Lorelei (5e Race)
Lorelei, Songstresses of Water[edit]
"A song of great comfort is heard over the still river waters... a song that draws you towards what ever is creating such a enchanting sound... The Song Starts Getting Louder, more enchanting with every Note, until finally you reach the one singing, a gorgeous woman sitting on a large rock, singing the night away. you continue to get closer and closer... until you are sitting right next to her... she sees you, she smiles... she leans in and steals a kiss... and slowly pulls you into the water... where your never heard from again..."
Physical Description[edit]
Lorelei are ALWAYS Woman. Their appearance can very based on genetics. However, they tend to have Long brown hair and blue eyes. They always have a slim figure and look like a normal Human woman. the easiest way to tell a Lorelei apart from a normal humanoid is they have light amounts of webbing between their finger's that they can extend and retract at will, they have gill like slits in their sides that they use to breath underwater and that they have relatively sharp teeth, mostly being the canines. Lorelei can spend most of their time on land but they need to go for a short swim at least once every 3 days to keep their gills from getting dry and air logged.
There is not much to say about Lorelei history, Because not many people know to much about them, besides how closely they are associated with Syrians and the distrust that comes with it. thats why most Lorelei will try to conceal their true selves so they can work their vocal magic on the downlow. as to not get run out of their home town. However... Long ago, there was a rumor floating around that their was a Lorelei village deep inside the a jungle to the far north...
Attitudes and Beliefs[edit]
Most Lorelei tend to spend time away from big civilizations, taking refuge in small villages and rural towns, or living almost isolated from other races. Although they will try to gather during full and new moons to check in on their kin. Lorelei celebrate important days like birthdays and (if they live in village or rural town) will celebrate yearly holidays, pushing aside their distaste for human males for the sake of fun.
Although Lorelei tend to want to drown most humanoid males, its the ones that survive that peek their interest. If a male were to survive their radiant charm, the Corrupted kiss, and the attempt to drown them, the Lorelei who was bested is lead to believe that they are the one, the mate that will take their hands in the walks of life.
Death to Men. A people born from an ancient oath to the River King, the Lorelei's cruelty stems from whatever happened to their people long ago that brought about their transformation into Lorelei's. Now, these callous river sirens compete with one another in manipulating and destroying male travelers, using their deadly kisses to great effect.
Ignore Women. Women travelers are vexing for the Lorelei. While the siren’s powers affect women as readily as men, the Lorelei lacks the urge to destroy them. Women traveling alone or in all-female groups may pass through a Lorelei's territory safely, and they might even make peaceful contact.
Time Changes Some Ways. With time comes change. although some Lorelei still believe in their Syrian instincts, others have tried to focus that instinct into other activates, so that they may co-exist with all humanoid races. They still however will try to drown the ones they fall for in an attempt to see if they are the one.
(More will be added with time)
Lorelei Names[edit]
Female: Lorelei names are similar to fey and elvish names
Lorelei Traits[edit]
You are a songstress of the water, children of the legendary Ladies of the Ocean, the Syrian, You are a Lorelei. A women who uses her voice to get what she desires.
Ability Score Increase. Syrian's Aura: Your voice and your very being is enough to pull peoples attention towards you. Your Charisma score goes up by 2
Age. Lorelei tend to live long lives, as they are decedents of Syrians. You can live to an average of 500 to 800 years
Alignment. Lorelei tend to kill humanoid men on sight, leading most to be Chaotic Evil. However some Lorelei try to co-exist with humans and other races, giving them lawful and Neutral Alignments
Size. Lorelei have the same builds as humans and elves. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. You Also Have a Swim Speed of 30
Dark vision. Due to the nature of Lorelei and Syrians and how they swim into deep under water lakes and caverns,
You have 60 feet of Dark Vision
Amphibious. The Lorelei can breathe air and water
Alluring Presence. All humanoids within 30 feet of a Lorelei who look directly at her (if the Lorelei isn’t incapacitated) must succeed a DC of 8 + WIS + Prof. (Base DC 14) Charisma saving throw or be drawn to her in the most direct path, regardless of the danger. This compulsion fades once the person gets within 5 feet of the Lorelei and receives a kiss from the Lorelei. A creature can avoid this effect for one full round by choosing to avert its eyes at the start of its turn, but it then has disadvantage on any attacks or other rolls directed against the Lorelei until the start of its next turn. A Lorelei can suppress or resume this ability as a bonus action, but the skill can only be activated as many times equal to your proficiency bonus. Anyone who successfully saves against this effect cannot be affected by it from the same Lorelei for 24 hours.
Silver Tongued. Due to your Syrian Heritage you have a natural way with words, and you know what to say at the right time. you are proficient with all skills using the Charisma modifier. (Deception Persuasion and Performance)
Along with this, as long as the target you are speaking to can hear/see you, once a day you can get advantage on one of the listed skills.
Water Spirit. at 3rd level, The Lorelei is under the effect of freedom of movement whenever she is in contact with a body of water. You have a swim Speed of 30.
While in contact with water, the Lorelei ignores difficult terrain, and magical effects can’t reduce her speed or cause her to be restrained. In addition, she can spend 5 feet of movement to escape from nonmagical restraints or being grappled.
Unearthly Grace. at 5th level, you may replace your 5th level feature with: A Lorelei applies her Charisma modifier to all of her saving throws in place of the normal ability modifier.
Stunning Glance. At 7th Level, you may replace your 7rd level feature with: As an Action, The Lorelei mentally disrupts a creature within 30 feet with a look. The target must succeed a DC of 8 + WIS + Prof. (Base DC 15) Wisdom saving throw or be stunned for 2 rounds. Anyone who successfully saves against this effect cannot be affected by it from the same Lorelei for 24 hours.
Syrian Decedents Charm. At 9th Level, you may replace your 9th level feature with: As a bonus Action, The Lorelei targets one humanoid she can see within 60 feet of her and begins to preform. If the target can see or hear the Lorelei, it must succeed a 10 + WIS + Prof. DC (Base of DC 16) Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by the Lorelei. The charmed target regards the Lorelei as its one, true love, to be heeded and protected. Although the target isn’t under the Lorelei's control, it takes the Lorelei's requests or actions in the most favorable way it can. Each time the Lorelei or her companions cause the target to take damage, directly or indirectly, it repeats the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success. Otherwise, the effect lasts 24 hours or until the Lorelei is killed, is on a different plane of existence than the target, or takes a bonus action to end the effect.
Lorelei Magics. As Syrians are beings of magic, that trait was passed along to their decedents. Using Charisma as your spell modifier, you can cast the following spells, If and when able (if level allows), using your voice as the Material components for these spells:
Cantrips: detect magic, guidance, light, mending, poison spray, prestidigitation
1st level: comprehend languages, fog cloud, mage armor, ray of sickness
2nd level: hold person, misty step, suggestion
3rdlevel: hypnotic pattern, gaseous form, water walk
4th level: dominate beast, ice storm
Lorelei Unarmed Attacks. Corrupted Kiss. Melee Spell Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one willing creature, or a creature that is incapacitated or restrained. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) necrotic damage, and the lorelei regains hp equal to that amount.
Psychic Blast. Melee or Ranged Spell Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 60 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) psychic damage.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Sylvan and any languages that come with your background.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
5′ 5'' | +1d6 | 110 lb. | × (1d4) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
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