Jronian (5e Race)
A Jronian enters the tavern and sits down at the bar, his pale blue cat-like eyes seem to scan the room for anyone or anything amiss or that might cause trouble. He sits down and orders a drink as a slave that came in with him stands in a corner with the head bowed and eyes lowered. To the slave, his Owner, the Jronian, is his deity as demanded of the slave. When you sit down next to the Jronian, you see him lift the tankard. He snaps his fingers sending the slave scurrying to make sure that his Master is relieved of any burden. When you finally strike up a conversation, you find him rather polite to you. “Hello, how are you this day?” He says with a deep almost sultry British accent. His fingers dance upon the bar top and pays for your drink. When you look back at the slave you notice that he is standing back in the corner once more as he had been before. The Jronian speaks again. “That one is a slave. I am in the process of training him.” As you begin to talk with him, you get the impression that he is authoritative and yet friendly. The attitude puts you at ease around him and you learn that he is nothing but polite to you. When he gets up to depart, you find yourself watching in perplexed thought as the slave again jumps to his Master’s every whim. It was rather an amusing encounter that you hope to learn more of this enigmatic and very rarely seen race.
The Jronian is a trim figure, often of peak physical fitness thanks to their dense muscular and skeletal builds. They are very adept at speaking up to four languages with little effort. They do not believe in having a lot of technology, often preferring to stay with magic and spells, some of which they learned to have permanent effects. They are of high endurance and often friendly to other races. They have cat-like eyes ranging from deep cerulean blue to pale brown, and everything in between. Their ears are slightly pointed, and their hair is often held from very clean cut to well-groomed beards and mustaches, though most prefer to be clean shaven. The females are very graceful, the envy of any race. With a deep almost sultry accent, the women can entice the men fairly easily, but they tend to be a bit crueler than their male counterparts. A Jronian is typically honest and blunt. If you don’t want to know an answer to a question, then don’t ask.
Physical Description[edit]
Jronians have ears that are pointed at the top almost like a half-elf, and cat-like eyes. They have a dense skeletal structure making them a little more on the heavier side even when fit and trim. They tend to keep their hair neatly trimmed and usually ranges from blonde to dark brown even black. Their eyes range in color, some of the more common being light lavender, icy blue, jade green, cerulean blue, and even cobalt blue. Their skin can range from dark to pale beige in color.
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Jronians were once a very peaceful people, having created a Utopia on Planet Okanra (Oh-con-ruh). They were ruled over by a warrior chosen by the dragons they held as deities. This warrior became the ruler of the City of Jronia, a vastly walled megalopolis, a King to make the laws as deemed fit. However, there was born a Shadow Dragon named Syn, who convinced the King to begin making laws against those of less fortunate standing. When Drython, a Gold Dragon, heard of this, there was a great war that would be fought. The once glistening city of Lenthora was reduced to rubble. Once the dragons saw this damage, they marked out their territories. Syn ruled the Northern hemisphere, and the lands became a barren desert wasteland. The citadel he took as his home was touched with decay and death. Drython ruled the Southern Hemisphere, making it lush and green, healthy with life and beauty.
Syn cursed the northern hemisphere so now Jronia lay in the grips of the Shadow Dragon as its realm ruler. The King soon became corrupted by his power and Syn made it so no animals larger than a dog could live more than three days, making slavery on Okanra necessary. The only beasts now that are larger than a dog, are the Beasts of the Nine Deadly Sins and the Dragons themselves. Now fully in the grips of evil, the Jronian people started to turn toward the evil alignment. Slavery was first introduced by the ruling of the King, making it necessary for all the poor people and lower go to the massive arena. There they were collared and branded, made into slaves that could never hope to be free of their shackles. Thus, the Jronian people started to work with magic, learning how to cast permanent spells on the collars to keep their slaves from running off or starting a revolt. Now only a few Jronians are aligned with Drython and thus remain in peaceful alignment. The Jronians became fast learners of the Arcane, Language, and Magic. They now enjoy a rather leisurely lifestyle with slaves waiting on them hand and foot, using the slaves to even pull carts for their transportation. Now they look to expand their slave population with other races in an effort to create the perfect slave race.
Jronians are a Monarchal Society with a Hierarchal class. At the top you have the Deities, Eternal Dragons, then the Realm Ruler, King/Queen, Elites, Commoners, Prisoners/Inmates and finally slaves.
Jronian Names[edit]
The Jronian Culture resides in a pocket universe had has come up with their original language though sometimes they will name their child a name they liked from a visitor or from a hero that has gained great notoriety.
Male: Acheron, Cirrento, Joran, Karr, Lontok, Opheron, Sora, Tojar, Torval, Varon, Zepheron
Female: Avonleah, Bethnia, Cryssa, Delenkra, Fenra, Kienna, Lithia, Lira, Merithia, Solra, Zyphra
Jronian Traits[edit]
Jronians do not like technology as much as they like magic and their slaves. They are polite to each other and to those visiting, but they can be anything from kind and gentle to vicious if not downright cruel to those that bear the collar of a slave.
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 2 and your Strength score increases by 1.
Age. Jronians age like a human up until 18 years of age then their aging slows down. A Jronian will live up to approximately 800 years old.
Alignment. Usually neutral-evil to lawful good.
Size. Jronians average between 5’ 9 and 6’ 6 though there are some that may be smaller or taller. Your size range is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 35 feet, 15 feet swimming, 20 feet climbing.
"Darkvision". "You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray." at 1st Level thanks to your cat-like eyes.
"Healing Touch". The Jronian race has studied and learned to improve the healing making them superior healers. However, they can only heal 1 or 2 times per day depending on which version they go with. This also effects if you can heal yourself. If you heal more than the suggested time, you take 30 hit points of damage per healing. After 3rd healing, you must take 2 levels of Exhaustion and wait 1d4 days before using this ability again.
Method 1: Heal two people at 2d10 per day, may heal yourself, but counts as one of the people healed.
Method 2: Heal one person 2d20 but cannot heal yourself and can only use this once per day.
Spellcasting. May use the Wizard spell casting slots and magic for the character.
Immunity to being charmed, ensnared, captured, or sleep spells.. Jronians gained these abilities to resist becoming slaves on their home world of Okanra.
Resistant to Fire and Cold Damage. You gain an advantage when rolling the saving throws for these due to having to survive harsh climate variations that go from as cold as the Antarctic to a bit hotter than Death Valley. You have already adapted to heat and cold for living conditions
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, Jronian, Draconic and one other language of your choice.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
5′ 4'' | +1d12 inches | 145 lb. | × (1d12) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
Suggested Characteristics[edit]
When creating a Jronian character, you can use the following table of traits, ideals, bonds and flaws to help flesh out your character. Use these tables in addition to or in place of your background's characteristics.
d8 | Personality Trait |
1 | Chaotic Good. I will see to my dying breath that justice is served to those that corrupted my world. |
2 | Lawful-Good. If it is allowed by law, then it must be right? Who am I go rebel against the system? |
3 | Neutral-Good. I will help others as long as they allow me to have a slave tend to my every whim. |
4 | Neutral. I am seeking items, goods, or slaves to sell for my own profit. Everything else is just coincidence. |
5 | Neutral-Evil. Those that are enslaved, deserve to be, no matter what if anything they had done wrong. |
6 | Lawful-Evil. Obedience to the law is for the weak. They deserve to be enslaved and made to submit. |
7 | Chaotic Evil. I am far more superior to those beneath me. I will not rest until the weak are cowering at my feet. |
8 | Any. What goes around comes around. I will not stop fate from dealing the cards you deserve. |
d6 | Ideal |
1 | Dignity. I believe all creatures deserve to be treated with dignity and respect even in death. |
2 | Strength. The strong rule over the weak. There is no middle ground. |
3 | Luck. I find the business to be very profitable. Slaves are certainly making my luck change. |
4 | Cruelty. The slaves must be forced to obey, no matter if the command kills them. They are after all just property. |
5 | Greed. I believe slaves make me the best profit. They are of little good to me otherwise. |
6 | Indifference. I don't care what happens as long as it does not happen to me. |
d6 | Bond |
1 | Family. My family comes before anything else. If they are well off, then I am content. Beware my anger if you harm them. |
2 | Deity. My oath to my Deity is all that matters. Everything I do will be in their name as I try to gain their favor. |
3 | Home. Where I come from defines who I am and what I morally uphold. |
4 | Friends. I am loyal to my friends. Touch them and I will curse your name for all eternity, and my curses work wonderfully. |
5 | Honor. My word is my bond. It binds me tighter than any shackle ever could. |
6 | Myself. I only care about myself. Conceited? Maybe, but at least I only have to please myself. |
d6 | Flaw |
1 | Bounty Hunter. If the price is high enough, I just might turn in my friend for that bounty. |
2 | Gambler. The higher the wager, the more exciting the outcome and I cannot resist the excitement. |
3 | Paranoid. I am wary of those that try to befriend me too quickly. They must be planning something against me. |
4 | Flirtatious. I like to flirt with the men/women to the point of it being a distraction from missions. |
5 | Slavery. Slavery is a necessity on some worlds. I see nothing wrong with it and in fact fully embrace it. |
6 | Outcast. I tend to stay away from large groups even if I have to hunt my own food to avoid them.
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