Axie (5e Race)

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Hunted and few, we slither in the shadows... waiting...
—Aloxiskil, Nightwalker Archpriest

Physical Description[edit]

Axies, colloquially known as axolotlfolk, are somewhat large, mutated axolotls that have become bipedal. They come in two varieties: one with black skin, called "nightwalkers"; and one with white with pink freckles. The darker variety are rare and negatively dubbed "nightwalkers." Regardless of their skin color, axies always have moist, mucus-covered skin. They have external gills that allow them to breathe underwater. The pattern of formation of these gill organs is like a fingerprint; each one has special, unique gills that they use to recognize each other and sometimes communicate under water. Axies live ascetically and use leaves from a type of kelp for clothing and most other gear. They are prone to mutations, and this makes them often strange to behold, sporting extra eyes and maybe a spare limb. Axies have large blue, green, or purple eyes that let them see better in the watery caves that they dwell in.


Although most theories on their origins are mere speculation, axies seem to have been created by a substance called F.L.U.I.D.(Fundamental Lifeblood Untested Intellect Drops). This substance caused normal axolotl to become sapient and grow larger. The project was quickly abandoned after a group of axies broke into the research facility, and stole what was left of the F.L.U.I.D. Axies are an endangered species. They have been forced out of their habitats. Although they are usually peaceful, they are stirring for war. They are slowly being captured by S.E.R.U.M. (Scientific Exobiologists Researching Universal Metabiology), the group that created the F.L.U.I.D. For what purpose, it is unclear.


Axies are largely nomadic creatures that operate on a strange caste system. Going from top to bottom, the levels are so named: Gods, Archpriests, Priests, Warriors, Farmers, and finally Nightwalkers. The top caste of "gods" are the axies that got the largest dose of F.L.U.I.D., and they are reverently known as The Amoxel Triomes. The Amoxel Triomes lead all axies and have only three members: Hexus, lord of axies; Emzix, the mutant; and Viviqu, the lord of night.

Of these three leaders, Hexus is the primary figure in the "god" caste. However, more axies these days are putting their weight behind Emzix. Emzix is believed by many to be the savior of axies due to his quest to replicate the F.L.U.I.D. Axies believe this will further their race to the point when they can overthrow S.E.R.U.M. Other axies believe the truth is that he will likely keep the F.L.U.I.D. for himself.

Viviqu is the least revered but perhaps the most influential, as he can twist dreams to his will. Due to their small numbers, axies hate violence and can't afford any civil wars because of their dwindling numbers. Though axies despise violence, there is a rumor that they have marshaled a force of thousands of nightwalkers powered with Viviqu's empowering dreams. One day, they shall be skilled enough to rival humanity's greatest armies. Nightwalkers, being the dark axies, are usually an unspoken group that are feared for their ominous color, and yet also tolerated because of their association with Viviqu.

Axie Names[edit]

Axies name themselves through life, starting with a single letter followed by "il" or "x". They add more through life, choosing letters that have special significance to them. They also have clan names within their small community, which are used as surnames.

Male: Hlksguierix, Huaefiltil, Mxohflakx, Hlizfdil, Awkherwakx

Female: Amolderfotil, Alowskiejx, Aloxiskil, Qazxswedil, Amalgch

Clan Amphinix, Lotrill, Axalglom, Mexicaigomil, Crortoila, Ambiostrona, Emnsomnite

Axie Traits[edit]

Sentient mutant axolotls created by a substance called F.L.U.I.D.
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 2 and your Constitution score increases by 1.
Age. The age of maturity for axies varies widely due to mutations, and the standard lifespan is often shorter than 50 years.
Alignment. Axies are typically good aligned and chaotic, but nightwalkers innately tend towards fierce loyalty and malicious behavior, making them lawful neutral at best.
Size. Axies vary widely in height and build, from barely 5 feet to well over 6 feet tall. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Also, you have a swimming speed equal to your walking speed.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Mucus Coat. Your slippery skin makes it hard for people to grab you and for spaces to confine you. You have advantage on ability checks and saving throws against being grappled and you can squeeze through smaller spaces as if you were a Small creature.
Mutation Prone. Choose one of the following mutations:
Extra Arm: You have an extra arm that isn't very strong, but it can still hold up to 50 lbs. of weight. Due to it being a mutated deformity, it is unable to effectively use weapons or shields.
Water Speaker: You have slight psychic abilities while in contact with water. When you and another creature are touching the same body of water (a puddle, eg.), you can communicate with them telepathically so long as you both know at least one shared language.
Nightwalker: You are a nightwalker, and your jet black skin allows you to meld seamlessly with the shadows. While in dim light or darkness, you may Hide as a bonus action.
Muscular Tail: You have a stronger tail that propels you better through water. Your swimming speed increases by 5 feet.
Amphibious. You can breathe in both water and air.
Shed. When you take fire, lightning, acid, necrotic, poison, or cold damage, you can use your reaction to halve the damage as if you had resistance to that damage type. You can use this trait once, regaining use after you finish a short or long rest.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write in Common and Axian, which is a sub-dialect of Primordial (Aquan).

Random Height and Weight[edit]

5′ 0'' +1d12 110 lb. × (1d8) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

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