Goat Folk (5e Race)
Physical Description[edit]
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Goatnos are humanoid beings with striking resemblances to demonic goats. Their bodies are adorned with coarse fur, typically dark in color, with accents of deep reds or purples. Horns curl from their heads, varying in size and shape, often twisted and sharp, reminiscent of infernal beings. Their eyes hold a sinister gleam, betraying their otherworldly nature. Despite their demonic appearance, they possess a certain grace in their movements, akin to a predator stalking its prey.
Goatnos are creatures steeped in dark lore, often associated with tales of forbidden rituals and infernal pacts. Legends speak of them as beings born from the shadows, creatures of the night that haunt the darkest corners of the world. While their origins are shrouded in mystery, their presence is often a harbinger of impending doom.
Goatnos are solitary beings, preferring the solitude of remote, desolate places where they can indulge in their dark practices undisturbed. They are often feared and reviled by those who encounter them, their reputation as bringers of misfortune preceding them wherever they go. Despite this, Goatnos possess a complex hierarchy among their kind, with powerful individuals vying for dominance over lesser beings.
Goatnos Names[edit]
Goatnos typically have names that reflect their demonic nature and their sinister aura.
Male: Baelgor, Malphor, Vornak, Zelgath
Female: Lilitha, Morvaina, Xyrza, Zephira
Goatnos Traits[edit]
A demonic race of Goatnos.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2.
Age. Goatnos have lifespans similar to humans, though their darker nature often leads them to embrace the arcane arts or dark rituals, extending their years beyond what is natural.
Alignment. Goatnos tend towards chaotic alignments, reveling in the chaos and discord they sow. However, individual Goatnos may vary widely in alignment, reflecting their personal beliefs and motivations.
Size. Goatnos stand between 5 and 6 feet tall, with a lean, muscular build. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. Accustomed to navigating the shadows, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Infernal Resistance. You have resistance to fire damage and radiant damage, a testament to your infernal heritage.
Sinister Revelation. When you reach 3rd level, you gain the ability to unleash the dark power within yourself, manifesting as a Sinister Revelation. You can choose one of the following options:
• Malevolent Gaze: As a bonus action, your eyes become pools of darkness, exuding an aura of malevolence. Creatures within 20 feet of you that can see you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier) or be affected as follows:
===>Frightened: On a failed save, the creature becomes frightened of you until the end of your next turn.
===>Incapacitated: If the creature fails the saving throw by rolling the lowest DC value, with the DC minus the value of 5 to 9, it becomes incapacitated by fear, unable to perform actions or reactions until the end of your next turn.
===>Stunned: If the creature fails the saving throw by rolling the lowest DC value, with the DC minus the value of 10 or more, it is further overwhelmed by the malevolent energy and becomes stunned until the end of your next turn. Once you use this ability, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.
• Infernal Stare: As a bonus action, you unleash the fiery power within your gaze, imbuing your attacks with infernal energy. Until the end of your next turn, once on each of your turns when you deal damage to a target with an attack or a spell, you can deal extra fire damage equal to your proficiency bonus. Additionally, creatures damaged by your Infernal Stare must succeed on a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier) or suffer from a burning sensation, causing them to have disadvantage on their next attack roll or ability check before the end of their next turn. Once you use this ability, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.
Shadowstep. As a bonus action, you can magically teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can see that is in dim light or darkness. You can use this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Mountain Clamber. You gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed. This allows you to move up, down, and across vertical surfaces and upside down along ceilings, while leaving your hands free. However, you can't climb slippery surfaces, such as those covered in ice or oil, without using special equipment or taking other precautions.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Infernal.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
5′ 0'' | ++2d8 | 120 lb. | × ((2d4) × 5) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
Suggested Characteristics[edit]
When creating a Goatnos character, you can use the following table of traits, ideals, bonds, and flaws to help flesh out your character.
d8 | Personality Trait |
1 | I take pleasure in instilling fear and unease in others, relishing in the discomfort I bring. |
2 | I am cunning and manipulative, always seeking to twist situations to my advantage. |
3 | I have a morbid sense of humor, finding joy in the suffering of others. |
4 | I am fiercely independent, refusing to bow to anyone's authority but my own. |
5 | I am drawn to the darkness, finding solace in the shadows where others fear to tread. |
6 | I am driven by a thirst for knowledge, seeking out ancient tomes and forbidden lore. |
7 | I am reckless and impulsive, often acting on my desires without considering the consequences. |
8 | I am fiercely loyal to those who earn my trust, willing to go to great lengths to protect them. |
d6 | Ideal |
1 | Power. I seek to amass power and dominion over others, using fear and intimidation to bend them to my will. (Evil) |
2 | Freedom. I value my freedom above all else, refusing to be shackled by the expectations of society or the constraints of morality. (Chaotic) |
3 | Knowledge. I thirst for knowledge and arcane secrets, seeking to unlock the mysteries of the cosmos. (Neutral) |
4 | Ambition. I am driven by a relentless ambition to rise above my station and carve out my own destiny. (Any) |
5 | Survival. I will do whatever it takes to survive, even if it means betraying those who trust me. (Neutral) |
6 | Redemption. I seek redemption for my past sins, striving to atone for the darkness that lurks within me. (Good) |
d6 | Bond |
1 | I am bound by a pact or contract with a powerful infernal being, and I will fulfill my end of the bargain, no matter the cost. |
2 | I have a deep connection to the shadows, drawing strength from their embrace and seeking to uncover their secrets. |
3 || I am haunted by visions of a dark prophecy, driving me to seek out the truth behind its ominous warnings. | |
4 | I am driven by a desire to prove myself worthy of my infernal heritage, seeking to ascend to greater heights of power and influence. |
5 | I am bound to a particular place or object of power, its dark energies calling out to me and shaping my destiny. |
6 | I have sworn vengeance against those who wronged me, and I will stop at nothing to see them suffer for their deeds. |
d6 | Flaw |
1 | I am consumed by my lust for power, willing to sacrifice anything and anyone to achieve my goals. |
2 | I have a reckless streak that often leads me into dangerous situations, heedless of the consequences. |
3 | I am plagued by guilt over past misdeeds, unable to forgive myself for the darkness that resides within me. |
4 | I am distrustful of others, believing that betrayal lurks around every corner and that true loyalty is a rare commodity. |
5 | I am driven by my desires, often acting impulsively and without regard for the consequences of my actions. |
6 | I am haunted by visions of a bleak future, constantly tormented by the specter of what is yet to come. |