka, Midori, Kuro, Ao and Shiro subraces.
Red irotori or Aka-irotori are strongly built and tend to serve as warriors among their kind. They have vibrant red feathers on their wings, which are significantly larger than those of other irotori, and they are much hardier.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2.
Redfeather. The aggressive red you sport can make you seem more menacing. You are proficient in the Intimidation skill.
Crimson Endurance. Your hardier feathers make you harder to knock down. Your hit point maximum increases by 1, and it increases by 1 every time you gain a level.
Green irotori, or Midori-irotori, are slight and quick, and tend to serve as scouts. They have magnificent green feathers on their wings, and they move faster than other irotori.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2.
Greenfeather. Your green feathers act like camo to help conceal you. You have advantage in Dexterity (Stealth) checks when in forest terrain.
Viridian Quickness. Your base walking speed increases to 35 feet.
Tools of Infiltration. You are proficient with thieve's tools.
Blue irotori or Ao-irotori are smart, and tend to pursue magic, and many also pursue positions of leadership. They have marvelous blue feathers on their wings, and have innate spellcasting.
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 2.
Bluefeather. The regal blue of the Ao-irotori signifies an upbringing in diplomatic arts for political purpose. You gain proficiency in the Persuasion skill.
Azure Magic. You know and can cast the prestidigitation cantrip at will. Once you reach 3rd level, you gain the ability to cast thunderwave at will once as a 2nd-level spell, regaining use upon finishing a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
White irotori, or Shiro-irotori, are the rare scholars of irotori society. They lack the ambitions of leadership the Ao-irotori have and mainly dedicate themselves to public service and the healing arts.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2.
Whitefeather. Shiro-irotori often have to rely on their own wit, as their upbringing is not so illustrious like the others. You gain proficiency with two of the following skills of your choice: Deception, Insight, Perception, Medicine and Nature.
Ivory Treaters. You are an adept at helping the wounded. When you successfully perform a Wisdom (Medicine) check to stabilize another creature, you can have the creature wake up with 1 hit point. You must finish a long rest before using this trait again.
Black irotori, or Kuro-irotori, are outcasts of their kind, primarily dealing in the seldom-known arts of mysticism surrounding death. They have black wing patterns and hardy bodies that can withstand the deathly energies they harness themselves. The power of the dark arts is often proportional to their own fortitude.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2.
Blackfeather. Your feathers channel powerful energy of the dead, which counts as simple ranged weapons with which you are proficient. This natural weapon has the Ranged weapon property, with a normal range of 20 feet and a maximum range of 60 feet. It deals necrotic damage equal to 1d4 + your Constitution modifier on a hit.
Mystic Knowledge. You are very well-versed with certain rites and rituals. You are proficient in the Religion skill. You have advantage on any Intelligence (Religion) or Intelligence (Arcana) check related to rites and myths about death.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height | Height Modifier | Base Weight | Weight Modifier |
5′ 6″ | +1d6 | 80 lb. | × (1d4) lb. |
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