Half-Satori Half-Phantom (5e Race)
Half-Satori Half-Phantom
"I know what you're thinking, and yes, I'm half-dead, and yes, I can read your mind. And don't think of me as a 'freaky weirdo creep'. It's rude." - A half-satori half-phantom to a bewildered onlooker
This page assumes you have a basic understanding of the satori and half-human half-phantom races. It's advised you take a small look at these races before considering this race.
Physical Description
Each half-satori half-phantom has two bodies: their satori half, and their phantom half.
The satori half (usually referred to as the half-satori) is for the most part the same in appearance to a normal satori. The main difference between the half-satori and a normal satori is that the half-satori's hair and eye colors, as well as the color of the thick skin on their third eye, tends to be much more pale than that of a normal satori. Besides this minor difference, the half-satori is effectively the same as any normal satori, including height, build, and general biology.
The phantom half (often referred to as the half-phantom) is the same as it would be for a half-human half-phantom; an extremely large, translucent white mass. The majority of its ectoplasmic matter forms a large, mostly-spherical bulb, with a long, thin, wispy tail coming from it. This half-phantom is nearly the same size as the half-satori it is associated with. Despite being identified as a phantom, the half-phantom appears to be corporeal.
The existence of a half-satori half-phantom is not only contradictory in that it joins the living and non-living into one being, but it is also extremely rare. Nobody really knows how such a being comes to exist in the first place, though most people are more than happy that the half-satori half-phantoms refuse to share, nor do many feel particularly inclined to think about it either. For those either morbidly curious, or just brave enough to ask, the only places they're likely to get any form of answer from are extremely dubious at best. In the end, most people just begrudgingly and silently acknowledge that such beings exist out in the world.
Because of their rarity, half-satori half-phantoms have no society. Those who do happen to exist will usually end up finding themselves either trying to settle in with humans or under the servitude of a lich or intelligent undead creature like a half-human half-phantom would, but would find much less success because of their satori heritage; the combination of being a half-undead and a being that can automatically read the minds of anyone around them creates a lot of distrust, especially among humans. Others find a bit more success and acceptance trying to live in secluded places like a normal satori, even getting one or two pets to keep them company, and if lucky, might even find a normal satori to live with; in the end, though, even these half-satori half-phantoms can't escape the distrust of being half-undead. Half-satori half-phantoms tend to be the subject of quite a lot of prejudice due to their mixed heritage.
Half-Satori Half-Phantom Names
Half-satori half-phantoms have more difficulty with names than satori or half-human half-phantoms. They're more likely to use a Common name than a satori, but may still use names from other races or languages.
Half-Satori Half-Phantom Traits
You're half-undead, and a mind reader. Though your mere existence generates a great deal of mistrust towards your kind, your mixed heritage is still a powerful thing.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution, Intelligence, and Wisdom scores each increase by 1.
Age. Half-satori half-phantoms mature slower than satori and live much longer as well due to their half-undead nature. A half-satori half-phantom reaches adulthood in their late twenties, and can live for tens of thousands of years.
Alignment. Because of their mixture of the more passive satori, and the incredibly loyal half-human half-phantom, half-satori half-phantoms are effectively never chaotic, and can be either lawful or neutral in equal measure. Besides this, they tend slightly more towards neutral in terms of good and evil, and slightly away from evil, though they can still be anywhere on the good-evil axis.
Size. Half-satori half-phantoms are the same height and build as typical satori, ranging from 4 to 5 feet in height. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Satori-Undead Hybrid. Your creature type is simultaneously humanoid, aberration, and undead all at once. It is treated as undead for effects that target undead, but is otherwise treated as both humanoid and aberration for the purposes of spells and effects that would have no effect on undead.
Animal Understanding. You are proficient in the Animal Handling skill.
Scrutiny. You are proficient in the Insight skill.
Third Eye. You read the mind of any creature you can see and are currently looking at as per the detect thoughts spell, no action required by you, as long as that creature is within 60 feet of you and has an Intelligence of 4 or higher. You automatically probe deeper into a creature's thoughts, no action required by you, should you continue to look at them for longer than 6 seconds (1 round), though the creature does not make a Wisdom saving throw, nor does this cause them to become aware that you are reading their thoughts; should a creature become aware that you're reading their thoughts, they also can't end the effect without the aid of magic or a feature that blocks mind reading. You can't stop yourself from probing deeper into a creature's thoughts. You can still read a creature's thoughts even if it doesn't know any languages. You can't read any creatures' minds while you are unconscious or blinded.
Half-Satori. Because you are not fully undead, you have advantage on saving throws against effects that turn undead. You also have advantage on saving throws against any effects that target undead that allow a saving throw; this does not apply for damaging effects, unless such effects would have no effect - including damage - against non-undead.
Half-Phantom. Because of your half-undead nature, you are more hardy than normal satori. Your hit point maximum increases by 1, and it increases by 1 again each time you gain a level.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, and one extra language of your choice.
Variant: Closed-Eye Half-Satori Half-Phantom
With the abundant amounts of prejudice, distrust, hate, and general negativity aimed at half-satori half-phantoms, it's not particularly surprising that some would try to find a way to escape. As is the case for normal satori, a half-satori half-phantom can close their third eye, and become a closed-eye half-satori half-phantom. Such a being loses the ability to read minds, but at the same time loses nearly all of its capacity for conscious thought. Their emotional state becomes impulsive, volatile, and capricious. In addition, the loyal nature of the half-phantom clashes harshly with the impulsive and freewheeling nature of the closed-eye satori, causing some truly chaotic behavioral patterns. Closed-eye half-satori half-phantoms look the same as any normal half-satori half-phantom, but their third eye is perpetually closed as opposed to open.
Closed-Eye Half-Satori Half-Phantom Traits
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity, Constitution, and Charisma scores each increase by 1.
Age. Half-satori half-phantoms mature slower than satori and live much longer as well due to their half-undead nature. A half-satori half-phantom reaches adulthood in their late twenties, and can live for tens of thousands of years.
Alignment. Because of the harsh clash between loyalty and freewheeling, a closed-eye half-satori half-phantom is either lawful or chaotic, never neutral; they do not tend any one way between good and evil.
Size. Half-satori half-phantoms are the same height and build as typical satori, ranging from 4 to 5 feet in height. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Satori-Undead Hybrid. Your creature type is simultaneously humanoid, aberration, and undead all at once. It is treated as undead for effects that target undead, but is otherwise treated as both humanoid and aberration for the purposes of spells and effects that would have no effect on undead.
Kooky Countenance. You are proficient in the Performance skill.
Instinctive. When you are targeted by an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw, you may choose to make the saving throw at advantage. You must declare this before you make the saving throw. After using this trait, you must finish a long rest before you may use it again. Additionally, you react without thought by nature; you cannot be surprised.
Mindless. You have resistance to psychic damage, but you have disadvantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened.
Thoughtless. Your mind cannot be read, and you cannot be telepathically communicated with either.
Half-Satori. Because you are not fully undead, you have advantage on saving throws against effects that turn undead. You also have advantage on saving throws against any effects that target undead that allow a saving throw; this does not apply for damaging effects, unless such effects would have no effect - including damage - against non-undead.
Half-Phantom. Because of your half-undead nature, you are more hardy than normal satori. Your hit point maximum increases by 1, and it increases by 1 again each time you gain a level.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, and one extra language of your choice.
Random Height and Weight
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
4′ 0'' | +2d6 | 52 lb. | × (2d2) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
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