Mimic, Variant (5e Race)
Variant Mimic[edit]
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"Okay, who gave Chester a gun?" |
Mimics are shapeshifting predators that take the form of inanimate objects to lure intelligent creatures to their doom. Once in a while, however, a mimic will be born with higher intelligence than its brethren; perhaps on par with its erstwhile prey. It may even, eventually, find that the taste of sentient beings isn't to its liking; or that simply staying in one place, waiting for a hapless adventurer to pass by, no longer has any charm to it.
Such an unnatural specimen may then choose to leave its domain and seek out other creatures not merely for food, but for conversation and companionship. After all, the call of adventure always reaches those who long for thrill.
Physical Description[edit]
The true form of a mimic is usually an amorphous, brown mass with multiple beady eyes and one large sharp-toothed mouth. This specific variant, however, assumes the form of a chest at all times, and instead grows humanoid limbs when it desires to engage its prey. It can extend four limbs, two arms and two legs respectively, from its chest-shaped torso. That means that while in this form, the variant can essentially mimic the actions of any other humanoid creature; being able to move, gesture and fight, as well as manipulate and wield objects, just like one of them normally would.
When the mimic completely takes the form of a chest, it shapes its mass as appropriate and retracts its limbs, often also changing its texture in the process.
Since it actually has little mass of its own, even including its stomachs, it can actually contain a surprising amount of material in either form. Intelligent mimics commonly carry their possessions within their form, rather than dragging a sack or trying to carry a backpack on nonexistent shoulders.
Due to the differing nature of its physique, however, this variant is able to strap a backpack to its torso if it so wishes.
Intelligent mimics are rare enough that few have ever merited recording. The reputation that mimics have for disguising themselves tends to cause distrust and suspicion among other people, but common folk overestimate the average intelligent mimic's capability for actual subterfuge.
How well or poorly a given mimic adapts to society largely depends upon their experiences after inserting themselves in it. Intelligent mimics tend to be curious, easygoing and somewhat naïve; at least for a while. How the mimic is treated by other creatures will dictate a lot of its growth as an individual, as well as how it’ll feel about them once it really gets the hang of a civilized setting.
Mimic Names[edit]
As solitary creatures native to dungeons and the Underdark, mimics don’t usually have any use for names. They rarely ever need to address or be addressed by another living thing, after all. They are indifferent about the topic, and will usually allow their companions to name them; though it may be a little while before one fully associates that the word being used is in reference to itself. Adventurers who interact with mimics tend to name them after the mimic's preferred form, as a pun derived thereof or a word describing its nature.
Some examples include: Boxy, Chesty, Rocky, Woody, Urny, Crate-ohs, Mimi, Chompy, Chewy, Pandora, and Jack.
Variant Mimic Traits[edit]
A variant, more intelligent specimen of a well-known race of shapeshifting predators. Always a chest, this version grows humanoid limbs in order to engage its foes.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength, Constitution, and Dexterity scores each increase by 1.
Age. Mimics reach adulthood at age 10, though it is currently unknown how long of a lifespan they have. Several specimens have lived for well over a century.
Alignment. Mimics tend toward neutrality, but may find purpose and inspiration in whatever culture or people they encounter. They can be of any alignment.
Size. After sprouting its limbs, the mimic can draw itself up to a height of 6 to 7 feet. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Morphing Body. Due to the shape of your body, you are ill-suited to wearing armor. You gain no benefit from any that you equip. Your AC instead equals 12 + your Constitution modifier, and you are immune to being knocked prone.
You can still use a shield, and apply its benefits as normal. You can also still equip any items which would be worn on your arms, hands or legs.
Additionally, as your experience grows, you learn to shapeshift your body's surface into a hardened carapace for a time. Starting at 5th Level, you can innately cast the barkskin spell on yourself once without material components. You regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest.
Shapeshift. As an action, you can completely retract your limbs and take the form of a Medium or Small treasure chest. Your statistics are the same in each form. While you remain motionless, you are indistinguishable from an ordinary chest. Any equipment you are wearing or carrying isn't transformed with you, but it may be contained within your body as long as your shape has the dimensions to accommodate it. You may perform short and long rests as usual while in this form. As a bonus action, you can freely extend up to two of your limbs while maintaining most of your chest appearance. You can choose to have them be holding any object or weapon that was within your inventory. After sprouting them in this way, you are able to perform any actions you normally would with either your arms or legs. You can fully extend all of your limbs as an action on your turn, going back to your usual appearance. If you die, you revert to your true, amorphous form.
Surprise Assail. While in chest form, whenever a Large or smaller creature enters a space within 5 feet of you (or simply interacts with you), you can use your reaction to rapidly extend up to two of your limbs and make an attack against the creature. Alternatively, you can attempt to grapple them instead. You have advantage on this attack roll or grapple check if the target is unsuspecting of your identity as a mimic. Whether you are successful or not, your identity is revealed to any creatures that can see you. Additionally, if initiative hasn't been rolled yet, the target becomes surprised.
Bite. Your maw is a natural weapon, allowing you to make unarmed strikes with it. If you hit with it, it deals piercing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier on a hit. You have advantage on this attack roll if the target is currently grappled by you. Once you reach 6th level, your bite deals an additional 1d4 acid damage.
Monstrosity. Your creature type is humanoid, but you register as monstrosity to spells and other effects that detect the presence of the monstrosity creature type.
Languages. You can speak and understand Common and Undercommon, but your pronunciation and syntaxis are broken and/or simplistic.
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