Ghoul King Incarnate (5e Race)

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Ghoul King Incarnate[edit]

Physical Description[edit]

A ghoul king abstract piece.

Ghouls appear as any normal human, save for one feature; their eyes. When in contact with human blood or hungry, their sclera becomes pitch black, with their iris and veins becoming more prominent and bright red. Consider using this race’s respective class.


The beginning of the race of ghouls is no longer a mystery. For as long as they have been known, they have been feared and hunted in mass. That changes as you are the progenitor of all ghouls.


Ghoul King Incarnates have one true way of living. Assimilating and fighting within a society and spreading their race. This is considered extremely dangerous, as if they are discovered, they must either flee or kill those who discover them. Ghouls within society will often wear masks to conceal their identity when hunting so as not to be discovered.

Ghoul Names[edit]

Ghoul's names are as varied as the race they appear as and will take the names that are common in the area to better blend in

Racial Traits[edit]

Seemingly normal humans with a dark truth and 6 eyes.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by +2, and your Charisma or Dexterity score increase by +1.
Age. Ghouls are born from other Ghouls, except in extremely rare cases, and age and die at the same rate as normal humans.
Alignment. Ghoul King Incarnates are born into society purely to tip the balance to eveil. You are chaotic evil.
Size. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Supreme Scent. You may reroll a failed scent based perception check once per long rest
Survival Sense. Ghouls have an uncanny survival instinct giving them the alert feat
Finger Snap. Snap your finger giving you a boost in abilities. Increase All you status for half a minute by +15 and your ac by +2. Can only be used once per short/long rest
Abyssal Form. As a bonus action, you can sink into a small liquid shadow along with what you are wearing, whatever you are carrying granting you advantage on your Stealth checks. Being in this form You can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch without having to squeeze. While a shadow you can no longer perform attacks however, you benefit from double movement speed and don't provoke opportunity attacks.
King Behavior. You can act as though you were an intimidating king; you can be frightening, persuasive or sneaky, depending on what you might need at a given occasion. You gain advantage in testing of the following skills: Intimidation and Persuasion
Languages. Common, and 1 other language. Ghouls will usually learn a language from their local area or hometown to better blend in.

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