Stringless (5e Race)
Physical Description[edit]
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From SINoALICE, By Jino |
Stringless, while undeniably human-like, are very clearly not human. They are constructed like large, human-sized marionettes, although they lack strings. While they are constructs, they are typically humanoid in construction; they have one head with an accompanying face, typically a full head of hair, two arms, and two legs. None of it is organic, instead it all appears to be carved out of plain wood and then painted. Many features of a stringless are also somewhat exaggerated. For example, a stringless might have a long nose, a strange styling of hair, or an inhumanly large smile. The most notable, and constant, feature of a stringless however must be its nutcracker-like mouth. The bottom jaw of a stringless is the only part of its mouth that moves. When a stringless talks, its bottom jaw waggles and cracks against its top jaw, somehow producing sound.
Stringless also move in the fashion that one would imagine a newborn child would. Some older stringless learn to move in a more human way, but many don’t. Instead, most stringless waggle and bounce about like a marionette would. Their limbs flap about when expressed, and whenever they speak their bottom jaw waggles in an almost unpleasant manner. This display is often characterized by an exuberance of emotion, but the stringless itself likely doesn’t know what that is. Stringless don’t have souls, and thus struggle quite often to understand emotion. They still feel them of course, but they have a difficult time registering what they are and how to respond to them. Most stringless instead resolve to utilize only the emotions of passion or joy, as they are the most simplistic for them to understand.
Similar to the warforged, stringless possess differing accounts of how they came into existence, but they all share one common factor; a creator. Many stringless search out this mythical creator, and many disappear in the process. Most stringless feel what they describe as an “intense burning feeling” whenever the word creator is mentioned; a feeling most would register as rage. Stringless who understand emotion, a sight few have seen, explain that this is because they don’t understand why they’re here and that that confusion tends to broil into frustration, and then into rage. An expression of rage and frustration is customary for a stringless when discussing their creator, but many theorise that they might elicit a different reaction if ever they are found. Seeing as how rage and frustration is still a constant for stringless who speak of their creator, it would seem they have yet to be found.
There have been the occasional attempt at creating a stringless society, and each one has failed miserably. Most stringless find joy in chaos, a facet of their race that often leads to the downfall of any attempt at societal cohesion. This does not mean stringless communities or towns are not constantly trying to exist; some stringless possess enough self-control to keep a community together for a week or so, but chaotic stringless often outnumber the sane.
Stringless Names[edit]
All stringless have a vague recollection of a voice telling them their name. Many stringless will reject this name, as it may be from their fetid creator, but many will also keep it, as they find it fitting.
Stringless Traits[edit]
A unsettling and disorderly race of wooden marionette-like constructs who revel in chaos.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2
Age. Age, while avoidable for a stringless, is still an issue. Stringless do not physically age, but their form does deteriorate over time. Oftentimes a stringless will have body parts recut or entirely remade to undo the advance of time. Stringless possess the ability to live forever, but are still entirely capable of decaying due to age.
Alignment. Stringless are almost exclusively chaotic. They are not specifically evil, but their very nature predetermines them to the extremes of any alignment.
Size. Stringless are built to be the size of human beings, and in conjunction with their exaggerated forms many Stringless stand well over six feet tall or otherwise have human-like proportions. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
No Strings. You are immune to the charmed condition. You also cannot be influenced by magical effects in ways that could affect your actions or thoughts, like modify memory or command. Creatures are capable of reading your thoughts and actions, but they are not capable of magically effecting them. Your emotions can still be influenced by magic however, like with calm emotions, and you are still entirely subject to nonmagical effects that would affect your thoughts or actions.
Ligneous Build. Your creature type is Construct. You are immune to poison damage, the poisoned condition, and diseases.You also don't need to eat, sleep, or breathe. However, you are vulnerable to fire damage.
Strange Craftsmanship. You can restore any limb after it has been detached or destroyed by simply finding a suitable replacement, and then expending your action to attach it. Additionally, you may attach and unattach limbs as you wish without causing damage to yourself. Unattached limbs, so long as they aren’t destroyed, are fully functional and fully mobile. A suitable replacement for a limb must be roughly the same size and shape as the limb that was lost, and it must be made of the same material.
Soulless Slumber. When you take a long rest, you must spend at least six hours in an inactive, motionless state, rather than sleeping. In this state, you appear inert, but it doesn’t render you unconscious, and you can see and hear as normal.
Toybreaker. When you are reduced to 0 or lower hit points, but not outright killed, you can instead choose to drop to 1 hit point at the cost of a limb of the attacking creature's choice. The chosen limb is unattached and is destroyed. You cannot use this feature again until you finish a long rest.
Flight of the Marionette. You have a flying speed of 30 feet, although you cannot fly higher than 5 feet off the ground. When your altitude drastically changes, such as moving from the edge of a cliff and then hovering off the edge of a cliff, you safely descend at 60 feet per round until you reach the ground or until the end of your next turn, after which you begin to fall and take fall damage as normal.
Maker's Mark. When the mending spell is cast on you, it has the following alterations: It has a casting time of 1 action, and if you have 0 hit points you become stable. As part of the casting of mending, the caster may expend any level of spell slot to cause you to regain a number of hit points equal to 1d8 plus their spellcasting ability modifier. For each level of the spell slot expended you regain an additional 1d8 hit points.
Hollow. You do not possess a soul. You cannot be targeted or affected by spells, effects, or features that require a soul, such as revivify, soul cage, or resurrection. If you die, you can be brought back to life by the spells bestow curse, awaken, animate objects, simulacrum, and wish. These spells have the same effects on you as the spells revivify, raise dead, resurrection, and true resurrection instead of their normal effects and as appropriate for the spells level.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
6′ 0'' | +2d6 | 120 lb. | × (1d8) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
Suggested Characteristics[edit]
When creating a Stringless character, you can use the following table of traits, ideals, bonds and flaws to help flesh out your character. Use these tables in addition to or in place of your background's characteristics.
d8 | Personality Trait |
1 | Communicating with me is difficult, since I exhibit an exuberance of expression. |
2 | I find myself confused when people hug. |
3 | I'm always polite and respectful. |
4 | I possess little impulse control and often do the immediate thought that enters my head. |
5 | I am loopy and not always all there. |
6 | I enjoy being powerful and like breaking things. |
7 | It is difficult for me to grasp certain emotions or concepts of normal life. |
8 | I struggle to form a sense of identity and seek to reconcile my self-awareness and my creation. |
d6 | Ideal |
1 | Exploration. I must find out why I am here. (Good) |
2 | Confined. I fear what a puppet without strings is capable of, so I take solace in the rules and laws of the land. (Lawful) |
3 | Untethered. I will do as I please. I am unbound, and will never be tethered again. (Chaotic) |
4 | Chaos. I see little point in order and organization, and would prefer instead to tear down such ideas. (Evil) |
5 | Confusion. I know nothing of my past, and I am confused by my present. I wish to learn why. (Neutral) |
6 | Alive. While I am clearly inhuman, I am alive. And so I shall live. (Any) |
d6 | Bond |
1 | I found one who understands my condition. |
2 | I seek my creator, for they know the truth of my existence. |
3 | It is my duty to make sure that I am regarded as more than a puppet. |
4 | My creator was the only person I felt knew my potential and truly respected me. |
5 | I am seeking a great truth about myself and the nature of life. |
6 | I abhor my creator and seek to destroy them. |
d6 | Flaw |
1 | There is no room for caution in a life led to the fullest. |
2 | I love the natural chaos of the world, and seek to further it. |
3 | I seek violence against those who consider me nothing but a puppet. |
4 | I refuse to follow orders, even if they are clearly right. |
5 | I have little respect for anyone who follows the rules. |
6 | My love for chaos is without reason. |
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