Villhundmann (5e Race)

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The Villhundmann are a race of fae, they are dog like humanoid tricksters that are quick and have been known to cause headaches in the victims they choose to prank.

  Physical Description 

They stand 2.5 to 4 feet tall and only weigh around 60-70 pounds. They range in types from looking like household dog breeds to wolves, foxes and coyotes and on rare occasions even appear hyena like.


No one is quite sure where these fae came from but ever since the first one was spotted people have been wary of wild dogs around their villages. They have been known to steal food and set small traps that cause minor injuries and very embarrassing situations.


These solitary creatures rarely maintain relationships with their kin but have been known to pair up in mating troops and raise litters of children with four to six adults all sharing responsibility until the children are old enough to go out on their own and the troop splits.

  Villhundmann Names

Usually named whimsically by their troop Villhundmann are apt to change their names on a day to day basis. They usually still respond to their childhood name and will consider this their true name and be secretive of it.

Male: Trip, Runt, Cloud, Bark, etc.
Female: Glade, Chirp, Fluffy, Tulip, etc.

  Villhundmann Traits

Ability Score Improvement: Your Cha score increases by 2 and your Dex score increases by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Age: Villhundmann are considered adults at the age of 15 and seem to have no limit to their lifespans.

Alignment: Villhundmann are almost always chaotic in nature.

Size: Your Size is Small or medium. Being 2.5 to 4 feet tall and only weighing 50-80 pounds or being 4-5ft tall and weighing 100-150lbs.

Speed: Your base walking speed is 40ft.

Dark Vision: Normal 60ft Dark Vision.

Claws: Unarmed Attack 1d6 + dex mod slashing.

Sneaky: You gain proficiency in Stealth.

Languages: Common and Sylvan.

Tricksters Magics: At lvl 1 you learn the Mind Sliver Cantrip, at lvl 3 you learn Misty Step and can cast it with no cost an amount of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest, at lvl 5 you learn Haste and can caste it at no cost and with no concentration on yourself once per long rest. You may cast these spells normally if you have the appropriate spell slots available to you.

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