Weaver (5e Race)
A race of humanoid creatures with spiderlike features
Physical Description[edit]
Weavers are drow that were cursed and now bare the Mark of Lolth. As a result they have four spider legs coming out of their backs, fangs, and three small beady eyes surrounding their "normal" eyes.
Weavers were once a proud warlike faction of Drow that made up the Holy Empire of Shadows. The patron of the empire was the lesser goddess Lolth, known and feared as the queen of spiders and chaos. The empire would gladly kill and maim their way through all of existence if it fit her will. Soon, however, the Drow would find a new enemy that would prove tricky for them to defeat. The Celestial Defenders were a group of priests that followed a god of light, whose name has been lost to time. After years of war the Drow would find that for the first time in the empire's long existence, it was losing. Soon after the Empire pleaded for a truce and the Celestial Defenders agreed. From then on the Holy Empire of Shadow was renamed to the Celestial Kingdom of Light, and an age of peace was born, all the nations once ruled over by the empire were now free to do as they pleased without fear of the empire. And soon, the Drow learned that they preferred the peaceful life that the light gave them. Many Drow renounced their elegance to Lolth to follow the god of light, with only a few still holding onto their old ways. Lolth, in a furry that her followers had left her, declared that while she would let them live, she would curse them with a new form, so that they would always remember their past sins. All the Drow that had left her were cursed with what would later become known as "The Mark of Lolth". While all of the Drow that still followed her ascended to become her servants. However, even though The Mark of Lolth was originally meant as a curse, the Drow came to enjoy their new spider-like attributes and would later branch away from the Drow entirely becoming a new race that would eventually come to be called the Weavers.
There has never been a weaver society larger then the Kingdom of Light after it fell to a plague, as trade and interactions in general with other races (detailed later in this section) have made it difficult to sustain a large settlement. Weavers tend to build settlements no larger than towns. Weavers model thieir societies after the one of the Celestial Kingdom, with elected leaders and respect to outsiders. Many towns will have an inn or two for travelers and a central market place were trade is done. All weavers societies are not divided by monetary wealth, with the rich happily mingling with the poor as weavers do not see why having more money would make someone better. Weavers understand that they may never be treated with full respect due to their past and will not fight it when they are excluded, but weavers will still do their best to treat everyone with respect, as they understand more then anyone that second chances are important.
Interactions With Other Races[edit]
Other races interactions with weavers depend if they are in the Underdark or not
Races on the surface have only heard stories about the weavers past actions but have never seen them before they renounced Lolth. As a result weavers will be treated with respect, but also with cation when on the surface
Races in the Underdark have seen what the weavers have done first hand and many still remember it vividly. As a result, weavers will be shown animosity and distrust when in the Underdark
Weaver Names[edit]
Weaver naming schemes are a hybrid between Drow and human naming schemes
Weaver Traits[edit]
Drow cursed with spider-like features as a curse from Lolth
Ability Score Increase. Due to their spider-like attributes and their move to the surface, weavers are slightly stronger and much more healthy then normal drow, but have lost most of their charisma due to their appearance, as a result your Strength score increases by 1, your Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Charisma decreases by 2
Age. As Weavers have left behind most of their drow routes, they have lost their extremely long lives. Weavers mature around the age of 20 and on average live to be 200 years old
Alignment. Weavers tend to be good people as they wish to make up for their race's past sins but you will still find the common criminal if you search hard enough
Size. Weavers can have a height ranging from just over 4 foot to just under 6 feet. Your size is Medium.
Speed. You have a base walking speed of 30 feet and a climbing speed of 20 feet
Darkvision. Due to their drow heritage and their extra sets of eyes, weavers can see in darkness as if the darkness were dim light, so areas of darkness are only lightly obscured as far as weavers are concerned. However, weavers can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Silken Rope. As and action you can produce a silk rope from your spider legs to use as you please, you can produce up to 150ft of silk in between long rests. (does not stack)
Spiders Web. As an action you can cast the spell "Web" without using a spell slot, consumes 20ft of silk instead of the material components.
Spider like climber. As an action you can cast the spell "Spider Climb" on yourself once in-between short rests without consuming a spell slot or any material components.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and elvish
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
4′ 5'' | +2d6 | 85 lb. | × (1d6) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
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