Awakened Doll (5e Race)

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Awakened Doll[edit]

The awakened doll is a doll that was created, animated and became a living being through magical means or a spirit possessing a doll.

Physical Description[edit]

Standing at the height of the race they are meant to look like, these dolls can blend into human society. Though their beauty and the artistic skill that was used on their faces can give them away for not being living beings. People around them with a high enough perception can notice that these are not living, though the average peasant will either be enamored yet generally uneased when near them. They usually have no flaws some are made of extravagant materials like porcelain and others cheaper materials like wood. Their bodies are connected through multiple ball joints that are moved by either a natural or created soul and magical stings. These dolls can be as large as a half orc or as small as a human child.

Awakened Doll Traits[edit]

Resistant and Magically enhanced
Ability Score Increase. Due to being made of a hard material and little need of armor they can take a bit more of a beating than the average fleshy counterpart. The artistic expression and effort put into these dolls are often breathtaking, making them alluring to those that see them.
Age. Awakened Dolls typically do not age in the proper sense, but they can show signs of wearing and tearing if proper maintenance is neglected. If properly maintained, a awakened doll is functionally immortal, never succumbing to the effects of old age or erosion.
Alignment. Depending on who, what or how this doll is created can change the alignment of the character. Were they created by a wizard in hope to leave behind a legacy for good? Or perhaps they were created by a hag in order to do her bidding? Or even more tragic did a person die suddenly and their soul clung on to the doll in order to finish their business. Most of the time these dolls do learn towards neutral, however what ever elemental factor a player chooses can change the alignment.
Size. Awakened Dolls can in three different sizes, depending on how their creator made them. Your size is Small, Medium, or Large. Small:2-4 feet tall, Medium:4-8 feet tall, Large:8-15 feet tall
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Living Construct. Normal bodily functions are not a necessary, your body does not have organs and runs on magic. Instead of sleeping you are able to leave your body and roam, however you must return to your body before sunrise or else loose its grasp. Dispel magic will also affect your body, while it won't kill you it can make it so your body is useless. Refer to ghost in monster manual for attacks at this point.
Almost Living. You have advantage in disguise checks and passing yourself off as a living creature or person. This however only works if the doll is wearing clothing and the ball joints of its body are not exposed.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.
Subrace. Accursed, Ghost, Jester, Wizard's Child

Subrace #1: Accursed[edit]

You were created through dark magic, weather you were previously cursed and ripped from your body before being placed into a doll. A high level dark magic user, such as a hag, sorcerer, devil or warlock created you from scratch. A once living heart is placed into a chest cavity of a doll then life is breathed into it. You are usually used a tool rather than a being, you are meant to go forth and complete tasks for your creator. You gain proficiency in intimidation thanks to the aura of horror you give off.

Ability Score Increase. You were created to survive, being mostly on your own you have learned a tick or two.
Frightening Stare. As an action you can attempt to inflict an enemy you can see with a curse. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw or DC + Wisdom modifier. You can cast this once per long rest
Resistant. Created with a form of necromancy, You are resistant to necrotic damage.
Blood Bound Heart. The living organ inside you that is keeping you standing requires you to eat and drink at least once a week.

Subrace #2: Ghost[edit]

Through tragedy, or a sudden death a spirit may cling to a doll. Usually an object given to them by a loved one, the upset spirit can not move on until their unresolved business is finished. Then they can chose to enter the after life or not. Many of these dolls appear as children, though that may not always be the case.

Ability Score Increase. A ghost may or may not understand why they died, and can get angry easily. One would not want to be on the receiving end of a ghosts wrath. This anger or resentment gives them a Ability Score Increase to their overall strength.
Reveal The Truth. You are often untrusting of living people, having been betrayed before. You gain a proficiency at Insite checks, believing that nearly all people are willing to lie to you.
Tongue Of The Past. When you were alive you had schooling that taught you an exotic language. At a higher level you are able to recall more and more of you past life. Starting at level 3 you can choose another language to remember.
Haunted. You choose a creature in range and reveal the horrors of the void to them.

When you cast this spell, choose one point within 30ft of the creature, where an illusory Eldritch Horror appears. It is insubstantial, does not move and does not create any noise.

The target must make an Intelligence Saving Throw against your spell save DC.

If successful, the target is unaffected though it can still see any eldritch horrors. If the target fails the saving throw, it perceives the Eldritch Horror as a monstrosity about to attack it and becomes feared. Whilst feared the creature must use its movement to flee the Eldritch Horrors for the duration of this spell. The creature can use an action to make an Intelligence Save against your spell save DC to reveal the horrors as an illusion.

Subrace #3: Jester[edit]

A jester is created to entertain, they are often gifts to the élite and aristocratic families. Their creators are usually magical artisans that put a lot of care in the way the doll looks. A beautiful painted face that represents one expression that is chosen by the family it is destined to go to. Being a made performer you gain proficiency at performance checks.

Ability Score Increase. Being a beautiful doll with a ton of artistic ability put into your body you gain a +2 to your Charisma modifier.
Hideous Laughter. You are a very cheerful and have fun where ever they go. If someone is really upset you can easily turn the frown upside down!
Bound To A Family. Bound to a single family till you are either destroyed or they get rid of you, you have been around your home for a long time. You pick up things and will have quite a bit local knowledge and gossip.

Subrace #4: Wizard's Child[edit]

Created by a wizard for a purpose, inside you is a mechanism that sounds like a beating heart that holds your soul. Usually created, though a skilled enough wizard can plant a chosen soul into a doll body. You are usually created out of love and tend to lean towards a good alignment. Your creator usually treats you as if you were their own child and them as your parent.

Ability Score Increase. You having spending lots of time with your creator were made to either be or almost be their equal, they have taught you much in your existence.
Advantage. Your extensive knowledge on the arcane thanks to your creator give you advantage on arcana checks
Knowledge of Magical Items. As a action, you can use the spell identify once a day per short rest.

Doll Height and Weight[edit]

Awakened Doll Small Height and Weight
Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
2′ 0″ +1d12' 45 lb. × (1d4) lb.
Awakened Doll Medium Height and Weight
Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
4′ 0″ +1d12' 90 lb. × (1d4) lb.
Awakened Doll Large Height and Weight
Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
8′ 0″ +1d12' 250 lb. × (1d4) lb.
(2 votes)

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